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World of Warcraft

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border said:
What has happened with the PVP Faction reputation Rewards? Do you have to trade in Marks of Honor to get them or do you have to trade in PVP Points? I want to know if I should grind to Exalted in AB for those epic shoulders, or just save up some Marks for a purchase.
Reputations are being wiped as soon as the expansion hits. So basically, unless you feel like hitting exalted before the new year, it's not going to happen.


Its on the wow forums.. the reputation system and honor rank for pvp is going bye bye. All items can be purchased with aquired mark points.


Rep is wiped because the rewards are bought with marks of honor or, I think, honor points, depending upon what they are. I remember blizz saying during some of the previews a few months ago that the rep rewards would instead be available anytime, and you'd just need the points to buy them. I think that means the armor would cost honor points, but the AV mount probably just costs AV tokens. And who knows about the stuff like alterac water or the BG-specific bandages/potions. I think those may actually be removed altogether, since they're going for a no-pots/bandages/any outside buffs or items in pvp approach with the arena. The reason I'm not sure about it is, they just said "it'll cost points," and that's vague enough that it could mean honor tokens for winning in the BG, or it could mean honor points from general pvping.

God, I really shouldn't have rolled on a pve server when I went from beta to retail. I did/do like pve servers a little more (just because ganking gets annoying and carrying out "revenge" on other unrelated lowbies doesn't do away with how annoying it was for me) but world pvp was so fun, and it definitely makes you a better WoW player no matter what they say, just because you're on edge and tend to have to learn the limits of your class sooner, and the limits of other classes as well. Sorry for the sidetrack there, I was just thinking of how awesome Nagrand and so on will be in the expansion... hopefully it's still going to be very active on Kilrogg.

And I've shelved my 60s, but I noticed some stuff: Blizz has updated talents again, at least for warlocks, paladins and shamans (didn't really look at anything else) and shamans got some nice buffs, while warlocks only got one nerf (unholy power remains the same). Paladins got a slight nerf on crusader strike - no change to the damage done or anything like that, just that the cooldown's 10 seconds instead of 6. I'm really dumb though, I didn't realize they made shadowfury a targeted aoe after they gave it a cast time. That's ****ing awesome and I'll be using that quite a bit more than I thought I would now. Anyway, the shaman changes are so good I'm seriously tempted to grind mine up to 70 at some point in the expansion. Maybe after I get my warlock to 70 and I'm in the mid 40s or low 50s and need a change of pace with my pally (though, tbh when I get him to the low 50s I'll be having fun with crusader strike). For now, though, I work on my huntard whenever the mood strikes me.
I could never stand shaman/druid leveling. They seemed so damn gimp, shamans especially. I thought it was easy enough to do stuff as a hunter or warrior, but when I was leveling my lock it was just flat out disgusting what I was able to do. Soloing elites 2-3 levels above me, soloing quest mobs 6 levels above me. Stuff that I basically had no right doing. Fear really is broken in PvE.

What's so bad about world pvp on pve servers? I was under the impression that the stuff auto-flagged you? Or do you mean non-goal oriented pvp?

Something unrelated: The expansion/transfer stuff basically killed my server. I took quite a long break and just returned maybe a week or two ago, and it's really kinda scary how empty the place is. And I don't just mean the fact that it's gone from a few high end guilds to now no horde guilds exist that can even down twin emps. I mean it literally feels empty. There's nobody waiting on blimp rides hardly ever. The trade channel is mostly silent. World Barrens Chat gets alot of spam, but mostly from the same folks. It's just eerie. I think alot of people were waiting till the expansion to get back into it, and now that it's delayed I can't see anything happening but the server dwindling further.
border said:
The only screenshots I have seen have gear for points, and mounts for marks. I haven't seen anything that requires a combination of both. Can you perhaps link me to screenshots? In particular, I'd love to see the cost of Defiler's Shoulders.



Son of Godzilla said:
I could never stand shaman/druid leveling. They seemed so damn gimp, shamans especially. I thought it was easy enough to do stuff as a hunter or warrior, but when I was leveling my lock it was just flat out disgusting what I was able to do. Soloing elites 2-3 levels above me, soloing quest mobs 6 levels above me. Stuff that I basically had no right doing. Fear really is broken in PvE.

