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World of Warcraft

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Okay, thanks. I have another question. I haven't been keeping up with expansion at all, so how is item distribution for rank going to work? If I was High Warlord before expansion but then dropped rank, will I be able to get the level 70 Warlord / High Warlord gear? Or what. I remember something about the PvP system being revamped.


Apparently rank won't carry over at all, and you have to earn the points for it even if you were HWL or grand marshal. so if you're going for HWL gear, get your grind on and do it before the expansion.


firex said:
Apparently rank won't carry over at all, and you have to earn the points for it even if you were HWL or grand marshal. so if you're going for HWL gear, get your grind on and do it before the expansion.
Ah what a load of crap :lol

Actually, can someone just post a complete list of what all is being changed in Burning Crusade, and a quick explanation of how. So far all I can think of is the honor system (don't know how), the stats (crit rating, all that crap, still very shakey), umm...yeah. Oh, 25 mans. If someone would do that I'd appreciate it, because I've yet to find a decent explanation of everything.


Has problems recognising girls
From what I quickly shoved up on my server's forum.

speedpop said:
From what I've heard and seen, the Honor tab as we know it is being wiped out completely and instead an Arena style "honor system" will replace it. It will tally up your experience or wins/losses depending on the scenario of the game - i.e. 2v2, 3v3, 5v5. It will be interesting to be able to take a look at how people go in their PVP from now on in a controlled environment. Will someone be better in the 2v2 or 5v5? Will several Alliance characters have shoddy ratings due to the mere fact that they rely on the zerg gameplay to achieve victory?


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No idea, but if that's true.. that would be very funny, interesting and cool all at the same time.

Far as I knew I thought it was pre-determined per wins/losses, level & gear.


speedpop said:
No idea, but if that's true.. that would be very funny, interesting and cool all at the same time.

Well if it isn't then it isn't much different from the current honour system. In arena PvP, instead of grinding honour to compete you'd have to grind the PvE game for gear in order to compete.


I don't think gear is predetermined or anything like that in arena combat, but from what I understand there are NO consumables allowed outside of the ones the classes on your team can make. So no more using pots and stuff, but still able to use healthstones/mana gems.


So then we know who'll dominated the top sports in arena combat...the players geared to the shithouse from places like Karazhan.

PvP dependant upon PvE once AGAIN *sigh


meh, I think resilience and the pvp sets will make a bigger difference after the first couple weeks or so of arena teams. I'll enjoy pvp while it lasts until everyone starts doing tempest keep and black citadel and all the other 25 man garbage.
Blizzard has posted the new hunter talents/spells. It's pretty much what everyone was expecting with the most recent leaks, however they do throw a couple curveballs. Lethal shots was moved to a tier 1 talent, hawk eye was moved over to survival. A talent called rapid killing was added. Either way all trees look pretty viable now so I'm pretty happy with it.
The 30+ hunter talents are pretty boring, but I've got to say the lower tier ones look cool.

And honestly I think it's impossible to tell who is getting shafted till BC is out. They borked so many things up with the combat system it makes me dizzy.

Also, the survival tree is funny now, it's pretty much the only talent tree in the game where you can completely ignore the original 31 talent. Well that and priest Holy tree.


warriors will complain until they get heals, rez and crowd control so they can do it all, instead of 2/3 of the trifecta.


teacupcopter said:
Why do warriors always think they are shafted when they can like pull off more damage than any other class in the game while not being a real DPS class?

Because they were indeed screwed at the start of WoW, blizzard fixed warrior now, but that idea still exists.


Mute said:
If I was High Warlord before expansion but then dropped rank, will I be able to get the level 70 Warlord / High Warlord gear?
I think you're going to keep your Level 60 Warlord gear and that's it. Why should they upgrade it to level 70 gear for free? The expansion seems kind of pointless if everybody just gets their uber-gear jacked up without any work.


border said:
I think you're going to keep your Level 60 Warlord gear and that's it. Why should they upgrade it to level 70 gear for free? The expansion seems kind of pointless if everybody just gets their uber-gear jacked up without any work.
Heh, I guess it all depends on how you see your rewards. Maybe it's just a lesson to be learned ... if you're playing this game to get a bunch of shiny gear, be aware that there's always going to be shinier gear down the road.


Well it's kind of a weird situation with "Automatic Upgrades", especially with Reputation. Should I be able to buy Level 70 Alterac Vally rewards, even though I got to Exalted before Burning Crusade? Doesn't seem fair if the Warlords don't get to upgrade their gear without a grind. Will they just introduce another level of Reputation beyond Exalted and make me restart my grind? That just sounds annoying.


just the pvp factions. I wonder what they're going to do with stuff like combat pots and battle standards and so on... I doubt those will cost honor points. But they said in a lot of previews that they're doing away with the rep grind for the pvp factions and just making their gear cost honor points.


I wish BC would come out already bah, I wanna play but I ain't got nothin' to do. I like PvPing, but when all of the rewards are downgrades at every angle, it burns out the candle purdy fast.

Man, I wanna get my Frostbolt book for my alt Mage, that'd be something to do, I could go Frost then, but my guild never, ever runs 20 mans, and even if they do, I'd feel awkward even raiding with them nowadays.

