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World of Warcraft

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Gold Member
rhfb said:
same, but minus the dailys and add the fact that the have to FUCKING restart the server... wtfisthisshit

My server came down at midnight, and STILL isn't up. So much for the 15 minute downtime.


How do you tell what phase you're in?

Anyways, did regular MT and one shot all the bosses except Del and her group. Since we wiped, I read up on it and the notes basically said "aggro is abnormal, like a 5s arena" so I just let my pvp specced ele shaman go nuts, drew aggro on anything, abosrbed it with my mail and shield and blew up everything. And it worked. Just frost shock kite and nuked the whole group one by one.

Also, my chain lightnings were breaking frost traps so that change isn't working so well yet. I caused a wipe by doing this and had to give it up out of my spell rotation because it's not reliably safe yet.

PVP wise I grinded out 12.5k honor in a day through BGs and mark turn ins for the Glad Gavel. I was debating on getting either my 5th piece of glad, the vindi boots or the gavel, but I went with getting 100+ added to my spell damage

Getting groups as an Ele shaman has been the hardest out of my 3 70s. It's mainly that most people have no experience with Ele Shamans and the lack of CC. But if the group is caster heavy or has a pally tank, they love me for the wrath of air totem. Plus, heroism nukes down bosses real fast.


Neo Member
Guys... AV is fail.

I was playing it all day yesterday, after servers came back online. The queue times are down to about 1 minute, which is fantastic but.... Galv is considerably nerfed, I watched his hp drop like... something that drops really fast. And the group of us there (always about half of our team I think, it's usually enough) could only look on helplessly. We failed at killing balinda. We start the whole bg much further back now, just beside our base; when alliance start where they normally are, and so get to galv much faster.

The overall morale of horde on our server was at an all time low yesterday, and I didn't win ONE bg.

Also my mage friend also kept complaining about one of his meta gems. It used to cut casting time or something, but apparently it's been nerfed? Anyway, he was in a sulk too. I suppose that must be like the equivilant to losing part of your penis for a mage. Or so I hear.

So yeah now the EU servers are down again, due to some more maintenence? Sigh </3


I don't know.
I've only played 2 AV yesterday, but actually felt they were better than the previous ones I've played before the patch.
Lost the first while we were killing Van (Ally were faster than us) and won the 2nd (we were faster than them).
Both times each side just rushed to each other base, defense was nowhere to be seen and it all turned into a who tags aid and towers first.
Maybe I got lucky and the retards didn't play yesterday (which could actually be true, considering there were so few bg instances... I'm used to no wait times, and I was getting 2 minutes yesterday, preposterous!).
I play on EU servers too, in the Cyclone Battlegroup. The server downtime today sucks....

About the Meta gem, wasn't that nerfed in 2.3?


Neo Member
Aw, atleast it's all happening well for someone out there!

I don't know about us (vindication). I played one game where the allies didn't go for Drek, rather, they just hung about FW GY, keeping us trapped inside our base, and laughing at us. So we either generally sucked or the alliance have suddenly gotten rather sadistic/nasty. >:O

But yes, the queue times are great! and maybe some guys will get around to making AV premades now that it's available. :)

The metagem, well I couldn't say, but he only started using it about a week ago so it must have been changed somewhat recently.

Dragonmaw is still up.... :< *makes a little drenai*.


I like how Blizzard stealth patches certain things and leaves it up to you to find out. VR, the loot pinata, for example. He no longer targets you for arcane orbs rendering all mods useless. I could handle the mods not working, that's fine. Should make it fun. But add some latency and you're getting hit by 'invisible' orbs.

*Edit: They've commented on the forum saying that they intentionally made it so he wouldn't target you for orbs, but that it should still show up in the combat log. The fact that it isn't has been declared a bug by Blizz, which isn't going to be hotfixed and will be addressed in a future patch. GG Blizz, maybe you should hire a QA team with all that money you're making off us and, I don't know, maybe actually test things?


Sybari said:
Guys... AV is fail.

I was playing it all day yesterday, after servers came back online. The queue times are down to about 1 minute, which is fantastic but.... Galv is considerably nerfed, I watched his hp drop like... something that drops really fast. And the group of us there (always about half of our team I think, it's usually enough) could only look on helplessly. We failed at killing balinda. We start the whole bg much further back now, just beside our base; when alliance start where they normally are, and so get to galv much faster.

The overall morale of horde on our server was at an all time low yesterday, and I didn't win ONE bg.

Also my mage friend also kept complaining about one of his meta gems. It used to cut casting time or something, but apparently it's been nerfed? Anyway, he was in a sulk too. I suppose that must be like the equivilant to losing part of your penis for a mage. Or so I hear.

