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World of Warcraft

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my friend who grinded to exalted did it off the Zaxxis guys right outside area 52. It seems like they're the easiest ones to grind the rep from... although it sounds pretty boring.


So my sister gave me a free 14 day CD of WOW(got it from South Park) and I'm probably going to install it tomorrow. I'm out of commission for the next two weeks because of surgery and this seems like a good time killer. Any tips? Like best race, server,etc. Thanks in advance.


There's no real best race overall (or for any class, really), but for a server, pick one that's medium population or high population, unless you really hate people in online games (which is totally understandable). Then just go with a low population server.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Maxrpg said:
more big changes to sizes of armor on characters (especially Night Elves, they got BIG reductions :lol )

Uh? wtf is going on, orc's shoulders isnt a change, the freaking thing clips into my character's skin.


Has problems recognising girls
Night Elf is understandable. They aren't the bulky type of class to begin with. The only races with huge/stocky armor are Dwarves, Humans, Tauren and Orcs. Draenei are cutting it close.
I was still 30k away from 66 when I left Nagrand. Blades Edge is such a horrible zone. =\ I dont see how people just entering blades edge are upto 68 ..
firex said:
There's no real best race overall (or for any class, really), but for a server, pick one that's medium population or high population, unless you really hate people in online games (which is totally understandable). Then just go with a low population server.
That's not true. Dwarf is simply better than any race if it's available, with possible favor to UD for rogue and warrior.


even though it's a long, long, long way off for my rogue (just hit 33) I'm wondering, what's a good mutilate build at 70? I'm the cookie cutter combat swords build right now, but at 70 I want to do something totally different and grab a couple good daggers and stab people. and I don't really care about pvp (and won't until it's a good pvp class again).


Son of Godzilla said:
That's not true. Dwarf is simply better than any race if it's available, with possible favor to UD for rogue and warrior.

gnome is the best pvp race for warriors, wotf is no longer needed, as warriors have 3 methods to break fear, 1 minute cd on escape artist is godly, warriors main weakness afterall is CC


Has problems recognising girls
I agree. I was fooling around as Gnome Prot Warrior on the premades in AV and I can say I used Escape Artist more than 5 times per battle.


BloodElfHunter said:
I was still 30k away from 66 when I left Nagrand. Blades Edge is such a horrible zone. =\ I dont see how people just entering blades edge are upto 68 ..
I don't know what you're doing - I hit 70 in Nagrand, with Blade's Edge, Netherstorm, and Shadowmoon Valley still intact.


BloodElfHunter said:
I was still 30k away from 66 when I left Nagrand. Blades Edge is such a horrible zone. =\ I dont see how people just entering blades edge are upto 68 ..

not that hard if you do the instance quests in tek forrest, plus all the reg quests and then nagrand zone. Also rest xp and some rep grinding on the ogres.


Ramirez said:
Actually, the herbalism bonus is the killer.
I'd say that the T-Shuffle has got everything beat ...


I start dancing and Alliance just fall over.


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
I just got to 70 (holy paladin) and I'm trying to get the pvp shoulders, whats the best place to grind honor points (almost have enough marks).
Warnen said:
I just got to 70 (holy paladin) and I'm trying to get the pvp shoulders, whats the best place to grind honor points (almost have enough marks).

sort of depends on your server / side but most likely AV, i would personally save your honor for the epic non set items though
This is so not the right place to ask, but what the hell, I'll ask. For those of yall that raid as hunters, do you use macros or manually time shots? I just switched to a macro and I'm not at all impressed with whatever dps I should have gained. I wasn't particularly bad at clipping before, but I can't say any difference from the macros I've noticed has translated into actual dps. And no it's not a mana problem, I use an fd/alch stone switch out macro and down pots like mad, I finish most fights with a healthy supply of mana left. The macro I'm using now is a pure 1.5 rotation, combining multi and arcane with a steady each every 10 seconds.

I'm not looking for advice or whatever on my rotation, just a general opinion on macro vs self cast.
Son of Godzilla said:
This is so not the right place to ask, but what the hell, I'll ask. For those of yall that raid as hunters, do you use macros or manually time shots? I just switched to a macro and I'm not at all impressed with whatever dps I should have gained. I wasn't particularly bad at clipping before, but I can't say any difference from the macros I've noticed has translated into actual dps. And no it's not a mana problem, I use an fd/alch stone switch out macro and down pots like mad, I finish most fights with a healthy supply of mana left. The macro I'm using now is a pure 1.5 rotation, combining multi and arcane with a steady each every 10 seconds.