Maybe I should just quit and join a smaller raid guild till expansion.

Really looking forward to my BE.


I'd buy a decked-out character, but not at eBay prices or anything. Why people are still paying $1000 for epic item sets that will be equivalent to "common" or "rare" quality at Level 70, I dunno. I'd like the uber-gear just to speed up leveling, but prices probably won't be reasonable until a couple weeks after BC.


expac has also made me uninterested in raiding atm. well, that and buying some games I'd missed out on thanks to WoW, but still. It feels pointless to work on getting all of AQ40 down when I'll just be grinding to 70 and it'll become easy mode at that point, if I even bother to do it.


Tamanon said:
Hahaha, you must be insane to think someone will buy it here.
So true. Most of the people in this thread are probably miles ahead in terms of gear. But I'm desperate. I suppose if all else fails I'll try eBay, as PlayerAuctions is a mess.

firex said:
expac has also made me uninterested in raiding atm. well, that and buying some games I'd missed out on thanks to WoW, but still. It feels pointless to work on getting all of AQ40 down when I'll just be grinding to 70 and it'll become easy mode at that point, if I even bother to do it.
This is exactly how I feel.


I just wait a fun guild, one that yknow, does stuff besides Naxxramas... and doesn't yell at each other. Basically what I'm saying is I hate hardcore PvE guilds full of angry fat people, ugh.

I'd also like to join a PvP server at expansion but... as fun as that sounds I'm worried about moving from angry fat people to retards.


Are they really talking about flying mounts costing 5000g or something ridiculous? I may buy a vanilla druid character just so I can get to enjoy flying around sometime within 6 months of the BC launch.
Most of the people in this thread are probably miles ahead in terms of gear.
I'm way behind -- Rank 8 PVP stuff and mixed Tier 0/.5 stuff. But I don't want to play a Shaman ;)


Naxxramas was too much, in my opinion.

The majority of people were still farming BWL and AQ40. I think we just killed C'thun the week of the Naxxramas patch.

It is a good dungeon, but it's such a severe upgrade (a needless one, IMO) and so large that it just felt tiring to try and keep up.

I like to raid, a lot really, but you know, put cool shit in too. Maybe another BG, some mini game crap, another 5 man.

RAIDRAIDRAIDRAIDRAIDRAID REALLY gets old, and as a married person with a job, it's really daunting to try and keep the energy to keep up with the jobless college kids who skip all their classes :p

I totally burnt out, yeah, it's also just like Fire said. With BC coming, I am not going to be wasting away huge chunks of time to earn gear that i could've easily supplimented in a month or so anyway.


I like the pve, but yeah, I'd honestly rather join a guild of like 25 people who can/will do the expansion raids, but won't schedule them every night or anything. people I can go run around and do 5 mans with and stuff. I still really play WoW for the pve simply because I don't like the current pvp, but a smaller guild I can just **** around with that are all the same level would be a lot more fun.


Alex said:
I just wait a fun guild, one that yknow, does stuff besides Naxxramas... and doesn't yell at each other. Basically what I'm saying is I hate hardcore PvE guilds full of angry fat people, ugh.

I'd also like to join a PvP server at expansion but... as fun as that sounds I'm worried about moving from angry fat people to retards.
Hey, I'm in a fun guild on a PvP server ... 10 of us spent 3 hours last week screwing with people in Menethil. Killing the wind rider, holding the boat, fighting off groups of players twice our size, etc.

I think the best part of it is running into a full ony raid waiting for the boat where half the players are afk. ****ing robots.


fallout said:
Hey, I'm in a fun guild on a PvP server ... 10 of us spent 3 hours last week screwing with people in Menethil. Killing the wind rider, holding the boat, fighting off groups of players twice our size, etc.

I think the best part of it is running into a full ony raid waiting for the boat where half the players are afk. ****ing robots.
I thought that your guild was broken up? I was leveling a character on your server, but more-or-less gave up when you said everyone had dispersed.
Naxxramas, from what buddies in there say, is SO close to the maximum possible that a 60 can do, even with gear. So little room for error, and it seems as if everyone who was at a possition to even scratch the surface in that place at its release insists on POUNDING thru it multiple nights a week, damn the huge gold cost. The return of loot and accomplishment in that place is so low compared to even AQ40, so much bigger and less forgiving.

I figure alot of guild leadership in that position got it in their heads that, gosh darnit, they breezed right to Majordomo, they breezed right from Vael to Nef, they breezed right to Twin Emperors, that they should move quickly in there, when it's a whole 'nother ballgame.

Us? I hope to have BWL on farm, and be working on Twin Emps. It seems a very viable idea what with every boss past Vael being 1 or 2 shot first tangle with them. Then, we can farm BWL one night a week, AQ40 one night a week, and then level and go thru Hellfire Citadel/etc. during other nights and help our guys making BE Pallies as new mains on off hours if possible.


Naxxramas would be more tolorable if it wasn't a psychotic money and consumable sink. It's really just flat out ridiculous in the middle/latter portions


border said:
I thought that your guild was broken up? I was leveling a character on your server, but more-or-less gave up when you said everyone had dispersed.
Yeah, things have kind of been rekindled with the expansion coming. It's still a little tentative right now, but for the most part, we're just back to having fun.


