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World of Warcraft

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Malakhov said:
Here goes the you're only lvl 40 speech :lol

I'm the fucking bomb in pvp, I havent lost any fight in years on a 1 against 1 against any classes there is, I can kill groups or 2-3 peeps my level and it won't change. It's only close fights when I have an encounter with someone who's got skills. It's rare that I'm that pretentious but I'm f'king good in PvP. The only reason I'm still in my 40s is because I only do PvP. I spend the nights that I'm on slaughtering alliances in STV or Arathi.

This build is the best thing there is for a PvP server, it's been researched, tested and approved since the CB days.

Again, teh godly.

So even though you still have 20 more talent points to invest, and so does everyone else your level that you don't think things might change?

Also if you don't take seal fate, you're a fool. 3 points per sinister strike/gouge.


That's the kind of build I was looking for MrCheez, look great. I'm going to test it out. None of that wimpy back stab stuff, but an in your face Diablo 2 assassin style. :D


Ferrio said:
Also if you don't take seal fate, you're a fool. 3 points per sinister strike/gouge.
The build is all about energy consumption/combo build up and using cold blood and preparation, I don't need seal fate thx u much!

me...yay...lvl 36 in Desolace...yawn

Oh yeah ant Toothy the Rogue Killer...lol long story only funny to me.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Korranator said:
That's the kind of build I was looking for MrCheez, look great. I'm going to test it out. None of that wimpy back stab stuff, but an in your face Diablo 2 assassin style. :D

w00t! Good luck and be sure to let me know how it goes :)


Malakhov said:
The build is all about energy consumption/combo build up and using cold blood and preparation, I don't need seal fate thx u much!

So.... being able to do a 5 pt coldblood+evis 1 second into the fight isn't appealing? You still get Prep.

Guess I'll post my assassination build:

My assassin rogue dagger build:

Assassination Tree:
Improved Eviscerate: 3
Malice: 5
Ruthlessness: 3
Relentless: 1
Lethality: 5
Improved Instant Poison: 5
Cold Blood: 1
Seal Fate: 5

Master of Deception: 5
Camouflage: 2
Opportunity: 5
Improved Ambush: 3
Initiative: 5
Preparation: 1

This build is specialized for PvP, and is to be used for quick take down of your enemy. With Initiative+Sealed Fate (bugged) you are able to gain 3 bubbles off of every sinister strike, and 4 bubbles off of an ambush. Also ambush has been specced in, so it should be your first opening strike. Though it's specialized for PvP, it works great in PvE but you won't be as versitile as the next build I'll post. General things with this build:

Weapon choice: High damage dagger in primary (worry less about dps and speed), High speed dagger in secondary (worry less about dps and damage)

Poisons: All of them mattering what you're fighting. 2 instants if just regular fighting. If you fight players make sure you have atleast one crippling. If you fight a caster have a mind numbing, if you fight a rogue have a deadly poison (though this will take them out of any stun).

Opening: Ambush, use cheap shot only if your opponent won't stand still.

Use your bubbles on: Cold Blood + Evis

Main attacks: Gouge, Backstab, Sinister Strike

Strengths: Caster Types, one on one

Weaknesses: Warriors and Paladins and fighting multiple enemies

"Oh fuck" skills: Blind to buy some time, then preparation to gain back all your abilities. Start the fight up again with vanish->ambush


See that's the thing with my build, paladins and warriors aren't a weakness. Obviously you won't attack a group of them, but they aren't a problem 1 vs 1.

Then again we're rogues, we chose when and who to kill, that's what is great about this class. Hey if you like you're build, good for you! But I prefer mine by a long shot, I don't even like ambush since you've got to be behind the target and fully stealthed unlike cheap shot where you can hit from anywhere and even if the person sees you and stealth fades you've still got a chance to hit it.

To each his own I guess!

