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World of Warcraft

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Maxrpg said:
I'm on Demon Soul.

We finally downed Gruul today. It took five tries, and the last time he never shattered but once. Our DPS was 10000. Just nuts insane flasking and respec to pure PVE dps for all members involved.

Tier 4 dropped, and a rogue claimed it.

I already have two pieces of Tier 4 myself, so I knew I wouldn't be getting the legs.
Ah, I've been on Demon Soul since the 2nd or 3rd day after it went up. Ally or horde.. name of your guild ? :p


firex said:
yeah, if you asked me, I'd say mana tide, dual wield, parry, 2h weapons and ToW should all be default skills for shamans. I mean, mana tide's the only one of those that's a make-or-break skill in terms of survivability, but ToW gives a decent fire buff totem (and it's not worth the investment vs. NS), and the other 3 should just be trained at the same level you'd train them from talents.

and I personally feel like pallies should get holy shield by default, some kind of spell interrupt, blessing of kings, and some kind of melee skill. Not something as good as crusader strike, but something you can hit so battles aren't just debuff -> cast seal -> alt tab until the fight is over. Holy shield isn't really the definitive tanking talent, but it's pretty crucial and it would allow a ret/holy pally a better chance at tanking an instance. That probably seems weird, but blizzard wants pallies to tank, and if an arms/fury warrior can tank, at least giving ret/holy pallies the other half of the 2 core tanking skills (we already got consecration with 2.0/the expansion) would make it so if you can't find a regular tank, but you have the gear, a ret/holy pally can maybe fill the need.

actually, I think shamans should get a melee skill by default too, and it could be sort of like sinister strike, so it'd favor 2h or a slow main hand weapon, even though that kind of makes shaman dual wielding more cookie cutter. But if they don't want to give shamans a melee skill, they could go and actually make shocks efficient enough for someone who doesn't have 8k+ mana.

I just find it weird, because while blizzard said they want to make pallies more into tanks and shamans more into DPS, well, they haven't quite given them enough options. I mean an enhance spec is good DPS, but it doesn't feel "complete" to me, and yet it definitely makes the other aspects of the class weak. With pallies... well, they only have one truly viable role at 70 and that's as a healer. The prot tree for pallies takes too much if you ask me - pretty much all the builds that get all the necessities are 42 points minimum, but typically more like 47+. In both cases, you can overcome the huge limitations that tend to be put on you by going with a non-healer spec with enough gear... but you can overcome nearly any limitation with that kind of advantage, so I hope they actually get to work on improving these 2 classes instead of nerfing them soon.


Completely agree with everything here.

IMO, Shocks, aside from the non-damage effects, are completely underpowered damage-wise for their mana cost. I really should NOT be using rank 1 Earth shock more than I use my top rank in PvE and PvP for fear of running out of mana.

IMO, Mana efficiency more than anything else is the crucial issue with "fixing" the shaman class. (other than totem ui, which will never be fixed)

Trainable Mana Tide would be a megaton. Trainable Nature's Swiftness would be even better, but that's probably even more far-fetched. :p


unifin said:
IMO, Shocks, aside from the non-damage effects, are completely underpowered damage-wise for their mana cost. I really should NOT be using rank 1 Earth shock more than I use my top rank in PvE and PvP for fear of running out of mana.
:lol I think I've had rank 1 hotkeyed for PvP since I was in my 40s.

IMO, Mana efficiency more than anything else is the crucial issue with "fixing" the shaman class. (other than totem ui, which will never be fixed)
Yep. It's always been an issue. That's really the one thing every new shaman has to learn ... conserve your mana.

Trainable Mana Tide would be a megaton. Trainable Nature's Swiftness would be even better, but that's probably even more far-fetched. :p
Yeah, trainable MT, I could see. NS? Maybe a little too powerful ... though with CoS trainable, maybe some day. Druids would have to get it as well, of course. Still, I haven't had a build that hasn't had NS in it. Whether I'm specced enhancement, elemental or resto (of course). NS is always there ... which probably says something about the 41 point talents of elemental and enhancement, but meh. It's the most essential PvP spell that anyone can have, really.


