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World of Warcraft

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President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
MrAngryFace said:
If you dont backstab, you arent a true rogue.

Eh, even if I'm a "fake" rogue, I don't envy the countless "true" rogues that fall before me. ;D


I wish they'd add a feature to join multiple guilds in WoW, I'm really not a fan of having to join a huge one in a few levels here in order to fully partake in the end game content, and for future trappings of course.

In FFXI, I had a LS for typical social stuff, one for HNM, one for Dynamis and one for BCNM's (although I phased this one out towards the end).

In WoW, I'd like to have one for social, one for end game raid stuffs, and one for HNM (high-level notorious monster when more is added, isn't Onyxia the only one at the moment? Even still, the lockout seems really painful for a non-focused guild...) and perhaps something for Battlegrounds.

I like my little guild. :(

PS: Combat Rogues rock, and +1 to Mala for not using the AFK mallet.


all you need is 40 level 60 players to do the raids in the game. well, at max. supposedly onyxia can be done with less than that. there's also molten core, which is meant to be a lot tougher than onyxia, and is a lot longer challenge. the boss of that is way tougher than onyxia, it's ragnaros.


Yeah, but the thing is, if you fail, there's like a 5-7 day lockout (as opposed to the typical 30 mins). That's where the big guilds really prosper.

It's not a huge deal, I'll cope. I just hope a related feature pops someday.


One feature I've always wished was in the game was team duels. I always duel my groups and when i see others dueling I jump in there. But it would be cool to be able to do 2 vs 2, 3 vs 3, 5 vs 5... just to get a little practice in for the end game,


Alex said:
PS: Combat Rogues rock, and +1 to Mala for not using the AFK mallet.


I got my hands on this one handed hammer for only 4 gold from a guildmate and I want to become a protection paladin.

Personally I don't see the big fuss about that hammer, though. Seeing as at level 20 you can purchase a 19dps 2 handed mace from the auction house and you cant really do the quest until you're in your mid 20s unless you have help or do it grouped. But yeah, I'm not gonna bother with it.
Alex said:
PS: Combat Rogues rock,

Eh, Sword rogues are fine. The combat tree sucks complete ass though. Most of your damage is coming from finishing move crits. If you're going to dual swords I think it's much better to go Seal oF Fate/Vigor, only Imp SS in Combat, and then Initiative/MoD/Camo in the Sub tree. Then you have three left over points to put in whatever you want. Hard hitting swords that are almost as fast as daggers in some cases (Dal'Rend's Arms), and great combo point generation via Seal of Fate. And Vigor helps make up for not being able to hit Improved Cheapshot in the Sub tree. I might respec to this until I get my Deathstriker, and then switch back. Just need to grab the mainhand sword off of Rend first.

As for Maces... I think they lose a lot of their appeal at high levels. Nearly all seem to be geared for shamans/paladins also, with no +stats/effects added for Rogues. And unless you spec heavily into Combat slow Maces are pointless. No stun, low combo generation, and poison procs way less due to mace speeds. Lot more good daggers and swords to be found at 60. Oh, and the few maces that are around... Have fun rolling against every shaman/paladin in your guild for it.


My maces move fast as my daggers with slice and dice, and faster than any weapon with slice n dice + blade fury. I can stun, I can disarm, I can silence, I dodge better, I parry better, I can hit 2 people at once.... very versitile.

Though they need to fix Sealfate.... it's bug where it gives you 2 bubbles instead of 1 could easily make assassination rogues better.


You use both dont you? Like the main hand being a mace with a high dps, and the other hand being a dagger with quick speed for poison procing?


Monk said:
You use both dont you? Like the main hand being a mace with a high dps, and the other hand being a dagger with quick speed for poison procing?

No a mace in each hand. Primary is a slooooow mace (bonesnapper) and secondary is the fastest mace in game Mug'O'Hurt (1.7 speed). With Mace Proffeciancy I wanna take advantage of the mace's stun effect as much as possible. When I use both Mug'O'Hurts it goes off up to maybe 3 times a battle.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
I feel kind of bad for non-rogues who read this thread. :lol At least half the thread has been all-rogue talk. And I'm not going to help the matter with this post. ;) I don't think I've ever described my build in full, so hey let's do that now just for fun:

[quote="MrCheez's Uber-wtfpwn-Ninja Combat Rogue Build" (17/31/2)]
Assassination Talents (17 points)

# Improved Eviscerate - 3/3 points
Increases the damage done by your Eviscerate ability by 15%.

# Malice - 5/5 points
Increases your critical strike chance by 5%.

# Ruthlessness - 3/3 points
Gives your finishing moves a 60% chance to add a combo point to your target.

# Relentless Strikes - 1/1 point
Your finishing moves have a 20% chance per combo point to restore 25 energy.

# Lethality - 5/5 points
Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Sinister Strike, Gouge, Backstab, Ambush, Ghostly Strike, or Hemorrhage ability by 30%.

