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World of Warcraft

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SatelliteOfLove said:
In other "Do not use a hammer to remove a fly from a friend's face" news, how stupid bad is mining in PTR about "aggroing every bears" when you tap a node? Pet class heaven?
:lol What?


Has problems recognising girls
Aye I suppose it's similar to when we took on the Gnome King just before BC came out. Firstly it was just fun to invade Ironforge through a different means (i.e. Deeprun Tram), and secondly we figured well while we're here we may as well take him on.

Of course we got thrashed at about 30% when every Alliance sucker in IF knew we were there and those Dwarf guards were nasty hitters.
Mute said:
:lol What?

Oh, sorry. :lol

There's a thread that was deleted in the Proffesions forum from someone deadpanning that since mobs aggro on miners and herbalists going about their gathering in a radius of the node in PTR, then skinning a bear should aggro every other bear in the vicinity, as "you're skinning their best friend" or something. I was hoping it wasn't happening like the epic tailoring nerfs.
The new guild I joined cruised through Gruul's and Karazhan last night and I was pretty confident in them. Tonight we attempted Magtheridon and got completely roled. Only made it to Phase 2 like twice and died within seconds. Don't know what was going on but I hope to see better than that tomorrow.


Monday we couldn't down Prince and reset Kara. Blew through everything up to Prince again and we still couldn't down Prince (not because we couldn't - because people keep having to LEAVE.)
Haven't been in Kara in a couple of weeks myself. Got really burnt out on the tanking mechanics & the nasty switches some guilds ( mine included ) have to do to "optimize" their raid boss encounter (re: Shade of Aran not even NEEDING a tank....or other bosses not even needing a warrior...when previous encounters, not even 30 minutes previous, HAD to have a 1-2 warrior setup).

Now, now I'm level'ing up my Dranei DPS Warrior. I've pretty much retired the Gnome Prot Warrior....which is sad...I love that little bugger. :(



DiatribeEQ said:
Now, now I'm level'ing up my Dranei DPS Warrior. I've pretty much retired the Gnome Prot Warrior....which is sad...I love that little bugger. :(


you would prolly be better off respeccing your gnome for dps/pvp, escape artist owns for pvp

seems like a waste rerolling the same class again for dps


Went to OHB last night and got those greaves of patience or whatever.. only a slight upgrade from my Marksman's Legs really, but the 3 sockets instead of 1 is nice. We tried BM after but that didn't go so hot. :lol Had to go to bed after wiping after the 1st boss (what a crazy fight). Oh well, will try it again tonight with a guild group rather than the PUG I tried it with.

Oh and that was my first time "playing" a human and boy are they goofy as HELL! How could someone play one? :lol


Yeah it seems that the consensus is that holy seems to be the way to go. But i dont want to ****ing become a heal bot, this is lame. I might reroll fury warr. Blizzard needs to upgrade dps output of ret palis, offensive palis should be a viable class for the masses.



Paladins have never, and will never be, an effective dps class. The sooner you come to terms with that, the better.


Yeah it seems that the consensus is that holy seems to be the way to go. But i dont want to ****ing become a heal bot, this is lame. I might reroll fury warr. Blizzard needs to upgrade dps output of ret palis, offensive palis should be a viable class for the masses.


so you rolled a healer/support class and wanted to dps? :lol

fury warriors are pretty weak in pvp now, best warrior build now is MS + deathwish, something like 33/25/3


As I was thinking about this, an ability such as this might be crazy overpowered, but how about a shaman blink? Obviously not as far as a mage's, but it would provide some relief for caster-shamans and a way for enhancement shamans to get within melee range without grinding to a halt.

Call it whirlwind or something - any thoughts?


Has problems recognising girls
Could work but probably too overpowered.

There's been other suggestions like making Ghost Wolf a talent-based instant cast spell in the 2nd tree of Enhancement similar to what it is now, but decrease cast time by 3 seconds effectively making it instant.

I dunno.. I wouldn't mind that totem those Lost Ones use in Zangarmarsh.. the one that pumps out a 3-4 second fear spell per pulse :lol


they should combo healing and mana spring into one totem, along with making cure poison and disease one spell (just like the level 8 pally spell). maybe even add in a remove curse spell or something.

