Vigilant Walrus said:
Elitist talk like that is pretty common.
I think the solution is for players to be able to show their skills without the need of gear(proving that gearscore is not all that)
improve the community communication features so the elitist jerks can do their thing, and casuals can do their. It seems that many new 80s feel that there is no good places for them. Maybe it's because most 80 guilds are aming at something better, which makes it hard for entry 80s to get into anything...?
In my eyes, the biggest problem is that the content shifts too fast without appropriate levels of content, leading to huge differences in gear and a general lack of things to do.
There was a huge gap between WotLK's launch and Ulduar, and I doubt my guild was the only one that pretty much got sick of Naxx runs and went looking for something else. 3.1.0 (Ulduar) brought
nothing for 5-Mans. 3.2.0 (ToC) brought one 5-man, but it was a ROOM, and a loot piniata... hardly exciting. 3.3.0 brought 3 new 5 mans, but I feel like they fell kind of short.
Forge of Souls feels like it's over in 10 minutes, Forge of Saron is alright (actually, was my favorite of the three), and Halls of Reflection feels silly; a big battle at the start, ONE trash-mob, and then running from the Lich King. It felt more like an event on the order of the Battle of Undercity than a real instance.
It also doesn't help that the LFG Tool has basically turned Heroics into badge-farming sprints, where people skip as much content as they can to get as many badges as quickly as they can... I really hope that feature is scaled back somehow to change the pace.
I dunno. I lost my taste for Raiding and the 5-man content seems like an intermission at best. I find I enjoy leveling new characters and PVP in the lower brackets, so that's what I've been doing for the most part since getting everything I wanted out of the Frozen Halls. That's my preference, of course, and I'm not saying people can't enjoy raiding or arenas (actually, I take that back, Arenas need to go away :lol ), just that it's not for me... and I don't think I'm alone.
In my opinion, this is what Blizzard needs to do;
1. 10-man and 25-man content is unique; 25-man content isn't a clone of 10-man content, 10-man content isn't 'watered down' 25-man content. That stops the rampant gear overlaps and sets a steady, reasonable, and clear progression (something I think is lacking). 5-Man, Heroics, 10-man, 25-man.
2. "Adventure Dungeons" that reward better loot, but aren't as linear... something like Blackrock Depths. The loot would be slightly better than regular dungeons, and the Badges would be more plentiful. You can do your 15-minute Badge Runs, or you can do longer dungeons that merit more badges and overall better loot.
I dunno how to implement that idea off the top of my head, but I feel like there needs to be something other than these 1-way boss-farming dungeons. I'm not all nostalgic for Vanilla, I just feel like current 5-mans are nothing more than highly-visible loot treadmills. I guess the idea is, you'd do these adventure dungeons for specific drops rather than just badges.
3. From the sound of things, stats are being simplified and values are finally getting wrangled in. If they keep the loot values on-track this time, hopefully the difference between tiers won't be such drastic steps... leading to less difference between the tiers, and hopefully allowing player ability to be the deciding factor, not just the math.
And probably another half-dozen things I can't think of off the top of my head... and this is already a long post as it is.