Combat Talents (31 points)

# Improved Sinister Strike - 2/2 points
Reduces the Energy cost of your Sinister Strike ability by 5 Energy.

# Lightning Reflexes - 5/5 points
Increases your Dodge chance by 5%.

# Deflection - 5/5 points
Increases your Parry chance by 5%.

# Precision - 5/5 points
Increases your chance to hit with melee weapons by 5%.

# Riposte - 1/1 point
A strike that becomes active after parrying an opponent's attack. This attack deals 150% weapon damage and disarms the target for 6 seconds.

# Improved Evasion - 2/2 points
Increases the effect duration of your Evasion ability by 4 seconds.

# Dual Wield Specialization - 5/5 points
Increases the damage done by your offhand weapon by 50%.

# Improved Kick - 1/2 point
Gives your Kick ability a 50% chance to silence the target for 2 seconds.

# Blade Flurry - 1/1 point
Increases your attack speed by 20%. In addition, attacks strike an additional nearby opponent. Lasts 15 seconds.

# Aggression - 3/3 points
Increases the damage of your Sinister Strike and Eviscerate abilities by 6%.

# Adrenaline Rush - 1/1 point
Increases your Energy regeneration rate by 100% for 15 seconds.

Subtlety Talents (2 points)

# Master of Deception - 2/5 points
Reduces the chance enemies have to detect you while in Stealth mode. More effective than Master of Deception (Rank 1)

I am really really happy with this build. Not only does it make me feel invincible, but it's fun as hell. I'd really recommend for any bored or curious rogues to eat a few gold and try it out with a respec. :)

I save a lot of talent points by not investing in any backstab abilities, because I never backstab! It's been explained a million times, but I'll be brief: Highest dmging weapon (usually a sword or mace) in main hand, and after that the highest DPS weapon in your offhand (sword, mace, or dagger). By forsaking daggers and adopting a heavy hitting mainhand weapon, your sinister strikes will be doing almost as much dmg as a backstab would, but for 20 energy less (w/talents) and from any position.

Few quick points about my build:

Melee Toughness. With 5% more dodge and 5% more parry alone, there is a noticeable difference in how much damage you'll be taking during face-to-face battles. Then you've got +5% chance to hit and +50% more dmg on your offhand hits, making your normal attacks alone much more effective. On paper none of this seems that exciting, but in the actual game I know I've seen the difference. (Over time I've specced into this build, specced out, then back into it again).

Riposte rocks. It's a good chunk of dmg for only 10 energy. And against melee players, a 6-second disarm is 6 seconds where they can do nothing but cry. (I admit it's not as useful in pve, where mobs still hit just as hard with no weapon. But hey, for 10 energy it's awesome damage (usually 70% of the damage of a 40 energy sinister strike)).

Cooldowns. With this build, your "God Mode" cooldowns are your evasion, blade flurry, and adrenaline rush. The thing about cooldowns is, if you pop them all and then get stunned/feared/rooted/sleeped, you've wasted them. It is without a doubt something you have to keep in mind and expect. But regardless, this stuff is freaking amazing (and fun as hell). Blade Flurry is up every 2 minutes. I usually have more success with it in pve (fighting two mobs at once makes you feel pretty special) but in certain pvp situations it's a great help as well (plus it's a haste too). Evasion is uber as well, though all rogues have it of course. But really, I just want to stress how much I love this move. ;) An extra 4 seconds onto it is pretty nice. And then you've got Adrenaline Rush... very delicious damage.

When you hit these cooldowns, whatever you're fighting is dead. It makes PvE almost feel too easy (no reason to fear elites or named bosses). In PvP you risk the danger of being CCd and wasting them (for a few minutes), but what can ya do. You'll find more times where they let you overcome an otherwise impossible situation than times when they are wasted abilities.

Subtlety I honestly feel 2 points in MoD is all I really need. The way I look at it, is I can be extra-super careful about my stealth tactics and have the same outcome as someone who can be lazy with their stealth tactics with 8 less talent points. Generally the only people who will spot me in stealth are those that are 6+ levels higher than me. But as soon as I get a few levels higher, no one in the game will be. ;D

Assassination Tree This post has gotten much longer than I wanted to, and most people are familiar with the Assassination tree, so I'll rush through the rest. With my build, I get what I feel is the most useful "block" of the entire tree.