But anyways, my Paladin is level 30 now, almost 31 and I might give up on my rogue and stay with my Paladin until my friends on my server catch me up wich may take a long while.


it is goddamn ridiculous how fucking hard it is to attack the vast majority of alliance towns (and by the vast majority, I mean all but like 2 of them), especially after the bullshit I saw last night. About 10 or so alliance levels 55-60 just waltzed into the undercity and had no problems with guard spawns. I've raided darnassus and stormwind enough to know that alliance towns are so stacked against raids it's just plain unfair. There are several major advantages alliance towns get for defenses:
1) Several of them only have one entrance, causing bottlenecks for raids.
2) Their NPCs are put much closer together and are generally a lot more numerous than the horde towns. This means they call for far more guards whereas you can go into places like Crossroads and kill single NPCs without upsetting anyone else for the most part.
3) Alliance NPCs call for guards nonstop until they are killed. This is no joke - any NPC that isn't a guard will call in 3-4 guards at the very least, and if you're lucky, killing 1-2 of them will make them spawn in more. This leads to ridiculous guard trains that alliance towns create.

On the other hand, most horde towns are open, poorly defended by NPCs, and have multiple exits. It's not uncommon at all to see one person on their mount run through crossroads and take all the guards that spawn (which generally is maybe 10 at most), leaving the rest of the town open for easy pickings. And let's not forget that all of the undead towns are so easy for all the paladins out there to destroy (guards there should be humanoids since undead players are humanoids).

Blizzard really needs to look at this because I'm getting really fucking tired of 2-3 level 60 players being able to destroy anything in crossroads, splintertree post and so on, while 10 horde players of the same level get trained by 20 guards at the very least when they step onto the edge of southshore, astranaar or any alliance town except nijel's point. I'm not making this shit up, and it's just plain ridiculous. If horde guards are going to be so slow to spawn in, Blizzard should make them elite and leave the alliance guards normal (20 normal mobs at level 50 is tough enough for 5 level 60s even using aoe, and I frequently see 2-3 horde guards attacking alliance players at the most, though I have very rarely seen the 10 guard trains mentioned previously).

I guess this wouldn't piss me off so much if Blizzard had actually focused more of their development on the horde and would ignore alliance for awhile since they're already polished as hell and don't need any more attention. oh, and I hit level 54 on my warlock just now and his dps shot way up. got my last ranks of drain life (85 dps/hps with talents for 300 mana), corruption (about 81 or so damage/3 seconds for 27 seconds... not bad, more damage/tick than immolate so I can use it as my main group DOT again) and drain mana (136 mana dps for I think 310 mana... a profit if it goes the full length but I wish it actually took more mana and drained a lot more so it would be significant to use in pvp or against elites). also got my last rank of hellfire which is 208 pbaoe dps (both to myself and to mobs), so that's pretty awesome even for the damage I take. Still probably going to respec to destruction heavy at level 60 - the +10% fire damage talent seems way better than shadow mastery from affliction for overall dps, and most of affliction is just garbage now.
odd sounds like what has happened on my server with Goldshire (out in the open), Asenvale(constantly since it's also out in the open), Auberdine(from the shore, the dock, over the mountains), Mythral Harbor(from the shore all around the town and the docks) , that town in Darkwood(or something like that). Horde has even gotten far into Iron Forge, Storm Wind and Darnassis.

I see lvl 50 - 60's wiping out Ashenvale all the time, and even tonight a lvl 60 rogue was killing anyone and everyone waiting for a boat in Mythral Harbor...this too isn't uncommon to see.

Go Fig...

Anyway I love when groups fall aparts it's kinda funny...just now I was doing a Grim task. We had a mage who expected the pali to rez him even when everyone else ran to thier corpse and he was in the middle of a bunch of mobs, a rogue who had so much lag they just appeared everywhere, and one other person who was too low to do any damage to a 34 eliet mob. I was getting no xp and was just helping some lower players out.

