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World of Warcraft

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Great Wasabi Man said:
hey how long till you think they delete your characters in CoH after you cancel...I wanna try the arena....and this shit is trying my patience

I hear after a month they Ebay your character!


My ping hovers between 480ish up to like 800ish. Really shitty, it wasn't this bad before. It may be my connection though, cause it seems like I'm a little laggy in other games too.


Here's my Shadowclan Orc with the chat bubbles on:
Eh? Your on BH too?

Man, I alt-tabbed out like two seconds ago and come back to DISCONNECETTIONGNZ!

Btw, How'd you predict the 20 dps nerfo? That is exactly what I lost on screen. Actually lost more because it's counting ammo.


Son of Godzilla said:
Eh? Your on BH too?

Man, I alt-tabbed out like two seconds ago and come back to DISCONNECETTIONGNZ!

That's where Shadowclan is, yes.

Son of Godzilla said:
Btw, How'd you predict the 20 dps nerfo? That is exactly what I lost on screen. Actually lost more because it's counting ammo.



Meh, it was my ISP. Me = owned.

Edit; and now the login server is down again. God dangit, worst chain of events EVER.
ManaByte said:
Ok, so I should continue to pay for a game that is impossible for me to play because it's not possible for me to get a patch that the game requires to run?

Hey Einstein, you can get the patch for free from FilePlanet.


Alex said:
This PvP server is turning me into an asshole. Seriously, I had such a bright demeanor when I made a character here, but although I've had it easier with the Horde population slant, Hillsbrad alone has turned my perogative to all alliance; kill on sight.

Not to generalize too harshly though, I have to say the typical Alliance kiddie sucks at PvP, and sucks hard. We were doing even team matches outside of Tarren Mill last night, Horde 25-30's and Alliance 40-45's and we were fucking smoking them, it was nightmarishly sad.

Also, protip learned from Ashenvale PvP: Priests can Manaburn through a Paladins immunity shield.

Alliances PvP skills seem to suck everywhere. On Eredar server, about 10-15 horde, not even all max level most of them were low 50's sacked the hell out of Southshore. 50-70 Alliance around at different times. We killed the flight master and camped it and just destroyed the alliance reinforcements as they landed


I got on too, but its so laggy, and this time it's NOT my isp, hehe... loot lag everywhere, enemies teleporting around, and i just got thrown off, so lame. actually, apparently half our server just got tossed.
Alex said:
I got on too, but its so laggy, and this time it's NOT my isp, hehe... loot lag everywhere, enemies teleporting around, and i just got thrown off, so lame. actually, apparently half our server just got tossed.

tell me about it...its so laggy its dumb.

i watch myself cast heal for about 1 minute...next thing i know im dead...


AeroGod said:
Alliances PvP skills seem to suck everywhere. On Eredar server, about 10-15 horde, not even all max level most of them were low 50's sacked the hell out of Southshore. 50-70 Alliance around at different times. We killed the flight master and camped it and just destroyed the alliance reinforcements as they landed
Yeah, I find that there are few and far between good pvpers among alliance players... in beta especially, with the gigantic population imbalance (something like 6:1 alliance:horde if not more) we would hold our ground in the constant Tarren Mill/Southshore pvping when we were outnumbered 3 to 1.
Alex said:
They didn't, just added another dance step. Funny as hell.

yea they did, its now the knee thing + raise the roof
<Edit> nvm i just saw another tauren male do the dance and the old one is still there....its just random when they do it.

and female tuaren = electric slide


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
WEWT just read that they made shadowform (on shadow priests) less dorky-lookin' :D

My patcher needs to stop acting retarded.


I love playing with Shadowclan. It's so funny when the retards on a PVP server gets pissed at you for the way Shadowclan talks.

In case you don't know about Shadowclan they're a guild that's been around since UO. In UO they would dress and live like Orcs. In WoW, well, they're Orcs. They have their own Orc language that they speak, and the retards named "Pimpinhos" or "Bigpimpin" on the PVP servers get so pissed:

"Talk normal fucker"

"Are you retarded fucker?"

"Fucking start talkn normal or I report u!"


Haha, I still can't log in. Holy shit, it's been down all day. So much for my stable, low pop server. I was only able to get in once for twenty minutes and suffered 600ms ping while on.

Was no WoW to be had on this day off. =(


wow. and after I restarted my cable modem, my ping has been fine on kilrogg, of all servers.

I made a mage alt and found it funny that the random name generator gave me the name "Mana" so I stuck with it, it wasn't taken.


