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World of Warcraft

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usea said:
Auctions don't expire or count down during maintenance anymore. That was changed a long time ago.

Er...I'm pretty sure they do. I took advantage of that just a couple of weeks ago - will do tonight as well.


xabre said:
Playing the AH is by far the best way to make money.
Yeah, but I'm going to hate playing if all I do is grind herbs. If I can quest a little in my grinding areas (just stupid stuff like "Kill 10 Bears"), at least I'll be able to supplement my income a little better.


firex said:
I really think hearthglen/tyr's hand is easier to farm for mages, hunters, and rogues, or people with some raid epics. Just try twilight texts, or cauldrons/uther's tomb area. Anything where you can kill a lot of tightly concentrated non-elites is awesome, and soloing SM is just something I like to do for fun (though I do that on my shaman) and some good silk/occasional mageweave (since I farm the cathedral).

meh, since they nerfed tyrs hand, its been a crapshoot for getting green/blue items unlike before.


border said:
Yeah, but I'm going to hate playing if all I do is grind herbs. If I can quest a little in my grinding areas (just stupid stuff like "Kill 10 Bears"), at least I'll be able to supplement my income a little better.

No no, by playing the AH I mean you use mods like Auctioneer to buy up cheap items and relist them for a profit. You don't grind, it's slow, tedious and a very inneficient way of making money.
border said:
As a general rule, when is the best time of day/week to have your stuff up on the Auction House?

For gold farming, is there a website that's made a list of the easiest quests that pay out the most gold? I've come across some stupid fetch/deliver things that net like 3-4g.

You're an herbalist, put your herb up on the AH (slightly undercut) around prime time. "OH SHIT!" the raiders will go "I forgot to get enough MR or resist pots!" and to the AH they go...

Xabre: while questing as a means to make money isnt that profitable, I have found every one of my random epics while questing or it being in the way of me getting something else.


What is good with questing is to take some quest chain that's level 50ish or higher and goes for a bit. You'll get a nice bit of gold for each quest. For example, I finished off the Linken quest chain on my shaman and got roughly 20g out of it just for doing the last 2-3 steps. Typically most quests I do on my shaman are 3g 96s, some lower and some higher of course. Instance quests are worth even more, so if you can get a good 5 man going for some place like Strath or Scholo and you've got a lot of quests in there, you're looking at 40g when you add in trash drops, possible selling loot, and completing the quests. The thing is, if you're not in a decent guild it may be hard to do those 5 mans. Even in a good guild it could be hard, with all of the raidtards who only want to play to run stupid raids for largely worthless gear.


xabre said:
No no, by playing the AH I mean you use mods like Auctioneer to buy up cheap items and relist them for a profit. You don't grind, it's slow, tedious and a very inneficient way of making money.
Yeah, but I'm trying to make money quickly. Speculating on WOW commodities also seems risky, given the massive inflation that's going to take place when Burning Crusade hits. Even Herbalism isn't really a steady investment -- as soon as the high-end raidng guilds stop concentrating on Naxx, prices for Gromsblood and Dreamfoil will most likely fall through the floor.
Run Live Strath. Righteous Orbs go for 35-40g each, a couple shards a run, lots of cloth, and uh... stuff. It's good money. Probably the best instance you can run for making money, and depending on your gear doesn't really take all that much.

I've made a bit of bank liquidating the stockpile of random junk I've accumulated over the years before BC makes it worthless. Essences, Arcanite, Twilight Texts, Abyssal stuff, Enchanted Thorium/Leather, etc.
Son of Godzilla said:
Run Live Strath. Righteous Orbs go for 35-40g each, a couple shards a run, lots of cloth, and uh... stuff. It's good money. Probably the best instance you can run for making money, and depending on your gear doesn't really take all that much.

I've made a bit of bank liquidating the stockpile of random junk I've accumulated over the years before BC makes it worthless. Essences, Arcanite, Twilight Texts, Abyssal stuff, Enchanted Thorium/Leather, etc.

