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World of Warcraft

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Has problems recognising girls
FF_VIII said:
I'm leveling a Shaman alt for my Mage (resto ftw) and I'm stuck in RFK trying to get that damn healing mace. Two runs in a row, two times it's been ninja'd :(

Feral druid "needs maces" and the Ench shaman "needed it because I can heal too. Plus I'll use it when we don't have a healer"


Just gonna get boosted by my guild now, fuck pugs.

I would've said "who's been healing your arse for the past hour?", told anyone who needed can then heal the rest of the way and quit the group.
I already started my 6th 70, haha. Tried a druid but quit at 26, I couldn't take doing clawx20 every fight.. Now I just dinged 30 on my shaman and got windfury weapon :D Been leveling as enhance which uses quite more mana then I thought and I can't take down many enemies at my own level before needing to eat and drink ;( Fun though! I'm guessing it gets a ton better at 40 with stormstrike and 41 with DW.

Chris R

Shaman and Druid are easy to level. After I get my mage to 70 they are going to be my next ones :lol

I really can't wait to level a shaman again since a shaman was my first 60.
DarkAngelYuna said:
I already started my 6th 70, haha. Tried a druid but quit at 26, I couldn't take doing clawx20 every fight.. Now I just dinged 30 on my shaman and got windfury weapon :D Been leveling as enhance which uses quite more mana then I thought and I can't take down many enemies at my own level before needing to eat and drink ;( Fun though! I'm guessing it gets a ton better at 40 with stormstrike and 41 with DW.
I got pure agi gear.. and did a dagger weap..

I crit a ton and I proc the free shock talent..

I rarely sit. I have like 17-19% crit at lvl 31


yeah, my shaman was crazy easy to level to 70. It's at 70 that things got slower for me. Kind of the opposite of my pally where leveling was slow and boring and I hated it, but at 70 things got pretty easy since holy/prot pallies are awesome in pve.


Did Magister's Terrace today for the first time (our priest and hunter finally came back) and had alot of fun.
Went in with a "weird" formation --War(tank) War(DPS) Hunter (DPS) Priest(Healer) Paladin(Healer)-- since I like playing my Paladin more than my Mage (but was ready to switch if we couldn't handle the mobs without some sheeping), so we had very limited CC and a couple of fights were rough, but it was awesome trying to keep everyone alive.
Got myself the healing mace from Priestess and the epic healer ring from Khael (our priest didn't need any of them) plus a 20 slot bag that dropped from one of the trash.
My Flash of Light now casts in 1.47 instead of 1.5 XD
I guess I'm not going to have the same luck in heroic tho and I'll have to play Mage for that.
Eteric Rice said:
Anyone have any tips for phase 2 of Al'ar? Been trying this kill this fucker for like 3 weeks now.

Everyone must have sound turned to hear the crackalackin' and be ready to run IMMEDIATELY the INSTANT the fire is on them. Also, much of the DPS on alar comes from his adds dying; if you're melee heavy, this can keep so many from clumping up under him (flame patches and having to run in and out on every Meteor).

Past that, is the healing OK? I was used to putting myself on the OTs for this, as they don't take much damage short of the death explosion. Your best most powerful healer goes here. One healer specificallly on each tank, one swinging back and forth between. Truid keeping rolling lifeblooms/Rejuv up on both. Rest (especially Resto Shaman) on raid detail. If push comes to shove, you can use a Fire Protection Cauldron to be drank after the tank gets good aggro at the start of phase 2 for extra safety, but thats not going to save a person from more than one tick of Flame Patch.

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Done 3 runs of heroic magisters terrace now, yesterdays run was a nightmare, went thru about 4 healers. Warlock, shadow priest, rogue, me (prot warrior) and holy priest. 3rd boss took a while until we changed healer from resto druid to the holy priest. Just feared a lot and the rest took care of itself really.

Still I am pretty unlucky, 4 items I want. expertise trinket, stamina trinket, dps plate chest and the axe. expertise trinket has dropped once outrolled by rogue, axe dropped twice outrolled by hunter each time. Bleh, it's like tier4 helm which despite about 15 or so prince kills I cannot get.


Woohoo, I'll finally get my Netherdrake when I get home tonight and do my dailies. The rep grind was a breeze since everyone is busy with the Sunwell stuff and the last patch upped the spawncount of those fucking Ravagers in the mines.

I can now concentrate on getting my Mage and girlfriends Hunter to 70 with the occaisional Sunwell dailies on my Rogue.


ya netherwing is a pretty easy grind, and even easier now that they buffed the mines

used to be hard to get ravager kills with competition, now its a breeze as they are literally swarming the mines, and 30 crystals is easier to stomach than 40

the shattered sun grind is pretty easy, im like 6k/12k into honored, soon to be revered
Im thinking about started up again and creating a new character. How long does it take to get to 60 on average, with the increased experience? (I will probably level a warlock)


arts&crafts said:
Im thinking about started up again and creating a new character. How long does it take to get to 60 on average, with the increased experience? (I will probably level a warlock)

4-5 Days played to 60.
Best thing about the SSO grind is that pretty much any class can go into normal MgT and solo some mobs for rep.

Also heroic MgT is easily my favorite instance.

Chris R

Any point in my grinding LC rep up if I'm a mage? Right now I'm at 1000/6000 with no quests done. I have mining/skinning as my trade skills right now and plan on going mining/cloth when I hit 70 if that matters.