So yeah now the EU servers are down again, due to some more maintenence? Sigh </3

That's why I only run premade AV.

Btw, what EU realm are you on? :D

Safe Bet

I just learned how to add extra action bars on-screen...

Having a much easier time managing the UI now.

Now I just need to take the advice given in this thread and learn to use hotkeys.

Then I'll try and tackle macros.


Just started receiving quests that have me taking on healers.

Pesky Bastards...


Lain said:
About the Meta gem, wasn't that nerfed in 2.3?

Big nerf in 2.3, bigger nerf in 2.4 >.<

Pre-2.4, chance to reduce next spell's cast time by half (45 sec internal CD)

2.4, chance to proc 320 spell haste (20% or 25% spell cast reduction, friggin pathetic after old proc)

If it stacks with gear haste, I can see why they changed it. Although the majority of players won't be in decent haste gear anyways, especially +320 haste gear which you'd need just to get the old proc back =p


What I like about the MSD change is that when it procs I don't accidentally blow it on one scorch. I think they upped the proc rate too, but that's not confirmed. I can totally see people being upset about it though, half-cast spells are awesome.

The new Magtheridon changes are nice - 20g and 3 badges for downing him, a free 20-slot bag for someone in the raid, and now you only need 5 clickers who aren't retarded as opposed to 10. Our token drops sucked though, they all ended up being sharded. Next time I'm going to see if I can bring an alt.


explodet said:
What I like about the MSD change is that when it procs I don't accidentally blow it on one scorch. I think they upped the proc rate too, but that's not confirmed. I can totally see people being upset about it though, half-cast spells are awesome.

The new Magtheridon changes are nice - 20g and 3 badges for downing him, a free 20-slot bag for someone in the raid, and now you only need 5 clickers who aren't retarded as opposed to 10. Our token drops sucked though, they all ended up being sharded. Next time I'm going to see if I can bring an alt.

Problem with the MSD change(aside from the lower bonus) is that it only lasts for 4 seconds now, so with the GCD, assuming it procced on an instant(which is pretty much a certainty in pvp) you only have 2.5 seconds of actual time to cast something. Whereas before it would last for the duration of whatever spell you cast next. Sure you could waste it on a scorch, but you could also use it to unload a set of arcane missiles or a pyroblast in half the time. IMO the chance to waste the bonus was a good enough balance for the power of the bonus.

That said, I use CSD anyway, so I don't really care.
aesop said:
I like how Blizzard stealth patches certain things and leaves it up to you to find out. VR, the loot pinata, for example. He no longer targets you for arcane orbs rendering all mods useless. I could handle the mods not working, that's fine. Should make it fun. But add some latency and you're getting hit by 'invisible' orbs.

*Edit: They've commented on the forum saying that they intentionally made it so he wouldn't target you for orbs, but that it should still show up in the combat log. The fact that it isn't has been declared a bug by Blizz, which isn't going to be hotfixed and will be addressed in a future patch. GG Blizz, maybe you should hire a QA team with all that money you're making off us and, I don't know, maybe actually test things?

Why would anyone bother killing VR or his goddamn trash ever again?


Neo Member
Quick post, is anyone else experiencing bugs in WSG with the flag/flag carrier? Does anyone know where exactly I should post on the forum to ask about this specific problem?

Thanks, my party just spent an hour in WSG with this stuff going on. -.-


Sybari said:
Quick post, is anyone else experiencing bugs in WSG with the flag/flag carrier? Does anyone know where exactly I should post on the forum to ask about this specific problem?

Thanks, my party just spent an hour in WSG with this stuff going on. -.-

what bugs


Holy crap -- I didn't realize we would be getting Heroic Badges in our Shattered Sun Supplies bags! Is it a random chance, or do they just start appearing once you reach a certain rep level?

Other random note -- The Deadliest Trap Ever Laid (a Netherwing daily) now rewards a whopping 19g! That is pretty sweet, considering that I can solo in 3 minutes with my Affliction Warlock.


Neo Member
Icy said:
what bugs

So I understood from the patch notes that, once both sides had eachother's flags for 10 minutes, each carrier would get a 'debuff', which would make them take (I think?) 100% extra damage when hit.
However, what we were experiencing was that people got this debuff the very first time they picked up the flag, and every time after that. It was impossible to take it back to base with that amount of damage being taken on the way.
border said:
Holy crap -- I didn't realize we would be getting Heroic Badges in our Shattered Sun Supplies bags! Is it a random chance, or do they just start appearing once you reach a certain rep level?

