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World of Warcraft

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Skel said:
Lol our Warrior tank was gushing over that all last night.

Our pally tank was also bitching that their threat was nerfed pretty bad. Anyone else notice that?

Can't say I did as a pally tank myself, although we've just recruited another pally tank, and I'm having to work a bit harder to keep up with him.


Has problems recognising girls
I don't usually gush over PVP videos because most of them are lame as fuck with too many circumstances that the viewer never sees. The best PVP videos out there are the ones that show how well people adapt; one of my favourites is a simple vanilla world PVP video of a group of Horde hybrids getting run over by some Alliance - they got wiped out but they stood up and healed through the shit for over 5 mins in an era where burst damage was king.

But I really enjoyed this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPOtZjtBjjY

The first fight isn't too bad, the Shaman & Hunter should've destroyed the Mage and the Druid was a bit weird with the heals. However the third fight was real good. Relied heavily upon the WSG heal buff (heck it's why it is there), but he played real well.

Don't see too many Fire Mages playing at an adapt game. Most of them are merely glass atombombs.


Really Really Exciting Member!
So i'm trying to do the Loremaster achievement. Already done the Northrend & Outlands ones, which were easy enough thanks to flying mounts, Eastern Kingdoms took a while(Gotta love running back & forth between zones for only 1 quest). Only 200 quests left for Kalimdor... gonna be fuuuun.

Being a mage really makes the achievement less of a pain in the ass.

Now, this achievement is going to give me both the Seeker and Loremaster titles since i'm at ~2900 quests done and i need 3000 for the Seeker...

2 "rare" titles that i will get almost at the same time, what to choose? D: I guess Loremaster is even more rare since you have to be pretty bored to do 1400 quests in the old world.


Got Putricide Heroic on 25 man down last night .... fuck that fight.

All that is left now between us and Heroic Lich King is Heroic Sindragosa .... a fight I hate even more on normal ... I can only imagine.


Bisnic said:
So i'm trying to do the Loremaster achievement. Already done the Northrend & Outlands ones, which were easy enough thanks to flying mounts, Eastern Kingdoms took a while(Gotta love running back & forth between zones for only 1 quest). Only 200 quests left for Kalimdor... gonna be fuuuun.

Being a mage really makes the achievement less of a pain in the ass.

Now, this achievement is going to give me both the Seeker and Loremaster titles since i'm at ~2900 quests done and i need 3000 for the Seeker...

2 "rare" titles that i will get almost at the same time, what to choose? D: I guess Loremaster is even more rare since you have to be pretty bored to do 1400 quests in the old world.

When I got Loremaster I wanted to go show it off. I did a random group and the first group I was in had another BE Pally that had Loremaster. Pissed me off. :lol
Macattk15 said:
Got Putricide Heroic on 25 man down last night .... fuck that fight.

All that is left now between us and Heroic Lich King is Heroic Sindragosa .... a fight I hate even more on normal ... I can only imagine.

My guild failed for an hour and a half on Dreamwalker, normal. We have never even fought Putricide, normal. It will take us a 30% buff and prayers to even potentially clear ICC NORMAL. You have little to complain about. At least you have seen the entire place. At this point I will have to wait till I am 85 before I see it all, just like Sunwell.

The Dark One


DarkMage619 said:
My guild failed for an hour and a half on Dreamwalker, normal. We have never even fought Putricide, normal. It will take us a 30% buff and prayers to even potentially clear ICC NORMAL. You have little to complain about. At least you have seen the entire place. At this point I will have to wait till I am 85 before I see it all, just like Sunwell.

The Dark One

Well if you're unhappy like you sound with the progression / ability of your guild, why don't you look for another?

Depending on the class and how open you are to transferring / faction swapping, it's pretty easy to find competitive guilds nowadays.
Macattk15 said:
Well if you're unhappy like you sound with the progression / ability of your guild, why don't you look for another?

Depending on the class and how open you are to transferring / faction swapping, it's pretty easy to find competitive guilds nowadays.

Most of the people are cool, but we just have issues having enough people. If I transfer I'd have to lose about 60K in gold not to mention the real money it costs so I don't want to do that. Despite the fact that I am on a west coast sever almost everyone in game is from the east coast so most raids are around 4 or 5 PDST. I don't get off of work till then. I just have to accept the fact that I am stuck. Like I said there will be little stopping me from running the place to completion when I am 85. I just hope it won't take too long to get there. In the mean time I have plenty of gold for repairs to use on Dreamwalker.

