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World of Warcraft

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Son of Godzilla said:
Also, this game is disgusting in how much it forces you to baby priests.

As a priest, I must agree. :p I dislike being babysat as much as you dislike babysitting. The problem is if we don't whine like a bitch as soon as we gain aggro we have a tendency to go down 10-15 seconds later. We do have survival mechanisms, but they're mostly for soloing; in tightly packed instances, they have a tendency to make things worse and draw unwanted adds.

This is not a complaint about the priest class, before people come in here accusing me of whining about my uber character! ;) It's just a Fact of Life in the world of World of Warcraft.


Character transfers!


Currently Eligible Realms

Arthas (PvP) -> Nathrezim (PvP)

Scheduled Realms

Warsong (PvP) -> ??? - To be announced
Bleeding Hollow (PvP) -> ??? - To be announced
Illidan (PvP) -> ??? - To be announced
Blackrock (PvP) -> ??? - To be announced
Stormreaver (PvP) -> ??? - To be announced
Shattered Hand (PvP) -> ??? - To be announced
Mannoroth (PvP) -> ??? - To be announced
Blackhand (PvE) -> ??? - To be announced
Whisperwind (PvE) -> ??? - To be announced

dave is ok

aztek is ok
SatelliteOfLove said:
I need to bring this to the attention of my GL; Shattered Hand going down for hours during the PST peak time is messing us up bad, (mostly BC and AB guys; the Aussies in the guild have been lapping us leveling because of this). :)
What guild are you in on Shattered Hand?

(Rampant Fronting, here)
JackFrost2012 said:
As a priest, I must agree. :p I dislike being babysat as much as you dislike babysitting. The problem is if we don't whine like a bitch as soon as we gain aggro we have a tendency to go down 10-15 seconds later. We do have survival mechanisms, but they're mostly for soloing; in tightly packed instances, they have a tendency to make things worse and draw unwanted adds.

This is not a complaint about the priest class, before people come in here accusing me of whining about my uber character! ;) It's just a Fact of Life in the world of World of Warcraft.

I actually meant macro-baby. I can prevent one from dying pretty damn easy.


It's so easy to make money on Illidan by selling stuff on the AH. Every time I get a stack of cloth (linen, wool, silk, etc.), I throw it up there. Every time I get any green item I can't use, I throw it up there.

My newbie Shaman is 23 and already has nearly 10 gold. If I keep up this pace I'll have no trouble buying my mount as soon as I hit 40.


Unless they change BRD, my feral druid alt is definitely going mining/skinning just so I can get him to mine dark iron eventually. Alchemy is also a sick moneymaker... don't overlook it if you have it. It costs a lot until you can make stuff like superior mana potions, but once you can... tons of cash to be had there. And the herbs are ridiculously easy to pick on your own.
firex said:
Unless they change BRD, my feral druid alt is definitely going mining/skinning just so I can get him to mine dark iron eventually. Alchemy is also a sick moneymaker... don't overlook it if you have it. It costs a lot until you can make stuff like superior mana potions, but once you can... tons of cash to be had there. And the herbs are ridiculously easy to pick on your own.

my druid is doing tailoring and leathering...

then i got my shaman doing mining and engineering

then i got my rogue doing alchemy and herbs..

and they are all on the same server so they can interchange items.


wow. hmm, kilrogg has no queues but frequent lag and crashes. so jesus, I'd hate to be on one of the even more doomed 10 servers.

edit: also, as a side note, I just redid my talent spec and it is really really good, better than my heavy destruction build earlier. I am 21 destruction (essentially the basics up to ruin and shadowburn) and 17 into demonology (for fel domination and master summoner) and 13 into affliction (basically I got suppression, improved lifetap, improved corruption and amplify curse).

I lose some fire damage from the destruction heavy build but get the best talent out of it (ruin) and my pet summons are 4 seconds faster (and every 15 minutes I can summon a new pet in .5 seconds for half mana), and I also get to amplify curse of agony or weakness for some bonus damage or reduction.