What am I missing out on? I would love to have Cold Blood. I really would... but I would miss Adrenaline Rush too much. The way I look at it is a Cold blooded eviscerate could always miss, and adrenaline rush will do more dmg than a crit eviscerate anyway (though the cooldown is a bit longer) But... i'd be lying if I said I didn't want this move. Ah well, you can't have everything!

Not being able to get preparation is my other regret. However, it IS on a 10 minute timer.

I'm missing a few combo-point generating moves that some people suggest, but I feel that my ability to build up combo-points in game is already sufficient.

I'm missing vigor, but don't feel I need it. Keep in mind it's only 10 energy off your opening move. It's not going to give you any more energy in a fight, as most of the time your energy bar will not have time to fill completely.

I'm also missing Ferrio's mace spec... which seems fun and useful. However, I've come across so many cool swords (have a purple one now) and wouldn't want to pass them up. =/

Anything else? Many people aren't going to see this build as perfect, and I'm sure it could be tweaked... but I love it. I know I'm coming off as a cocky bastard, but I can beat ANYONE. Paladins being the only class that gives me trouble. I've held my own against countless level 60s since level 50.

Again though, what's more important than anything else is a build that is fun and fits to your playstyle. I do encourage people to try this out, though. :D


My mace combat rogue build:

Combat tree:
Improved Sinister Strike: 2
Lightning Reflexes: 3
Deflection: 5
Precision: 5
Riposte: 1
Improved Kick: 2
Dual Wield Specialization: 5
Mace Specialization: 5
Blade Fury: 1
Agression: 3
Adrenaline Rush: 2

Assassination Tree:
Malice: 5
Improved Slice and Dice: 3

Subtlety Tree:
Master of Deception: 5
Camouflage: 5

This is just an all around good build. It handles all situations very well. This build will concentrate on doing a lot of damage over a longer period of time than the assassination build. It's plusses over the assassination build is that you're a lot harder to kill, and you can take multiple enemies down a lot easier, but you just won't be able to do it in 2 hits like an assassination rogue.

The reason I like this build is it takes what is usually a very slow weapon and makes it fast by using slice and dice and blade fury at the same time. Since you have mace specialization you'll get a lot of chances to land that 3 second stun on them, which will give you some free damage. Also with adrenaline rush you can REALLY pump them full of lots of damage with sinister strike.

Weapon Choice: High Damage, High speed 1h mace for primary. High speed mace for secondary (i suggest a Mug O hurt... works great)

Poisons: Pretty much the same as above, but deadly works great now too since the fights will last a bit longer.

Opening: Cheap shot -> Slice and dice. This should be your only opening ever used. It'll stun your enemy and you'll instantly get like a 15 second slice and dice.

Main Attacks: Sinister Strike.

Use bubbles on: Slice and dice, kidney shot.

Strengths: It's all around good. You do lots of stun versus all characters. you have a higher parry and dodge and you can disarm.

Weaknesses: IF you get stunned, feared, charmed while in your Adrenaline Rush/blade fury they pretty much go to waste.

"oh fuck" skills: Blade fury and Adrenaline Rush. Blade fury can be used quite a bit cause it's on a 2 minute timer.... so feel free to use it. But make sure you use it WITH a slice and dice. Adrenaline Rush is your last resort ability, or to be used on bosses or extremely hard fights. But make sure you try and not get stunned after using it or you'll let it go to waste.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
The other great thing about being a combat rogue is, (at least on my server) you're unique. :) 90% of the rogues I see are all the same dagger build.

<--- feels special


I'm addicted to high-Stamina gear. Level 36 with 193 Stamina right now (which is over 2200HP):

If I didn't spend so much time on gear I'd be 40 by now.


My server totally died on me earlier.. it had been getting progressively worse for the past few days. Just dropped connection 2.5 hours ago.

Been messing with some of my alts I had from the start of the game.. a mage on Mal'G, and a T-Shaman on Icecrown before I ended up on a random midwest PvP server.

Has anyone heard the rumors that Blizz is going to double the servers and allow one character transfer before they start releasing the game again? It would be nice if we could get a real server together like was tried. Maybe some of the FFXI people and whoever else.. I have a 35 alt Priest. It would just be fun to be around some GAF people.. do instances, PvP together
All of those combat talents you have to dump points into to reach the good stuff become useless at high levels. Riposte, Deflection, Imp Evasion etc. You do not want to be taking hits in these instances. That equals a dead rogue. I guess if you want to tank trash mobs constantly at level 60 they're worth it. Same can be said for crap like Setup in the Sub tree. Precision seemed to make no difference at all to me. Mace and Sword spec are nice, but not worth the shit you have to spend points on to get there.


Assassination Talents (21 points)

Improved Eviscerate - 3/3 points
Increases the damage done by your Eviscerate ability by 15%.