What's so bad about world pvp on pve servers? I was under the impression that the stuff auto-flagged you? Or do you mean non-goal oriented pvp?

Something unrelated: The expansion/transfer stuff basically killed my server. I took quite a long break and just returned maybe a week or two ago, and it's really kinda scary how empty the place is. And I don't just mean the fact that it's gone from a few high end guilds to now no horde guilds exist that can even down twin emps. I mean it literally feels empty. There's nobody waiting on blimp rides hardly ever. The trade channel is mostly silent. World Barrens Chat gets alot of spam, but mostly from the same folks. It's just eerie. I think alot of people were waiting till the expansion to get back into it, and now that it's delayed I can't see anything happening but the server dwindling further.
I just mean that world pvp on pve servers is all but dead with BGs (though it was also broken when honor first came out, gogo TM being camped non-stop by 100+ alliance you couldn't wipe). Like a few weeks ago, I tried doing the silithus/plaguelands quests, and they're pretty much a wasteland of nobody caring. There's not much real world pvp, and when there is it's hugely in favor of the alliance on my server since their guilds are way better geared on average. So you either run into nobody, or you get assist trained by 10+ Conquest people (or this MAJOR dickface alliance guild on my server nobody on either faction likes).

e: Holy shit the expanded AV/WSG/AB rewards system is awesome. The only things that cost close to what the general pvp epics cost (in terms of honor points at least) are the current exalted rep epics. Maybe it's just that I never did WSG much (never could get into it with a twink or a good level 60 group) but I never saw many of their rewards aside from the epic pants, the bow and the trinket.


fallout said:
Reputations are being wiped as soon as the expansion hits. So basically, unless you feel like hitting exalted before the new year, it's not going to happen.
Well I'm less than 15K rep away from Exalted, but at the same time I'll probably have to play AB more to get to Exalted than it'd take just to straight-up buy the shoulders.

And I'm expecting the BG rep system to be abolished in Patch 1.13, due out sometime this year.


border said:
And I'm expecting the BG rep system to be abolished in Patch 1.13, due out sometime this year.
Ah, good point actually. I keep forgetting about that patch (which is supposed to contain the honour system overhaul).
eu dude said patch coming with new honor etc since expansion pack.

USA dude said later on that there would be a patch just before the expansion to update everyone.

Basically it ain't coming this year.


Eyonix said on the US forums the day after the delay was announced that they would be putting in the expansion patch around the original date to compensate for the delay.

Mentioned the new talent trees, new honor system, etc, as an example. It'll basically be the expansion patch if you were not to buy the expansion (the basic features, for everyone)

2.0 will come this year unless something changed over the past day.

There is no 1.13.

I'd link it but... well, the forums are down.
guess I missed a bit. Last time I looked at it they were only saying shortly b4 the expansion which I guess cud have been anytime from december really.


somehow, I would trust the WoW Europe CMs over the WoW NA CMs, at least going by earlier track records. But at the same time, I could see them patching in new talents/honor if they're looking to reduce the initial install size of the expansion (possibly to fit it on less discs for the cd version).

honestly, the idea of patching in the new talents/honor system is why I've been leveling my hunter a bit. I want to get him to 50 to try out the new BM stuff, and I'd love to give my lock 48 destruction/3 demonology in preparation for the expansion, and give my shaman 42/9 enhance/resto.
Alex said:
Eyonix said on the US forums the day after the delay was announced that they would be putting in the expansion patch around the original date to compensate for the delay.

Mentioned the new talent trees, new honor system, etc, as an example. It'll basically be the expansion patch if you were not to buy the expansion (the basic features, for everyone)

2.0 will come this year unless something changed over the past day.

There is no 1.13.

I'd link it but... well, the forums are down.

Ping's right. When they first announced the delay someone said what you did. Patch somewhere this holiday with the expansion features available to non-expansion people. Then someone ran supreme damage control and basically contorted the line to that it'll be immediately before the expansion. So basically nothing.
My account is officially for sale...If anyone is seriously interested in buying an account...60 Rogue, Thunderfury, Iblis, Full Bloodfang, One Deathdealer's, Drake Fang Talisman...And a 60 Paladin with decent stuff...Let me know.
I started up about 3 months ago and have casually played my NE Rogue up to 45 with some dabbling in a few alts all under 15. Most WoW talk especially in regards to the expansion is geared toward endgame with a whole bunch of acronyms and terms I'm not familiar with. Anyone willing to give a quick laymans rundown of what there is to do once you hit 60? I vaguely get the dungeon raids and instance runs (which I gather there is a certain progression you go through to get the right gear to succeed in the next one) and PvP grind I guess means doing endless battlegrounds (Warsong Gultch, etc.) for high end gear.