Other random note -- The Deadliest Trap Ever Laid (a Netherwing daily) now rewards a whopping 19g! That is pretty sweet, considering that I can solo in 3 minutes with my Affliction Warlock.
It's random. I've gone through at least 20 so far to no avail. :/

And that quest is soloable by anyone, just get multi-shot'd near the flightpath dude.


border said:
Holy crap -- I didn't realize we would be getting Heroic Badges in our Shattered Sun Supplies bags! Is it a random chance, or do they just start appearing once you reach a certain rep level?
I'm thinking it's random - all I keep getting are green cloth lvl 68 items.
heroic magister terrace is pretty tricky for kara epics type fellas. Got thru it in the end but quite a few deaths. 2nd boss was definately the hardest, took us about 6 tries and when we killed them I was the only person alive and I had 8hp lol :lol

Kael was easy, hell we fucked up the pyroblast so I died and they still killed him.


Tamanon said:
From the blues on the forums:

1. Select the &#8220;Everything&#8221; tab
2. /script Blizzard_CombatLog_CurrentSettings.settings.showHistory = false

This will prevent all combat log messages from being re-filtered when you zone.

This will also prevent you from seeing old messages with the &#8220;Everything&#8221; tab.

How to Undo:
If you accidentally set this on the wrong tab, select the broken tab and type:
/script Blizzard_CombatLog_CurrentSettings.settings.showHistory = true

These settings will be saved when you logout.

I've done that, but still I get the scrolling when zoning (at least it was happening everytime I entered and left a BG).
I'm just contemplating deleting the Everything filter...

border said:
Other random note -- The Deadliest Trap Ever Laid (a Netherwing daily) now rewards a whopping 19g! That is pretty sweet, considering that I can solo in 3 minutes with my Affliction Warlock.

Yeah, I did that one this morning just because now the limit is 25 and was surprised by the gold reward. Before the patch it was like 7 or 9g?
They also filled the Netherwing mines with Ravagers so now completing that other daily is even faster. No longer going up and down the mine trying to find a Ravager... now there are more Ravagers than Flyers XD.
MrPing1000 said:
heroic magister terrace is pretty tricky for kara epics type fellas. Got thru it in the end but quite a few deaths. 2nd boss was definately the hardest, took us about 6 tries and when we killed them I was the only person alive and I had 8hp lol :lol

Kael was easy, hell we fucked up the pyroblast so I died and they still killed him.

That guy was nuts; it took a while to get the killing down so people wouldn't go asplode really quick. Sunwell's been fun too; 20% on Kalecgos with many fun FD pulls for more rez chances. :lol


Magister's Terrace is officially home to the PUG-killers.

The third boss was insanely fun, although weird as hell.

Kael....Kael....well....our group wiped on him 10 times before calling it. I think our group make-up was the reason it was so tough. We had my mage, a priest healing, 2 feral druids and a hunter. The priest just wasn't able to keep everybody up.


Tamanon said:
Magister's Terrace is officially home to the PUG-killers.

The third boss was insanely fun, although weird as hell.

Kael....Kael....well....our group wiped on him 10 times before calling it. I think our group make-up was the reason it was so tough. We had my mage, a priest healing, 2 feral druids and a hunter. The priest just wasn't able to keep everybody up.

That group should do fine on Kael, but it can be one hell of a gear check.


Gold Member
Tamanon said:
Magister's Terrace is officially home to the PUG-killers.

The third boss was insanely fun, although weird as hell.

Kael....Kael....well....our group wiped on him 10 times before calling it. I think our group make-up was the reason it was so tough. We had my mage, a priest healing, 2 feral druids and a hunter. The priest just wasn't able to keep everybody up.

Yea I did it with two mages, two druids (one healing) and a paladin and it just doesn't work that way.
Any low level players (20-35 or so) looking for some casual play on Executus? I've got a regular group that usually plays weeknights and some weekend afternoons. Looking for some good people to run with.


Magister's Terrace has some big pulls that you need good CC for, but I don't see how it's that bad. I guess the problem is most PUGs tend to have 1-2 really poorly geared people.