The Dark One
So I've been out of WoW again for about 5 months or so now but has their been any info if Cataclysm will help out the current Loremaster achievement? That's the achievement I've always wanted so I don't know if I should reinstall and get cracking now or if Cataclysm will just count towards the Kalimdore / Eastern Kingdoms count.
My guess is that it'll become a Feat of Strength and there will be some sort of new achievement for the new content. Maybe even a different title.


Really Really Exciting Member!
keeblerdrow said:
My guess is that it'll become a Feat of Strength and there will be some sort of new achievement for the new content. Maybe even a different title.

That's my guess too since many old world's quests will either be removed or added.

And hopefully, if there is new loremaster achievements for Cataclysm, they will divide them by zones, just like Outlands & Northrend. It helps so much.

Also, if you're trying to get the current Loremaster achievement, you should get the Carbonite addon, it shows where every quest givers is on their minimap, and many of them are hidden or put in some dark corner of a zone in the old world. Just yesterday, i've found that there is a quest in northwest of Teldrassil to escort a tiger back to a night elf npc. Or another night elf sentinel in south east of Darkshore, hidden in some hills that needs to be defended against 3 waves of monsters. Not to mention the 10+ sea monsters corpses on the Darkshore's beach that all gives quests when i thought there was only like 3 or 4. Quests i didnt even know they existed when i'm playing this game since 2006! The addon also remember which quests you have completed, so it doesnt show some quests you have completed 2 years ago on the minimap.


How hard would it be to get back into the raiding scene for someone who left around the time Ulduar came out but never actually did it?

I consider myself a pretty good high-level player (not to brag or anything) but due to many circumstances never pursued it very far.
My current lvl 80 characters are a DK and a Shaman, DK is geared in a couple of blues and epics and the Shaman is decked in Naxxramas gear.

Since I'm currently at home literally 24 hours a day (Serious depression,anxiety,OCD,social phobia,etc) I would like to get back to WoW as it was something that kinda relaxed me and made me feel a little better about my problems (Been dealing with it for 5 years).

None of your gear will matter. Jump back in, start running heroics for emblems. Buy all the emblems you can and run VoA10/25 and ToC10/25 on reg and heroic every chance you get. With a little bit of work you'll be ready for ICC in very little time. I have a DK in full naxx gear and all of that is pretty crap compared to what you can get from just heroics now. Be prepared to feel undergeared.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Kukumalu said:
How hard would it be to get back into the raiding scene for someone who left around the time Ulduar came out but never actually did it?

I consider myself a pretty good high-level player (not to brag or anything) but due to many circumstances never pursued it very far.
My current lvl 80 characters are a DK and a Shaman, DK is geared in a couple of blues and epics and the Shaman is decked in Naxxramas gear.

Since I'm currently at home literally 24 hours a day (Serious depression,anxiety,OCD,social phobia,etc) I would like to get back to WoW as it was something that kinda relaxed me and made me feel a little better about my problems (Been dealing with it for 5 years).


It's not that hard if you get all the upgrades you can get in heroics and with triumphs emblems. With the new dungeon finder, you can get groups so much faster than before, a dps only have to wait 10-15 mins now. You can easily fill most, if not all, your slots with ilvl 232 & 245 epics. Once that's done, you shouldn't have too much trouble getting into a pug for regular TOC or ICC. Still better to find a good friendly guild though.


Kukumalu said:
How hard would it be to get back into the raiding scene for someone who left around the time Ulduar came out but never actually did it?

I consider myself a pretty good high-level player (not to brag or anything) but due to many circumstances never pursued it very far.
My current lvl 80 characters are a DK and a Shaman, DK is geared in a couple of blues and epics and the Shaman is decked in Naxxramas gear.

Since I'm currently at home literally 24 hours a day (Serious depression,anxiety,OCD,social phobia,etc) I would like to get back to WoW as it was something that kinda relaxed me and made me feel a little better about my problems (Been dealing with it for 5 years).


I came back about 3-4 weeks or so ago and was pretty much in this same boat. My character was geared in Naxx purples. At one point I was the best geared hunter on my server for my spec according to WoW-Heroes. That doesn't mean a whole lot though since most of the best geared players were MM, but even in all of hunter-dom on my server it was still pretty good. Anyway, I played some of Ulduar as my guild was learning it, but not really much. Didn't have any drops from there I don't think.