So we finally get Belgras and we get jumped...I swear My pet, the rogue and myself killed Belgras...I saw his body but couldn't loot it, then he appeard running at me from behind at full health. Anywho. The second time I started pulling the mobs around him, Then the pally said "Pull him now you can probally get him alone."

Ugh that really didn't work, then the name calling started..

"Oh real smart pull him while I'm dead" The mage waiting for a rez even after the pali told him he should run to his corpse like the rest of us.
"Who said to pull him?"
"I didn't" - the pally (actually he did)

I wasn't paying attention at this point cause I was too busy trying to kill Belgras...he killed me :lol Then all I see is "your an idot" "No your stupid" "Shut up"... :lol


goldshire: attack any npc and at least 3 level 55 guards spawn. given that most NPCs are majorly jammed together there's nothing you can do to stop it.
menethil: sorry, I'm calling bullshit on this as I've attacked it plenty before. never have I had less than 15 guards spawned when you get into the main town. it's hardly open when the only land route is a front gate.
astranaar: slightly comparable to every horde town in the game, but still spawns waves upon waves of guards, far more than any horde town except maybe the newbie ones (though I see Brill get attacked constantly on my server).
auberdine: this and nijel's point are like the only alliance towns I've attacked that don't flood you with guards (too much). NPCs aren't nearly as jammed together here as they are in every other alliance town.
dolanaar: like all newbie alliance towns, setting foot in this area spawns shitloads of level 55 guards in waves of 4-5 at the least. it also has a level 60 ancient of war patrolling around, something no other town has.

it's the same for the other alliance towns I've attacked. that's not what's wrong, though. what's wrong is that while it would take 10-15 horde players to raid a town if it was just fighting NPCs, all it takes for the alliance is 2-3 players, or for some towns like the sepulcher, just a lone paladin. horde guards spawn in so infrequently it's very easy to attack a town with 2-3 players for all but capitals and the rare town or two like hammerfall (where the town is actually set up well for its defenses). from what I can see, to change it so the spawning is less of an issue would require the towns themselves to be redesigned and NPCs moved around. given that this has been an issue for a long time, I doubt it's ever going to happen. so I think instead they should just make horde guards elite, at least for the time being. unless there's some spawn setting they can just change with a server restart, it seems fairer.


MrCheez said:
Hey.. look who I found :)

This could probably be considered a huge spoiler, so I'll link to the pics instead of posting them directly. It's an important and hidden alliance character.


Yeah, hes been found several times before by others. Obviously they will put new quests in involving him later.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Yeah, I know. I was mostly just suprised I stumbled upon him, and was able to solo him. ;) Take that, Alliance!
I hate ganking. Last night I was running around in the nothern part of Stranglethorn Vale. My lvl33 paladin is kicking the shit out of some lvl35 mystic troll. Out of the left side of my screen a lvl38 tauran warlock pops up and he stands there for a couple of seconds. I'm thinking that maybe he won't do anything... The whole day the horde had been somewhat nice. Anyways the 5-lvls-stronger-guy starts swinging at me. I just had time to take care of the troll and heal. So I stun him, heal again and starts swinging... I get him good, but I have to heal a couple of times and so does he. I end up dead with him being to swings away from it. So I go take a piss, wait 5 minutes and then I run back for the corpse. I see the same guy fighting trolls just a couple of feet behind my corpse. So I hide between a wall and hit resurrect. I heal, bless and seal and then attack him with stun. I get him real good. He was 3 or 4 swings from dead. The stun wears off and he suddenly does a 180 and runs towards this huge mob. Killing himself. I guess suicide by troll was better than me killing him.

Anyways... All the hordes on my lvl always leave me alone. The higher ones always wants to kill me.

World of Warcraft is the new crack cocaine!