We ran heroic MgT with pally tank, 2 rogues, my warlock, and shaman healer. The only problem was Vexallus, who really needs to be taken down quickly in Heroic.
On heroic mode, Magister's Terrace is a pain. The first boss wasn't too bad, but after that it all went down hill. The second boss was a pain. First off, the stupid adds the boss spawns do incredible amounts of damage and when the boss goes into overload mode, your healer needs to rock out with the heals or you can kiss your party goodbye in a couple of seconds. We wiped about 5 times because of this. Then came the third boss. Well, let me just say that if your party doesn't have the appropriate CC then the boss is pretty much impossible from my point of view. We had a warrior (tank), paladin (healer), hunter, rogue, and shadow priest. We weren't able to burn down one of the adds fast enough before the one that was sapped broke free of it. Wiped another 5 to 10 times to the boss and had to call it. So, yeah, Magister's Terrace on heroic mode is a definite step up from your other heroic instances.


Vexallus' adds have next to no HP. All you need is a diligent rogue or hunter to kill them as soon as they appear.

Delrissa -- I still have no idea how we keep getting past this boss :lol The whole fight is just a ridiculous clusterfuck with no rhyme or reason. It feels way more disorganized than the fight it is patterned after (Moroes). Generally the strategy seems to be killing Delrissa first, then moving on to the adds with the most annoying abilities......all the while hoping that the tank can hold aggro on 3-4 of them.


Delrissa's fight isn't an aggro fight, it's more like a PVP fight - a 5v5 arena. The aggro tables are all over the place so there's little sense in trying to traditionally tank. CC and focus fire are the way to go, and targeting the healers or the squishies first are both viable strategies.

I can't stand the shaman or the mortal striking naga, personally.

And I can't wait to get my hands on one of those purple trinkets that drop from the heroic version.


Yeah, as a mage, the Delrissa fight is annoying.....she dispels sheep!:( Plus the whole focus-fire thing makes it hell on clothies if you get unlucky. I think I'll actually wear my arena gear during that fight.:lol


Delrissa on Heroic is pretty scary. We all wore our PVP gear for that fight, since like someone said, it's basically a 5v5 arena match. Pull them back a little and try to LOS them, and burn Delrissa down. Sapped the fury warrior, sheeped the healer, and nuked Delrissa while AOE fearing. Despite us all having pretty much S3 or T5/6 gear, it came down to our tank and paladin versus the warlock and shaman. Everybody ran out of mana so they had to auto attack them down while the paladin used a judgment and wisdom to get back mana. It was pretty intense.

My group setup was prot warrior, arcane mage, s.priest, h.paladin, and rogue. Sap, sheep, and mind control basically trivialize the entire instance. Sap a target, mind control another and let the other mobs kill it, then sheep. Even the last pull before Kael was a piece of cake for this.
border said:
Other random note -- The Deadliest Trap Ever Laid (a Netherwing daily) now rewards a whopping 19g! That is pretty sweet, considering that I can solo in 3 minutes with my Affliction Warlock.

whoa! awesome
ManaByte said:
Anyone have trouble on Vista with screenshots? Ever since I started playing WoW on Vista the screenshots don't save.

vista sometimes does not like things happening in c:/program files/* - maybe.

you could either turn off UAC, via control panel > users > Turn off user account control

or move wow out of the /program files to desktop.. or another drive and i bet it will be fine
I can now see why some of you are addicted to PvP, BG's are pretty fun.....except when people start flaming each other and forget to play the fucking game!

I now have an epic mainhand (Not from PVP) and an epic offhand (honour reward)

What should I go after next? I was thinking of the chestpiece first
BigJonsson said:
I can now see why some of you are addicted to PvP, BG's are pretty fun.....except when people start flaming each other and forget to play the fucking game!

I now have an epic mainhand (Not from PVP) and an epic offhand (honour reward)

What should I go after next? I was thinking of the chestpiece first
Get the bg gear before the s1 honor gear. It will last a lot longer than the s1 5 pieces when the next season starts.


I'm leveling a Shaman alt for my Mage (resto ftw) and I'm stuck in RFK trying to get that damn healing mace. Two runs in a row, two times it's been ninja'd :(

Feral druid "needs maces" and the Ench shaman "needed it because I can heal too. Plus I'll use it when we don't have a healer"


Just gonna get boosted by my guild now, fuck pugs.
BigJonsson said:
Isn't all that stuff outdated though?
No, that glads chestpiece and gear that you want are 2 seasons outdated. The BG honor gear labeled Vindicators is the current gear for the rest of the slots. Only way to get the current 5 pieces of armor is to arena.
BigJonsson said:
I can now see why some of you are addicted to PvP, BG's are pretty fun.....except when people start flaming each other and forget to play the fucking game!

I now have an epic mainhand (Not from PVP) and an epic offhand (honour reward)

What should I go after next? I was thinking of the chestpiece first

Just go for the belt, boots, and bracers first since those are the biggest upgrades. Also, don't forget to get your medallion trinket.
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