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World of Warcraft

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After looking at it, I think Tre's on to something. I'm going to go for 48 destruction/13 demonology. I just can't decide between fel stamina or demonic aegis since I'll mostly be doing pve on my warlock. It's really tempting to try some sort of felguard build though, considering the awesome MD bonuses from it.
"After looking at it, I think Tre's on to something. I'm going to go for 48 destruction/13 demonology. "

Wasn't me who brought up going into demonology, unless you're talking about the 49~ points into Destro :p.


the best horde choice for lock is going to be orc in the expansion, if what I heard about blood fury increasing spell damage is true (and god I hope it is). even if it isn't, orcs are the only cool looking warlocks in the game. The rest are too sissy-ish.

and here's what I think I'll go with now: http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info...002350000003000000000000055010512200513531351

I'm getting shadowfury because I've got more than enough points for it. 2/2 improved firebolt is a waste unless they take it off global cooldown.


SaitoH said:

I'm not bothered. Actually relived, I was so sick and tired of raiding and this is a chance to take a break from it. The guild will reform smaller and less headache inducing intime for BC.


I'm hoping blizzard eventually wises up and realizes corruption is a useless spell without 5/5 improved corruption, and makes it instant by default. I seriously think they've just been too lazy to think of a good top-tier affliction talent to replace it, so they haven't done it. But that's the main reason I don't have it. Well, that and in the expansion I seriously expect I won't even have corruption on my hotkeys.


Teknopathetic said:
Damn nice build Firex, but I *cannot* live without instant cast corruption.

Neither can I. No matter what build I goto I keep that.

I just respecced from SM/Ruin back to MD. Sick of being an orc mage.
firex said:
the best horde choice for lock is going to be orc in the expansion, if what I heard about blood fury increasing spell damage is true (and god I hope it is). even if it isn't, orcs are the only cool looking warlocks in the game. The rest are too sissy-ish.

and here's what I think I'll go with now: http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info...0350030133200100000000055000512200512531300

I'm getting shadowfury because I've got more than enough points for it. 2/2 improved firebolt is a waste unless they take it off global cooldown.

Hell yea, female orcs and locks were made for each other. FE Orcs look terrible as any other class and all the other locks look like jokes compared to a snarling mohawked green monster.

This is probably going to be my build. Shadow and Flame seems like such a joke. I personally never want to sit through casting another goddamn shadowbolt again.

And for good measure, my hunter build. I can't believe how much I'm looking forward to BC, even if they made warrior talents boring.


I won't be using shadowbolt as my main nuking spell after I get incinerate, personally, except when I have to. Being a fire warlock is so much more fun.
"I won't be using shadowbolt as my main nuking spell after I get incinerate, personally, except when I have to. Being a fire warlock is so much more fun."

Yeah, why would you? Incinerate is the answer to a lot of our (our being destro locks) problems and I think SM/Ruin builds will probably get more of a run for their money now that we have a spammable DD spell that actually benefits from the talents we've taken :p.


If being a fire warlock means more likeliness of Curse of Elements, I'm game.

It was so annoying seeing most of MC without a CoE up even though we had 3 'locks. I'd think they were trying to sneak up the dps charts, but they're pretty consistently barely in the top 20. Although my frost magey self topped the charts on my last weekend there for a couple months, haha. The rogue I passed was pissed, because I rattled off 6 crits in a row to take the lead on Rags:lol :lol


The only reason I'd even bother putting up CoE is because it buffs my own damage... but that's because my mages would be really whiny when asking for CoE, then total bitches when asked for water. Sure, they'd make it, but it's begrudgingly so... when it costs them mana and nothing else, compared to the demands for healthstones.


fallout said:
People really still get that offended so easily? Oh, and the "LOLs" added with the extra exclamation points? Beautiful touch.

Thank you, I try :) I was going to go with a "!!!111" but that's so last year.

I wasn't saying that at all. I assume that there are also Horde players who have no idea what world PvP is like ... I just can't help teach them because I cannot kill them. They're on my side. I guess I should have expanded a little more on what I was saying ... I was just a little excited at the time. Before the battlegrounds came out (and before multi-queue/major city queue battlegrounds came out), people spent more time out in the world. Trying to level at this time was a little painful, especially when you got into the game a little late like I did. Still, it teaches you a lot.