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Just dropped some epic set pieces. Pretty disappointed that there were no legendary or artifact.
firex said:
goldshire: attack any npc and at least 3 level 55 guards spawn. given that most NPCs are majorly jammed together there's nothing you can do to stop it.
menethil: sorry, I'm calling bullshit on this as I've attacked it plenty before. never have I had less than 15 guards spawned when you get into the main town. it's hardly open when the only land route is a front gate.
astranaar: slightly comparable to every horde town in the game, but still spawns waves upon waves of guards, far more than any horde town except maybe the newbie ones (though I see Brill get attacked constantly on my server).
auberdine: this and nijel's point are like the only alliance towns I've attacked that don't flood you with guards (too much). NPCs aren't nearly as jammed together here as they are in every other alliance town.
dolanaar: like all newbie alliance towns, setting foot in this area spawns shitloads of level 55 guards in waves of 4-5 at the least. it also has a level 60 ancient of war patrolling around, something no other town has.

it's the same for the other alliance towns I've attacked. that's not what's wrong, though. what's wrong is that while it would take 10-15 horde players to raid a town if it was just fighting NPCs, all it takes for the alliance is 2-3 players, or for some towns like the sepulcher, just a lone paladin. horde guards spawn in so infrequently it's very easy to attack a town with 2-3 players for all but capitals and the rare town or two like hammerfall (where the town is actually set up well for its defenses). from what I can see, to change it so the spawning is less of an issue would require the towns themselves to be redesigned and NPCs moved around. given that this has been an issue for a long time, I doubt it's ever going to happen. so I think instead they should just make horde guards elite, at least for the time being. unless there's some spawn setting they can just change with a server restart, it seems fairer.

Well if your gonna go bargn in the front door instead of swimming from where the murlocs camp to the back of Mythral of course your gonna get swamed with guards...you don't expect them to just sit there. It's been done before, I've seen and defended against raids in Auberdine that came from Mythral off the boats in waves. Last night a singel rogue was killing people as the got on and off the boats in mythral harbor, kill a few people..jumped into the water stealthed sunck back on the doc...repeat.

I've also seen 2 Horde take out Goldshire, killed the guards and most of the quest givers that were outside, got bored and went on to storm wind where eventually high enough players came to kill them.

I've seen 1 high level Taurn warrior take over Ashenvale for abut an hour. I watched him attack the guards with no problem and he didn't get mobbed. I've also seen 1 undead mage running around Nejil Point un bothered by guards just messing with people.

I hate ganking. Last night I was running around in the nothern part of Stranglethorn Vale. My lvl33 paladin is kicking the shit out of some lvl35 mystic troll. Out of the left side of my screen a lvl38 tauran warlock pops up and he stands there for a couple of seconds. I'm thinking that maybe he won't do anything... The whole day the horde had been somewhat nice. Anyways the 5-lvls-stronger-guy starts swinging at me. I just had time to take care of the troll and heal. So I stun him, heal again and starts swinging... I get him good, but I have to heal a couple of times and so does he. I end up dead with him being to swings away from it. So I go take a piss, wait 5 minutes and then I run back for the corpse. I see the same guy fighting trolls just a couple of feet behind my corpse. So I hide between a wall and hit resurrect. I heal, bless and seal and then attack him with stun. I get him real good. He was 3 or 4 swings from dead. The stun wears off and he suddenly does a 180 and runs towards this huge mob. Killing himself. I guess suicide by troll was better than me killing him.

Anyways... All the hordes on my lvl always leave me alone. The higher ones always wants to kill me.

It's cause much like me you are Uber-Uber!! I too as so feared that only lvl 60 horde would dare attack me only when I'm dazed, fighting 2 mobs, half dead and a pre-occupied pet....:lol



A new localization patch was released to the European World of Warcraft service earlier today. The same localization patch is scheduled for the US weekly maintenance window on Tuesday, February, 1st 2005, between the hours of 6AM - 10AM PST.

