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World of Warcraft

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At least they are going back to silly tie in product April Fools jokes rather than joking about new classes.

I've wanted Bard for such a long time :(. Anything would have been better than good old useless Death Knight, however.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Frost dual wield Death Knight is so overpowered :lol


Freyjadour said:
At least they are going back to silly tie in product April Fools jokes rather than joking about new classes.

I've wanted Bard for such a long time :(. Anything would have been better than good old useless Death Knight, however.

The AXE thing is not Blizzard's joke.


Sebulon3k said:
Am I good for ICC 25 / 10?


The general level of your gear is fine. You'll want to make adjustments to it though. Legs are fine for PVP but if you can pick up the 232 or 245 T9 legs, they'll do you much better overall in PVE, especially because of ArP (at least until that changes with Cata). Resilience doesn't do you much in PVE. Make sure your enchants and gems are as good as you can get. I see you have the rare versions so if you can get the epic gems in just to squeeze out a few more points. You're also over hit cap as well by a solid chunk and it's taking up some valuable stat room.

For Marksmanship, I'd drop Improved Arcane Shot and toss them into Improved Barrage and Go for the Throat or Efficiency unless you drop your hit down below the cap, then toss it in Focused Aim to bring it up to the cap.

Also, don't forget your minor Glyphs.


force push the doodoo rock
Sebulon3k said:
Is the Tuskarr thing on the armory the april fools joke, if so :lol


Is it happening in game too?

Edit: LOL

(The background for the armory right now)


Nope just happening online, btw Shouta thanks a lot for the advice.

I'm gonna retire that hunter and focus on my new Warrior, Fury is so amazingly fun, and having the tanking option is great.



An April Fool's Joke that's actually funny?


What is best in life? Gear, plain and simple. As part of the upcoming stat-system revamp, we plan to introduce a new tool that will let World of Warcraft players know exactly where they stand in comparison to other players: the Equipment Potency EquivalencE Number.

no one will be able to ignore the fruits of your long, hard journey
will help you get it up, and you'll also begin receiving in-game mail with exciting offers for additional ways to enhance it.
To ensure players with a smaller number will not be shafted by this new system
a new non-combat pet, Binky the Mechano-Rooster

That's right Blizzard, joke about it... but are you going to do something to stop the shit? Because I'd actually support a built-in way to phase Gearscore Whores out.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Dumb anecdotal story that you can ignore if you don't feel like reading whining/bitching.


So I'm in an ICC25 pug (fun!) and the raid leader looks like he knows whats up. Gathering the right classes, being strict about loot rules, doing ready checks where appropriate, offered up a vent server.

Good so far! Marrowgar, dead. Loot, distributed. Group, fantastic.

Onto Lady Deathwhisper.

Fight goes great. Lady goes down. Loot is announced. First item up for roll...everyone rolls...and the raid leader tosses the item to someone who didn't win. Confusion in vent. Confusion in type. Last two items immediately get taken between the raid leader and his friend.

In vent: "You guys just got owned, you fucking noobs!"

...and they quit the raid, quit out of vent.

Luckily, we're able to calm everyone down in vent and the guy who was passed raid leader is a good guy...we get two DPS people to fill the two douche slots and we press on.

"Awesome, we're going to keep going and no one left!"

Rest of the raid goes great...and then we down Saurfang. Open the chest, and it's two tokens and the 1h sword.

One of our tanks who's tanking with a 2h weapon in blood...and doesn't have an ice DW spec, wins the roll. Everyone flips out for the most part, saying the dude isn't specced to use it. The guy's defense is that "I'm tank spec, and that's BiS for DW Ice Tanking."

...tons of arguing ensues...RL holds all the loot until the end of raid so no one quits...smart!

We go on to do more shit, and we're arguing as we go...and it dawns on me that with the same shitty logic this tank used to roll on the weapon, I could use the same logic to roll on it as well. "I'm tank spec, and that's BiS for some spec that I'm currently not, but that other spec is for tank, so I can roll."

I'm an Unholy DK with a tank off-spec...but since DPS is my main spec, I could have said that Frost DPS is a DPS spec, and that sword is BiS for Frost DPS...so I can roll.

I announce this in the raid. Say that the roll I'm doing is for the sword, and explain my logic. I roll, and I roll a 77, which would have won the sword. The guy who had previously won it says "it's too late, you didn't roll, too bad"...clearly nervous that he's not going to get his precious weapon that he doesn't deserve.

Raid continues.
Raid ends.

Dude is eventually handed the weapon when we're done with Rot/Fester, and quits.