World PvP is a grossly different beast than a battleground. The numbers aren't always fair, the level difference isn't always fair and that's what makes it interesting. Things like watching your back at all times while you're trying to bring down some mob, or running across a group of 5 by yourself and having to run your ass to safety. Ever take down a guy 5-10 levels higher than you who tried to gank you? Great feeling.

So, apologies to the alliance players that I may have offended with my previous statement.

In that case, I misunderstood you and I apologise. I've levelled a mage and a warlock on a PvP server and I know exactly what you mean. I'm not offended but it just gets a little tiring reading the same "LOL alliance" crap over and over. I've spent a good amount of time playing both factions and met just as many horde retards as alliance. Maybe it's because I have a good guild and *never* PUG, I dunno.

The one thing I really do hate about the alliance is night elves (STOP. F**KING. JUMPING.), but the horde has blood elves to look forward to in the expansion, so that balances out :p


Ha,my guild disbanded last night and some of them reformed a new one or something,dunno I haven't raided in months so I could care less.Just thought it was odd considering all of you were talking about guild drama :p


Enhancement shamans are getting quite a bit of love for BC. They recently halved the mana cost and cooldown for Stormstrike, which means twice as many SS. And it's an attack with both weapons so procs on both weapons are possible for a dual-wielding shaman. And in tests I read someone calling Shamanistic Rage "shammervate".

The biggest problem? The dual-wielding shaman might as well carry a giant sandwich board that reads "I <3 AGGRO / KILL ME NOW" in PvE.

There are going to be a lot of dual-wielding shaman noobs running around horde side at BC release.
Myself included. :D


explodet said:
Enhancement shamans are getting quite a bit of love for BC. They recently halved the mana cost and cooldown for Stormstrike, which means twice as many SS. And it's an attack with both weapons so procs on both weapons are possible for a dual-wielding shaman. And in tests I read someone calling Shamanistic Rage "shammervate".

The biggest problem? The dual-wielding shaman might as well carry a giant sandwich board that reads "I <3 AGGRO / KILL ME NOW" in PvE.

Aggro really isn't much of an issue if you don't use RB. I only grabbed aggro once in the 5mans and that was when they first put in DW, back when you could do *insane* dmg, before they nerfed the crap outta it.

It is fun though, especially since the new talents in the other trees are sorta sub-par. The only real issue with it is you really have to get the all +hit talents to make the most out of it, which means going into Resto for your extra talents, not Elem.


I just saw the fel guard video - the little demon with the arcanite reaper made me laugh, it's so cute. Maybe it was the camera angle.
Aggro really isn't much of an issue if you don't use RB. I only grabbed aggro once in the 5mans and that was when they first put in DW, back when you could do *insane* dmg, before they nerfed the crap outta it.
Thanks for the info. DW nerf? Not surprising.

The Elemental talents don't seem so hot, but I don't think a Resto build in BC will be terrible, just not very exciting. Earthen Shield, if it scales well enough with +heal, could be a very good thing. (thinking positively)


explodet said:
Thanks for the info. DW nerf? Not surprising.

When they added DW to Alpha it was the same buff mechanics of a single weapon applied to two weapons, meaning it wasn't working the way they intended, but they wanted to get it pushed out for initial testing.

So what was happening was that RB was buffing the characters AP, *not* the weapon itself. This always was the case, but because you could only ever have one weapon it didn't matter. Now however, you could put RB on both weapons, which meant you upped your characters AP twice. This meant you could get +1300 AP and it would basically be applied to *both* weapons. Massive dmg there. So much so that I got two lvl 3 daggers and was tearing shit up with it. The weapon didn't matter at that point with so much AP on each weapon.

Perhaps the best combo back then, was RB/WF. You get a slow MH weapon and a fast OH weapon, and put RB on the MH and WF on the OH. The reason you do this is because RB would then apply to both weapons, but WF will proc off the hand it's on (in this case the OH), but the two extra hits would come from the MH weapon! Since the MH weapon was slow you could do serious dmg, given the WF and RB were doubled up on that MH weapon.