I want to give a reader's digest version of why warlocks really need changes to deal with the game at level 60:
Warlocks can't do their primary role (debuff) due to the debuff limit, and many weapons have procs with stronger debuffs than warlocks get.
Warlocks can't use any pet but the imp in raid instances (this is also a problem with hunters and they can't use ANY pet, so it's not like I'm ignoring them, just stating that we're designed to use pets for different situations but there's no situation where the warlock/hunter pets are useful, save the imp for his blood pact stamina buff).
Warlocks nuke worse than mages (unless we critical, but just crunching numbers, we nuke for frostbolt damage at fireball mana costs with a spell that has no extra effect on it like frostbolt does, and I have a feeling if mages get any more talent boosts it will be one to give them a similar high damage bonus on crits with arcane/fire spells as we get with destruction spells from the Ruin talent).
Warlocks DOT worse than priests (and if we couldn't stack DOTs, many classes would have a better DOT than we do, or very comparable one at least).
Warlocks bring no real defining role to a raid beyond soulstones and healthstones, which aren't designed to be a key use of the class, only an incentive vs a mage (the comparable mage spell is conjure food/water).

I know this probably sounds like a whiny "woe is me" type post; it's not really meant to be that. It's just how the class works out in the raid game. For regular instances it's different, we can be effective there, especially in 5 man groups. For the raiding game this class really isn't any good, though, and that's a problem. Only maybe rogues are as handicapped in raids as we are, and that's only because they die too easily since they have to be up there meleeing with the warriors and paladins. Even shamans have a good (not great, but good) raid role, especially if they go restoration, and druids are a godlike raid healer due to innervate.

Sadly, I don't think the community, or even the developers, will get this...


"I know this probably sounds like a whiny "woe is me" type post"

This isn't the WoW boards, logic (what little manages to seep through in that hovel) isn't countered with "CAN I HAV UR STUF? LOLZERS" I don't think anyone will bash you.

My opinion on Warlock doesn't matter much, I only made it to mid-game, but the changes I would like to see:

~Entirely remove Soul Shards, or completely revamp the system.
~Better reward in the Risk V. Reward catagorey for end game pets.
~Adjustments to Demonolgy.
~All around nerfs to Remove Curse, Cleanse, Dispel, and shit, throw Purge in there too.
~Remove Curse of Agony from the Curse line and simply make it Agony. Perhaps add something in it's stead.
~I'd personally like Healthstones to be able to be conjured in mass, and handed out freely. I don't see the point of a restriction when there's a timer. It's needless frustration. (also on this note, let Mages trade mana stones please, but perhaps keep the one at a time limit)
~For a debuffing class, many of the curses could stand to be more potent. Too situational as is.


Honestly, I don't think DOTs could be buffed on the class at high levels or it would actually make us even less useful in groups, because we would constantly steal aggro from the tank and that just makes us a liability vs a mage.

It's why I really think an approach to make us more like a cross between the hunter and the mage (pure nuking for offense, pet to tank or DPS depending upon the situation) would balance the class even if it would water it down into solo pet and group pet (though blizzard WANTS THIS TO HAPPEN ANYWAY, according to all they've said throughout beta).

I can understand what you're saying, though, cause it's the most obvious way to buff warlock DPS (which doesn't really need buffing as much as the other problems) and the debuffer role. But I know enough of how hate/threat works in this game that if we were able to stack DOTs with impunity, the class would devolve into either a snoozefest of DOTing and sitting back or be a gigantic aggro stealer. And at high levels, only raid mobs can actually be alive long enough for most DOTs to go full duration. The sad thing is, I think even if you ignore the debuff limit, the best way to DPS with the class is to simply curse of shadows/curse of elements and chain cast shadow bolt/searing pain (first setup is for group, second is for solo). Which is so boring... and so not the way the class is supposed to work. If we just had other reliable fire/shadow nukes beyond shadow bolt and searing pain (which we can't use in groups at all) we'd go a long way towards having more variety and, IMO, better playability. I don't think it would unnecessarily dumb the class down either, because it's pet management that's the hard part, the DOTs just require you to have their durations memorized (while soloing) or to count ticks of them.

Soul shards, I definitely think need to be removed entirely. Every spell that uses them is balanced in other ways without them, so it's just a tedious addition. Especially at level 60, where if I need to get shards to pvp, I need to go to a place like western plaguelands. Blizzard's proposal of a shard bag does nothing to address this, and the drain soul in pvp thing helps a little, but it's like putting a bandaid on something that should be amputated.