What do you guys think? When the loot rules are "MS > OS", does MS mean "DPS/Tank/Healer" or does MS mean "Current DPS Spec/Current Tank Spec/Current Heal Spec"?

There aren't a lot of classes this works for...but for DKs there are multiple trees for dealing damage or tanking, and your weapons could differ based on the tree you go down. 2h and 1h weapons will work for you.

Fury/Arms Warriors could use the same argument.
Boomkin/Cat Druids could use the same.
Rogues could use the same...

So do you think I'm being a total bitch about this (I am, I know I am...but after getting ninja'd and then having this nonsense happen...I'm not thrilled), or is there some legitimacy to my reasoning?


Uhh, just let it be. This kind of stuff always happens with pugs. Try to run 25mans with a guild and if not possible just make sure the loot rules are set before. Everyone has their own interpretation of the unwritten rules and what's fair as long as they get what they want. And it often just takes 1 guy to ragequit for a whole pug to fall apart. Honestly I'm amazed you get that far with all the stuff that happened. :lol

Edit: oh and yeah, generally with most pugs, the spec you're using is the main spec and gets priority over off-specs. People will bend this "rule" whenever as they see fit though.


I say it's whatever you are currently at the time of raid, unless the RL has specifically asked that you take on a different role from normal to fill out necessary spots.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
RubxQub said:
Dumb anecdotal story that you can ignore if you don't feel like reading whining/bitching.


So I'm in an ICC25 pug (fun!) and the raid leader looks like he knows whats up. Gathering the right classes, being strict about loot rules, doing ready checks where appropriate, offered up a vent server.

Good so far! Marrowgar, dead. Loot, distributed. Group, fantastic.

Onto Lady Deathwhisper.

Fight goes great. Lady goes down. Loot is announced. First item up for roll...everyone rolls...and the raid leader tosses the item to someone who didn't win. Confusion in vent. Confusion in type. Last two items immediately get taken between the raid leader and his friend.

In vent: "You guys just got owned, you fucking noobs!"

...and they quit the raid, quit out of vent.

Luckily, we're able to calm everyone down in vent and the guy who was passed raid leader is a good guy...we get two DPS people to fill the two douche slots and we press on.

"Awesome, we're going to keep going and no one left!"

Rest of the raid goes great...and then we down Saurfang. Open the chest, and it's two tokens and the 1h sword.

One of our tanks who's tanking with a 2h weapon in blood...and doesn't have an ice DW spec, wins the roll. Everyone flips out for the most part, saying the dude isn't specced to use it. The guy's defense is that "I'm tank spec, and that's BiS for DW Ice Tanking."

...tons of arguing ensues...RL holds all the loot until the end of raid so no one quits...smart!

We go on to do more shit, and we're arguing as we go...and it dawns on me that with the same shitty logic this tank used to roll on the weapon, I could use the same logic to roll on it as well. "I'm tank spec, and that's BiS for some spec that I'm currently not, but that other spec is for tank, so I can roll."

I'm an Unholy DK with a tank off-spec...but since DPS is my main spec, I could have said that Frost DPS is a DPS spec, and that sword is BiS for Frost DPS...so I can roll.

I announce this in the raid. Say that the roll I'm doing is for the sword, and explain my logic. I roll, and I roll a 77, which would have won the sword. The guy who had previously won it says "it's too late, you didn't roll, too bad"...clearly nervous that he's not going to get his precious weapon that he doesn't deserve.

Raid continues.
Raid ends.

Dude is eventually handed the weapon when we're done with Rot/Fester, and quits.


What do you guys think? When the loot rules are "MS > OS", does MS mean "DPS/Tank/Healer" or does MS mean "Current DPS Spec/Current Tank Spec/Current Heal Spec"?

There aren't a lot of classes this works for...but for DKs there are multiple trees for dealing damage or tanking, and your weapons could differ based on the tree you go down. 2h and 1h weapons will work for you.

Fury/Arms Warriors could use the same argument.
Boomkin/Cat Druids could use the same.
Rogues could use the same...

So do you think I'm being a total bitch about this (I am, I know I am...but after getting ninja'd and then having this nonsense happen...I'm not thrilled), or is there some legitimacy to my reasoning?
Sounds like the worst raid ever :lol


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Angry Grimace said:
Sounds like the worst raid ever :lol
The sad thing is that it actually wasn't so bad outside of the ninja'ing and the sword handling.