When I came back, I was pretty undergeared for ToC25 and/or ICC25, and probably Pit of Saron, Forge of Souls, Halls of Reflection...ect. When I was finally comfortable with my character again, I started doing the random heroics. In a couple weeks, I had two pieces of T9, the Frost Badge vendor belt, a badge neck piece and ring, the Ashen band, a pants drop and a cloak drop from my one and only (so far) ICC run, and a helm drop from FoS. I grabbed my enchants and gemmed them with the new tier of gems and am pretty much good to go on anything. I also have a good guild, and that helps because if I run with them, a lot of them are geared already and pass on stuff I need, so YMMV.

All in all though, especially if you have a lot of time to dedicate to the game and running randoms for Triumph Badges, you should be back in the middle of thing pretty quickly.


Really Really Exciting Member!
ACE 1991 said:
So what's the state of WoW these days? I kind of want to jump back in over spring break...

If by state you mean, is it still pretty active.. then the answer is obviously yes. Getting into endgame is possible for everyone now, unlike Classic & Burning Crusade WoW. Do plenty of 5 mans dungeons for a few weeks and there you go, ready for raids. The game wont die anytime soon and will have millions of players for a long long time with Cataclysm coming later this year. I'd say lower lvls are also in better state than before now since low lvl dungeons were ressurected with the new Dungeon Finder.
With Blizzcon being in October, I'm thinking Cataclysm won't be out until November. :/ Unless they do the final reveals like the opening cinematic at another show like E3 or the Europe Invitational.


Junior Member
Oni Link 666 said:
With Blizzcon being in October, I'm thinking Cataclysm won't be out until November. :/ Unless they do the final reveals like the opening cinematic at another show like E3 or the Europe Invitational.
I have a feeling its in October due to them showing off a new IP.
Cata still comes before Blizzcon so the new IP does not steal its thunder.


ACE 1991 said:
So what's the state of WoW these days? I kind of want to jump back in over spring break...

Pretty much what Bisnic said, but I'd also add that the players are shitter than ever. An addon called Gearscore basically lets people pass immediate judgment and wag their e-peen like never before. Be prepared to basically have every player discriminate against you at all times, regardless of what your actual ability to play the game is.

Otherwise, everything feels like it's in a holding pattern until Cataclysm starts. Blizzard let people at Arthas too soon, in my opinion, and it's going to be a long, boring stretch until the world starts to fall apart.


Retro said:
Pretty much what Bisnic said, but I'd also add that the players are shitter than ever. An addon called Gearscore basically lets people pass immediate judgment and wag their e-peen like never before. Be prepared to basically have every player discriminate against you at all times, regardless of what your actual ability to play the game is.

Otherwise, everything feels like it's in a holding pattern until Cataclysm starts. Blizzard let people at Arthas too soon, in my opinion, and it's going to be a long, boring stretch until the world starts to fall apart.

The whole "your gear isn't all purple so you suck" mentality was one of the things that led to my WoW quitting among others.
On a couple of Naxx raids on my full blues DK I was getting 3k DPS and out-dpsing all the other DKs in full epics. (I know 3k dps right now is ridiculous but it was pretty nice at the time).
Elitist talk like that is pretty common.

I think the solution is for players to be able to show their skills without the need of gear(proving that gearscore is not all that)


improve the community communication features so the elitist jerks can do their thing, and casuals can do their. It seems that many new 80s feel that there is no good places for them. Maybe it's because most 80 guilds are aming at something better, which makes it hard for entry 80s to get into anything...?


Really Really Exciting Member!
It wasn't really better before Gearscore got popular. Before that, people kept asking for achievements or checking armory. I remember not being able to do the TOC raid with my mage for a long time because it was just "LFM TOC 10 LINK ACHIEVEMENT OR NO INV"


Vigilant Walrus said:
Elitist talk like that is pretty common.

I think the solution is for players to be able to show their skills without the need of gear(proving that gearscore is not all that)


improve the community communication features so the elitist jerks can do their thing, and casuals can do their. It seems that many new 80s feel that there is no good places for them. Maybe it's because most 80 guilds are aming at something better, which makes it hard for entry 80s to get into anything...?