Gold Member
Okay guys, I got a chance to give me another chance to get hooked to WoW, help me out! I've got a 10 day trial on Burning Crusade and I need some tips on how to get into it, starting from scratch. I've got a week of travel with wi-fi in hotels and lounges, so I have lots of time to put into it potentially.

Last time with WoW I got bored after a few hours trying to get lots of skins or meat from wolves on the snowy area, but earlier on this thread I was told that I don't actually need to do the collect-a-thon.

So, what should I do when starting fresh to ensure enjoyment and get hooked?


Has problems recognising girls
Chittagong said:
So, what should I do when starting fresh to ensure enjoyment and get hooked?
Easiest way to get hooked into WoW is to run into players that you bond with. I didn't enjoy my time too much on my old server because I felt a bit left out in some areas because I was always playing catch-up.. but when a friend and I rerolled on new servers back in June and formed our own guild, that was pretty fun for 6 months because of the people who we recruited into the guild and due mostly to the fact that we were all levelling at the same pace and time.


firex said:
yeah, if you asked me, I'd say mana tide, dual wield, parry, 2h weapons and ToW should all be default skills for shamans. I mean, mana tide's the only one of those that's a make-or-break skill in terms of survivability, but ToW gives a decent fire buff totem (and it's not worth the investment vs. NS), and the other 3 should just be trained at the same level you'd train them from talents.

and I personally feel like pallies should get holy shield by default, some kind of spell interrupt, blessing of kings, and some kind of melee skill. Not something as good as crusader strike, but something you can hit so battles aren't just debuff -> cast seal -> alt tab until the fight is over. Holy shield isn't really the definitive tanking talent, but it's pretty crucial and it would allow a ret/holy pally a better chance at tanking an instance. That probably seems weird, but blizzard wants pallies to tank, and if an arms/fury warrior can tank, at least giving ret/holy pallies the other half of the 2 core tanking skills (we already got consecration with 2.0/the expansion) would make it so if you can't find a regular tank, but you have the gear, a ret/holy pally can maybe fill the need.

actually, I think shamans should get a melee skill by default too, and it could be sort of like sinister strike, so it'd favor 2h or a slow main hand weapon, even though that kind of makes shaman dual wielding more cookie cutter. But if they don't want to give shamans a melee skill, they could go and actually make shocks efficient enough for someone who doesn't have 8k+ mana.

I just find it weird, because while blizzard said they want to make pallies more into tanks and shamans more into DPS, well, they haven't quite given them enough options. I mean an enhance spec is good DPS, but it doesn't feel "complete" to me, and yet it definitely makes the other aspects of the class weak. With pallies... well, they only have one truly viable role at 70 and that's as a healer. The prot tree for pallies takes too much if you ask me - pretty much all the builds that get all the necessities are 42 points minimum, but typically more like 47+. In both cases, you can overcome the huge limitations that tend to be put on you by going with a non-healer spec with enough gear... but you can overcome nearly any limitation with that kind of advantage, so I hope they actually get to work on improving these 2 classes instead of nerfing them soon.

Welcome to overpowered

You took a hybrid class, allowing to play various roles depending on our spec, deal with it.

If you want something more like a parent class, reroll.

Every class has trees that take "too much", you're not alone having to make sacrifices for "too good talents to not be trained", wether you're a priest and go disc/holy or shadow and foregoing any healing or damage potential, if you're a priest and go Arms, fury or Prot and foregoing either PVP burst damage, PVE sustained damage or pve tanking, rogues too have to make hard choices in their builds.

You're a hybrid, you're not supposed to be a master of everything, hence why you don'T have WoA, DW, MT all given freely to you as trainables.


Gold Member
speedpop said:
Easiest way to get hooked into WoW is to run into players that you bond with. I didn't enjoy my time too much on my old server because I felt a bit left out in some areas because I was always playing catch-up.. but when a friend and I rerolled on new servers back in June and formed our own guild, that was pretty fun for 6 months because of the people who we recruited into the guild and due mostly to the fact that we were all levelling at the same pace and time.