I definitely think that the endgame pets should actually be permanently controllable, just without any special abilities, and those abilities would be added in as the rare drop grimoires instead of the ones that teach you the summoning spell. The Infernal is literally useless because there is no situation at all where he's worth the risk over any other pet. The doomguard is very very useful but too risky (ironically enough he comes with dispel magic, so we get to counter our own class with our ultimate pet). His debuff spell is so strong that it almost makes me angry that our own class doesn't get it, when the "best" pet does.

I also feel that the dispel spells should be nerfed. I think the suggestion you had before about making them scale mana costs with levels, and adding in a small (like 4 seconds) cooldown would be perfect. Fear's new mana cost isn't a big deal (it's 205 at level 60), it's just like insult to injury. And personally, Cleanse should be nerfed into oblivion and made into like 3 separate spells, because it's the idiot button for dispelling debuffs. Either that or other classes that can dispel multiple types of debuffs (the other 3 healers) should get a similar all-in-one ability so they have less hotkey space taken up.

As far as curses go... yes, they really are pretty weak at 60. Agony is one I only use if someone is offtanking a mob since it can soften them up some while the main mob is being destroyed. The resistance curses are great, recklessness doesn't have any real strong debuff effect, but the no-fleeing effect is good. Weakness got nerfed for no reason, which then led to shamans' stoneskin totem getting nerfed (when both already scaled terribly at high levels, and now scale terribly past about level 12). Sadly, I've found that curse of tongues can be a liability with some high level caster mobs, and it doesn't even seem to slow the casting of some spells (most notably the summoning spells scarshield warlocks and blackhand summoners use in BRS). If this were replaced with a spell interrupt it would make the class a lot more versatile and wouldn't overpower it really (because ANY class can solo caster elites that are outdoors, but in instances this is just yet another weakness of the class).

Ultimately, I think we need soloing nerfs and grouping buffs if that's what it takes to get this class fixed. No class is that hard to solo in this game (save maybe a holy spec priest) and most players know that having a worse solo game doesn't mean much when you contribute a lot to groups at level 60, whether it's pve or pvp.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Well, my lag is all outta whack after the patch tonight. I was at 1175 latency when I finally got lag bound...then had to give up and log out...surrounded by Raptors... :(

Also had to disable the full-screen glow effect, since it's making my screen look all wonky after the patch too. :\


Alex said:
This PvP server is turning me into an asshole. Seriously, I had such a bright demeanor when I made a character here, but although I've had it easier with the Horde population slant, Hillsbrad alone has turned my perogative to all alliance; kill on sight.

Not to generalize too harshly though, I have to say the typical Alliance kiddie sucks at PvP, and sucks hard. We were doing even team matches outside of Tarren Mill last night, Horde 25-30's and Alliance 40-45's and we were fucking smoking them, it was nightmarishly sad.

Also, protip learned from Ashenvale PvP: Priests can Manaburn through a Paladins immunity shield.

Keep in mind the guards really do throw the slant in PVP... if it goes according to the typical fight, the guards will spawn quite frequently.

In my experience, we were doing quite well pushing the horde into tarren mill; even when the numbers began to even out. Only after about 45-60 minutes of siege did the horde manage to push us back; we kinda just rolled back to southshore, let them hit our guards and immediately steam rolled them back to tarren mill.

I guess it really comes down to an aggressive higher level guild spear heading attacks; if there's one around, the coordination is a bit better and so is the general player skill and of course character+equips.


Excuse the large pic (I downsized quality a lot), but the Instance server crashed. Rather amusing to pop into this mob. Only fought 3 bosses, but cool dungeon thus far.


I got a new hat with 25 agility, 15 stamina, 5 shadow and something else resist:


Sadly my armour is horribly mismatched at the moment, but I'm working on it. My Barman shanker glows now.


Loved the new Ogres, and even used the meeting stone to get a group together. Level 60 thief catchers patrolling IF now, so I guess they are the new anti-rogue measures. Oh, holy crap did the Tauren town in Feralas ever have A LOT of guards in it. More than double what used to be there. I amost died riding through.


One more thing: New Tauren dance rocks.


Coordination is huge and neither side really employs it well enough. It's why my guild was able to 6 man a lot of Darnassus, we were all very well coordinated and organized. You don't really need a plan, you just need to know to watch each other's backs, stick together as a group and do your intended role. When you cooperate and coordinate, pvp becomes a breeze.

Also, I really hope when the honor system is implemented, they change forsaken NPCs to humanoids. Otherwise there will be countless pally zergs of TM and they'll rack up honorable kills at level 60 for like no effort whatsoever.

edit: Saito, Orgrimmar itself has tons of guards now. It actually is comparable to SW/IF in terms of guards, and we even have some level 60 elites stationed at random areas. It's going to be far tougher for the alliance to raid now... which can only help you guys get better at pvp, which can only help the horde get better at pvp, which can only make the pvp in this game more fun.