In my eyes, the biggest problem is that the content shifts too fast without appropriate levels of content, leading to huge differences in gear and a general lack of things to do.

There was a huge gap between WotLK's launch and Ulduar, and I doubt my guild was the only one that pretty much got sick of Naxx runs and went looking for something else. 3.1.0 (Ulduar) brought nothing for 5-Mans. 3.2.0 (ToC) brought one 5-man, but it was a ROOM, and a loot piniata... hardly exciting. 3.3.0 brought 3 new 5 mans, but I feel like they fell kind of short.

Forge of Souls feels like it's over in 10 minutes, Forge of Saron is alright (actually, was my favorite of the three), and Halls of Reflection feels silly; a big battle at the start, ONE trash-mob, and then running from the Lich King. It felt more like an event on the order of the Battle of Undercity than a real instance.

It also doesn't help that the LFG Tool has basically turned Heroics into badge-farming sprints, where people skip as much content as they can to get as many badges as quickly as they can... I really hope that feature is scaled back somehow to change the pace.

I dunno. I lost my taste for Raiding and the 5-man content seems like an intermission at best. I find I enjoy leveling new characters and PVP in the lower brackets, so that's what I've been doing for the most part since getting everything I wanted out of the Frozen Halls. That's my preference, of course, and I'm not saying people can't enjoy raiding or arenas (actually, I take that back, Arenas need to go away :lol ), just that it's not for me... and I don't think I'm alone.

In my opinion, this is what Blizzard needs to do;

1. 10-man and 25-man content is unique; 25-man content isn't a clone of 10-man content, 10-man content isn't 'watered down' 25-man content. That stops the rampant gear overlaps and sets a steady, reasonable, and clear progression (something I think is lacking). 5-Man, Heroics, 10-man, 25-man.

2. "Adventure Dungeons" that reward better loot, but aren't as linear... something like Blackrock Depths. The loot would be slightly better than regular dungeons, and the Badges would be more plentiful. You can do your 15-minute Badge Runs, or you can do longer dungeons that merit more badges and overall better loot.

I dunno how to implement that idea off the top of my head, but I feel like there needs to be something other than these 1-way boss-farming dungeons. I'm not all nostalgic for Vanilla, I just feel like current 5-mans are nothing more than highly-visible loot treadmills. I guess the idea is, you'd do these adventure dungeons for specific drops rather than just badges.

3. From the sound of things, stats are being simplified and values are finally getting wrangled in. If they keep the loot values on-track this time, hopefully the difference between tiers won't be such drastic steps... leading to less difference between the tiers, and hopefully allowing player ability to be the deciding factor, not just the math.

And probably another half-dozen things I can't think of off the top of my head... and this is already a long post as it is.


I don't think theres almost anything wrong with end game on the large scale, asking for things like completely different 10 and 25 is just dreaming. For things like that, I mean the game is going to be six years old when Cataclysm launches, People needing a break or burning out isn't strange at all.

What they should do though, in a more reasonable solution is add things that arent raiding or PvP. Ways to steadily build your characters and see new and interesting content without gathering up a lot of pals on a schedule. Most MMOs actually do this, so I'm always surprised when it never shows up in WoW.

Especially since WoW has a lot of casual players, a lot of alts being made and a lot of people who just sit on the damned game too long waiting for a raid/arena team. Granted, they did some great work with tying things back together with all of their reforms and matchmaking, etc, but I really think it's time for a new avenue of content.

That and to vastly unfuck leveling, this is why my IRL friends don't come back. Leveling in this game is SO goddamn boring and effortless, just purge crosscountry trudge.

Im fine with soloing, content avenues for everyone is the way to go, but Ive been saying and Ill keep saying there needs to be an option of a more kinetic, interesting social way to level that's done in a speedier fashion.... Like... challenge dungeons or something that randomize and offer repeatable quests.

Make it more challenging, teach people about their classes and their group roles BEFORE they hit cap, and it'd be so fun. Bah.


I agree though; there should be some type of content that's not Raiding and not Arenas as an end game. But I dunno that many people would welcome them, and I know for a fact that the raiders and PVPers would scream and bitch that valuable development time is being taken away from their content to make 'stuff for bads'.

I could post a few ideas, but... nobody would like them :lol.