I'm not looking for advice or whatever on my rotation, just a general opinion on macro vs self cast.

Back when I used to raid, I would just use an auto-shot timer and weave my shots in between that. I've never done a full on macro for my rotation.


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
Fulleffect said:
sort of depends on your server / side but most likely AV, i would personally save your honor for the epic non set items though

Only non blue item I have atm are my shoulders, not planing on the rest of the set. I'll try to get a drop before I finish grinding the HPs. Thanks


priests are great in arena, i almost say for high lvl 5v5 arena play priests might be the most useful healers, dispell + mass dispell ftw

for 2v2, 3v3, a good resto druid is prolly the best

and if you get bored of healing you can always go shadow, either way cant go wrong with your priest if you like to pvp


Has problems recognising girls
Each healing class has their best and worst capabilities in PVP. I've tried to play them all as much as possible lately on the PTRs and I still find surprises in them at times.

Paladins are the essential non-dying "fuck that Healbot in his ass!!" grunt. Not only do they have several lifelines in their abilities but even in a pinch they are the class less likely to freak out. The true support tank in heals based on survivability and mana consumption. If you ever consider rolling a Paladin for PVP and do enjoy healing, try to hit up a Draenei just for the racial HoT.

Shaman are almost the same. I say almost because they're screwed if you're facing another Shaman/Priest nearby who will just dispel or purge your Earth Shield and you're nothing but dead. Again just like a Paladin though if you are getting focus fired, just spam that 1.5 second heal and let the support finish them off. Chain Heal is also very nice in a grouping role at times and as much disbelief as people put in it.. Healing Stream Totem stacks with your +heal and is practically the only HoT Shaman has, but a heal is a heal regardless. I've found that each class in a Shaman role is good in their own way; Draenei with the HoT, Tauren with Warstomp, Orcs with Blood Fury and Trolls with Berserk. It's up to what the person prefers.

Priests are the supreme healers I think. Not only do they have nice big heals but they also have a great HoT through Renew which although not the best HoT in the game it serves it's purpose excellently. Couple that with your Power Word: Shield and Psychic Scream, a good Disc/Holy Priest is nigh on invincible in very skilled hands. The only thing that should bother you is, again, Shaman and fellow Priests who know how to dispel. You don't cop a melee protecting meat-shield but Priests make up for it in their other abilities.

Druids. What can I say? Druid healing versatility lies in their ability to constantly move around and use their forms to the best of their ability. I've seen way too many healing spec'd Druids run around in Tree Form and stand motionless just spamming their HoTs too many times. It all ends up in a mess when a skilled stun-locking Rogue starts smacking at you from behind or a Warrior runs into your face and most Druids freak out. I've found that Travel form is your best friend as a Druid, maintaining the distance but able to throw down your HoTs to the best effect that you can. Most Shaman and Priest forget that your HoTs can be nullified with a simple button so unless you run into a smart one you should be fine to not use Healing Touch too much.

I'm sure other people have their words to input but like I've said.. I haven't grown up with a Druid or Paladin past lvl 20 so my experience with them is limited to what hours I've been bored enough to push through on the PTRs with them.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Resto Shammy and Holy Paladin are the best survival healers for PVP because they don't go down easy, and when they duel each other it usually lasts 20mins. :lol
You forgot PoM. I've begun to play with "Rolling PoMs" where they ricochet back and forth for excellent initial softening of incoming so I have time to crank out a big heal on who needs it.


none of the above

do undead, thank me later

wotf (still the top pvp racial) and devouring plague is the best priest racial (if you go shadow)


yacobod said:
none of the above

do undead, thank me later

wotf (still the top pvp racial) and devouring plague is the best priest racial (if you go shadow)

Not going Shadow. Holy healing in PVE, so no Undead.


Worships the porcelain goddess
I'm playing around with Rogue and is it ok to use a Sword/Dagger combo for early leveling? Or does it really matter? People tell my Combat swords are the way to go when leveling, but to keep a quick off hand weapon. So far, Daggers are the quickest. What about maces? Hmm...

I am enjoying it so far. The class most like MNK in FFXI that I've seen.