I don't mind the guard changes. The capitols should be hard to raid.


Got my warrior, Casca, to level 40. I love her current armour, but I need to switch to plate. Too bad since I just got the Herrod helm, shoulder, scarlet pants, gloves, belt and aegis shield, just a couple levels ago.


Looks like all the servers just completely died... I can't even get the realm list to open up.

Looking at the Realm Status forum is kind of funny... and extremely depressing.

2/24 - Regarding Recent Realm Latency
3/23 - Shattered Hand Restart
3/23 - Select Realm Restarts
3/23 - Dalaran Realm Restart
3/23 - Stormreaver Restarted
3/23 - Uther Restarted
3/22 - Authentication Issues
3/23 - Select Realm Maintenance
3/22 - Realm Restarts
3/22 - Reminder: Weekly Scheduled Maintenance
3/21 - Archimonde Restarted
3/21 - Select Realms Issues

Probably goes on like that for weeks, too. :lol

Trying to get a config file to work properly in FlexBar is a pain in the ass. Been at it for 4 hours now and little things just keep screwing up... so damn annoying. If it didn't look so good when I got it set up I'd just say screw it... but my screen is so clean when I use Flexbar I have to keep trying. =|
sigh....it's getting old to have to ctrl+alt+del to logout night after night cause the game just hangs for 5 to 10 minutes after the logout count down, and to have to wait and hope I don't get a disconnect when I'm logging in.

I found an interesting bug.

I was doing a part of the tower of Althaxx quest where you have to kill the orc warlock. I really had no problem taking down mobs 2 -3 levels higher them me so this shouldn't be a problem. Yet he much be a special warlock that can call 3 pets. 2 void walkers that spawned ontop of eachother and a succubus. My firend did this quest the other day before the patch and as far as he can remember he only had one pet.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Great Wasabi Man said:
sigh....it's getting old to have to ctrl+alt+del to logout night after night cause the game just hangs for 5 to 10 minutes after the logout count down, and to have to wait and hope I don't get a disconnect when I'm logging in.

I found an interesting bug.

I was doing a part of the tower of Althaxx quest where you have to kill the orc warlock. I really had no problem taking down mobs 2 -3 levels higher them me so this shouldn't be a problem. Yet he much be a special warlock that can call 3 pets. 2 void walkers that spawned ontop of eachother and a succubus. My firend did this quest the other day before the patch and as far as he can remember he only had one pet.

When I faught him, I had to go against one succubus and one void walker, so maybe its random. :\


Dire maul is so fun if you're a warlock, every wing of it we can CC stuff. For some wings we are almost required (undead side, at least so I hear due to the elementals) and for others we can just do cool things (satyr side, hellcallers and imps where we can enslave the hellcaller and watch it solo all the nonelite imps with its rain of fire aoe, either killing all the imps and coming out with like 10% hp, or dying and leaving maybe 3 imps with about 5% hp out of the entire group). And the ogre side has tons of humanoids and not much else (a few non-elite beasts) so we get to use a pet besides the imp! And the drops there are pretty awesome. I'd go so far as to say lots of them are better than the drops in places like BRS and Scholo, with the exception of the blue 8-piece class sets.

edit: Really, this place has awesome drops for each class, some fun open-ended approaches to things (including a chest that generates items based upon how many named Ogre guards you leave alive before you kill the king), and just all-around cool stuff.


Cone of Cold is fucking impossible for me to aim, I can never seem to get it to connect, even if someone is right in front of me...


yeah, cone of cold is a pain in the ass to aim. I'd just try not to use it point blank, if you can back up a little and cast it (since it's instant you can sort of do this) it'll work better. despite being able to cast instants on the run I really don't think cone of cold works well like that vs mobs. the ae effect is decent in pvp though.


When the hell are they going to finally fix this old bug from Beta??

"Sorry newbie Dorf/Gnome. You can't do any quests!"


AeroGod said:
Alliances PvP skills seem to suck everywhere. On Eredar server, about 10-15 horde, not even all max level most of them were low 50's sacked the hell out of Southshore. 50-70 Alliance around at different times. We killed the flight master and camped it and just destroyed the alliance reinforcements as they landed

Hey Aero, I'm on Eredar too, hit me up sometime, I've just had the game for a couple of weeks so I'm pretty low on the totem pole.
Tauren Shaman
Level 26 at time of post.


yet another night when Illidan doesn't work. Auction House and Mail is broken and NPCs vanish for five minutes at a time.
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