Malice - 5/5 points
Increases your critical strike chance by 5%.

Murder - 2/2 points
Increases your chance to hit while using your Sap, Ambush, Garrote, or Cheap Shot abilities by 5%.

Ruthlessness - 3/3 points
Gives your finishing moves a 60% chance to add a combo point to your target.

Relentless Strikes - 1/1 point
Your finishing moves have a 20% chance per combo point to restore 25 energy.

Lethality - 5/5 points
Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Sinister Strike, Gouge, Backstab, Ambush, Ghostly Strike, or Hemorrhage ability by 30%.

Improved Instant Poison - 1/5 point
Increases the chance to apply Instant Poison to your target by 2%.

Cold Blood - 1/1 point
When activated, increases the critical strike chance of your next Sinister Strike, Backstab, Ambush, or Eviscerate by 100%.

Combat Talents (2 points)

Improved Sinister Strike - 2/2 points
Reduces the Energy cost of your Sinister Strike ability by 5 Energy.

Subtlety Talents (28 points)

Master of Deception - 5/5 points
Reduces the chance enemies have to detect you while in Stealth mode. More effective than Master of Deception (Rank 4)

Opportunity - 5/5 points
Increases the damage dealt when striking from behind with your Backstab, Garrote, or Ambush abilities by 20%.

Improved Ambush - 3/3 points
Increases the critical strike chance of your Ambush ability by 40%.

Initiative - 5/5 points
Gives you a 75% chance to add an additional combo point to your target when using your Ambush, Garrote, or Cheap Shot ability.

Improved Sap - 3/3 points
Adds a 90% chance to return to stealth mode after using your Sap ability.

Improved Rupture - 3/3 points
Increases the damage of dealt by your Rupture ability by 30%.

Improved Cheap Shot - 2/2 points
Reduces the Energy cost of your Cheap Shot ability by 20.

Preparation - 1/1 point
When activated, this ability immediately finishes the cooldown on your other Rogue abilities.

Hemorrhage - 1/1 point
An instant strike that damages the opponent and causes the target to hermorrhage, increasing any Physical damage dealt to the target by up to 3. Lasts 30 charges or 15 seconds. Awards 1 combo point.

Best build for pvp.
Malakhov said:
Best build for pvp.

My current build. Cold Blood + Preparation = Awesomeness

Assassination Talents (21 points)
# Improved Eviscerate - 3/3 points

# Malice - 5/5 points

# Ruthlessness - 3/3 points

# Murder - 2/2 points

# Relentless Strikes - 1/1 point

# Lethality - 5/5 points

# Improved Instant Poison - 1/5 point

# Cold Blood - 1/1 point

Combat Talents (7 points)
# Improved Gouge - 3/3 points

# Improved Sinister Strike - 2/2 points

# Improved Backstab - 2/3 points

Subtlety Talents (23 points)
# Master of Deception - 5/5 points

# Camouflage - 5/5 points

# Opportunity - 5/5 points

# Initiative - 5/5 points

# Improved Cheap Shot - 2/2 points

# Preparation 1/1

Spending points on Rupture and Hemorrhage... MEH. Hemorrhage is useless... Well, unless you were an Orc Rogue and exploited the old bug to get to 60, and then dropped it.


Monk said:
I am a lvl 47 pally and i am screaming for nerfs. But if pallys get nerfed i think rogues should also get nerfed a bit. Thieves becomes ridiculously poweful at the latter stages.
Sorry to say this but, you're a moron. Exactly why a paladin should get nerfed? Because they have mutliple lives and can stand a good dishing? That's the only thing they can do, their DPS is pure shite, they get outdamaged pretty much by all other classes so they bring nothing to groups 'cept secondary tanking and healing in the end game.


Cerebral Palsy said:
Hemorrhage is useless... Well, unless you were an Orc Rogue and exploited the old bug to get to 60, and then dropped it.
Out of your mind you are, my friend. Hemorrage is like having a permanent +3 dmg against your opponents for a cheap cost.


With the build I've posted:

Open with cheap shot, 75%of the time you'll get 3 combo points because of initiative, next is an hemorrage (cheap cost, dmg boost and combo point) and then a gouge to stun him another 4 seconds while you wait 2 seconds for your energy to go back up. You can spend it doing a /laugh or dance at your victim if you want.

After this you've got 4-5 combo points depending if initiative kicked in for a very nice cold blood eviscerate and your victim hasn't moved ONCE yet.

The fun continues as you blind your opponent wich is snared at this point because of your poison so you've got 10 seconds to get your energy back and laugh some more. When you're done with laughing you vanish and start all over again up until the 5 combo points eviscerate.