Interesting. So it's about finding people that level at a similar pace and playing with them. Since all people on my work are at 50 levels +, I guess I'll need to just walk around in the game and see if I bump into people with similar pace. I must admit that I don't know the etiquette of MMO since I'm mainly a FPS and console multiplayer guy. So I imagine I'd just need to type in a question for somebody and see if they want to hang out for a while. This is different to my first time with WoW, where I figured I'd first "level up a bit" and then once I'm "ready" I'd start hooking up.


Has problems recognising girls
Fularu said:
You're a hybrid, you're not supposed to be a master of everything, hence why you don'T have WoA, DW, MT all given freely to you as trainables.
This is the thing though - a Shaman relies on burst damage which just happens to cost a shitload of mana to use. Before Burning Crusade, everyone's health was at 3-5K and we could wittle them down quite easily when it came to PVP but since then most health has sky-rocketed to double what it was, if not triple, and I'd like to see you try and take down someone who has 9000 health with a spell that costs 700-800 mana and hits them for 900 dmg by default alongside it's little global cooldown. Shaman right now are a two-trick pony with ZERO mana efficiency and zero anti-cc abilities. Mage has Evocation which became trainable, Druid has Innvervate which became trainable, so why not Shaman with Mana Tide totem?

Totem of Wrath is a pathetic 41 point talent regardless of what anyone thinks. It should have been trainable at lvl 64-66 alongside Wrath of Air totem which essentially does the same shit but with spell dmg (WoA) rather than spell crit (ToW).

I won't even get started on Enhancement talent abilities because that tree is a train-wreck. Shield Specialization anyone? However, I don't think dual-wield should be trainable because it is the core ability of Enhancement alongside Stormstrike and only those heading into Enhancement want it.

This is the whole reason why the majority of the Shaman community is up in arms, why it's now the least played class in the game. It is still the only class without valid anti-cc abilities or a CC ability (which I am not asking for in the least). Frost Shock still has diminishing returns and Earthbind has a lengthy cooldown yet also takes less than a second to destroy. I had zero qualms when I was full Restoration because I traded survivability for DPS, but after rolling back onto Elemental and Enhancement to level during Burning Crusade it made me a sad panda.

Chittagong said:
This is different to my first time with WoW, where I figured I'd first "level up a bit" and then once I'm "ready" I'd start hooking up.
Best advice I can give you is to create a character on one of the younger servers that was created back in January. Make sure to do a class that seems fitting for you, i.e. I dislike being in the melee crowd so most of my characters are all casters.
speedpop said:
Totem of Wrath is a pathetic 41 point talent regardless of what anyone thinks. It should have been trainable at lvl 64-66 alongside Wrath of Air totem which essentially does the same shit but with spell dmg (WoA) rather than spell crit (ToW).

Kind of ironic how both Horde and Alliance were psyched to be getting Shamans and Paladins in the expansion, and now both the community who plays Paladins and Shamans are generally unhappy with both classes. And I'm not bashing you. I play a 70 Paladin as my main.


Earth shield shamans are essentially going to be as weak as old-school soul link warlocks (when it was a super short duration buff), unless they added in dispel immunity to earth shield without actually saying so. It's a great pvp talent if nobody knows that, but as more people find out it's going to be a pretty big joke too.

All this stuff just reminds me that blizzard screwed up from the beginning with their inability to create separate pve and pvp rules. That's pretty retarded, too, considering even diablo 2 had that, and they could've even had the precedent from Warcraft 3 to say so.

Anyway, shamans/paladins are supposed to be hybrid classes, so they need better and more diverse base skills. Then the talents can do their job of specializing in one area. Right now it's more like the talents make you actually able to do one of the roles your class is supposed to handle, and your stuff's too weak otherwise.


ToyMachine228 said:
Kind of ironic how both Horde and Alliance were psyched to be getting Shamans and Paladins in the expansion, and now both the community who plays Paladins and Shamans are generally unhappy with both classes. And I'm not bashing you. I play a 70 Paladin as my main.
... my guild has been pretty ****ing happy with the pallies thus far!