SatelliteOfLove said:
Naxxramas, from what buddies in there say, is SO close to the maximum possible that a 60 can do, even with gear. So little room for error, and it seems as if everyone who was at a possition to even scratch the surface in that place at its release insists on POUNDING thru it multiple nights a week, damn the huge gold cost. The return of loot and accomplishment in that place is so low compared to even AQ40, so much bigger and less forgiving.

I figure alot of guild leadership in that position got it in their heads that, gosh darnit, they breezed right to Majordomo, they breezed right from Vael to Nef, they breezed right to Twin Emperors, that they should move quickly in there, when it's a whole 'nother ballgame.

Us? I hope to have BWL on farm, and be working on Twin Emps. It seems a very viable idea what with every boss past Vael being 1 or 2 shot first tangle with them. Then, we can farm BWL one night a week, AQ40 one night a week, and then level and go thru Hellfire Citadel/etc. during other nights and help our guys making BE Pallies as new mains on off hours if possible.
It's true, Naxx encounters are well and above the level of difficulty we've seen so far. Last night, my guild downed Gothik and Loatheb for the first time. Gothik isn't outrageously difficult...but Loatheb? In the end, the only way we could down him was to go and get the Nef head buff, the Darkmoon buff, and the EPL Tower buff. I think it's pretty ridiculous that a boss would practically require world buffs in order to down it.

BUT, Naxx has tier 3. That's the one key thing going for it that drives guilds to keep trying; People are obsessed with armor sets. It's apparent they'll do anything for them, even if it means straining themselves to beat encounters that were obviously designed for levels 65 and above.

My guild is on the Four Horsemen now...god help us. :|


With the way my guild is progressing, we probably won't hit Naxx until the expansion is out - which would be a good thing in my opinion. With the higher player levels and modified rules there'll be less resists, less crits on the MT, more debuffs on enemies, etc.

Level 60 Naxx purples are still very decent loot, and we can always let the hardcore raids figure out the strategies for the new bosses before we hit them.

(Plus I'm third in my raid's DKP and I want an Atiesh)


some guy offered me a $750 buyout for my warrior within like 12 hours of listing him on ebay :p

i guess i can buy ps3 at launch now lol


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
yacobod said:
some guy offered me a $750 buyout for my warrior within like 12 hours of listing him on ebay :p

i guess i can buy ps3 at launch now lol

DAAAAAAMN. What's the link I gotta see this. I can't believe someone would pay that. I mean $220 for a 60 dwarf priest is one thing but wow on a warrior heh.


Has problems recognising girls
fallout said:
Hey, I'm in a fun guild on a PvP server ... 10 of us spent 3 hours last week screwing with people in Menethil. Killing the wind rider, holding the boat, fighting off groups of players twice our size, etc.
Essentially what the guild I'm in are really doing. We've got about 30-40 active people or so but we're more interested in fooling around. Done way too many weird world PVP shit but it's always been a blast. Kiting Hogger to Northshire was easily one of our highlights just because we had fun doing it.

Also, letting off countless AOE spells and fireworks due to the Harvest Festival on top of Orgrimmar Bank during peak time = very laggy Orgrimmar.
Tritroid said:
It's true, Naxx encounters are well and above the level of difficulty we've seen so far. Last night, my guild downed Gothik and Loatheb for the first time. Gothik isn't outrageously difficult...but Loatheb? In the end, the only way we could down him was to go and get the Nef head buff, the Darkmoon buff, and the EPL Tower buff. I think it's pretty ridiculous that a boss would practically require world buffs in order to down it.

BUT, Naxx has tier 3. That's the one key thing going for it that drives guilds to keep trying; People are obsessed with armor sets. It's apparent they'll do anything for them, even if it means straining themselves to beat encounters that were obviously designed for levels 65 and above.

My guild is on the Four Horsemen now...god help us. :|

Exactly. Like, yesterday, we scheduled in an extra BWL day cuz it was clear to Chrommy, hell, we may could've take him down and get jawesome shoulders and CoC. But, our top 3 tanks either were sick, can't ever make it on Monday, or just not this monday. After having the big rainbow doggie eat our 4th and 5th guys (one of which has a Timeworn Mace >_<) twice, it was called. Wasn't worth bothering with past that. Why more in Naxx won't ice the 6/7 bosses they truly have on farm, then working on one that is farmable within reason, they pushandpushandpush. Having more Tier 3 three weeks down the road would make the next boss in the way easier, anyways.
Honestly, the first several bosses in Naxx aren't tough. You can fairly easily outfit your guild with 4/9 without having to spend too much gold/time. Anub needs no consumables really, GWF, maybe some nature pots just in case, and Maexxna some nature pots for insurance as well. Instructor is so retarded easy that I don't even know why he's in the zone. Complete gimmick fight and that's it. Noth is also pretty easy if your guild follows directions and you don't have morons who refuse to assist. Patchwerk and onward is where you can probably bitch about the time/money sink though.
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