1. 10-man and 25-man content is unique; 25-man content isn't a clone of 10-man content, 10-man content isn't 'watered down' 25-man content. That stops the rampant gear overlaps and sets a steady, reasonable, and clear progression (something I think is lacking). 5-Man, Heroics, 10-man, 25-man.
That would pretty much guarantee that i stop playing - the only reason i came back for WotLK was that i could see the entire game by running 10m raids with a small guild with my friends, rather than dealing with the bullshit of 25m raiding.

They just need to figure out some way of making it so that 25m raiders don't feel compelled to run both versions every week (say, making it so that you only get badges the first time you kill a boss on either raid size, and maybe fixing the loot tables so that you don't get occasional BiS items from 10m - if they could combine the latter with fixing things so that 10m only doesn't get randomly shorted certain types of items in each tier it'd be great...)

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
arhra said:
That would pretty much guarantee that i stop playing - the only reason i came back for WotLK was that i could see the entire game by running 10m raids with a small guild with my friends, rather than dealing with the bullshit of 25m raiding.

They just need to figure out some way of making it so that 25m raiders don't feel compelled to run both versions every week (say, making it so that you only get badges the first time you kill a boss on either raid size, and maybe fixing the loot tables so that you don't get occasional BiS items from 10m - if they could combine the latter with fixing things so that 10m only doesn't get randomly shorted certain types of items in each tier it'd be great...)
Shared lockouts, or have the same items from both 10m and 25m, just put less stats on them.


arhra said:
That would pretty much guarantee that i stop playing - the only reason i came back for WotLK was that i could see the entire game by running 10m raids with a small guild with my friends, rather than dealing with the bullshit of 25m raiding.

I get what you're saying, and that's a good point. I'd much rather see the content than have more content I never get to see. That wasn't my intention, but rather, having a way to steadily divide tiers of gear and extend player progress; before you can get into a 25-man, you need to master the 10, etc.

Maybe make 10-mans the actual instances and 25-mans the VoA / Chamber of Aspects, to minimize how much time you have to spend dragging people together. In all honesty, I'd like to see 25-man raids done away with entirely anyways. It's an improvement over 40-man raids, but.. it still feels like herding nerds. At least it did in TBC and Naxx.

Or maybe I just don't feel like dealing with Guild Drama ever again :lol


That wasn't my intention, but rather, having a way to steadily divide tiers of gear and extend player progress; before you can get into a 25-man, you need to master the 10, etc.
I don't know if you played during TBC, but as someone who was an officer in a raiding guild at the time, i'd like to point out that they tried this with Kara being required as part of the progression into Mag/Gruul's/TK/SSC - and it was horrible.

25m raiding is a logistical nightmare at the best of times, but combining that with having to organise multiple 10m runs a week (along with the fact that 10 doesn't divide into 25 neatly, so a roster that's good for one won't match the other) made it a hundred times worse (and the less said about the 5m heroics being part of the attunement chains the better).


I think the Path of the Titans stuff will give soloers more to do endgame, since you can complete it solo, grouped, or however you want. And it's a good idea anyway if you ask me, since it's basically yet another method of specializing your character beyond just talents.

I also think stat simplification/reduction is going to make it so there won't be 10 man BiS items anymore, because there won't be so many green ratings people need. They can just put more mastery on the 25m gear compared to 10m and do the same for heroic vs normal.


ACE 1991 said:
So what's the state of WoW these days? I kind of want to jump back in over spring break...

Dungeon Finder revolutionizes both leveling and end game play. Guilds? Don't need'em. Sitting around in town spamming "LFG"? Not anymore.

I couldn't imagine WoW without it now.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Interfectum said:
Dungeon Finder revolutionizes both leveling and end game play. Guilds? Don't need'em. Sitting around in town spamming "LFG"? Not anymore.

I couldn't imagine WoW without it now.

Yes, it's fun to be able to lvl from lvl 15 to 80 with only dungeons if you feel like it. No more wasting hours to get a full group for Razorfen Kraul. :lol

But you still need a guild if you want to have fun while raiding. Dungeon Finder still don't work with raids, so you'll need a guild for that. Raiding in a pug? Sure, it's possible now, but there is so many dumbasses & elitists playing this game, raiding with a pug can be a nightmare for many people.

But i agree that you don't really need a guild anymore for 5 mans, unless you're a dps in a guild and your tank offer to run a heroic right now, which will save you 10-15 mins of wait in the DF queue.