Realise that at this point your opponent was locked all along and had 2 5 points eviscerate done to him so most casters are dead at this point.

For warriors and pallies that might still be alive well you use preparation and start all over again.

Perma stun lock, thank you very much.


The rogues primary idea is a sort of high damage, low defense stealthy character. That i have no problems with. But what i do have a problem with is the poisons and their high procing. Consider this:

*instant poison lvl 5(at lvl 52) has 20% chance of procing 92-118 damage, lets say 105 on average
*say you have julies dagger , 36.5 dps and attackes every 1.3 seconds
*your attack rating increases it to say 70 dps.

So every 10 seconds you do an average of 210 damage in nature damage. And 700 in normal damage. Assuming you are fighting a pally, you will lose about 50% of that normal damage. So thats 350 and 210. What does that mean? You are getting an average of 60% more damage when you are using instant poison.

Although this is the best case scenario for daggers and poisons, it shows how much of an increase poisons can give. Which is more than what the pally gets combined and i think pallys are overpowered too.


Monk said:
Which is more than what the pally gets combined and i think pallys are overpowered too.
Like I said, why?

Rogues aren't overpowered, Paladins aren't overpowered, Shamans aren't overpowered. They're about the 3 most balanced classes out there with Warriors being the worst.

Actually the paladin could use a DPS boost but obviously he'd have to give up something for it, that's to the devs to decide.


Malakhov said:
Sorry to say this but, you're a moron. Exactly why a paladin should get nerfed? Because they have mutliple lives and can stand a good dishing? That's the only thing they can do, their DPS is pure shite, they get outdamaged pretty much by all other classes so they bring nothing to groups 'cept secondary tanking and healing in the end game.

With crusader, it is insane. From 70 to 120 dps. 120 dps is not pure shite, i can beat warriors in pure melee, that is just plain wrong.

But this is because I am a retri pally. I can beat a holy pally that has better equipment a lvl higher than me quite easily. Also divine shield is insance 10 seconds of pure invincibility and you can attack at half speed. In that time you can heal yourself fully and hit the opponent if you want to stop the bandaging. That needs some nerfing. with crusader getting nerfed too.

I mean you have to see that something is wrong when crusader is better in every single situation when compared with other seals.

To me the problem is that some skills increase your power by a lot and others by not much at all. This is where the discrepencies to all classes come in. Some classes get barely any boosts from all their skills like the warrior, while some classes get this huge boosts from som e of their skills.

But blizz is fixing mages and warriors at the moment, so it is possible that they are going for big boosts from skills instead on minor boosts, which would make my points moot, but we will see.


Monk said:
With crusader, it is insane. From 70 to 120 dps. 120 dps is not pure shite, i can beat warriors in pure melee, that is just plain wrong.

Any melee class can beat a warrior in pure melee, warriors need fixing. This doesn't mean anything. Also, what your dps is saying in your character info is not the dps you are putting up and 70 to 120 dps at level 47 with talents in retribution is shite. My rogue could put up about 80-100dps in his later 20s and early 30s with 2 weak weapons.

Monk said:
But this is because I am a retri pally. I can beat a holy pally that has better equipment a lvl higher than me quite easily. Also divine shield is insance 10 seconds of pure invincibility and you can attack at half speed. In that time you can heal yourself fully and hit the opponent if you want to stop the bandaging. That needs some nerfing. with crusader getting nerfed too.

Get the shields nerfed and you might as well can the whole class, it's the only thing that makes the paladins a viable class as it is. If you can the shields you will have to HEAVILY boost the DPS of the class. I'm sorry but I can't see how anyone can say that the shields are overpowered, they are on a 5 minutes timer and on the same timer at that. Hardly overpowered when you can use your main ability every 5 minutes. Also, do you know why the warrior is horrible in duels and in pvp? Exactly because of this, they don't have any out of ordinary powers like shields for paladins hence why they need a fix. They have no get out of jail cards.


Malakhov said:
Any melee class can beat a warrior in pure melee, warriors need fixing. This doesn't mean anything. Also, what your dps is saying in your character info is not the dps you are putting up and 70 to 120 dps at level 47 with talents in retribution is shite. My rogue could put up about 80-100dps in his later 20s and early 30s with 2 weak weapons.

*shrugs* I beat everyone easily with my pally. The only time i have lost in a duel is when a mage froze me outside the battle area and i couldnt get back into the battle area. The only class that even remotely gives me a problem is a rogue.