Kintaro said:
I'm playing around with Rogue and is it ok to use a Sword/Dagger combo for early leveling? Or does it really matter? People tell my Combat swords are the way to go when leveling, but to keep a quick off hand weapon. So far, Daggers are the quickest. What about maces? Hmm...

I am enjoying it so far. The class most like MNK in FFXI that I've seen.
Use whatever you want up until you start getting a weapon specialization from combat talents. I'm at 3/5 sword spec with my rogue and I still use a dagger in my offhand, simply because it's fast and I'm too cheap to buy a sword off the AH when I can get the SM/RFD swords in a few levels.

Just bear in mind that you want to use your slowest weapon in your main hand, and fastest in your offhand... I don't really know if FFXI had a dual wielding class, or if their dual wielding rules were like that, so I felt a need to say it since most people new to dual wielding classes don't know that.
Well I dinged 70 a couple nights ago. I really wanted to go from combat swords to full sub for shadow step and ambush. I played that spec on the ptr and it was a lot of fun.. but a lot better gear. Well I bought duel Ced's Carvers since that was the quickest decent set of daggers to get.. The rest of my gear currently sucks though, mix of solo quest greens and blues from early-mid 60s. This sub spec is too dependent on gear. While it was a ton of fun in BGs I could barely even solo nagrand mobs, forget about taking on 2 mobs at once.. I had to spec back to combat swords for now since I still have a lot of pve to do. I'll try sub again once I have much better gear. For now I just hit revered with The Mag'har, working on getting a Talbuk mount. I'm also farming Mech to work on the gold for my epic flying mount.
firex said:
Daily quests are also pretty good for gold. Just do the Skettis and Ogri'la stuff for now.
I'll try that next. I just did 3 mech runs at 5 minutes each. In those 3 runs I got a Ced's Carver(60g) Star of Elune (40g) and Living Ruby(50g) to put on the ah. =)


Sub spec is the worst rogue spec for anything (PVP or PVE). Unless I guess you really enjoying seeing the ZOMG crit numbers of an ambush and backstab then stand around and do nothing since the only worthwhile deep sub talents are prep and serrated blades.


I dunno, I've seen some rogues do some pretty good stuff in PvP with prep. I don't know the trees that well, though, so I'm only speaking on the little that I've seen.


personally, since I don't plan on pvping with my rogue, I'll probably stick with combat swords until I get a good pair of daggers after I level him to 70. Then I'll go for a mutilate/subtlety build. I just don't know if I should go for serrated blades or not... or if MoD/Camouflage are useful at all outside of pvp. The other thing I'm curious about is improved backstab... seems like mutilate pretty much replaces it, so I'm not sure I'd want to invest in it unless there's a lot of poison immune enemies in heroics.
firex said:
personally, since I don't plan on pvping with my rogue, I'll probably stick with combat swords until I get a good pair of daggers after I level him to 70. Then I'll go for a mutilate/subtlety build. I just don't know if I should go for serrated blades or not... or if MoD/Camouflage are useful at all outside of pvp. The other thing I'm curious about is improved backstab... seems like mutilate pretty much replaces it, so I'm not sure I'd want to invest in it unless there's a lot of poison immune enemies in heroics.

Man, I really want my epic flying mount more than anything so I'm not even doing anything else right now except farming mech 5 times an hour. It really is simple and makes great money ><


It seems a lot of players are trying to do this hybrid AR/Prep spec that seems to do okay. 2x Vanish, Sprint, Evasion, and Adrenaline Rush is pretty sick.

But currently the flavor of the month spec for pvp rogues is combat maces, since the stun can be really annoying.

Don't even bother going 41/0/20, much better off with 41/20. If you're going to be doing any type of arena matches, the only thing useful from sub. is the increased stealth speed, the extended sap, and serrated blades. Seeing as how Blizzard has moved PVP to long lasting games with the truckloads of stamina and resilience, rogues can't pop in and out of stealth and three-shot people anymore, so 90% of your damage is going to done outside of stealth. With that said, dual wield specialization will serve sustained dps well.


Well, the thing is, I don't really care about pvping, so I was wondering what would actually be a better sub-tree for 20 points for someone who's going to probably just run heroics and maybe a 10 man.


Son of Godzilla said:
Uh... What?

Thottbot has a habit of embedding keyloggers on the site ever since they were sold to a gold farming firm. Most people just us WoWHead or WoWWiki these days, or even the Armory. One of the reasons why the Armory was launched in the first place was so many account hijacks due to thottbot keyloggers.
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