I've noticed the fire sales, too. I finished off my second (and last) Flarecore piece for 125g flat last week (25g per Fiery core, Lava cores was for DKP), and that price has PLUMMETED lately. I'm keeping the gems, though. ;)


yeah, actually, DM is not that bad. it may be hard finding groups for it, but you could luck out and get some trinket books, or REALLY luck out and get the quel book. Maybe it's just that the server I play on is full of retards (Kilrogg) but even with the expansion looming close, the quel book should still go for a lot even though much better tank weapons will soon be available to almost any player.

And if you aren't keyed for Ony, work on that quest chain for sure. Tons of gold to be had there and it's pretty easy now.


Has problems recognising girls
Well it's official.


Eyonix said:
IRVINE, Calif. -- Blizzard Entertainment® today announced that the release date for World of Warcraft®: The Burning Crusade™, the highly anticipated expansion for World of Warcraft, will be in January 2007. By adding a few extra weeks to the development cycle beyond its original target date, Blizzard will be able to extend the closed beta test and further refine the new content that will ship with the game.

“We appreciate the enthusiasm surrounding World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, and we’re excited about putting the finishing touches on all of the new content,” said Mike Morhaime, president and cofounder of Blizzard Entertainment. “We feel confident that the extra time spent polishing the game will result in the high-quality experience that our players expect and deserve.”

Blizzard began the closed-beta phase of testing on World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade earlier this month. The January 2007 release window will allow extra time for current beta testers to participate in the final stages of development and continue providing valuable feedback.

Further information on specific worldwide release dates, pricing, and other details will be announced in the near future.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Cool, EB said 28th of Nov, but this works too. Gives me time to get a Rogue or Shaman up to 60 before it hits. :D

Just as long as they get it right.
My guide to making money. The hard way.

If you have a few hours to play everyday, you can make tons of gold fairly quickly. I don't raid or do high level dungeons either and I made 720g to get my epic mount riding skill in less than a month and got 2 70g swords + agility enchants for each and some 50g pants and other assorted stuff along the way. I did it all by myself too. You just have to know what to grind on and what to do with your loot. Here are some tips.

- Make an alt with enchanting. Disenchanting has no level requirements and shards and essences sell for good money on the AH. But, don't just go sharding every green you get. Look up what you get from it on thottbot.com or something before disenchanting. You don't want to end up selling a 20 stack of dream dust for 8g when you could have gotten a gold and some silver for each item by selling them to a vendor or even more at the AH.

- Stay away from "most" farmer hotspots. You don't really want to go kill Timbermaws when there are 10 other people (or just a few bots lol) trying to kill them too. Try finding a place where no one goes. In my server, that place is Azshara. I've grinded on the Blood Elves there for hours with hardly any interruptions. There are also lots of Naga there who drop clamshells with golden pearls there and these sell for over 20g. The tar pits in Un'Goro are full of farmers but the Living Essences drop fairly often and they sell for over 10g at the AH in my server at least. Another easy and valuable drop to get is the pattern for Stormshroud Armor off the oracle murlocs at the Temple of Arr'Korran (sp?) in Azhara. These patterns sell for around 50g but they dont sell very fast on my server.

- Don't sell runecloth at the AH. In my server at least, it barely sells for more than what a vendor will give you. I make them all into heavy runecloth bandages and sell them to vendors for 2g a stack. Mageweave actually sells better than runecloth in the AH on my server. Usually 2g a stack.

- If you can kick enough ass, try taking on some 40-52 elites like the trolls in the Hinterlands or in front of Zul'Farrak. Elites drop lots of silver and more greens and blues than the average mob.


Farming sucks. Become an enchanter. Get lifestealing, crusader, +15/25 agi, +5 dmg 1H, +4 stats, all the good stuff. I'm sitting on 3000g currently...never have to leave Ironforge :lol


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
I don't know how much gold it is to 300 enchanting by buying from the AH but man how long did it take you to get 3000 gold? How much do you make an hour?
Thinking about quitting...I've become leader of my guild for the past month or so, and I've seen a different side to everyone now. No one seems to really care about the progression or well being of the guild, only their own character. We're on the Twin Emps in AQ40, but I don't think we're going to get much further because they don't want to put the effort in. So I'm probably either going to jump ship to the best guild on my server, where I can just play the game, and enjoy it politics free or end up quitting altogether.