Talking about money makers... an easy way is to take up enchanting; don't bother enchanting.... that's a money sink, but look on the AH for all level 51+ armor items (weapons are too pricey) and put down a bid for anything upto 2g or so. Then disenchant those items. Sometimes you'll get 2+ illusion dust or greater eternal essence; that's great, that makes money. Sometimes you'll even get large brilliant shards.

All I know is that after doing it several times, it makes slow, but relatively effortless profits... in the region of 50g a day if you do it right. (including pricing it right)

Of course not everyone can do it... and you better be the only person on your server that does it, otherwise it becomes crap money.


Yeah, I had considered doing that (just apprentice enchanting to disenchant) as a moneymaker/supplier for my guild (since we already have some people who went up to artisan enchanting) but they wanted more alchemists to transmute arcanite, and alch's potions are going to be awesome after the patch for pvp (and already rock for pve) so it didn't matter much to me.
Is it worthwhile to make a low-level alt with basic enchanting that you send items to? I'm thinking I might get more from disenchanting spirit gear and selling the pieces in the AH than from vendoring it outright...


I did that to make some money in beta. Just haven't bothered doing it here cause I am in a pretty good guild, so I just send green items that nobody would want to one of our other enchanters for disenchanting materials.


Got my Warlock to 30 last night, definately the most fun I've had with any class. Dumped all my pts into Affliction so far, gonna carry on doing that to Dark Pact, and try and speed through PvE. When I get to lvl 45-50, I'm gonna respec and flood into Demonology - the thought of having instant cast summons is fairly tastey.

I'm sure all the problems will arise at endgame as people keep saying, but atm I'm having a great time.


It really does. And you don't have to go full demonology (plus you never get INSTANT cast summons, but .5 seconds every 15 minutes is pretty close), and in fact I'd recommend not doing so. I find going fully into one tree or the other just doesn't work (except affliction so you can have low/no downtime). It's really from 50 and up that you'll find it frustrating to level because this is the point where the voidwalker can't tank for shit and you'll need more time to kill mobs with anything less than full out nuking them (and then using lifetap + first aid to replace drinking). Although I do hear that soul link is good for withstanding a lot of damage in pvp, I'd really not want to run into any shadow priest and try to rely upon that, because if they have half a brain they'll just dispel it (like everything else about warlocks, dispel magic pretty much screws us over).

I did a little pvping defending thunder bluff from a raid last night and it was fun. After the alliance turned tail they ran down to a lower level of the main rise, but I and the other mages/warlocks there were able to stay up top and just aoe the hell out of them for a bit.


I didnt know they changed Warlock so you could control your pets while incapictated in the upcoming patch. No more polymorph cheese, oh nooooo.


Supposed to be like that already but poly fucks it up, sap still fucks it up too since sap almost always lasts long enough for the rogue to kill the succubus even with it on defensive and autocasting seduction.

That guy is giving an ok solo pvp build but it basically is a crutch that deals with the warlock's crappy skillset and finds a way to give you all the time to make the DOTs actually able to kill someone.

In terms of DPS, I would personally rather see warlocks either get much faster and stronger DOTs (i.e. corruption being better than shadow word: pain) or lose all the DOTs and give us some more arcane/shadow/fire nukes and a shadow AOE. As it is now the class is like half a mage with some demon pets, and the endgame has so many mobs that are either shadow or fire resistant that you are pretty much forced into one role... mages do great with frost and arcane in the endgame and can switch to fire for places like scholo and strath.


Friday night and I can't even play. At least a three hour wait for me to get on Illidan.

Edit: And I can't play my Warlock because Feathermoon is down. Fuck it.
I started a Night Elf Druid (ugh, why can't Humans be druids?) on Icecrown because some real life friends play there. Just got to 30. If anyone plays there and wants to group, send Tag a tell.

Horde > Alliance. I feel dirty.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Cerebral Palsy said:
I started a Night Elf Druid (ugh, why can't Humans be druids?) on Icecrown because some real life friends play there. Just got to 30. If anyone plays there and wants to group, send Tag a tell.

Horde > Alliance. I feel dirty.

Oh man, you're on the same server as my 60 troll rogue (Knai).