Has problems recognising girls
Most Horde seem happy to have Paladins on their side. I feel sorry for the Alliance Shaman rollers merely because your class is being delegated to the curb.


Pallies aren't much, if any, better than shamans right now. There's better gear available on the way to level 70, I'd say, but at 70 is when they just turn to shit unless you like being a healbot. It's their only really viable role; with enough gear they can tank stuff like they're supposed to (heroics and raids) but it's foolish to even think about it when a druid/warrior are vastly superior.


1 piece of Beast Lord down, 1 to go! I re-specced a bit about a week or two ago so that I could have Clever Traps. Holy shit man, talk about heavenly! Can't imagine not having that extra 6 seconds now.. and once I get the 2nd piece of Beast Lord, I'll be perma-trapping bitches forever.

Time to run the heck out of Shattered Halls. Well, that is after I finish up a few more CE quest lines so I can get to revered and get that sweet enchantment and my 37 dps arrows.


Gold Member
OK now I'm getting really ****ing pissed off. I've been trying to get to love this game for a day.

I had originally WoW.
It said I need to update, some hundreds of megs.
Trial said I need to get Burning Crusade to play.
I downloaded the Burning Crusade update, around 2GB.
It refused to install, saying I need an EU language pack, 0.5GB
I installed the language pack and Burning Crusade and it said I need an update, 0.3GB
I downloaded and installed the update and started again, and it said I need an update, 25MB

Now I got the WoW- update, but it refuses to install, saying

Patch can't be applied because it is missing data for: "enUS". If this problem persists, you may be able to solve it by uninstalling and then reinstalling the game. If you are unable to correct this problem, please contact Blizzard Technical Support. (SetLanguage)

So apparently my language is now ****ed up. So, I try to get the WoW- instead, but guess what: all the ones on the net, they're all .exe files which won't work on a Mac.

Jesus. How can it be so hard to get to play a free trial. I'm willing to love this game, but there are limits to the amount I'm willing to take punishment. Now I've used since yesterda a solid 5 hours finding pathces, downloading, updating, searching - plus all the background download time.
The paladins themselves might not be that happy with the changes they're getting in 2.1 and with the Prot/Ret trees in general but the rest of the Horde absolutely loves them. Blessing of Salvation alone is enough to bring a paladin along on a raid. 43% more damage without pulling aggro (30% less threat) for a DPS class is insane. My warlock in BWL was spec'd 30 points into demonology for 20% less threat. 30 points in a tree that enhanced my pet that I didn't actually get to use in a raid.


cubicle47b said:
My warlock in BWL was spec'd 30 points into demonology for 20% less threat. 30 points in a tree that enhanced my pet that I didn't actually get to use in a raid.
Seems a waste, considering you can get 10% Threat reduction just by throwing half as many points at the Destruction and Affliction trees. I guess that was before Soulshatter, so maybe threat reduction was more valuable back then.
The threat reduction in the affliction/destruction trees didn't exist and neither did soul shatter. And shamans were rarely put in caster groups (I had tranquil air totem once, I still remember that day).

On Broodlord, Firemaw, Ebonroc, Flamegor, and Nefarian threat was a serious issue. On Nefarian I just had to hold back, on the drakes and Broodlord it was more I couldn't do much beyond putting DoTs on and wanding. And lets not talk about wyrmguard pulls.


that was back before... well, any kind of threat reduction except master demonologist. hell, I remember going on a lot of BWL raids I didn't really want to go on just so I could complete Nemesis and get another threat reduction so I could do more dps.

anyway, there's no doubt that having pally blessings on the horde makes each side roughly equal when it comes to buffs now, and that they're generally better than totems (and even when a totem is better, these are buffs that travel around and totems are horribly designed static crap) but I swear every group I get for any instance, everybody asks for BoK. They may as well make that a trained spell, even though it's only 11 points in prot. Not every build has room for it, and realistically if you have BoK you're either prot spec or purely a raid healing spec, which doesn't allow much flexibility. or, I guess they could move it to holy and get rid of that stupid aura mastery talent that replaced consecration.