Interfectum said:
Dungeon Finder revolutionizes both leveling and end game play. Guilds? Don't need'em. Sitting around in town spamming "LFG"? Not anymore.

I couldn't imagine WoW without it now.

/elitist rant

Happy I don't need frost badges anymore.

Not a fan of queuing up to get a group of kids that are relatively new to level 80 (and the game, for that matter) and subsequently carrying them (I main a very progressed raiding healer) for 30-45 mins through an instance that should take 10-15.

People stand in fire, go AFK for half the instance, bitch about tanks not holding aggro, people not DPSing hard enough, etc. etc. etc.

Most of the time I don't care if people are a bit undergeared. I just want them to know how to play, do their job, and move along. Don't you learn this stuff before you hit 80?

Some of the gear/spec choices I've seen throughout all of my Dungeon Finder groups were downright appalling. And then if you make polite suggestions for improvements (and I mean really sincere and polite, unlike how I might sound like right now), people curse back or try to vote kick you or just get pissed off.


/elitist rant off
/tinfoil hat on


Really Really Exciting Member!
winnarps said:
/elitist rant

Happy I don't need frost badges anymore.

Not a fan of queuing up to get a group of kids that are relatively new to level 80 (and the game, for that matter) and subsequently carrying them (I main a very progressed raiding healer) for 30-45 mins through an instance that should take 10-15.

People stand in fire, go AFK for half the instance, bitch about tanks not holding aggro, people not DPSing hard enough, etc. etc. etc.

Most of the time I don't care if people are a bit undergeared. I just want them to know how to play, do their job, and move along. Don't you learn this stuff before you hit 80?

Some of the gear/spec choices I've seen throughout all of my Dungeon Finder groups were downright appalling. And then if you make polite suggestions for improvements (and I mean really sincere and polite, unlike how I might sound like right now), people curse back or try to vote kick you or just get pissed off.


/elitist rant off
/tinfoil hat on

I never had a pug heroic lasting more than 20-25 mins(depending on the size of the instance of course, HOL takes longer than UK for example). You're probably unlucky, and really.. you shouldn't bother inspecting specs and gear of everyone unless they're pulling less than 1k DPS with their 4.5k GS. Heroics are easy, who cares if someone is "only" doing 2.8k DPS, it's still enough to complete the run, back when only heroism badges dropped from heroics, 2k DPS was great for them.

I'm there to kill stuff, i don't care how people gem, enchant or spec. If people are missing a gem or using a wrong talent, it wont stop the heroic run from being a facerolled, unless they're really not trying and just autoattacking with Volley doing 90% of their damage like a huntard. And these people are rare thankfully.


Bisnic said:
I never had a pug heroic lasting more than 20-25 mins(depending on the size of the instance of course, HOL takes longer than UK for example). You're probably unlucky, and really.. you shouldn't bother inspecting specs and gear of everyone unless they're pulling less than 1k DPS with their 4.5k GS. Heroics are easy, who cares if someone is "only" doing 2.8k DPS, it's still enough to complete the run, back when only heroism badges dropped from heroics, 2k DPS was great for them.

I'm there to kill stuff, i don't care how people gem, enchant or spec unless they're really not trying and just autoattacking with Volley doing 90% of their damage like a huntard. And these people are rare thankfully.

To clarify a bit more, I think 2.8k DPS is fine. And I generally inspect when I notice someone not pulling their weight.

I'm probably just unlucky. I've out-DPSed entire groups as a healer. I've had logs that showed the tank as the highest DPS with me in second. When you're a healer, the speed of the dungeon run is mostly out of your hands. It can be very frustrating at times.

On the other hand, I've been amazed by some groups (but that's much rarer). I got thrown into a RoS with everyone around 3000 GS (lolgearscore), and we finished it right as the debuff timer ended.


Really Really Exciting Member!
It's kinda why i've stopped doing heroics with my healer, i can't do a lot to help the run goes faster.

As a tank, i can keep charging fast between each groups so we can move faster.

As a dps, i can unleash all my powerful spells and kill everything in a few secs.

As a healer? I either stand there doing nothing except a few heals once in a while, or throw some crappy damage. Nothing that will really help the run goes faster.


Bisnic said:
It's kinda why i've stopped doing heroics with my healer, i can't do a lot to help the run goes faster.

As a tank, i can keep charging fast between each groups so we can move faster.