u dont sound like a very good guild leader :p

but to be fair, the scenario that is happening to your guild is happening pretty much on every server

ppl dont want to raid the same old content when BC is so close to coming out

the majority of those epics, will be replaced by green/blue items when lvling to 70 anyways

raiding 20+ hours a week gets really old after a while

its like a really shitty part time job, hang around with the hope of collecting some epix

i guess new content is cool, but farming the same shit for 6 mos. is soooo boring imo

the only reason i raided was to gear up my toons for pvp, and im sure thats why a lot of other ppl do "end-game"

take a break, go outside, come back with great vengeance and furious anger for xpac

whether or not to sell ur account, depends, if you think u could get around 1000 for it on ebay, i think it would be crazy not to sell


Eh, I suggest ignoring him. Depending on the server, the +4 stats enchant on it's own is worth more than 3000g. You aren't going to get much out of enchanting unless you have a guild to feed you the recipes needed.

Anyways, the delay both sucks and unsucks. Guess I'll be picking up GoW afterall!
I just have enchanting for my 2nd prof because I couldn't decide on one. :( I have skinning 297/300 for my first one. I'm an undead warlock on demon soul. Right now I'm just using enchanting for the disenchant spell to sell crap on the AH for items that I couldn't sell before disenchanting em.


DarkAngelYuna said:
Right now I'm just using enchanting for the disenchant spell to sell crap on the AH for items that I couldn't sell before disenchanting em.

Disenchant now. Disenchant forever.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
so you're saying 300 in enchant is pretty pointless because there are 3 enchanters already at 300 in my guild that would be higher on the food chain than I am?
I don't see how people even make money off enchanting. I've never payed for an enchant really. I just buy or farm the mats myself and then find someone to to it. I might give them a 1g tip if they ask but, usually not. They usually do them for free just to get their skill up and are happy to do it since it is so freaking expensive to level up.


Ugggh, I've been dying for BC to come out.....this is probably the most devastating game delay I can recall in the last 5 years (even though it's only a few months' delay). What's worse is that I thought BC addiction was going to keep me from throwing down way-too-much-money on this season's big holiday releases. Now I'll probably get drawn into the hype and wind up with a Wii, Zelda for GameCube, Gears of War, Guitar Hero 2, etc, etc...

On the bright side, it means I don't have to farm money at the fast pace I thought that I was going to. If they can get the patch out by November's end I'll probably be happy -- the PVP points thing was really one of my most-anticipated features.


Yeah, if that patch comes out within the next couple months, I'll probably start playing a little more. I'm done with raiding for a long time, so all I'll do in the expansion is 5/10 man stuff, or pvp or level up alts or something. I'm not absolutely dying for the expansion yet though... I'm still so burned out on the game from constant raiding that I rarely feel any desire to play the game. I think by the time January rolls around I'll be wanting it though.


Oni Link 666 said:
I don't see how people even make money off enchanting. I've never payed for an enchant really. I just buy or farm the mats myself and then find someone to to it. I might give them a 1g tip if they ask but, usually not. They usually do them for free just to get their skill up and are happy to do it since it is so freaking expensive to level up.

If you're getting enchants that level an enchanter up, that's why you don't think they make much money:p


Has problems recognising girls
My guild's three main enchanters earn a shitload of money as we usually feed them D/E items and they go to work. One of them just hit lvl 40 (he has a 45 Hunter, we needed a Warrior and he was glad to reroll one the crazy bastard) and we ran him into Uldaman just so he could buy all the skills from the Enchanter inside. Was quite funny sitting around and watching him re-enchant items just to build up his skill.


Well I've started playing this game again with a friend of mine. I'm playing a Gnome Warlock on this new PvP server, fun so far :)


Man, 1g tips, most of the time nothing for enchants? I usually tip 5-10 gold for major enchants.

I make money by gathering herbs in Felwood. Trick for me is that I have an alt parked there, and just switch when it's a) not busy b) when I feel like doing it. Best times I've found to gather is mid after-noon and (2-3) around supper time (5-6). Your server may vary.


vumpler said:
so you're saying 300 in enchant is pretty pointless because there are 3 enchanters already at 300 in my guild that would be higher on the food chain than I am?