Patch notes for this patch can be found here:

Seal of the Crusader: Fixed a bug where damage per swing was increasing instead of decreasing when Seal of the Crusader was active. This resulted in a dramatic increase in damage per second (DPS) that was unintended. The tooltip for the spell displays the intent of the spell:

"Fills the Paladin with the spirit of a crusader, granting additional attack power. The Paladin also attacks faster, but deals less damage with each attack."

The overall increase in DPS from Seal of the Crusader should only result from the increase in attack power and not from the increase in attack speed. We understand this is a significant decrease in the power of this spell, but was a necessary bug fix to ensure both overall game balance and the viability of different Paladin Seals.

Various text strings and audio have been corrected for the French and German versions of the game.

Fixed a bug that incorrectly enabled the vertex animation shader option on some GPU's that do not support it. This bug was causing player character models in-game and in the character selection screen to appear invisible or distorted. The fix should benefit users with NVIDIA GeForce 2MX or 4MX GPU's and ATI Radeon 7000/7500 GPU's. It should no longer be necessary to manually turn off the vertex animation feature on these systems - it should now be off and disabled automatically.

Bug Fixes

* Group loot has been fixed to work as originally intended. It will now work exactly like round robin does, with the exception that when an item of threshold level or above drops, it will use the auto-rolling system. (Prior to this fix, when in group loot mode, the round robin system was only being used for items (all players could loot coins), which was rather confusing).
* Fixed a group loot permission bug that was telling players they did not have permission to loot.
* Fixed a bug that was causing the game to freeze when scrolling through auctions in the Auction House.
* Murlocs play the drown animation when they die underwater now.
* Onyxia correctly hovers instead of standing in midair.
* You can target vocal emotes again.
* Pets and summoned creatures attacking enemies will now tap the enemies for their owners.
* Fixed a bug with Troll Shamans and the Berserk ability. Troll Shamans can only go Berserk when they are in the wounded state.
* Rogues now correctly gain Lockpicking skill from items picked in the trade window.
* Quests that require you to follow/escort an NPC will only complete when you arrive at the designated area.
* Horde and Alliance members cannot duel with each other regardless of realm type.
* Herbs and mineral nodes will remain active if they are not fully emptied.
* Fixed a bug that was giving higher damage-per-second (DPS) to Steelarrow Crossbow and Blackcrow than was intended.
* Sell prices on Hypnotic Blade, Illusionary Rod, Mantle of Doan, and Robe of Doan have been lowered.
* Players who have completed the quest to summon Kirtonos may now obtain the Blood of Innocents from Doctor Theolen Krastinov.

*These changes were made after the publication of the patch notes and thus could not be added to the in-game patch notes.

* Hunter and Warlock pets will now correctly "tap" the targets they attack, thus giving the pet owner kill credit for a target even if another player later attacks the same target.
* The tooltip for the Warrior's Intercept ability has been updated to reflect the proper rage cost. Using Intercept costs 10 rage, not 15 rage. The tooltip now accurately reflects that.

Two changes in this patch that affect me now. About time they fixed that pet bug. I can't count how many times I've had mobs stolen from me that my pet was already attacking because of it. Really sucked having some ass attack the mob, claim it, then run off leaving it attacking my pet and forcing me to deal with it giving the guy exp.

The change to Blackcrow is going to really suck if they lower the DPS. I'm hoping it was just a bug that was giving it more than the listed 35DPS, but I doubt it.


I loved all the Paladins SCREAMING over the bug fix. If you ever wanted an example why most of the players consider the average Paladin to be a total fucking waste, scope out the general WoW board now.


Doesn't bother this pally. They should be aware of the crusader> Judgement > command combo which gives you better overall damage anyway. Those who are crying simply don't know how to play their characters.


Alex said:
I loved all the Paladins SCREAMING over the bug fix. If you ever wanted an example why most of the players consider the average Paladin to be a total fucking waste, scope out the general WoW board now.

yeah, it's great :lol
Wow, there was a huge warrior protest staged on Argent Dawn/Alliance. Protesters created Lvl 1 Gnome warriors and have been lagging out the Eastern Kimgdom server all night. GM's were warning them all night to disperse, now they take the server down.