Oh, and they should nerf the **** out of Heroism/change it to something totally shitty, but leave Bloodlust alone, to make up for the shitty seal of blood vs. seal of vengeance disparity.


Hero said:
Paladins have never, and will never be, an effective dps class. The sooner you come to terms with that, the better.


Tough to beat Valeria, but I've seen him maintain 500+DPS and be top damage in a group I've healed. Definitely not the norm for paladins, but they can DPS quite effectively.
My server gets more and more pathetic. I had recently joined a new guild a few days ago knowing that some of them were a little on the emo side...I did Kara and Gruul with them, cruised through it. We tried Mag, got owned for hours. Then the next night people didn't show for it. The Officers and themselves then left the guild and joined the one guild on the server that has downed Mag (That's as far as they are.) which already has way too many people in it.


Has problems recognising girls
See this is the kind of drama that I always disliked (I was involved in quite a big guild on Suramar before I "quit" and came back on a separate server), the guild-hopping and all that jazz. I suppose it's all because most of the guys I recruited had some sense of loyalty and most had never objected to a bit of humour involved.. if things didn't work out we'd either go back to the drawing board or just leave it for another day.

Sure we had a few recurring members leave the guild to look for greener pastures only to return the following days/week. I always used the term, "the object of your frustration in the instance is not going to disappear, being #1 on a server will mean nothing when you eventually quit the game."

May be a bit pretentious but I tried to maintain a sense of reality within the game whilst keeping the laid-back atmosphere 100% throughout my guild.


I was involved in just about the worst PUG ever yesterday doing SV. After wracking up an 8g or so repair bill, we were finally on the 2nd boss and the healer who conspicuously just got his Kara key fragment had an emergency and had to go afk for "6 minutes." 15+ minutes go by and he's still afk and 2 people bolt.. wait a bit more, the tank bolts.

I just want some god damn Beast Lord to trap better DAMMIT!


The Karazahn key quest really makes pugs for Steamvaults and Arcatraz unfun. Most people wanna leave as soon as they get their fragment, and will be looking for reasons to do so. Occaisonally you will come across some douche that just bolts without even giving you the usual throwaway excuses ("OMG guys I gotta go my guild needs me").

They really should have put the fragments deeper into those instances so people would at least have to clear a couple bosses.


Hero said:
Paladins have never, and will never be, an effective dps class. The sooner you come to terms with that, the better.

NEVAR EVAR EVAR NEVAR! Blizzard intern ftw? Can i get free gold? plz? Will send nekkid picture. I like absolutes! Don't you? Also im not talking about rogue/mage levels of DPS, something along the lines of mid tiering Windfury shams/warlocks. Not that any of you showed signs of ignorance but let me reinforce the concept that is DPS. Damage per second?

DPS= effectiveness!. Forget the fact that i could probably outlast any class in a duel. SRRY HEALER/SUPPORT FTL :(. That said you cant go against the tides its practically impossible for a ret pally to find a raiding group nowadays because WoW IS serious buisness.


NEVAR EVAR EVAR NEVAR! Blizzard intern ftw? Can i get free gold? plz? Will send nekkid picture. I like absolutes! Don't you? Also im not talking about rogue/mage levels of DPS, something along the lines of mid tiering Windfury shams/warlocks. Not that any of you showed signs of ignorance but let me reinforce the concept that is DPS. Damage per second?

DPS= effectiveness!. Forget the fact that i could probably outlast any class in a duel. SRRY HEALER/SUPPORT FTL :(. That said you cant go against the tides its practically impossible for a ret pally to find a raiding group nowadays because WoW IS serious buisness.


it's funny because geared warlocks and enhancement shaman tear up the dps charts in raids, and you want their lvl of dps

:lol :lol :lol

WoW pro tip: read the character description before rolling a class to 70 and then complaining about it


Looks like Blizz is in the process of buffing all the lvl70 epics. Blacksmithing, arena, factions, Heroics, etc. Except maybe the tailoring epics, I have to check that.