Get the shields nerfed and you might as well can the whole class, it's the only thing that makes the paladins a viable class as it is. If you can the shields you will have to HEAVILY boost the DPS of the class. I'm sorry but I can't see how anyone can say that the shields are overpowered, they are on a 5 minutes timer and on the same timer at that. Hardly overpowered when you can use your main ability every 5 minutes. Also, do you know why the warrior is horrible in duels and in pvp? Exactly because of this, they don't have any out of ordinary powers like shields for paladins hence why they need a fix. They have no get out of jail cards.

You have that long stun. Use it than heal. You have blessing of protection, use it and hea; twice. You have the divine shield(you can heal twice currently), then you stun and heal again. That is 6 heals. Which equates to about 3x times life bar in total. And that is something anyone can do with ease with no skill required whatsoever.

On a side note, does a mage ever get good?


Monk said:
*shrugs* I beat everyone easily with my pally. The only time i have lost in a duel is when a mage froze me outside the battle area and i couldnt get back into the battle area. The only class that even remotely gives me a problem is a rogue.
Then you haven't met a lot of skilled players. Of course some classes a paladin will destroy and some he'll have difficulties against (like Shamans and Rogues) like any other classes there is.

Monk said:
You have that long stun. Use it than heal. You have blessing of protection, use it and hea; twice. You have the divine shield(you can heal twice currently), then you stun and heal again. That is 6 heals. Which equates to about 3x times life bar in total. And that is something anyone can do with ease with no skill required whatsoever.
And then again while you can heal yourself you do about as much damage as a mice to a cat. So yeah, nerf the heals and shields combo but then boost the dmg.

Oh and:

Stun = 1 minute timer.
Blessing of protection = 5 mins timer
Divine shield = 5 minutes timer

Stun and heal again? Good luck, it's on a 1 minute timer, then again, it's what it takes you to kill 1 monster at higher levels because of the shitty dps they put up.

So I can't see what you're whinning about. The only thing I'd change is blessing of protection, I'd make it other friendly targets only and not self.


Malakhov said:
Then you haven't met a lot of skilled players. Of course some classes a paladin will destroy and some he'll have difficulties against (like Shamans and Rogues) like any other classes there is.

Its possible that I havent, so who knows.

Stun and heal again? Good luck, it's on a 1 minute timer, then again, it's what it takes you to kill 1 monster at higher levels because of the shitty dps they put up.

I agree with monsters, but the pvp is a whole dfferent game though. I do jack shit to monsters but i completely rape players, its weird. And you only need to survive 35 seconds on ~2.5 life bars worth to use stun again if you use ds and bop.

So I can't see what you're whinning about. The only thing I'd change is blessing of protection, I'd make it other friendly targets only and not self.

Hmm, thats a good idea.


MrCheez said:
I feel kind of bad for non-rogues who read this thread. :lol At least half the thread has been all-rogue talk.
Everyone and their damn mother is a Rogue. :\

/me goes into bear form and back into hybernation.


Malakhov said:
Best build for pvp.

People who don't take seal fate with assassination are fools. The thing is bugged in our favor... take it while it's offered. Which kinda makes up for cheapshot and improved kick being bugged against us... not to mention any other talents that are.

With the build I've posted:

Open with cheap shot, 75%of the time you'll get 3 combo points because of initiative, next is an hemorrage (cheap cost, dmg boost and combo point) and then a gouge to stun him another 4 seconds while you wait 2 seconds for your energy to go back up. You can spend it doing a /laugh or dance at your victim if you want.

After this you've got 4-5 combo points depending if initiative kicked in for a very nice cold blood eviscerate and your victim hasn't moved ONCE yet.

The fun continues as you blind your opponent wich is snared at this point because of your poison so you've got 10 seconds to get your energy back and laugh some more. When you're done with laughing you vanish and start all over again up until the 5 combo points eviscerate.

Realise that at this point your opponent was locked all along and had 2 5 points eviscerate done to him so most casters are dead at this point.

For warriors and pallies that might still be alive well you use preparation and start all over again.

Perma stun lock, thank you very much.

It's not permentant due to diminishing returns, and if one of them happens to miss your lockdown will fail. Also you're only able to do this in duels..... in outside pvp or in raid instances... you don't really have to time to dance around like that. Even if it's aimed for it... you still have quite a fight with some classes. Mages will blink right after cheapshot or any stun, then try to slow your ass down with some freeze spell if you get close. Warlocks will just totally beat the living crap outta you no contest, (can charm us while their stunned, fear us, charm us again).

I agree it's a great great dueling build, but duels aren't really that important so do you really want to base your class around them? If you're going to get assassination build, least get seal fate..... you'll get 4 bubbles off of an ambush, 3 bubbles off of a sinister strike. You can evisc like crazy with that.