Has problems recognising girls
Unless you're in a PVP guild or a PVE guild, there's practically nothing to do come lvl 60 bar exploration. The PVP grind will be severely shortened with the new honor system which will make it a whole lot more enjoyable in my opinion. I've told my guild that I most likely won't be on till the patch release as there's no reason for me to bother anymore.

As for end-game guilds.. a lot of them are having in-fighting disputes due to the expansion coming sooner rather than later, hence no desire to constantly run those 40-mans anymore because their gear that they've spent countless of hours on each week will become nothing more than vendor trash due to quest rewards in Outlands. Heck even the 5-man instances that you hit in Outlands straight away have just as good gear as the junk you will find in Ahn'Qiraj (if beta testers are to be believed).


hell, stats I have seen on worldofraids.com's forums for hard mode of Blood Furnace (the earliest new 5 man in burning crusade) show that the BLUE drops are about equal to naxx weapons. some placeholder named "Blood Furnace Hard Mode Level 70 Caster Sword 3b" item or something like that, with stats roughly similar to wraith blade, though it requires level 70. Still, it sounds like hard mode instances = blues as good as some of the best purples in game on the lower level instances, and much better gear on the higher level instances.

Personally, I think if you aren't in an endgame guild and you want something to do before the expansion... just get your guy to 60 and maybe try and do some of the 5 man stuff that interests you (if any of it does), and otherwise shelve him or level up an alt (if there's another class you want to try out) in the meantime. Guilds (especially raid guilds) are not all they're cracked up to be - quite frankly, most of them are like a job, or if you're getting in and don't really know ANYONE, it's like being invited to a party of strangers by a friend who doesn't show up. At least that's the way I've kind of felt whenever I've joined a new guild on other servers. The most fun I've had playing the game isn't by playing in a large guild, it's by playing in a pretty regular group for instances/pvp. Anyway, my own experiences aside, here's what you do currently at 60:
raid the same 3-4 instances constantly
run BGs constantly

Both get really repetitive, and neither one offers good rewards. They're honestly just lame incentives to keep you playing, but by a blatant carrot on a stick method instead of something a bit more tangible and/or goal oriented.


There is no point to raiding at the moment, in all honesty.

Raiding is fun, I really do enjoy it, especially Naxxramas, where the dungeon and boss design is really just flat out brilliant.

But it is very time consuming, and as fun as it may be, it's a hell of a lot of work, and farming and time just to have any tangible benefit from it wiped out, more or less, in a couple of months.

The expansion will benefit from (endgame content wise)

~More lienant, less grind intensive PvP

~Tighter, signifigantly better designed and itemized 5 mans.

~Fun 2v2, 3v3, 4v4, 5v5 arena system that is being designed as total opposition to grinding

~Smaller, more personal raids.


I'll probably still raid and whatnot, but my biggest interest is being able to tangibly raise alts, and have things to do on the side when I am bored. A ten man instance, with great loot on a lockout timer? Yes please!


Manick Joe said:
I started up about 3 months ago and have casually played my NE Rogue up to 45 with some dabbling in a few alts all under 15.
If you're at 45 now and you play casually, it will probably take you to the expansion to hit 60 anyway (which isn't necessarily a bad thing), so you might not even have to think about it.

firex said:
They're honestly just lame incentives to keep you playing, but by a blatant carrot on a stick method instead of something a bit more tangible and/or goal oriented.
It's a weird kind of balance that they have to maintain, because most people don't seem to care about having fun ... they actually seem addicted to grinding. You could argue that Blizzard makes it a grind, but that's what people seem to want to do.