# Tier 2 and 3 Blacksmithing weapons have been improved greatly(3-4 dps on the 2h weapons).
# Most Heroic Badge of Justice items have been upgraded.
# Some Heroic Boss Drops have been upgraded(some redesigned).
# Most BoE Level 70 Epics have been upgraded.
# The Violet Eye Reputation rings for Honored, Revered, and Exalted have been upgraded.
# Arena weapons(for the most part) have been improved, though some seem to need upgrades still.

I'll be whipping up:
Surestrike Goggles v2.0
726 armor
+45 Stamina
+10 Hit
+26 Crit
+116 AP
Meta/Blue Socket


Living Replicator Specs
726 armor
+39 Stamina
+10 Intellect
+128 Healing
+12 mp5

It's a shame they're nerfing the Enhancement shammies - in a Ring of Blood pug my lvl 67 shaman was outdamaging a lvl 70 shadow priest.


yacobod said:

it's funny because geared warlocks and enhancement shaman tear up the dps charts in raids, and you want their lvl of dps

:lol :lol :lol

WoW pro tip: read the character description before rolling a class to 70 and then complaining about it

Geared ret palis are fairly destructive as well,fyi obviously not as much as their rogue and mage counterparts but still. I know pallis have inadequate dps output, i have stated this myself. So Wtf is with the "read the class descriptions LOLOLZ" shit, im just hoping that blizzard makes ret palis a bit more viable class in terms of damage obviously the demand is there, tons of rets around. Problem is give decent damage output to a class that has enormous lastability and shit comes out a tad bid unbalanced, wishful thinking i guess.
My pally is level 28 now and I have 76 gold because I have picked mining and herbs.

That said, part of me still longs for engineering, my first profession from ages ago.

Being that I haven't played BC yet (only the Draenei area) and I haven't kept up with all the stuff, is Engineering still as useless as it was before the expansion?


teacupcopter said:
Being that I haven't played BC yet (only the Draenei area) and I haven't kept up with all the stuff, is Engineering still as useless as it was before the expansion?

Oh man, it's worse now. In the new patch, they've tried to make up for it with frost grenades and some epic craftable helms. Still, no more trinkets or neat gadgets, which is what made engineering so great in the first place. That, and cheap iron grenades. Oh, how I miss my thousands of iron grenades.


teacupcopter said:
My pally is level 28 now and I have 76 gold because I have picked mining and herbs.

That said, part of me still longs for engineering, my first profession from ages ago.

Being that I haven't played BC yet (only the Draenei area) and I haven't kept up with all the stuff, is Engineering still as useless as it was before the expansion?

Pally lvl 33, 215 gold from mining and enchant(but mostly economics 101 and ah market bullying and control.). Server Lighthing's blade. I find it really akward how liberally some of you use the reroll antic, i waste enough of my time playing as is. The idea of starting over again is bewildering... Eh might have to cut it out totally soon, being a uni student = time consuming! ;P


Well, enhancement shammies aren't getting a nerf so much as a bug fix. Downranking is more an exploit, (speaking as an enh shammy) but it still sucks that they're fixing it.

Supposedly though, doing MH WF 5 with FT on the offhand still works pretty well. *shrug*

not WF 5 / WF 4 well, but pretty decently.


Azwethinkweiz said:
If a pally is #2 damage, the rest of your DPS classes aren't pulling their weight.

This was a while ago and wasn't a raid ...


The rogue just turned 70, and the druid was tanking. If you aren't impressed by a pally maintaining 400+ DPS through Botanica, then my server must be populated with some amazingly crappy retribution pallies.


It's almost like people don't want unique builds and shit, they just want everyone to have one defined role and that's it. I'd love for every tree of every class type to be really viable in any situation, I know it's a stretch, but that's the type of outlook people should have, not "lol reroll nubshit, pallies are heal bots". I mean really...


Yeah, I mean ... so what if a rogue isn't on the top of the DPS charts? Perhaps the fact that he's evasion tanking some mob, or keeping a caster mob stunlocked, or working in a kick is crucial to the raid.