Everyone was generally competent and we got done what we set out to do. It's just that in pugs from now on, I'm going to roll first and ask questions later...cause apparently anything goes as long as the Raid Leader can be convinced in your favor for something more questionable.

I just think it's dumb that someone using a 2h weapon for tanking rolled MS on something that would not only require him to respect, but use a different type of weapon all together to accomodate that spec.

Not the end of the world, but man was I bothered yesterday (and I guess this morning, as I typed up that whole mess) :lol


I'd say that you go to pug ICC expecting at best badges and rep. Anything else is a bonus, but I sure wouldn't get my hopes up or be bothered if I lost loot due to pug nonsense.

On an unrelated note, Lich King down for my guild! 3rd on the horde side on my realm (8th overall), so the kingslayer title is still somewhat rare. Good times. I had just shy of 69k hp in bear form with that new ICC buff!

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Hadoken said:


"anybody here?"

Reminds me of a very gear warrior in my server who always go afk in front of AH in Org or the flight master in Dalaran.[/QUOTE]
I like the items it shows the demonstration players looting off of random STV level 34 mobs :lol




Really Really Exciting Member!
I never thought of that before, but now it's true that it doesnt make any sense. :lol Tirion is a dumbass.
Most of Tirion's decision making process doesn't make sense. "LET'S HAVE A TOURNAMENT TO DECIDE WHO ARE THE STRONGEST HEROES OF AZEROTH."




corporate swill
Someone please tell me the leveling from 70-80 gets less incredibly boring halfway through or something. I'm 72 and I've been in Dragonblight for a few hours now and everything just feels so slow. Although, every once in a while they throw you a really neat quest with some fun little vehicles or a cool story every once in awhile.
vitaminwateryum said:
Someone please tell me the leveling from 70-80 gets less incredibly boring halfway through or something. I'm 72 and I've been in Dragonblight for a few hours now and everything just feels so slow. Although, every once in a while they throw you a really neat quest with some fun little vehicles or a cool story every once in awhile.

Wrathgate wrathgate wrathgate


Junior Member
vitaminwateryum said:
Someone please tell me the leveling from 70-80 gets less incredibly boring halfway through or something. I'm 72 and I've been in Dragonblight for a few hours now and everything just feels so slow. Although, every once in a while they throw you a really neat quest with some fun little vehicles or a cool story every once in awhile.
Once you do Wrathgate, head to Grizzly Hills ASAP for some fun.


Has problems recognising girls
Some of the leveling zone enjoyment comes down to faction choice.

Borean Tundra leading into Dragonblight as Horde was kick ass. Fucking hated the beginning of Dragonblight as Alliance, but it got progressively better in Grizzly Hills - whereas for Horde it was a bit lame there.

I skipped most of Zul'Drak for some reason on my Horde Shaman (probably the "sick of the fucking Scourge" excuse), but going through it on my Alliance Druid was real good; specifically the parts where you were helping the Zandalar tribe douse the flames of the Ice Trolls literally fucking up their "Loa/Druid" ways.


Ferrio said:

We got our first LK-10 kill last Tuesday, and I'd *deliberately* managed to avoid the video until making the kill. After I saw it, this was pretty much *exactly* my reaction, too. Way to miss the point, light-boy.


vitaminwateryum said:
Someone please tell me the leveling from 70-80 gets less incredibly boring halfway through or something. I'm 72 and I've been in Dragonblight for a few hours now and everything just feels so slow. Although, every once in a while they throw you a really neat quest with some fun little vehicles or a cool story every once in awhile.

DB is LOAAAADED with lore. Like seriously. If you a person who clicks accept then looks to quest helper to see where to go finish it...

Stop it now, and you will enjoy it much more. DB's quest lines and lore is amazing.


Got my Warrior to 80 today, tanked my first Trial of the Crusader what a fun experience. Had lots of trouble holding threat though, I'm just going to assume it's because I was greatly out geared.

I was panicking hitting threat buttons at times :lol


I started playing again Thursday evening after a 10 month break and so far I've gotten 4 pieces of T9 and a new weapon and ring but I still feel very under-geared compared to the people I PuG with on the Dungeon Finder.

Can anyone give me some suggestions on my gear? I've looked at the Elitist Jerks gear list but pretty much all of them are from either ICC or TotGC and I don't feel like I'm properly geared to attempt them yet.

Here is my armory profile: Click


Has problems recognising girls
Sebulon3k said:
Got my Warrior to 80 today, tanked my first Trial of the Crusader what a fun experience. Had lots of trouble holding threat though, I'm just going to assume it's because I was greatly out geared.

