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World of Warcraft

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well, my hunter is BM spec. it's nice for soloing and I think the expansion changes also give it some good group utility. But that group utility is more 5 man related.


BM will be really cool in BC, since the talents become sooo much better, so much synergy between Hunter and pet, and of course, pet scaling is awesome.

Since PSU is like the most crushing dissapointment I think I've ever had with a video game, I guess I'll just tinker with an alt for a bit and play FFXII when it comes out.


damn, if PSU's disappointing that sucks. I was looking at the PC version to tide me over until BC. anyway, yeah, the new BM talents are really nice. But again, a lot of it is based on affecting just one group, and mostly 5 mans, unless they make pets able to survive a lot better in instances. I'm not sure on the whole pet scaling thing (just that RAP adds to hunter pets' attack power, similar to locks' spell power adding to their pets' damage) so if they can get more HP and/or a lot more armor, then that should make a BM hunter viable for any endgame pve.

Also BM hunters are pretty freaking sweet in pvp, and that's just as it is now without the 41 point talent. Granted, they don't get scatter shot, but the pet is actually viable and EASILY tears apart casters to the point that there's literally just about nothing they can do to you. And intimidation is also pretty sweet, especially as a spell interrupt.


Dont need to read the big "awesome PSU topic". Just read my angry thread on gaming general. :p It's smaller and filled with two pages of Sega hate!

The big problem for me is largely that they've locked half the goddamn online game on the disc in order to milk your subscription fee over months and months.

Not small bits of content either, we're talking an entire planet, bunches of missions and branches, bunches of quests, half the weapon types, like all of the extra clothing, bunch of techniques and photon arts, modes, etc.

It'll be a cool game, the problem is, it'll be eventually; not now. :p

Sega is making any problems with microtransactions look extremely tame.


jesus, that's almost like PSOv2 for DC all over again, though at least in PSOv2 they just locked out rare items that turned out to be questable. but yeah, after reading that, no way will I get PSU PC for awhile, which is a shame since the gameplay sounded fun and interesting.


Ok my priest alt (funny it used to be main) is 59 and I'm thinking about respeccing from shadow to holy since my main is a warlock so I get my dmg fix there anyway.

I don't know much about priest talents, but I was thinking about this for healing power:


Lightwell looks good on paper, but if ya think about it, the only time people will have time to use it is when the fight's over....when they're eating/drinking lol

Spirit of Redemption seems cool. But then I realized that when I'm in an instance and I see that angel guy pop up, I know our priest is dead and it's a wipe rofl.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
trilobyte said:
Ok my priest alt (funny it used to be main) is 59 and I'm thinking about respeccing from shadow to holy since my main is a warlock so I get my dmg fix there anyway.

I don't know much about priest talents, but I was thinking about this for healing power:


Lightwell looks good on paper, but if ya think about it, the only time people will have time to use it is when the fight's over....when they're eating/drinking lol

Spirit of Redemption seems cool. But then I realized that when I'm in an instance and I see that angel guy pop up, I know our priest is dead and it's a wipe rofl.

Yup that's the exact build I use and it works great. Two of us priests healed all of AQ20 last night with only 1 wipe using that spec.

Now I have a question:

For herbalism is there a map that somehow shows all of the locations of the herbs? I would like to know pin point places wehre certain herbs have been picked that I can go to when I only need it.

I've got gatherer, and i haven't been everywhere so its pretty pointless. I've tried gathersync but it doesn't seem to worth and the other addon gather drop and share or whatever no one uses... So are there jpeg's out there with these located?


Has problems recognising girls
Zaptruder said:
Dual BM hunter in Arena should be fun.

Especially 2 night elf hunters with cats who can shadow meld and prowl. :p
How will they handle two Rogues (patience & sap)? Or even two Frost Mages scoping around with invisibility and Water Elementals? Or against another Hunter, tracking, with a Warlock in tow?

Good times for Arena!

Best story I've read from beta so far is 3v3 with a Shaman team. Two Elemental/Resto spec, the other Enhancement. Having three Earth Shocks shoved on you within a span of a few seconds is sure to hurt any caster.


speedpop said:
How will they handle two Rogues (patience & sap)? Or even two Frost Mages scoping around with invisibility and Water Elementals? Or against another Hunter, tracking, with a Warlock in tow?
Actually, you'd be amazed how many times I've come across a shadowmelded NE hunter with a non-cat pet out. I uh, wouldn't worry too much about those geniuses.


Anyone think what with the release being end of Jan (Europe anyway), Blizz will do an Open Beta for BC? Around Xmas time would be nice.