So every 10 seconds you do an average of 210 damage in nature damage. And 700 in normal damage. Assuming you are fighting a pally, you will lose about 50% of that normal damage. So thats 350 and 210. What does that mean? You are getting an average of 60% more damage when you are using instant poison.

I don't know about most rogues, but the ones I've seen, and me personally never use instant poison in a duels or pvp (crippling mostly). Also julie's dagger is an offhand weapon and they miss a lot. Only time I do instant is against monsters.... otherwise I do class dependant poisons:

Crippling+Wound = For pally/priest/shaman
Mind Numbing + Crippling = mage/warlock
Deadly + Deadly = Rogue
Crippling+Crippling = Warrior

Rorschach said:
Everyone and their damn mother is a Rogue. :\

/me goes into bear form and back into hybernation.

Don't worry, a druid can kick a rogue's ass in a duel at 60. It's like fighting a healing warrior.... not fun.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Rorschach said:
Everyone and their damn mother is a Rogue. :\

/me goes into bear form and back into hybernation.

Yep, and on my server all I see is mostly rogues LFG, because, unfortunately, every raid group already has 19 rogues.


WoW is a great game, but after fifty levels, here is my opinion on flaws with it, from a mostly PvE/main content perspective:

~Severe lack of scaling rewards/incentive to level.
~Total lack of side content, amplified on "Normal" servers.
~Support/Caster type classes are lessened too much due to the focus of the game for the main portion.
~Unbalanced character rewards/quests.
~Mediocre grouping for the majority of the game.
~High end content needs to kick in earlier, and scale up.
~Bugs :(

The things, I personally think, are whined at too much:

~Profession balance
~Class balance, 'cept poor, poor Warrior.
~Server issues and lag.

It's a really fun game now, good shit for a launch MMO, but as it evolves and progresses, gets a few patches and maybe an expansion under its belt, WoW is going to be really hot shit.

I think natural evolution will take care of most of my issues. But, I do hope grouping in general gets some enhancements.

As it stands, people just don't want to play casters and support. Why? Because until you reach the end, there's no point. The game is simply too friendly towards solo play, and allows party slots to be filled too easily.

Why are there so many Paladins? Because they're the kings of solo play, and can support the average non-high game party through almost all group content.

I'm rerolling a Priest, personally. As I miss my magic, and want to play a bigger role in group events towards the end, but it's pretty clear to me that the lack of said classes is due to the nature of the game, and not the lack of balance. IMO, of course.


Ferrio said:
It's not permentant due to diminishing returns, and if one of them happens to miss your lockdown will fail. Also you're only able to do this in duels..... in outside pvp or in raid instances... you don't really have to time to dance around like that. Even if it's aimed for it... you still have quite a fight with some classes.

This is a PvP build that will lets you solo pretty good and still do great damage in instances while being a monster in PvP. I also play on a PvP server so this build is vital, it doesn't only serve me in duels.

Ferrio said:
Mages will blink right after cheapshot or any stun, then try to slow your ass down with some freeze spell if you get close. Warlocks will just totally beat the living crap outta you no contest, (can charm us while their stunned, fear us, charm us again).
Mages blink sure but then I use my burst of speed to catch up to them, mages are easy as hell against rogues as all cloth wearers are and there is no way a warlock can beat the living crap out of me because they have nothing against me since I'm an undead my friend, I'm immune to fear.

Undead + my build + pvp server = teh godly.
Im a jerk haha.

I was killing yeti near hillsbrad in the caves. There was another rogue working the caves. There was a score of yeti between us and this treasure chest. I knew he saw it, but I decided to play the numbers. I sat in stealth and waited until he attacked the right yeti in order that if I attacked the next would result in him having to fight the last one right in front of the chest. When the last fight started I snuck around him, plundered the chest and stealthed away.

he was pretty upset haha. Im a rogue damnit!


warlocks are too fucking gimp in pvp. yes, they can be pretty powerful, but it requires relying upon having a succubus out. and thanks to shard costs and cloth armor, even when you have 3500+ hp like I do, you still die pretty fast and run out of shards fast. and at the high levels, affliction talents fucking blow overall. I'm respeccing to destruction heavy again at 60. it's like priests or something: affliction to solo faster, destruction for the last few levels and endgame where grouping is more important. destruction is also way better at pvp. the only good things from affliction talents are nightfall, improved corruption, and shadow mastery. with the talent build I'm going for I can get improved corruption (which is good enough) from affliction and massively boost my other damage spells. at least I figured out a better soloing strategy than what worked up until level 50 or so. my shaman is going to be my real pvp char though. I love kicking people's asses with a shaman and strategy (which the class really does take) and getting whines about being overpowered just because the people I go up against don't know a damn thing about how to fight me.