Still, I think they're finally finding a happy medium with all the new PvP stuff. In the meantime, I'll be levelling my druid, I figure.
firex said:
Personally, I think if you aren't in an endgame guild and you want something to do before the expansion... just get your guy to 60 and maybe try and do some of the 5 man stuff that interests you (if any of it does), and otherwise shelve him or level up an alt (if there's another class you want to try out) in the meantime. Guilds (especially raid guilds) are not all they're cracked up to be - quite frankly, most of them are like a job, or if you're getting in and don't really know ANYONE, it's like being invited to a party of strangers by a friend who doesn't show up. At least that's the way I've kind of felt whenever I've joined a new guild on other servers. The most fun I've had playing the game isn't by playing in a large guild, it's by playing in a pretty regular group for instances/pvp. Anyway, my own experiences aside, here's what you do currently at 60:
raid the same 3-4 instances constantly
run BGs constantly

I think this goes for just about any online game, but MMOs and this one especially. If you don't play with a core group of friends then it will get really really tedious.

But I actually think there's plenty of stuff to do at level 60. If you raid, there's 4 different raid zones. There's two lesser raids. Five upper instances that, like you said, are really fun to run with friends. Even more so when you start handicapping yourself. There's all sorts of reputation grinding. Proffessions and gold mongering, And there's the retardo honor grind. That's a ton of stuff IMO.

I think the biggest problem is that the BGs are pretty damn terrible. AB flat out sucks, WSG stalemates way too much, and the new AV is a flat out joke compared to the old one. There's also the lvl 60 twink problem, with high end guilds basically running pubstomps. The best part of the expansion IMO is that for the most part that'll go away.
"AB flat out sucks."

I know, I know, opinions and all, but how's that? My BG of choice since the severely reduced queues from Crossrealm BGs is AB, I just can't really stomach WSG much anymore.


I'd probably like the game more if my guild didn't turn out to be lame as hell. It was a fun guild back before they started raiding, then I had to quit the game to find work and so I didn't play for like 9 months. I come back and they've got everything but Rags in MC on farm and the guild's turned into a retarded lootwhore drama festival, so it breaks off and most of the people I liked went to form a new guild, so I followed. That guild was cool for a couple months, but by around june or so it really turned to shit and it hasn't gotten any better (or maybe it always sucked and I just didn't realize it). So I may seem a bit bitter or overly critical of the raid game, but the actual mechanics of it are decent. It's just that I think there's really a snowball's chance in hell of finding a guild where every single person you raid with is someone you like playing with.

Personally though, that's why I'm excited for the expansion and its new 5-10 man stuff, arena teams and so on. I'll play the hell out of arena combat most likely, along with all that 5-10 man stuff, and leave the raiding to the other people. At least until I'm no longer burned out on it.


Teknopathetic said:
"AB flat out sucks."

I know, I know, opinions and all, but how's that? My BG of choice since the severely reduced queues from Crossrealm BGs is AB, I just can't really stomach WSG much anymore.
Honestly, I haaate AB. Sometimes, it can be fun, but 90% of the time, it's me standing at a flag for 30 minutes dropping rank 1 magma totem every 30 seconds or so. This tends to lead to 3 things:

1. A rogue tries to sneak up on me. If things go right, the magma totem will catch him and I kill him. If not, I get sapped and we potentially lose the node.

2. The node gets zerged and I respawn somewhere else to defend.

3. I see nobody (you'd be amazed how often this can happen).

Now, you may ask: Why always defend? Simple, I hate losing more than I hate standing around doing nothing and nobody else defends. That's what I loved about AV. No matter what you did, you were garaunteed some action. The only benefit of AB is that you know it'll end sometime.
"Now, you may ask: Why always defend? Simple, I hate losing more than I hate standing around doing nothing and nobody else defends. That's what I loved about AV. No matter what you did, you were garaunteed some action. The only benefit of AB is that you know it'll end sometime."

I do the same thing, except I *love* 1v1/1vN fights I usually get from sitting at Mine (which no one hardly touches). I feel like I can get better action there than in WSG where I'm focused on capping/tracking down (and the aforementioned indefinite game time) and AV where it's just some cluster****.
Well I am in a PvE guild that has a handful of high end players. We often band together to run instances or help out with quests. Definitely fun, but not demanding. They're not big enough in size to run raids but they make a lot of friends and often partner up with other guilds. I guess I'll just keep questing, crafting and exploring and as said earlier the expansion should be out once I'm done with all that.


Kind of lost motivation to play WoW for now.