Other oddities then was that if you had dual FT on both weapons, SS would proc FT four times! The entire thing was screwy but needless to say the dmg output was insane.

This is when they changed RB to not be an AP buff, but a dmg buff, and then had each buff apply to the weapon in question only, as you would expect. So it wasn't so much a "nerf" as making DW as it was intended to be, but I must say it was very fun for those first few weeks with it, simply owning everything in my path.


firex said:
The only reason I'd even bother putting up CoE is because it buffs my own damage... but that's because my mages would be really whiny when asking for CoE, then total bitches when asked for water. Sure, they'd make it, but it's begrudgingly so... when it costs them mana and nothing else, compared to the demands for healthstones.

Oh us mages always have plenty of water and freely give it out whenever needed. Plus we don't whine for CoE, just mention to the Raidleader:p


Meantime said:
In that case, I misunderstood you and I apologise. I've levelled a mage and a warlock on a PvP server and I know exactly what you mean. I'm not offended but it just gets a little tiring reading the same "LOL alliance" crap over and over. I've spent a good amount of time playing both factions and met just as many horde retards as alliance. Maybe it's because I have a good guild and *never* PUG, I dunno.
Heh, I've spent enough time yelling at Horde idiots to know that they exist on both sides.

The one thing I really do hate about the alliance is night elves (STOP. F**KING. JUMPING.), but the horde has blood elves to look forward to in the expansion, so that balances out :p
Yeah, I've always hated Night Elves (sorry Ferrio). I think they look incredibly stupid and I'll never really comprehend why they're so popular. I was in an AB this weekend with my guild and we came across a PuG with 9 rogues, 3 hunters, and 3 misc. More than half were night elves and a random sampling of servers generated that. It's kind of mind boggling. Granted, I guess you could say the same about Undead on the Horde side.

explodet said:
Enhancement shamans are getting quite a bit of love for BC. They recently halved the mana cost and cooldown for Stormstrike, which means twice as many SS. And it's an attack with both weapons so procs on both weapons are possible for a dual-wielding shaman. And in tests I read someone calling Shamanistic Rage "shammervate".
Hmmm ... sounds fun. I shall have to go read up on some of this.


fallout said:
Yeah, I've always hated Night Elves (sorry Ferrio). I think they look incredibly stupid and I'll never really comprehend why they're so popular. I was in an AB this weekend with my guild and we came across a PuG with 9 rogues, 3 hunters, and 3 misc. More than half were night elves and a random sampling of servers generated that. It's kind of mind boggling. Granted, I guess you could say the same about Undead on the Horde side.

Yeah there are a lot of Night Elves but let me explain why I chose Night Elf which might explain others. I like Pet Classes and I wanted to be Alliance (based mainly on town layout, etc). So I made a Human Warlock and a Night Elf Hunter. I have no inkling to be either a Dwarf or a Gnome... I wanted to be a Human. But since Humans cant be hunters I had to go to the next best thing.

The same thing could also be said for people who want to be Druids... even moreso actually since they are the only All race that can be one (pre expansion).

Oh and Shadowmeld is a nice little bonus as well.
It's funny how on Gilneas none of the initial Horde raiding guilds (there were 3) are still alive.

The best guild is the one full of scrub castoffs simply because they managed to outlast the other guilds.
"It's funny how on Gilneas none of the initial Horde raiding guilds (there were 3) are still alive.

The best guild is the one full of scrub castoffs simply because they managed to outlast the other guilds."

CM is supposedly more or less finished as well.


they made Unholy Power useful! that's impressive. now I'm really concerned. I guess I'll have to save gold and swap between felguard and shadowfury builds every few months when I get bored of one build. although it looks like felguard is more about pvp, so maybe I'll just stick with shadowfury.


Razoric said:
Yeah there are a lot of Night Elves but let me explain why I chose Night Elf which might explain others. I like Pet Classes and I wanted to be Alliance (based mainly on town layout, etc). So I made a Human Warlock and a Night Elf Hunter. I have no inkling to be either a Dwarf or a Gnome... I wanted to be a Human. But since Humans cant be hunters I had to go to the next best thing.