Pretty much, yeah.

Of course, your guild may be more accommodating. And 3 enchanters isn't the largest group to overcome.

The best advice I can offer about enchanting is not to level until you're financially capable. If you're saving all the mats you've DE'd along the way, this will come much sooner than if you are selling your mats or giving them to the higher level enchanters to make things for you/the guild.

It cost me roughly ~100 gold just in mats to level from 60 to 250. This does not include buying formulas from trainers/vendors. Leveling from 250 to 300 was probably even more expensive than that. Ideally you'll be selling some decent enchants that you've accrued along your travels at this point, but it doesn't always work out. Sometimes you have to offer "free enchants" and encourage your patrons to tip you, which as you can imagine has its good times and its bad times.
Engineering bags can only carry the tools and misc. junk used to create engineering gadgets. *SHOTDOWN*

It's freaking stupid. They need to make all the bags able to hold whatever their contents can be converted into too.
well since my server is down for 36hrs I've been trying out a new interface, using photeks all in one then editing it for my own needs. Pretty spiffy, might change bartender to Discord action bars but thats mainly a personal preference.


Alex said:
An Alliance Warlock on a PvP server sounds like it'd be hell to level up.

It was. Stupid Undead anything would always pick fights.

Luckily, everything else Horde side got pretty steamrolled. I kited a level 60 tauren warrior around Searing Gorge until death at level 51. DoTs ftw.


Son of Godzilla said:
Engineering bags can only carry the tools and misc. junk used to create engineering gadgets. *SHOTDOWN*

It's freaking stupid. They need to make all the bags able to hold whatever their contents can be converted into too.
Goddamnit. I've got mules for that shit. :(
Hero said:
It was. Stupid Undead anything would always pick fights.

Luckily, everything else Horde side got pretty steamrolled. I kited a level 60 tauren warrior around Searing Gorge until death at level 51. DoTs ftw.

Psh, you alliance have the game in easy mode already.


profession-specific bags would be worth it if they held like 50 items. Otherwise it's just a waste of time almost always compared to 16 or 18 slot normal bags. Though I guess actually they're good bank bags, so maybe they do serve some purpose.


A couple random questions for BC beta testers:

What has happened with the PVP Faction reputation Rewards? Do you have to trade in Marks of Honor to get them or do you have to trade in PVP Points? I want to know if I should grind to Exalted in AB for those epic shoulders, or just save up some Marks for a purchase.

I heared that Rank13/14 PVP Gear gets an automatic upgrade later on. Is it true? This seems highly unlikely given that nobody else is getting gear upgrades.


Oni Link 666 said:
I don't see how people even make money off enchanting. I've never payed for an enchant really. I just buy or farm the mats myself and then find someone to to it. I might give them a 1g tip if they ask but, usually not. They usually do them for free just to get their skill up and are happy to do it since it is so freaking expensive to level up.

I don't need to level up so I don't do free enchants. I get 20g tips on a routine basis for the good enchants. I usually charge 3g or so for crap like fiery weapon.
border said:
A couple random questions for BC beta testers:

What has happened with the PVP Faction reputation Rewards? Do you have to trade in Marks of Honor to get them or do you have to trade in PVP Points? I want to know if I should grind to Exalted in AB for those epic shoulders, or just save up some Marks for a purchase.

I heared that Rank13/14 PVP Gear gets an automatic upgrade later on. Is it true? This seems highly unlikely given that nobody else is getting gear upgrades.

I'm not in the beta but I can answer a bit of it.

PvP rewards are marks + points, theres screenshots about showing how many u need.

Don't think the rank13/14 gear thing is true.


The only screenshots I have seen have gear for points, and mounts for marks. I haven't seen anything that requires a combination of both. Can you perhaps link me to screenshots? In particular, I'd love to see the cost of Defiler's Shoulders.
Due to the new PvP system, I put my rogue and warlock in temporary retirement and started levelling up a Shammy. Oh man, I'm in love, what a fun class to pvp with, even in the lame ass twink 20s. I'm grinding my fastest to get to 30 and I'm currently planning on speccing Enh.
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