I'm already done with my PVP goal. Not going to go through any kind of horrendous honor grind ever again. Really tired of all the BG's as well.

Little point into raiding right now. Sure, some of the raiding gear will help the first few levels but I don't really care all that much.

And lastly I just leveled my alt warlock to 60. So I don't want to grind another 60 since come TBC they won't get as much attention.

Oh well, I guess I can always gank in Silithus and EPL.
Alex said:
The expansion will benefit from (endgame content wise)

~More lienant, less grind intensive PvP

~Tighter, signifigantly better designed and itemized 5 mans.

~Fun 2v2, 3v3, 4v4, 5v5 arena system that is being designed as total opposition to grinding

~Smaller, more personal raids.


Which is EXACTLY what I wanted....

I swear its like blizzard read my mind around xmas 05 on what I wanted to do endgame insteada frowning about either becoming a raiding healbot, or rolling alt after alt after alt.
fallout said:
Honestly, I haaate AB. Sometimes, it can be fun, but 90% of the time, it's me standing at a flag for 30 minutes dropping rank 1 magma totem every 30 seconds or so. This tends to lead to 3 things:

1. A rogue tries to sneak up on me. If things go right, the magma totem will catch him and I kill him. If not, I get sapped and we potentially lose the node.

2. The node gets zerged and I respawn somewhere else to defend.

3. I see nobody (you'd be amazed how often this can happen).

Now, you may ask: Why always defend? Simple, I hate losing more than I hate standing around doing nothing and nobody else defends. That's what I loved about AV. No matter what you did, you were garaunteed some action. The only benefit of AB is that you know it'll end sometime.

Nah, shitty is 8 tier 2+ healers on the opposing teams fleeing for the GY every time you make an attempt to get back the flag.

Shitty is 30+ Alliance confidently and methodically knocking off objectives down in frostwolf territory while a bunch of nancy boys dither at the bridge cuz there's 4 hunters a mage and a priest holding all 25 of them back somehow.


SatelliteOfLove said:
Nah, shitty is 8 tier 2+ healers on the opposing teams fleeing for the GY every time you make an attempt to get back the flag.

Shitty is 30+ Alliance confidently and methodically knocking off objectives down in frostwolf territory while a bunch of nancy boys dither at the bridge cuz there's 4 hunters a mage and a priest holding all 25 of them back somehow.

Hey now, I enjoy holding off the Horde of Horde with just a few hunters and a healer with me. It's pretty funny watching them just kinda mass at one side of the bridge just waiting until the GY caps. Any time I can get HKs with Blizzard is a good time.


One week since hitting 300 in Herbalism, I finally picked up my Frostwolf Howler. Unfortunately I now have nothing to do except maybe farm some more money......and even that seems that a bad idea given that it'll probably lose 1/4-1/5 of its value when BC gold inflation hits.

Is the PVP grind even worse now that we have cross realm BGs? I'm not going to go for Warlord or anything, but my PVP armor is pre-upgrade and it might be nice to have a new set.
so I'm now at the hand in stage of tier0.5 for legs boots n shoulders.

Problem is I've killed Kirtonos 21 times now and 0 valor boots. Still I will continue, the legs are nice for tanking, shoulders just an upgrade, but what I really want is the heroism chest, it's great for dw warriors.

I'm such a masochist


i like organized ab games

but those are more rare, most set pvp teams stick to wsg since xserver bgs

ab is only really fun in like 15 vs 15 group set games

if you have a set team versus pug it becomes a 5 cap in less than 3 minutes

pugstomping is ftl

pug versus pug is usually pretty retarded in ab

ppl like to zerg around and take nodes but nobody stays and defends, its like watching benny hill show or something lol


yacobod said:
ppl like to zerg around and take nodes but nobody stays and defends, its like watching benny hill show or something lol
:lol We actually use the term "Benny Hill" (as in, I'm going to go "Benny Hill" them) where someone slowly draws them off the flag, then runs around like a dumb**** while another person caps the flag. We also use it to describe times when one person keeps a ton of opposing players occupied on the road.

SatelliteOfLove said:
Nah, shitty is 8 tier 2+ healers on the opposing teams fleeing for the GY every time you make an attempt to get back the flag.