And to add to that, I think that meters themselves are used improperly a lot. I use the healing meters as a way to make sure that I'm keeping up with the other healers where necessary. If I'm falling behind, but it's because it's a fight on the move and I'm constantly re-dropping totems or something, then fine! I'm still doing my job.


I really feel like Blizzard needs to redo the entire talent system from the ground up, for all classes. Even though what I'm about to say sounds like I'm wanting to kill off creativity or something, they put way too many definitive must-have abilities in the talent trees and should give a lot of those abilities (especially for hybrids) by default. I'm not talking about stuff like Flurry or Vengeance or a lot of the "improved <spell>" talents, but a lot of the 1 point talents that can be make or break for a class/too useful to pass up. I know they do that on rare occasions with talent revamps, but there are some talents too useful to pass up either regardless of spec or in the sense that if you do pass them up, they make your spec worthless. And if they're going to have abilities that definitive, that still need the backing of the actual specialization talents in those talent trees to pull off the completed role, why not just give those skills to everyone in the class regardless of spec?
firex said:
I really feel like Blizzard needs to redo the entire talent system from the ground up, for all classes. Even though what I'm about to say sounds like I'm wanting to kill off creativity or something, they put way too many definitive must-have abilities in the talent trees and should give a lot of those abilities (especially for hybrids) by default. I'm not talking about stuff like Flurry or Vengeance or a lot of the "improved <spell>" talents, but a lot of the 1 point talents that can be make or break for a class/too useful to pass up. I know they do that on rare occasions with talent revamps, but there are some talents too useful to pass up either regardless of spec or in the sense that if you do pass them up, they make your spec worthless. And if they're going to have abilities that definitive, that still need the backing of the actual specialization talents in those talent trees to pull off the completed role, why not just give those skills to everyone in the class regardless of spec?

I myself like the concept of, "the farther you go down a tree, the more that tree molds you". I take the Shadow tree, or the pet trees Demonology and Beast Mastery as examples. They have a purpose, they mold a character's play via that purpose the deeper one gets into it, and rewards that player with neat character-altering powers that open up new play styles, yet imposing limits to their power in other areas in the class via a lack of talent points free to do with.

For example, right now, this is my Priest, who I consider Holy specced, despite 31 in Discipline. Why? I'd be giving up too much to go for Holy Consentration and Empowered Healing. WAY too much in Discipline; it would be like trading 5 apples for 2 oranges.

Note also I wouldn't touch Lightwell or Circle of Healing. Few did; one guy did a study on 1000 random 70s and less than 20% of Priests who went Holy or Deep Holy took them, compared with NO ONE skipping Shadowform and like 4% skipping VT. (I like one guy in a thread on the WoW General forums who suggested making the 31 and 41 point Holy talents offensive in nature. Look Ma! No breaking healing dynamics in raids!)


and the problem with that is the further you go down a tree, it's more like cutting off your arms and legs if you're a hybrid class. Well, ok, not if you're a druid, but if you're a pally or shaman you pretty much can't do jack shit outside of the tree you go down.

I don't know, maybe it's just shitty design for those 2 classes, because about half their talents should be core abilities in some form, but aren't.

It's one thing to specialize, and it's another thing to get shafted to the point that you can't do much of anything outside your spec, which is how it feels with my paladin/shaman no matter what I try. At the very least they need to get back to the drawing board with those 2 classes... I know with my warlock it doesn't feel like he's as limited going demonology vs affliction or destruction, but that class itself is more complete, probably because it has a real role.


firex said:
I'm not talking about stuff like Flurry or Vengeance or a lot of the "improved <spell>" talents, but a lot of the 1 point talents that can be make or break for a class/too useful to pass up.
Ugh. Like mana tide? I swear, that thing consistently saves my ass in arenas, raids, world PvP, battlegrounds, 5-mans. Everywhere. I just can't stand having to put 5 points into that stupid Restorative Totems talent (sigh, but I do it anyway, because it's just that good).
firex said:
and the problem with that is the further you go down a tree, it's more like cutting off your arms and legs if you're a hybrid class. Well, ok, not if you're a druid, but if you're a pally or shaman you pretty much can't do jack shit outside of the tree you go down.

I don't know, maybe it's just shitty design for those 2 classes, because about half their talents should be core abilities in some form, but aren't.