Has problems recognising girls
Chittagong said:
Jesus. How can it be so hard to get to play a free trial. I'm willing to love this game, but there are limits to the amount I'm willing to take punishment. Now I've used since yesterda a solid 5 hours finding pathces, downloading, updating, searching - plus all the background download time.
Damn sorry to hear about your troubles. Maybe it's your conscience telling you not to play this cursed thing :lol

What I usually do is hit up wowwiki.com and under "patches" I grab the links directly. If you're playing with a US installation, you should be grabbing the enUS files only. Far as I know the first thing you need to do is grab 1.12 if you aren't playing the expansion. Otherwise just install WoW then BC and grab the BC patches directly instead of using the official background downloader.


Gold Member
speedpop said:
Damn sorry to hear about your troubles. Maybe it's your conscience telling you not to play this cursed thing :lol

What I usually do is hit up wowwiki.com and under "patches" I grab the links directly. If you're playing with a US installation, you should be grabbing the enUS files only. Far as I know the first thing you need to do is grab 1.12 if you aren't playing the expansion. Otherwise just install WoW then BC and grab the BC patches directly instead of using the official background downloader.

Thanks. I'm getting the new full WoW installer from via the Wiki. I think the problem is that my original WoW was US, then it only let me get UK Burning Crusade, which made me patch the original WoW with UK language pack, which eventually broke down.

It's 3GB and I'm on hotel wi-fi, so I should have it tomorrow morning. Let's hope I have all the necessary patches then. Two days into my 10 day trial.


firex said:
Pallies aren't much, if any, better than shamans right now. There's better gear available on the way to level 70, I'd say, but at 70 is when they just turn to shit unless you like being a healbot. It's their only really viable role; with enough gear they can tank stuff like they're supposed to (heroics and raids) but it's foolish to even think about it when a druid/warrior are vastly superior.

That is ****ing retarded. The description on the blizzard site does not mention anything close to this. Despite liking my class so far i am going to reroll. I really despise this shit though, WoW shouldnt be a ****ing full time job. "LOL U SPENT 50 DAYS OF PLAY TIME TO GET HERE...WHAT YOU DIDNT WANT TO BE A HEAL BOT?... :(" Well its between ali warr or hunt. What race should i pick either? Also hunts role late game, high dps?


Well, the other issue is utility and class population. Everyone else wanted to play DPS classes, so they did. You rolled a hybrid, so you have the ability to be a healbot, and since that's what's usually the hardest to find ... that's what you'll have to do if you really want to see end-game content. If there was a need for DPS classes, because everyone rolled priest, then yeah, guilds would be like: "Dude, spec ret!" So, it's not just Blizzard's fault.

Personally, I love healing in PvP and playing a support class, so I haven't had too much to worry about in that regard.


fallout said:
Personally, I love healing in PvP and playing a support class, so I haven't had too much to worry about in that regard.

NOOOOOOOOO. this goes against all worldy fantasy mythos. PALADINS ARE HOLY WARRIORS THAT WILL ****ING SMITE YOU. They are suppose to ****ing kick ass with light and flashses and jesus :(. Not plated priests. Whatever keep pali holy domination, just make ****ing rets competitive. Why not? People should have the choice, instead of wasting another 50 days of their existence.
Maxrpg said:

What do you play, alliance?
Nope. Had a 60 UD lock in The Weaden then Convulsion when BC came out.. got him to 62 that night and then quit playing wow for like a month.. Just joined some Nox Noxis guild for no reason really.. I just use the lock to gank in TM nightly.. I find lvling in the BC areas too boring :( Now I have a 27 Warrior, 13 Priest.. I'm mainly working on those 2 new guys now. I have 1 of every other class from lvls 6-24. Warrior is alot of fun actually. Priest is fun but right now hard to lvl and quest with solo.