You're so dead, Alliance-lover!!!111


I think it's just old textures being replaced. The quest for that (and the pally epic mount) is a long way off and probably (hopefully) involves buying your own epic mount from your race and using it. Because the horse looks absolutely retarded on orcs.
firex said:
I think it's just old textures being replaced. The quest for that (and the pally epic mount) is a long way off and probably (hopefully) involves buying your own epic mount from your race and using it. Because the horse looks absolutely retarded on orcs.

Orcs look funny no matter which they ride; seeing an Orc Shammy or Warrior with big bulky plate/mail and a shield on a little wolf is just sad. I wish they'd up the size on those till it looks right.


Yea, that's just a model replace, I didnt think the quest was in, but maybe the model was and if so, that might be it :)


I'm never going back to Alliance again. Horde is just simply so much better. Undead rule, seriously, there's nothing more fun in a two on two than killing an alliance, sheeping the other, and eating his dead friend. Hooray undead.


Alex said:
I'm never going back to Alliance again. Horde is just simply so much better. Undead rule, seriously, there's nothing more fun in a two on two than killing an alliance, sheeping the other, and eating his dead friend. Hooray undead.




Ikse said:
Yea, that's just a model replace, I didnt think the quest was in, but maybe the model was and if so, that might be it :)
Ah, when I said old textures, I meant there's probably an old model in there that won't be used. I hope so at least, cause I really really do not want that to be the nightmare mount for my orc... I'll just go buy an epic wolf instead (like 8 months later).
Bregor said:
I frown on any attempt to call one group wannabes and another group the real thing. All WoW players deserve a fair deal.

Well... they got their fair deal. The information was posted on a public board after all. But, I still stand by my statements. After all, how are they not wannabes when they can't beat content through skill but rather through numbers? It's like saying that someone who beat a game using a cheat code should be accorded the same type of respect as someone who beat the game fair and square.


You realize that the information released was about full 40-man raid instances, so there's no way you can zerg them since you can only fit 40 people into a single raid, right?


One thing I have to say, on my server at least, Horde guilds are a-fucking-bysmal. It's either a total wasteland, meaning no one talks; ever, or it's filled to the brim with kids.

Honestly, is it so much to ask for a non-allied guild that engages in decipherable conversation and actually, yknow, makes use of the guild for instance runs, groups in general and helping each other out?
firex said:
You realize that the information released was about full 40-man raid instances, so there's no way you can zerg them since you can only fit 40 people into a single raid, right?

Yes, but if you recall what I said, I was specifically talking about people who raid Strat with 20 people being upset about this information being released through FoH, and not the big-time raiding guilds. If you partially read through the thread (the one Manabyte linked) you'll see what I mean. Very few, if any of the complainers were from the big-time raiding guilds who do the 40-man instances (The ones who down the big mobs tend to still be known by the community at-large at this stage). Very few, if any of the complainers actually posted anything of substance, and not slander (Tigole was never in FoH, yet quite a few of the posters fail to realize that, even after it was pointed out, and continue to hatch conspiracy theories about how he's helping them).

Very few of the complainers were concerned with the substance of the information. Rather, they were concerned with FoH getting information from Tigole on how to beat WoW raid instances as a result of his post on that board. That tells me they're concerned with the rat race aspects of raiding in WoW. Therefore, they probably are interested in, or are doing raids in the game already. But, I highly doubt that many of them are effective raiders - at least judging by the quality of posts in that thread. WoW is not rocket science, but it still requires some sort of intelligence.

If the majority of the posts in that thread were not a hatefest against hardcore raiding guilds, then my post would not have taken that tone. Only a few people were genuinely concerned about information being released through an unofficial channel rather than official. They were more concerned about corruption in a fucking videogame than anything else.


Damn... been awhile since I came to these forums. TY wow :(
Chara. Update!

Name: Mirk
Guild: Grief
Class: Paladin
Server: Mal'Ganis

Screen Shot
If any of you make alts on Mal'Ganis look me up.