It's one thing to specialize, and it's another thing to get shafted to the point that you can't do much of anything outside your spec, which is how it feels with my paladin/shaman no matter what I try. At the very least they need to get back to the drawing board with those 2 classes... I know with my warlock it doesn't feel like he's as limited going demonology vs affliction or destruction, but that class itself is more complete, probably because it has a real role.

It's worse with Priests, as we're "default healers", therefore, one of our trees is expressly DPS, and the other 2 are left buffing healing (mostly). You canNOT ignore Discipline when building a Main Healer or face-meltin' Shadow Priest; few attempts at 0/#/# end well.

This also makes me want Discipline to become a more "defensive" spec, with endurance, survival, and efficiency tied up into a nice package with solid DPS and solid healing.


fallout said:
Ugh. Like mana tide? I swear, that thing consistently saves my ass in arenas, raids, world PvP, battlegrounds, 5-mans. Everywhere. I just can't stand having to put 5 points into that stupid Restorative Totems talent (sigh, but I do it anyway, because it's just that good).
yeah, if you asked me, I'd say mana tide, dual wield, parry, 2h weapons and ToW should all be default skills for shamans. I mean, mana tide's the only one of those that's a make-or-break skill in terms of survivability, but ToW gives a decent fire buff totem (and it's not worth the investment vs. NS), and the other 3 should just be trained at the same level you'd train them from talents.

and I personally feel like pallies should get holy shield by default, some kind of spell interrupt, blessing of kings, and some kind of melee skill. Not something as good as crusader strike, but something you can hit so battles aren't just debuff -> cast seal -> alt tab until the fight is over. Holy shield isn't really the definitive tanking talent, but it's pretty crucial and it would allow a ret/holy pally a better chance at tanking an instance. That probably seems weird, but blizzard wants pallies to tank, and if an arms/fury warrior can tank, at least giving ret/holy pallies the other half of the 2 core tanking skills (we already got consecration with 2.0/the expansion) would make it so if you can't find a regular tank, but you have the gear, a ret/holy pally can maybe fill the need.

actually, I think shamans should get a melee skill by default too, and it could be sort of like sinister strike, so it'd favor 2h or a slow main hand weapon, even though that kind of makes shaman dual wielding more cookie cutter. But if they don't want to give shamans a melee skill, they could go and actually make shocks efficient enough for someone who doesn't have 8k+ mana.

I just find it weird, because while blizzard said they want to make pallies more into tanks and shamans more into DPS, well, they haven't quite given them enough options. I mean an enhance spec is good DPS, but it doesn't feel "complete" to me, and yet it definitely makes the other aspects of the class weak. With pallies... well, they only have one truly viable role at 70 and that's as a healer. The prot tree for pallies takes too much if you ask me - pretty much all the builds that get all the necessities are 42 points minimum, but typically more like 47+. In both cases, you can overcome the huge limitations that tend to be put on you by going with a non-healer spec with enough gear... but you can overcome nearly any limitation with that kind of advantage, so I hope they actually get to work on improving these 2 classes instead of nerfing them soon.
fallout said:

Oh man, it's worse now. In the new patch, they've tried to make up for it with frost grenades and some epic craftable helms. Still, no more trinkets or neat gadgets, which is what made engineering so great in the first place. That, and cheap iron grenades. Oh, how I miss my thousands of iron grenades.


Engineering is so awesome but so shit. Well it's potential is awesome. I don't care that it's a money sink, with everything BoP or Engineering 300 to use. just make them good.

Oh and warcock, i had a 60 druid and 60 hunter (horde and ally respectively) before but I quit the game in novemberish? and buckled because BC is looking awesome


DarkAngelYuna said:
it's 2:30 am and I can't go to bed..must catch more deviate fishies :(
I'm on Demon Soul.

We finally downed Gruul today. It took five tries, and the last time he never shattered but once. Our DPS was 10000. Just nuts insane flasking and respec to pure PVE dps for all members involved.

Tier 4 dropped, and a rogue claimed it.

I already have two pieces of Tier 4 myself, so I knew I wouldn't be getting the legs.
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