That is ****ing retarded. The description on the blizzard site does not mention anything close to this. Despite liking my class so far i am going to reroll. I really despise this shit though, WoW shouldnt be a ****ing full time job. "LOL U SPENT 50 DAYS OF PLAY TIME TO GET HERE...WHAT YOU DIDNT WANT TO BE A HEAL BOT?... :(" Well its between ali warr or hunt. What race should i pick either? Also hunts role late game, high dps?
I don't disagree, but I doubt Blizzard would ever make pallies like they are in D2, or in d&d or anything like that where they play like a class that actually makes use of their plate armor and melee weapons. The most we can really hope for is that they make them into tanks on the level of warriors/druids if you go prot, while still being able to do backup healing, and that they'll keep holy pallies as good healers.


DarkAngelYuna said:
Nope. Had a 60 UD lock in The Weaden then Convulsion when BC came out.. got him to 62 that night and then quit playing wow for like a month.. Just joined some Nox Noxis guild for no reason really.. I just use the lock to gank in TM nightly.. I find lvling in the BC areas too boring :( Now I have a 27 Warrior, 13 Priest.. I'm mainly working on those 2 new guys now. I have 1 of every other class from lvls 6-24. Warrior is alot of fun actually. Priest is fun but right now hard to lvl and quest with solo.
BC areas boring? The beginning areas or the new areas? The new areas are fascinating to me - they are a definite hue difference than Azeroth's standard green/brown scheme, which is very nice.


Has problems recognising girls
I always found Priest fun to level up provided you had the best wand at that time. Little to no downtime due to Spirit Tap and the ability to shield self + heal meant that if you ever got mass-aggro'd you'd be fine.

PVP servers are another thing though where you were targeted quite a lot for being a squishy but most often than not I either won or eluded them (hiding behind trees to avoid a hungry Draenei Shaman who was 9 levels above me in STV was quite funny)
Maxrpg said:
BC areas boring? The beginning areas or the new areas? The new areas are fascinating to me - they are a definite hue difference than Azeroth's standard green/brown scheme, which is very nice.
The 60+ areas. I dunno what it is about them, I just get bored there a lot faster so it's hard to level ><


speedpop said:
PVP servers are another thing though where you were targeted quite a lot for being a squishy but most often than not I either won or eluded them (hiding behind trees to avoid a hungry Draenei Shaman who was 9 levels above me in STV was quite funny)
YES. This is what makes STV the best PvP zone ever. It's because of the terrain and the ability to escape a fight.

My favourite thing to do on my druid was to pick off alliance players who had 60s protecting them. I'd wait till the 60 drifted away, then run in and engage his lowbie friend, take him out, sprint, and hide in the bushes (seeing how the 60 could see through my stealth).


I've been taking some time to PvP recently, and I have to say...

... what the hell is everyone complaining about with Enhancement shammies?

Sure, some kind of charge (shaman blink [whirlwind] blizzard, I'm telling ya!) would be fantastic, and although I definitely was a bit more effective at lower levels, I can still consistently place in the top 3 spots on my side. *shrug*


Hm? Enhancement has always been one of the worst PvP builds because of low survivability combined with the lack of any way to break CC.

Note: This does not apply to like ... < 60.
fallout said:
YES. This is what makes STV the best PvP zone ever. It's because of the terrain and the ability to escape a fight.

My favourite thing to do on my druid was to pick off alliance players who had 60s protecting them. I'd wait till the 60 drifted away, then run in and engage his lowbie friend, take him out, sprint, and hide in the bushes (seeing how the 60 could see through my stealth).

I hate people who do that (have a max-level babysit them thru solo quests). It ain't for protection, its piggy-back ganking. Good job on what you did there.

My favorite STV moment (other than the several dozen instances of us Hordies grouping up to avoid getting ganked becoming a APB to Allies cuz we're this big dangerous group at X place) was when this Rogue jumped me at 33 and I was out ahead of him (Disc/Holy at the time, as per usual) with him feared, and, being low on mana that I'd need for self-preservation, I was wanding with SW:p going. He Sprints away and over a cliff away instead, so I follow. I hop over this small cliff, and he's gone...so I fearbomb...him from just outside of noticing range eating right into a pack of raptors. :lol


I'm 64. Did probably about 20 total PvP matches yesterday (AB and WSG, not Arena, which I suppose would be a whole different story) and there were only a handful of times I slipped below the top 3 at the end of the day.