The same thing could also be said for people who want to be Druids... even moreso actually since they are the only All race that can be one (pre expansion).

Oh and Shadowmeld is a nice little bonus as well.

Perfectly understandable. I just don't find them particularily interesting and it's compounded by the fact that there are so many of them.

Sirpopopop said:
It's funny how on Gilneas none of the initial Horde raiding guilds (there were 3) are still alive.
The big raiding guilds seem to be suffering a lot with the expansion (not to mention the usual drama), while the smaller ones have been revitalized. That's how it's been on my server, anyway.

With my guild, we kind of fell apart a few months back when we started raiding with other guilds. We were good at it ... we just hated it. Unfortunately, for a small PvP guild, you still need gear to even make it interesting, at least. So, people either left for raiding guilds, or quit altogether. With the promises of BC, a lot of us are back and excited. Some of the original Stormreaver PvP guilds are back as well. It's really refreshing to see.


It still has a huge set of draw backs. The difference is that when going past Demonic Embrace to Demonic Sacrifice to Soul link you're not pissing away all your talent points now


yeah, they just made the demonology talents aside from MD, DS, SL and DE useful.

I look forward to my 48/13 build though. I'll honestly probably solo with my imp with that build, since he'll be spamming high damage firebolts.


seriously for blood elf: paladin/rogue (racials seem good for melee), possibly priest (if they get fear ward at 20)
draenei: priest (level 10 racial spell is pretty awesome, it's a temporary mana/5 buff for your group) or whatever else you want to make them. I don't really know for draenei, I just know the level 10 draenei priest racial is pretty awesome.


Hello everyone.

Was just thinking i'd make a probably useless effort but still :)
Wanted to ask if anyone here got a euro beta key for the burning crusade they could pm me ^^;

Thanks anyways for taking your time with this request :)

Oh and Blood Elf ftw ;) Too bad they removed warriorclass only :(


I don't see the Blood Elf or Dranei Hunter being very popular. Although the Elf Hunter stereotype may yet live on. (legoaslol)

A DM Blood Elf Warlock could have that extra edge with resistances.

I predict many corpse-camped Dranei Shaman and Blood Elf Paladins.


The Dranei ranged weapon animations are so badass,I wish they would redo some of the other animations,Tauren in particular look ****ing retarded shooting guns/xbows.


Has problems recognising girls
explodet said:
I predict many corpse-camped Dranei Shaman and Blood Elf Paladins.
Aye, know quite a few Alliance Paladins and Horde Shaman that are very keen on patrolling the starter areas on my server Blackwing Lair.

I'll be happy to roll Mage again as a Blood Elf as it's been way too long and if it weren't for Mage, Shaman would be my favourite class. But a friend of mine from way back on Suramar wants me to roll the Mage on that server, so it might be really weird to go from PVP to PVE :|

Also rolling a Blood Elf Priest on BWL for kicks. And if I get terribly bored.. I'll try out Paladin for the first time properly as a Draenei. Some of their racials would be incredible for a healbot.
Question, for anyone that knows: Since the Caverns of Time look like they are directly tied to the Bronze Dragonflight, are you gonna need a good reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu in order to go inside? I ask this because I don't think I'll ever go to AQ40, at least before the BC comes out, and so I'm still Hated with them.


Probably, but I think they're going to make that rep grind a lot easier for other players. Or maybe they'll just set anyone who isn't at friendly with the brood of nozdormu to friendly.


So is the Burning Crusade Collector's Edition officially sold out now or what? It seems to have been yanked from all the major online game vendors.


border said:
So is the Burning Crusade Collector's Edition officially sold out now or what? It seems to have been yanked from all the major online game vendors.

It's not being presold at Best Buy, so just go there when they open and you'll get it.


Is Best Buy planning on carrying the extra SKU, though? I'm a little sketchy on trying to get the box at launch, if only because the ship date itself will probably be kinda sketchy -- does Blizzard/VU usually do "Street Dates" or will the game just trickle into stores?
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