I was panicking hitting threat buttons at times :lol
Funnily enough, I did Trial of the Crusader for the first time as a Druid healer as well. We wiped twice before he finally died. I kept apologizing saying that my Druid is running around with healing gear bought off the AH, but strangely they were pretty cool about it.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Sebulon3k said:
Got my Warrior to 80 today, tanked my first Trial of the Crusader what a fun experience. Had lots of trouble holding threat though, I'm just going to assume it's because I was greatly out geared.

I was panicking hitting threat buttons at times :lol

Tanking with a prot warrior requires a lot of buttons, but that's what i like the most about the class, lots of buttons, no stupid rotations you gotta follow.

Heroic Throw on a caster -> Charge another guy -> Devastate -> Thunderclap -> Cleave(glyph help a lot) -> Revenge -> Shockwave -> Shield Slam -> Thunderclap -> Cleave -> Revenge -> Heroic Strike -> Devastate or whatever the hell you want.

There's really no rotation with a prot warrior, you use whatever you think is the best for most situations and once you master it, you will never have trouble with threat. But i would say for most situations to use all your AOE skills after your first charge and once you have used Thunderclap, Cleave, Revenge & Shockwave, throw 1 Devastate and/or Shield Slam on every targets, and there you go, they will stick on you until they die. Just make sure your 1st Thunderclap wont miss any mobs. Glyph of Devastate is also great for threat since it puts 2 stacks of sunder at once. If you have a threat/DPS meter, also give Vigilance to the highest DPS.


Downed both Blood Princes and the Blood Queen last night. Only three bosses to go before the Lich King!

Blood Queen looked like a fun fight for DPS, but as a tank it wasn't as exciting. I'd like to try it on my Warlock when it gets geared up though. I love fights that give DPS big buffs and let them get huge numbers.

EDIT: Are Sindragosa and Prof. Putricide as hard as they seem? From watching videos, it seems pretty hectic.


They're both pretty tough, aye. It's good to have to work on some bosses for a while, though. You don't get the same feeling of accomplishment when you just steamroll through an instance (Hi ToC!)


moojito said:
They're both pretty tough, aye. It's good to have to work on some bosses for a while, though. You don't get the same feeling of accomplishment when you just steamroll through an instance (Hi ToC!)

Yeah after the first wing it's taken 1-2 weeks per boss to get them down, except Blood Queen. We got her in only 3 attempts. It's nice to have a challenging raid again, though. ToC was a little simplistic.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
There's something to be said for losing the "world" feel by using the LFG, but I have to say, it really is incredible how much Blizzard is getting out of old, underutilized content by doing this. The only problem I'm finding on my Lvl 27 Mage is that a lot of people with no business tanking are doing so, and when they do, they think they are 10 levels higher than they really are and just try to blitz through everything and get killed. Still, it's crazy that I actually completed Blackfathom Deeps at the appropriate level. When does THAT ever happen :lol


Lost all credibility.
Angry Grimace said:
There's something to be said for losing the "world" feel by using the LFG, but I have to say, it really is incredible how much Blizzard is getting out of old, underutilized content by doing this. The only problem I'm finding on my Lvl 27 Mage is that a lot of people with no business tanking are doing so, and when they do, they think they are 10 levels higher than they really are and just try to blitz through everything and get killed. Still, it's crazy that I actually completed Blackfathom Deeps at the appropriate level. When does THAT ever happen :lol
Well to be fair dungeons that people used to use CC in and have each mob carefully pulled are now just treated as AoE fests. And if the tank suggested CC he'd probably just be laughed at and vote kicked, so instead they have to run way ahead of the group to have time to get aggro on the next group of mobs before an impatient stealthed rogue or feral druid decide to pull for him/her.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
sykoex said:
Well to be fair dungeons that people used to use CC in and have each mob carefully pulled are now just treated as AoE fests. And if the tank suggested CC he'd probably just be laughed at and vote kicked, so instead they have to run way ahead of the group to have time to get aggro on the next group of mobs before an impatient stealthed rogue or feral druid decide to pull for him/her.
If I sheep something someone breaks it instantly.

If I tell people I'm sheeping, someone will drop group :lol

It's happened more than once. People just like running AoE fests. I can't even fathom how ridiculous the XP would be in these zones if you had RAF bonus, I already gained 11 levels in 2 afternoons.


Yay finally downed LK. 10man. :p

The ending movie kinda sucked, but oh well. Waited with watching it till I actually killed him myself.