*shrug* Maybe I'm just lucky? Early purges, grounding totems, rank 1 earth shocks... my other points are invested into Resto (healing focus, faster healing wave), so that makes a difference.

I should clarify - one on one, I do terribly against hunters and warlocks. Holy priests are easycakes (as they are for pretty much anyone), shadowpriests are a little bit harder, with pallies it becomes a throw of the dice for crits and purgespam, warriors I can usually handle well, and with rogues, I'm constantly throwing down earthbinds, so if I can get the jump I can handle them fairly well. Mages are fairly easy as well, mostly because they're too impatient to get out of shock range.

I love the PvE DPS (especially with feral druids in the same group) and I'm doing decently in PvP, so I'm pretty happy with it. Again, though, we really do need some way to get within melee range. I really do think a wind-style blink would be a great idea, both offensively and defensively.


Well, BGs don't always tell the whole story. I mean, you can just run in, dish out some DPS, kill shit, die, res, keep doing it. I think that if you started to do arenas, you would really start to see the problems more. I've fought a good deal of enh shammies on my resto sham and I don't see how I could lose, heh. And yeah, 1v1, resto is probably the best all around. Enhancement, it all depends on class (and the opponent not being stupid).


Pre-60 enhancement shaman PVP can be kind of fun. I've one-shotted a lot of people in BGs thanks to Stormstrike -> Windfury - Windfury with crits somewhere sprinkled in.

But man, it's kind of like the rogue. The more you level up, the weaker you get relative to other people your level.


Ahem. So I was in Nagrand, and me and my warrior buddy picked off a few alliance players while cleaning up after a Halaa raid. Then, this night elf hunter just runs by us (I know, it's kind of like seeing a taxi cab in NYC, but whatever), with absolutely no ****ing care that we were there. Naturally, we engaged. Now, unfortunately, we were kind of close to Telaar and they've got those level 70 elite guards. The hunter was down to about 5% or so, but was mounted and got out of range ... here's the vent chatter:

Me: Shit. Guards.
War: It's okay, I'll fear 'em. Just finish him off and get out.
Me: Oka-
Me: ....

And I got 2-shotted. **** Blizzard. Seriously.


Has problems recognising girls
Hero said:
Pre-60 enhancement shaman PVP can be kind of fun. I've one-shotted a lot of people in BGs thanks to Stormstrike -> Windfury - Windfury with crits somewhere sprinkled in.
Hell yeah. I remember being on the server's public vent and hearing some random Alliance cry about being smacked around by a Stormstrike WF crit :lol

29 upto 49 BG's were ****ing heaven for a Shaman.


NOOOOOOOOO. this goes against all worldy fantasy mythos. PALADINS ARE HOLY WARRIORS THAT WILL ****ING SMITE YOU. They are suppose to ****ing kick ass with light and flashses and jesus :(. Not plated priests. Whatever keep pali holy domination, just make ****ing rets competitive. Why not? People should have the choice, instead of wasting another 50 days of their existence.

Tell me about it. I just hit 70 on my Paladin and I feel like it's been a complete waste of time.

I put all this work into this class and stacked all this dope plate gear to spam Flash of Light in the back of a raid for two hours?!

**** that. Healadins are bitchmade.
Mike G.E.D. said:
I put all this work into this class and stacked all this dope plate gear to spam Flash of Light in the back of a raid for two hours?!

**** that. Healadins are bitchmade.

You know I don't really have any interest in it, but I just read a Warhammer Online interview, and the developers said that the game is about combat, and no class has to just stand back and perform a certain class. I liked that.


PVPed a bit yesterday with my Hunter for the first time since like oh 63 or 64. Good LORD did I wreck shit up. The only reason I did any pvp (which I find mostly boring honestly) was because I couldnt get a group together for BM due to the fact that the main people were too busy helping out some guy's twink in Scholomance to get his Paladin mount or whatever. Nice. Let's help a twink out over getting a main his Kara key. After that was done, the few mages on all wanted to play twinks instead of coming to help out.

Bleh, I joined the guild due to Dormer and our other friends wanting to, but I'm about ready to peace out of it I think.
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