Sirpopopop said:
Yes, but if you recall what I said, I was specifically talking about people who raid Strat with 20 people being upset about this information being released through FoH, and not the big-time raiding guilds. If you partially read through the thread (the one Manabyte linked) you'll see what I mean. Very few, if any of the complainers were from the big-time raiding guilds who do the 40-man instances (The ones who down the big mobs tend to still be known by the community at-large at this stage). Very few, if any of the complainers actually posted anything of substance, and not slander (Tigole was never in FoH, yet quite a few of the posters fail to realize that, even after it was pointed out, and continue to hatch conspiracy theories about how he's helping them).

Very few of the complainers were concerned with the substance of the information. Rather, they were concerned with FoH getting information from Tigole on how to beat WoW raid instances as a result of his post on that board. That tells me they're concerned with the rat race aspects of raiding in WoW. Therefore, they probably are interested in, or are doing raids in the game already. But, I highly doubt that many of them are effective raiders - at least judging by the quality of posts in that thread. WoW is not rocket science, but it still requires some sort of intelligence.

If the majority of the posts in that thread were not a hatefest against hardcore raiding guilds, then my post would not have taken that tone. Only a few people were genuinely concerned about information being released through an unofficial channel rather than official. They were more concerned about corruption in a fucking videogame than anything else.
I'd honestly forgotten. Yeah, I can understand where you're coming from. I don't have a huge divide between "elite" raiding guilds and "wannabes" but there's definitely a difference. Also, Alex, what server are you playing on? I think most low/med population servers have really crappy guilds overall just because they get more of the crowd of people who don't necessarily want to do the stuff you tend to need a high population for.


I think they're just mad that he posted that with the claim there was no similar information posted on the blizzard forums... but it was during that login downtime where almost nobody could log in to the forums, and he posts fairly regularly on the raid forum on blizzard's forums.
autobot said:
Damn... been awhile since I came to these forums. TY wow :(
Chara. Update!

Name: Mirk
Guild: Grief
Class: Paladin
Server: Mal'Ganis

Screen Shot
If any of you make alts on Mal'Ganis look me up.

I think one of my real life friends is in Grief. It doesn't really matter though since all you clowns are KoS to me. But look on the bright side, at least you're not in CoL.


Won Plans: Invulnerable Mail last night. Not sure how much they sell for tho. When I won the roll some guy in the raid said "man that's epic mount money right there" so I'm guessing it's a lot... but Alla only lists the average AH price as 495G. Hmm. Maybe I'll throw them up for 495G, 1k buyout or something.

EDIT: Nevermind... threw them up for 450G opening bid, 1337 buyout for 24 hours. Lets see what kind of whispers I get about them. :lol

Maybe I should sell them in Gaget tho... hmm.

I just hope the AH doesn't screw up and eat them... argh.
Alex said:
I'm never going back to Alliance again. Horde is just simply so much better. Undead rule, seriously, there's nothing more fun in a two on two than killing an alliance, sheeping the other, and eating his dead friend. Hooray undead.

*Undead Male /dance* \m/ :D \m/

firex said:
I'd honestly forgotten. Yeah, I can understand where you're coming from. I don't have a huge divide between "elite" raiding guilds and "wannabes" but there's definitely a difference. Also, Alex, what server are you playing on? I think most low/med population servers have really crappy guilds overall just because they get more of the crowd of people who don't necessarily want to do the stuff you tend to need a high population for.

And I've noticed if there's few established guilds going Horde, (or in a couple servers, Alliance), that are outnumbered on low/mid pop servers, the smaller side gets very sheepish about anything contested and gets very solo-minded. Even on Shattered Hand in places like Burning Steppes and The Hinterlands I've getten this from people sometimes.


About damn time. Finally got my Beaststalker's Cap after over 35 runs of not even seeing it drop.


The new content patch you've been waiting for will be available after tomorrow's weekly scheduled maintenance. In order to make the patch available at that time, we need to extend the maintenance by an additional two hours. The realms will be taken down at approximately 5:00AM PST instead of at the normal maintenance time, and made available again at 11:00AM PST. During this time, forum login will be unavailable. Once the realms are live, players can immediately download the patch by simply connecting to the game. Complete patch notes can be found by following the link below. We wish to thank everyone who helped us test this patch on the new test realm.


About damn time.
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