As if this protest is going to accomplish anything other than to ruin other peoples experience for the night. The idea of 200 gimps chanting in unison did provide me a solid laugh though.


Seal of the Crusader: Fixed a bug where damage per swing was increasing instead of decreasing when Seal of the Crusader was active. This resulted in a dramatic increase in damage per second (DPS) that was unintended. The tooltip for the spell displays the intent of the spell:

"Fills the Paladin with the spirit of a crusader, granting additional attack power. The Paladin also attacks faster, but deals less damage with each attack."

The overall increase in DPS from Seal of the Crusader should only result from the increase in attack power and not from the increase in attack speed. We understand this is a significant decrease in the power of this spell, but was a necessary bug fix to ensure both overall game balance and the viability of different Paladin Seals.

Well i feel vindicated now.


The paladin nerf is so stupid, yeah way to go, you've just decrased the paladin's dps even more :lol

The class will probably change its name from paladin to turtle soon because thats what pretty much the paladin will be. A huge turtle who can absorb damage and deal none :lol


Malakhov said:
The paladin nerf is so stupid, yeah way to go, you've just decrased the paladin's dps even more :lol

The class will probably change its name from paladin to turtle soon because thats what pretty much the paladin will be. A huge turtle who can absorb damage and deal none :lol

That's the whole point of a paladin......

And besides, it's a bug fix, not a nerf. It's just like the duel wielding prof. talent bug. Originally it would give your offhand more dps than your primary if you invested in it... but afterlast patch they fixed it. I didn't bitch, why... cause it was never meant to be that way.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Sal Paradise Jr said:
Wow, there was a huge warrior protest staged on Argent Dawn/Alliance. Protesters created Lvl 1 Gnome warriors and have been lagging out the Eastern Kimgdom server all night. GM's were warning them all night to disperse, now they take the server down.

As if this protest is going to accomplish anything other than to ruin other peoples experience for the night. The idea of 200 gimps chanting in unison did provide me a solid laugh though.


If a simple protect like this is enough to bring a server down, how does this install much faith for the server to handle any sort of massive raids?


Kintaro said:

If a simple protect like this is enough to bring a server down, how does this install much faith for the server to handle any sort of massive raids?

It can't.... A 5 group raid in a small town can easily lag the server down really really bad (due to constant spawning of guards, players that come to help, ect), we even crashed the continent doing it. I made a thread awhile ago about this (though that raid was MUCh bigger) and everyone fucking blew it off.... but it's a serious problem

Here's the thread I made long ago



Ferrio said:
That's the whole point of a paladin......
Not when they can't hold agro no it's not. You're almost forced to go intro retribution for consecration to be able to get a hold of quick agro wich is sad. How good of a tank if you can't put up the dps to hold agro either? Big part of the problem coming from the high end paladins out there and I'm starting to see it at level 31. Now I'll be forced to go intro retribution and give up protection to get SoCom since crusader was nerfed.

Ferrio said:
And besides, it's a bug fix, not a nerf. It's just like the duel wielding prof. talent bug. Originally it would give your offhand more dps than your primary if you invested in it... but afterlast patch they fixed it. I didn't bitch, why... cause it was never meant to be that way.
Oh puh-leeze, call it whatever you like but it's a nerf, just like the first aid nerf. They have better bugs to fix than to take off some dps from a poor dps class as it is.

Crusader is now shite, only the judgement of is it decent. No way I'd use a seal just for some more attack power when there is better other seals.


Sorry, Mala. But it's silly to burn your talent points on Retribution to get a emulated AOE voke. A badly one at that, it's just lazy if anything.

I've duo'd with a Protection Paladin for 51 levels on my Rogue, and I promise there's no way a Retribution one could out tank him. I've seen him pull hate off of Warriors a few levels higher, heh.