I'd just hit honored for the key and that's it. LC is one of the worst Outland reps to grind IMO, especially with s1 gear being added to honor, which makes the caster mace useless.

Chris R

firex said:
I'd just hit honored for the key and that's it. LC is one of the worst Outland reps to grind IMO, especially with s1 gear being added to honor, which makes the caster mace useless.
ah, cool, then I'm good to go, easily get 5k rep from quests you think? I don't mind the grind really though. 1k exp a kill, decent drops, cloth, and about 60 feathers an hour


yeah, you could hit honored with quests more than likely. I forget how far into friendly I was doing quests, but if you do all the LC quests in Terokkar you'll either be honored or really close to honored. and everybody runs sethekk halls/shadow labs at least a couple times, which will take you up to honored and beyond.


Not Wario
Started again after a long time not playing. Hit 66 yesterday. Still a lot of fun; I especially love the BC zones. (this is my first time going through them) Only problem is my current lack of guild. I dunno how time intensive raiding is, but I'd like to at least try it. Besides, I'm in college now- when am I ever going to have this kind of time again? Unfortunately, our server is pretty casual, so I guess I'll stick with the 5-mans for the time being.

Chris R

traveler said:
Started again after a long time not playing. Hit 66 yesterday. Still a lot of fun; I especially love the BC zones. (this is my first time going through them) Only problem is my current lack of guild. I dunno how time intensive raiding is, but I'd like to at least try it. Besides, I'm in college now- when am I ever going to have this kind of time again? Unfortunately, our server is pretty casual, so I guess I'll stick with the 5-mans for the time being.
5 mans is how I found my best guild ever in WoW. Was just doing my shaman thing, healing like the restocow I was and bam, hey would you like to heal in Ony tonight?


LukeSmith said:
Dusted off my Shaman after about a year off this weekend. Went 66-70 on Saturday and Sunday, fun stuff. Still so much fun.
Glad to hear that the Scarab Lord is back in action. Are you planning on raiding again now that you are out of crunch time and such?
DarkAngelYuna said:
I already started my 6th 70, haha. Tried a druid but quit at 26, I couldn't take doing clawx20 every fight.. Now I just dinged 30 on my shaman and got windfury weapon :D Been leveling as enhance which uses quite more mana then I thought and I can't take down many enemies at my own level before needing to eat and drink ;( Fun though! I'm guessing it gets a ton better at 40 with stormstrike and 41 with DW.

I'm leveling an enhance shaman with my friend who is using a ret pally. Definitely the most fun i've ever had raising a char. We burn through monsters in seconds, with literally no down time. The very rare occasion one of us has to drink the other just keeps on plowing through. Not to mention we can do pretty much any quest we want, and take on huge mobs cause we thin their ranks so fast plus we can both heal. Questing with a friend makes this game infinitely more fun.

Finding groups is difficult and hardly worth it so we don't do many dungeons. We did 2 man scarlet monastery at lvl 40 though just for a bit of fun.

We are at lvl 54 now i can't wait to get to lvl 70, burning people down with a enh/ret combo will be quite a change from using a resto druid.


i just joined a new guild on sunday

so should be interesting to get back into the raiding scene, the guys seem to be pretty legit, in the first week in mount hyjal they downed 4/5 of the bosses and the 1st 3 bosses in black temple


Son of Godzilla said:
Best thing about the SSO grind is that pretty much any class can go into normal MgT and solo some mobs for rep.

Also heroic MgT is easily my favorite instance.

I would really like to know...umm..how? Unless you mean any class except Rogue, since every pull is a group of 4+.


I'm on Ravenholdt and currently trying to create a Rogue(lvl19) twink for WSG. If anyone wants to help, I can line your pockets with gold. Let me know and I'll contact you when I start making DM/Wailing Caves runs.
Kletian said:
I would really like to know...umm..how? Unless you mean any class except Rogue, since every pull is a group of 4+.

First two pulls are 2 packs. Any class with CC can kill them easily, MC included. Also the little entrance loop is amazing for kiting. I've got a lock friend that's managed to solo the first boss and everything before.


border said:
Glad to hear that the Scarab Lord is back in action. Are you planning on raiding again now that you are out of crunch time and such?

I'd like to get up to speed in the raid game. I like to clear content, so yeah, I'm hopeful that I will regear quickly and be raiding again soon.


Flesh Into Gear said:
awesome april fools joke by blizzard: crash the realms for 12 god damn hours :(

Yea that sucks quite a bit. They knew I wanted to get mongoose on my Dragonstrike when servers came back online, so they decided to hold me back.
Holy shit they don't expect it to be up until 2:00 Pacific, thats 5:00 Eastern :|

What the hell

Aaaaand what is the best enchant for a dagger as a rogue? I think I'll have my Night Blade for quite some time, might as well pimp it up
speaking of enchants, I'll hopefully be getting my Stormherald toay and I was wondering what to put on it. I've been hearing executioner from everyone though it'll mainly be used for pve, so I'm not sure if the ignore armor effect will help me that greatly.

the s2 daggers will be buyable with plain old honor soon, so you should probably hold off on an enchant as extreme as mongoose for now.


What did it look like on your servers when the portal in Shattrah finally opened?
On mine everyone rushed to the portal just to sit there ><


I put Savagery on my Stormherald. Unless you are a very well-geared arena player, I don't see how you would want anything else.
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