Has problems recognising girls
Meantime said:
Have you looked at how mage invisibility actually works? :)
Of course I do, all you need to do is turn it on and stay your distance - long as you know where a Hunter with Shadowmeld is you don't need to do a thing bar wait for his/her pet to attack. Frost Nova > Polymorph > Hunter will come out if the situation is dire enough and try to attack you during this or their pet dies if they stay their position.

My girlfriend listened to a few of those BC tracks and I asked her what her feelings were about it as she likes to decipher music quite a bit. Her analysis on the Silvermoon theme was pretty much spot on based on the history of the city and of the Blood Elves without even knowing about what happened to them. Those Draenei tracks are also pretty groovy, bit of an Asia Minor musical influence.
speedpop said:
Of course I do, all you need to do is turn it on and stay your distance - long as you know where a Hunter with Shadowmeld is you don't need to do a thing bar wait for his/her pet to attack. Frost Nova > Polymorph > Hunter will come out if the situation is dire enough and try to attack you during this or their pet dies if they stay their position.

Invisibility lasts 20 seconds including an 8 second delay where any damage cancels it. It's not something you can use defensively in PvP at all.


I really have to watch my mouth on this game. I keep forgetting some people are still 10 years old, and can't deal with their own problems. I'm a 42 hunter in all green (leather :lol) gear, and beat some 46 warlock in (all but 2 pieces) blue gear. He used a 900hp potion. I tell him he's a nub for potting in duels, and he says something to the means of "ok im nub for finding potions in places and using them" and I go "no, just for using them in duels." He then says "u shud watch it because if u didnt suk you'd have full life and u dont want to ruin your name for mc fag." ??? I had no clue what he was talking about, so I say "go take an english class bitch" and put him on ignore. 2 hours later, 1 mob away from completing a quest in Tanaris and I get a message from a GM. 3houred. :lol I'm mulling over reporting him calling me a fag just to see what will happen.

10/30/2006 3:16:09 Jokes Player and take an english class while you're at it you bitch


To be fair, I probably did deserve the ban. I said trying to understand his text was the equivalent of listening to a guy talk with a dick in his mouth. I was asking for it, that was a bit too far. :lol


Alex said:
wow, that's beautiful. It's also a very different style from what we've heard in WoW so far, and that alone should help set the Blood Elves apart as their own established race. Too many similarities to the Night Elves is what Blizzard should try to avoid, and so far they're doing a really good job imo.

I love the name of that theme too. 'Lament of the Highborne'...such deep lore involved with that. :)
Mute said:
I really have to watch my mouth on this game. I keep forgetting some people are still 10 years old, and can't deal with their own problems. I'm a 42 hunter in all green (leather :lol) gear, and beat some 46 warlock in (all but 2 pieces) blue gear. He used a 900hp potion. I tell him he's a nub for potting in duels, and he says something to the means of "ok im nub for finding potions in places and using them" and I go "no, just for using them in duels." He then says "u shud watch it because if u didnt suk you'd have full life and u dont want to ruin your name for mc fag." ??? I had no clue what he was talking about, so I say "go take an english class bitch" and put him on ignore. 2 hours later, 1 mob away from completing a quest in Tanaris and I get a message from a GM. 3houred. :lol I'm mulling over reporting him calling me a fag just to see what will happen.

Meanwhile, in Naxx, a boss goes down but is unlootable due to adds camping corpses.
Tritroid said:
wow, that's beautiful. It's also a very different style from what we've heard in WoW so far, and that alone should help set the Blood Elves apart as their own established race. Too many similarities to the Night Elves is what Blizzard should try to avoid, and so far they're doing a really good job imo.

I love the name of that theme too. 'Lament of the Highborne'...such deep lore involved with that. :)

Would you really be able to tell if that was swapped out with any of the NE zone songs?


Tritroid said:
wow, that's beautiful. It's also a very different style from what we've heard in WoW so far, and that alone should help set the Blood Elves apart as their own established race. Too many similarities to the Night Elves is what Blizzard should try to avoid, and so far they're doing a really good job imo.

I love the name of that theme too. 'Lament of the Highborne'...such deep lore involved with that. :)

New composer, guy who did Naxxramas's music. Uses a lot of orchestral and choral, very high quality stuff, he also did Fable, if any of it sounds familiar in BC.

wow, that's beautiful. It's also a very different style from what we've heard in WoW so far, and that alone should help set the Blood Elves apart as their own established race. Too many similarities to the Night Elves is what Blizzard should try to avoid, and so far they're doing a really good job imo.

I love the name of that theme too. 'Lament of the Highborne'...such deep lore involved with that.


WoW's original soundtrack blew ass. Night Elf ambiance and the theme of WoW were ok, but outside of that... ugh... So much recycle, so many uninspired songs. It wasn't until Naxxramas, the 30+ track monster dungeon came out that Bliz started putting some real money and effort into the music.