Malakhov said:
This is a PvP build that will lets you solo pretty good and still do great damage in instances while being a monster in PvP. I also play on a PvP server so this build is vital, it doesn't only serve me in duels.

Mages blink sure but then I use my burst of speed to catch up to them, mages are easy as hell against rogues as all cloth wearers are and there is no way a warlock can beat the living crap out of me because they have nothing against me since I'm an undead my friend, I'm immune to fear.

Undead + my build + pvp server = teh godly.

You're still ~40's aren't ya?


firex said:
warlocks are too fucking gimp in pvp. yes, they can be pretty powerful, but it requires relying upon having a succubus out. and thanks to shard costs and cloth armor, even when you have 3500+ hp like I do, you still die pretty fast and run out of shards fast. and at the high levels, affliction talents fucking blow overall. I'm respeccing to destruction heavy again at 60. it's like priests or something: affliction to solo faster, destruction for the last few levels and endgame where grouping is more important. destruction is also way better at pvp. the only good things from affliction talents are nightfall, improved corruption, and shadow mastery. with the talent build I'm going for I can get improved corruption (which is good enough) from affliction and massively boost my other damage spells. at least I figured out a better soloing strategy than what worked up until level 50 or so. my shaman is going to be my real pvp char though. I love kicking people's asses with a shaman and strategy (which the class really does take) and getting whines about being overpowered just because the people I go up against don't know a damn thing about how to fight me.

Here's my Warlock PVP Destruction spec:

Affliction Talents (11 points)

# Suppression - 3/5 points
Reduces the chance for enemies to resist your Affliction spells by 6%.

# Improved Corruption - 5/5 points
Reduces the casting time of your Corruption spell by 2 seconds.

# Improved Life Tap - 2/2 points
Increases the amount of Mana awarded by your Life Tap spell by 20%.

# Amplify Curse - 1/1 point
Increases the effect of your next Curse of Weakness or Curse of Agony by 50%, or your next Curse of Exhaustion by 20%.

Demonology Talents (5 points)

# Demonic Embrace - 5/5 points
Increases your total Stamina by 15%, but reduces your total Spirit by 5%.

Destruction Talents (35 points)

# Improved Shadow Bolt - 5/5 points
Your Shadow Bolt critical strikes increase the next 4 sources of Shadow damage dealt to the target by 20%.

# Aftermath - 5/5 points
Gives your Destruction spells a 10% chance to daze the target for 5 seconds.

# Shadowburn - 1/1 point
Instantly blasts the target with 87 to 99 Shadow damage. Requires 1 Soul Shard. If the target dies from Shadowburn, and yields experience, the caster gains a Soul Shard.

# Devastation - 5/5 points
Increases the critical strike chance of your Destruction spells by 5%.

# Improved Searing Pain - 5/5 points
Increases the critical strike chance of your Searing Pain spell by 10%.

# Destructive Reach - 2/2 points
Increases the range of your Destruction spells by 20%.

# Ruin - 1/1 point
Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Destruction spells by 100%.

# Improved Immolate - 5/5 points
Increases the initial damage of your Immolate spell by 25%.

# Inferno - 5/5 points
Increases the damage done by your Fire spells by 10%.

# Conflagrate - 1/1 point
Ignite a target that is already afflicted by Immolate, dealing 197 to 251 damage and consuming the Immolate spell.


Ferrio said:
You're still ~40's aren't ya?
Here goes the you're only lvl 40 speech :lol

I'm the fucking bomb in pvp, I havent lost any fight in years on a 1 against 1 against any classes there is, I can kill groups or 2-3 peeps my level and it won't change. It's only close fights when I have an encounter with someone who's got skills. It's rare that I'm that pretentious but I'm f'king good in PvP. The only reason I'm still in my 40s is because I only do PvP. I spend the nights that I'm on slaughtering alliances in STV or Arathi.

This build is the best thing there is for a PvP server, it's been researched, tested and approved since the CB days.

Again, teh godly.


Woot! My paladin just hit lvl 30, another 10 levels and he'll have a free mount. Wish I had that same treatment with my rogue but nope, costs 90 golds.

Mage in her 30s
Paladin in her 30s
Shaman in his late 20s
Rogue in his 40s

I need to stop making new chars! :lol


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Yeah, so I was really bored last night.


I didn't really expect to be able to kill the gnome king... I just wanted to smack him. Y'know, just as a big "F U" to the entire gnome race.


I can't believe how many freaking alliance there are on my server. There had to be 70+players (30 in the AH) standing around the popular Ironforge area. Orgrimmar usually has 20-30. O_O


Took 5 attempts, but I got one. :D Wasn't easy to do with 50 paladins and night elves beating on me.
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