Shitty is 30+ Alliance confidently and methodically knocking off objectives down in frostwolf territory while a bunch of nancy boys dither at the bridge cuz there's 4 hunters a mage and a priest holding all 25 of them back somehow.
Hey, I didn't say the other BGs were good, just that they garauntee that I'll at least see someone while doing what it takes to win.


border said:
One week since hitting 300 in Herbalism, I finally picked up my Frostwolf Howler. Unfortunately I now have nothing to do except maybe farm some more money......and even that seems that a bad idea given that it'll probably lose 1/4-1/5 of its value when BC gold inflation hits.

Is the PVP grind even worse now that we have cross realm BGs? I'm not going to go for Warlord or anything, but my PVP armor is pre-upgrade and it might be nice to have a new set.
Aren't you allowed to rebuy your pvp armor without having to rank up? Either way, I think the pvp grind is actually a lot easier with cross-realm BGs. Bear in mind it just means more games, so it's easier to hit the points you need on your realm. I don't know though, it may just be my personal experience because pvp's pretty much dead on my realm. I can think of maybe 2 guilds horde-side that are pvp-focused, the rest are all lame raid guilds like mine. And I'd still grind the gold - you'll need 25g to go from Artisan to Master in tradeskills (just for training them), unless they reduced that in the beta.


firex said:
Aren't you allowed to rebuy your pvp armor without having to rank up? Either way, I think the pvp grind is actually a lot easier with cross-realm BGs. Bear in mind it just means more games, so it's easier to hit the points you need on your realm. I don't know though, it may just be my personal experience because pvp's pretty much dead on my realm. I can think of maybe 2 guilds horde-side that are pvp-focused, the rest are all lame raid guilds like mine. And I'd still grind the gold - you'll need 25g to go from Artisan to Master in tradeskills (just for training them), unless they reduced that in the beta.

No sir, you can use it when you derank, but cannot purchase.

It's about the same to me, really, not that I really rank up for items, so I dont pay as close of attention.

I get into games about... Well, lets see, WSG/AB are typically <1 minute, AV is <3 minutes.

Prior to X-server BGs, it was 30~ish mins for WSG/AB and about an hour for AV.

So the extra competition makes it take a bit longer, but I get into games so much faster it negates the extra time spent.

They opened up the ranks too, made it easier to go up, but I think that was just for the 10-14 stuff.


Yeah, I meant I thought you could rebuy it when they had the patch that buffed the sets. Guess not then... that sucks.

I wonder with this delay if I can hit the rank for the blue pvp set on my hunter. He's just level 49 now, but I'm leveling pretty fast and that's honestly the gear I'd like to go for just so I could have a decent runecloth farmer if it's still a bitch to farm with a warlock in the expansion.


Sounds like fun and a good idea for them to break up world pvp, BG and arena team rewards into their own categories. I'm guessing there will be higher level world pvp rewards as well. I'm probably going to split my pvp time among all 3... and I'm guessing honor points will be the only bit carried over between those three (or maybe just two, since it doesn't look like it costs honor points to buy the world pvp rewards). Damn nice trinkets, but then again nearly every expansion item looks way better than current stuff.
"A throwing weapon that has +crit and +AP? How does that work?"

Supposedly, Throwing weapons are being redone to accomodate the new thrown weapon ability rogues get. Now they're sorta like a wand, except you have to "refill" it or something like that, whenever you go to repair. So now rogues aren't shafted out of extra stats because they want to use all their abilities (and that's all the ranged slot is for rogues, practically a trinket).


Yeah, the throwing weapon change is nice. Basically it's just an equipped weapon with 200 durability that degrades each use (I think) and can be repaired. This way, rogues can use deadly throw and warriors can use throwing weapons for stats if they don't want a bow/gun. In a way it opens up more possibilities for hunters, since throwing weapons are useless for them, but now they can try different ranged weapons that right now are typically considered warrior/rogue preferred.


Wow, point-wise, those are marked so cheaply compared to the other stuff I've seen.

I really wish there was some information on how much items will cost, how many points you'll make for certain PvP tasks, etc.

Thanks for the link


I guess I should restart my account and lvl my hunter,warlock and shaman to 60. They are currently at 39 but I guess there no point in pvping at that lvl anymore. Btw, for Hunters, is BM only for lvling up? this is in relation to the upcoming changes to the talents.
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