Well, guild took down Queen last night. Only have sindragosa left, and I'm sure she'll fall today. (10 man)

Also made out like a bandit. Facelifter and trinket off putricide, pants off of sarufang, plus enough for frost trinket. Went up a good 400 points in gs in a blink of an eye. Pretty good for this character being very very new (hit 80 on February 17th). http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Frostmane&cn=Bellare

Also if no one has seen, info on Rage in Cata.

We are going to take the opportunity in Cataclysm to try and fix some of the problems with the Rage mechanic for both warriors and druids. Some of these problems include:

* Warriors/druids in the lowest levels of gear can be Rage-starved.
* Warriors/druids in the highest levels of gear no longer have to manage their Rage when it becomes infinite.
* Warrior/druid tanks lose Rage income as they improve their gear and take less damage.
* The gameplay of warrior and druid tanks loses a lot of depth when massive boss hits means never having to manage Rage.
* Heroic Strike and Maul are effective, but tedious abilities for using up extra Rage.
* In general, warriors and druids don’t have enough control over their Rage.

To resolve these issues, Rage will be normalized in Cataclysm. This will make the Rage gained by characters more consistent and avoid drastic differences between low-end and high-end gear.

The concept of normalized Rage may leave a negative impression on some veteran players, as we tried it once before in The Burning Crusade and it wasn't successful, resulting in them feeling weakened. However, we think that the concept is still sound -- it was just that the previous implementation didn't balance the values correctly, leading to players being Rage-starved. That is not the goal. As part of the change, we want to give warriors and druids a lot of ways to control their rage, so even in the worst-case scenarios they won’t feel like they lack the resource to do their job.

Here are some of the ways the Rage mechanic will change in Cataclysm:

1) Rage is no longer generated based on damage done by auto-attacks. Instead, each auto-attack provides a set amount of Rage, and off-hand weapons will generate 50% of the Rage main hands do. This amount is based on a constant formula which factors in the base swing speed of the weapon. This means the Rage gained should be averaged out between fast and slow weapons. The constant formula also gives us the ability to easily increase the rage gained if it feels too low (or reduce it if is too high). We are also implementing the following mechanics, which will still allow rage to improve to some extent as you improve gear:

* If the attack is a critical strike, it will generate 200% Rage.
* Haste will accelerate swing times to generate Rage faster.

2) Rage from damage taken will no longer be based on a standard creature of the character’s level, but instead will based on the health of the warrior or druid. Again, there is a constant that is multiplied by the rage generated in order to allow for fine-tuning. This calculation ignores all damage reduction from armor, absorption, avoidance, block, or similar mechanics, so improving your gear will not reduce Rage gained.

3) We will provide warriors and druids with more instant sources of rage. For example, the warrior shouts are changing to work more like the death knight ability Horn of Winter. Instead of Battle Shout consuming Rage, it will generate Rage but have a short cooldown. Both classes will have additional methods to generate Rage in an emergency or bleed off Rage when they have too much.

4) All “on next swing” attacks in Cataclysm are being removed. Heroic Strike and Maul will be instant swings that cost a variable amount of Rage. For example, imagine Heroic Strike costs between 10 and 30 Rage. You must have at least 10 Rage to use the attack, but it will consume all available Rage up to a maximum of 30. Any Rage consumed above the minimum will cause the ability to hit harder, and in some cases much harder. We will tune the ability so that it’s generally not a good idea to hit it when you have low Rage (unless everything else is somehow on cooldown) but becomes a more attractive button the higher your Rage.

We understand this change may be scary for many players, but keep in mind that the constants in the formulas for gaining Rage will give us the ability to make quick adjustments if we feel Rage generation is too low. Our goal is for each character's Rage to not be always high or always low, but rather a resource that needs to be managed properly by the player.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Ferrio said:
Well, guild took down Queen last night. Only have sindragosa left, and I'm sure she'll fall today. (10 man)

Also made out like a bandit. Facelifter and trinket off putricide, pants off of sarufang, plus enough for frost trinket. Went up a good 400 points in gs in a blink of an eye. Pretty good for this character being very very new (hit 80 on February 17th). http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Frostmane&cn=Bellare

Also if no one has seen, info on Rage in Cata.
I personally don't think that makes Rage more interesting. Rage is a boring mechanic and normalizing rage makes it even more boring since the brunt of normalizing it is that you generate less of it.

They should have just removed Titan's Grip since that ability is bullshit anyways.

Moreover, the Heroic Strike change is almost literally just making it Execute at all damage levels. I don't even get why Execute can't be used in Def. Stance anyways. Paladins can use Hammer of Wrath while tanking.
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