Hate management is also team work, which sadly few people in WoW understand, one proper feint at the start of a fight can typically keep a mob off me even if I roll a lot of crits, Eviscerate included. Although, I've seen Rogues open with everything they've got, then close with everything they've got, it's just sad, reminds me of that guy long ago who used Flare on Shiva in FFXI, she Waltzed up to him, used Diamond Dust, and wiped me (WHM) the BRD and himself. Groan...

Ten energy isn't much to keep the EXP and progress output higher. Plus, you need to be often cycling buffs on members with high hate output. Don't be one of those who sticks Might on a Rogue and just leaves it under all circumstances.

Barring solo, Crusader sucked to begin with.


Alex, how does a Paladin maintain agro on multiple mobs without consecration when a mage is busy nuking them?

As someone who plays a Paladin, its already getting difficult at lvl 42 to do so - and i use Blessing of Salvation on all other party members.

As far as Crusader goes, Monk was right - it was broken. I spent this morning testing alternate tactics and came to the conclusion that it won't make a huge difference when the fix goes in if you play it smart (though it will be more mana intensive).
When Blizzard changes a class they should give that specific class a free talent change. I don't have 5 gold right now to fix my paladin.
* Fixed a group loot permission bug that was telling players they did not have permission to loot.

ummm they should go back and fix it again cause its still fucked.

A couple of bugs I'm kinda annoyed they didn't fix...

Kodo Round up missions is still broken, Aspect of the Hawk bug, and being enough distance from a mob to hit them with an arrow but too far out of range to get exp for the kill?!


You don't. Paladin isn't built to hold enmity versus those kinds of situations, and at least at my stage I've never seen one successfully pull something off with consecration unless it was an add or the such.

The spell is just too weak, and eats too much mana to be worth spending a tree worth of points on, IMO. I guess it really depends how you play though, but that's how it's worked out for us. From my view, it's mostly been a lazy mans claim tool, whereas I've seen the Paladin I duo with claim the main enemy off me, and get base hate from two adds within seconds.

To be honest though, we don't party with Mages enough, so I'm kinda stumped on a lot of what to say.

Warrior, Paladin, Rogue, Hunter, Priest seems to have been our typical party.


Alex: You NEED consecration at higher levels as an AoE taunt, it's the only way to get one hence why it's sad that the skill is in the Retribution line, they should've of at least put something comparable in the protection line. I do agree with you that a protection build will outtank a retribution build, there's no doubt about it. At level 32 I already have 3000 armor and I can fight against mobs 4 levels higher than me and get out of there with barely a scratch sometimes though it takes me an eternity to kill them so it's not really good for grinding, just for questing.

Anyways, I might have to move a point somewhere from my build to get SofCommand, I was going into retribution for some parry anyways.


Great Wasabi Man said:
ummm they should go back and fix it again cause its still fucked.

The patch isn't actually out till Tuesday.

Consecration is simply one the best, if not the best, way for a Paladin to Tank properly at higher levels.

Retribution Aura + Consecration + Seal of Fury + Blessing of Salvation on other party members means that a Pally can hold agro on multiple mobs.

Without Consecration, the Pally can hold one mob, but has trouble with the others.

Edit: Holy Shield actually does a decent job, but isn't quit enough.


RonaldoSan said:
When Blizzard changes a class they should give that specific class a free talent change. I don't have 5 gold right now to fix my paladin.

That's what Mythic does with DAoC whenever there's a major change to a class. A free respec.


Well, at 51. I can't say I agree, hehe. We tried working with it in Instance groups, and wound up having him respec again.

It didn't have the potency, especially with the mana cost, to really be worth it, and with the ammount of Warriors in our guild, having the Paladin be a very efficent sub tank/support was working out better for us, especially with the quality of tanking you can get from a Protection based Paladin.
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