As a dps, i can unleash all my powerful spells and kill everything in a few secs.

As a healer? I either stand there doing nothing except a few heals once in a while, or throw some crappy damage. Nothing that will really help the run goes faster.


I don't mind when I occasionally hop into a heroic with my mage, but the queues are so long for DPS spots.

Maybe I should just queue as healer but swap to my DPS spec/set when the dungeon starts.


Really Really Exciting Member!
winnarps said:

I don't mind when I occasionally hop into a heroic with my mage, but the queues are so long for DPS spots.

Maybe I should just queue as healer but swap to my DPS spec/set when the dungeon starts.

<3 instant queues on my warrior. Too bad he only needs frost emblems right now, or i would do more than 1 heroic per day, tanking with a warrior is so much more fun than playing an arcane mage.

Thankfully, my mage is busy with the Loremaster achievement right now, so i can do a bunch of Kalimdor quests while queuing for my daily. :lol


Bisnic said:
It's kinda why i've stopped doing heroics with my healer, i can't do a lot to help the run goes faster.

As a tank, i can keep charging fast between each groups so we can move faster.

As a dps, i can unleash all my powerful spells and kill everything in a few secs.

As a healer? I either stand there doing nothing except a few heals once in a while, or throw some crappy damage. Nothing that will really help the run goes faster.
You should be able to heal most heroics as Elemental/Balance/Shadow, so unless your healer is a paladin you could give that a shot.


winnarps said:
/elitist rant

Happy I don't need frost badges anymore.

Not a fan of queuing up to get a group of kids that are relatively new to level 80 (and the game, for that matter) and subsequently carrying them (I main a very progressed raiding healer) for 30-45 mins through an instance that should take 10-15.

People stand in fire, go AFK for half the instance, bitch about tanks not holding aggro, people not DPSing hard enough, etc. etc. etc.

Most of the time I don't care if people are a bit undergeared. I just want them to know how to play, do their job, and move along. Don't you learn this stuff before you hit 80?

Some of the gear/spec choices I've seen throughout all of my Dungeon Finder groups were downright appalling. And then if you make polite suggestions for improvements (and I mean really sincere and polite, unlike how I might sound like right now), people curse back or try to vote kick you or just get pissed off.


/elitist rant off
/tinfoil hat on

Why you guys didn't just run the heroics with guildies has always escaped me. Pre 3.3 people ran heroics with guildies or people from the server. Post 3.3 people only complain about the cross server pugs. But you can and always have been able to still form your own run with guildies and do it. Nothing was lost there. I don't understand the complaint.


If they ever stop 10's, I won't go back for any reason. There's just so, so much asshattery in every full scale raid guild I've been in since 2005, I'm sure plenty of folks have great ones and I envy that but for my threshold I've yet to encounter one. I always work to get into these server top guilds, get in, then quit. :lol That or I try to slum in, and get in with a gaggle of mouthy idiots. I cannot find a middle ground in full sized!

10's really fixed that for me, I liked EVERYONE in our raids, kept me subbed for the longest period of time but when I got gear envy and wanted to be in a top end guild as I'm a bit of a perfectionist and well read player and wanted more, it once again caused me to unsub.

When I do go back, well, if I do depending on things, I figure I'll get a lot of good use out of that random dungeon tool. I actually really do like to help out fresher players a lot. I always play every game with the same friend (and have for about a decade) and I'll tell you, there's been several times where the most reliable and quality players I knew spurned up from some random we helped get steady. that's always nice to see.

But yeah, I'm not gonna pretend I'm a saint either. Especially depending on the time of day. There's been plenty of accidently DC's and "Yawn, look at the time!" from me also.

Why you guys didn't just run the heroics with guildies has always escaped me

This isn't always as easy as people say it is, especially depending on your guild. I could always get a group in our 10 man guild, but awkwardly when I moved into the 25 man before my sub ceased NO ONE would EVER be on until 30 mins before a raid. :lol

Also, it's fun to slum it some times, at least IMO.


Has problems recognising girls
Puncture said:
Why you guys didn't just run the heroics with guildies has always escaped me. Pre 3.3 people ran heroics with guildies or people from the server. Post 3.3 people only complain about the cross server pugs. But you can and always have been able to still form your own run with guildies and do it. Nothing was lost there. I don't understand the complaint.
It's WoW. People will find anything to complain about, even though the game has done nothing but become better.
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