BC has a really gorgeous OST, and I'm very happy for it.


Mute said:
I really have to watch my mouth on this game. I keep forgetting some people are still 10 years old, and can't deal with their own problems. I'm a 42 hunter in all green (leather :lol) gear, and beat some 46 warlock in (all but 2 pieces) blue gear. He used a 900hp potion. I tell him he's a nub for potting in duels, and he says something to the means of "ok im nub for finding potions in places and using them" and I go "no, just for using them in duels." He then says "u shud watch it because if u didnt suk you'd have full life and u dont want to ruin your name for mc fag." ??? I had no clue what he was talking about, so I say "go take an english class bitch" and put him on ignore. 2 hours later, 1 mob away from completing a quest in Tanaris and I get a message from a GM. 3houred. :lol I'm mulling over reporting him calling me a fag just to see what will happen.

You want to see rampant stupidity? I will take my 'lock to AV tommorow, and recap SH graveyard.

The honor and rep farmers pop a vein in their forehead, it is hilarious. "WTF!? WE HAVE TO FIGHT HORDE NOW!"

I am considering keeping a tally, or a record, perhaps, of how many times I am called a "noob" and told to "L2P" in one retake.

And not to sound like an elitest ass, because I am like, a mega casual play supporter, but when a Warrior wearing Lightforge shoulders calls a Warlock in Plagueheart a "noob" it IS funny, and it happened earlier.


Has problems recognising girls
Son of Godzilla said:
Invisibility lasts 20 seconds including an 8 second delay where any damage cancels it. It's not something you can use defensively in PvP at all.
I am talking about using it against two stationary targets who are invisible. Why would you want to use invisibility anywhere else (bar a spat of paranoia in case of a Rogue)?

Son of Godzilla said:
Would you really be able to tell if that was swapped out with any of the NE zone songs?
I can easily tell the difference between the Silvermoon music and the Darnassus music if that's what your point was. As far as the zones go, the only real track you hear out of anything for the Night Elf zones are the ones you hear in Teldrassil which even then aren't many.

As Alex (and even the mp3 itself says), it's a credits theme song that is more portrayed at both of the new races than anything else I believe.
"I am talking about using it against two stationary targets who are invisible. Why would you want to use invisibility anywhere else (bar a spat of paranoia in case of a Rogue)?"

Does Shadowmeld fall under invisibility?

Because, Stealth and Prowl for Rogues/Druids/Pets doesn't. That's why Detect Lesser/Greater Invisibility doesn't affect your ability to spot rogues/druids, they're not invisible.


Teknopathetic said:
Does Shadowmeld fall under invisibility?

Of course not. This "Invisibility" should be renamed "Arcane Aggro Dump" as that is its only use atm. It has no practical application whatsoever in pvp. It actually makes the game harder because it not only makes everyone else invisible but all of their abilities as well. GG tripping on some Paladin piss and having invis break.


Can anyone list every quest that takes place in/starts in BFD? WoWwiki confuses more than helps me right now. I am horde, by the way.


I remember Blizzard citing that BFD is the most skipped dungeon, but man, I always go to BFD as Alliance at least. Good quest, good rewards. Especially the wand for a leveling caster.


Alex said:
I remember Blizzard citing that BFD is the most skipped dungeon, but man, I always go to BFD as Alliance at least. Good quest, good rewards. Especially the wand for a leveling caster.
BFD's got some pretty great gear for the level ... it just doesn't matter as much because levelling 20-30 is pretty easy anyway.


i would rather do SFK at around the same lvl

i just love the design of SFK, probably one of the cooler 5 man instances in the game imo
"Uldaman can still go rot, though."

If Blizz just deleted Uldaman and moved the Artisan Enchanting trainer to somewhere outside in the Badlands (or even inside that Fortress), I don't think anyone would give a shit.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Well getting to the enchanting trainer in Uldaman was retardedly easy. I'm a 60 priest and I brought my friend who's a 60 warrior and we were there in less than 2 minutes... I guess if you are level 40 or so and trying to 300 enchanting this could be difficult but eh w/e. I'm a late bloomer for enchanting I guess anyway D:

Anyone know any good routes for herbalisim to make good money?


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
yacobod said:
you can add wc and lbrs as well


GAWD lbrs is terrbile. The most boring thing I've ever been though.

For some reason though I could go through UD strat twice a day and still love it.


Fularu said:
Long? I do a full WC r un in 45 mins...

Get some better team members when you do it
You do a Warlord's Command run in 45 minutes or a Wailing Caverns run in 45 minutes? I assume that since we were talking about LBRS primarily, you were referring to Warlord's Command, but goddamn, 45 minutes?

If that's honestly what you consider the norm, my hat goes off to you.
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