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World of Warcraft

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Magnus said:
Guild got 10m Lich King on farm in my absence over the last month, and now that I'm back, we've had 3 nights on him and can't kill him. This should be so easy. :(

Regression is always fun


This is such a disaster. We had our best pull of the night two hours ago.

This is fucking 10-man, and we're 25 man geared with the 20% buff and can't do this. Something different goes wrong every time. Holy shit.


Magnus said:
This is such a disaster. We had our best pull of the night two hours ago.

This is fucking 10-man, and we're 25 man geared with the 20% buff and can't do this. Something different goes wrong every time. Holy shit.

Yeah we're going through regression right now. Our first Sindragosa kill was 2 healed with the 5% buff. Friday night we killed her on our third attempt, three healed, with only the tank alive at the end.


I feel your pain brothers.

I've waited 8 years, nearly a decade to see this fucker go down. Denied again after our last pull, a 14% (basically a 4%) wipe. God damn it.
Yazus said:
Bet my ass this is gonna be the login screen. In lastest build the reverted the login screen to the vanilla wow one, meaning that they have been tinketing with it. Next build I demand worgen male voice and login screen.

Who knows. Login screens are usually found in a different MPQ file though. This one was found where all usual zones are in.


Don't know what to tell you. We one-shot 10M LK two weeks ago with a pug, while three of us, including me, being instructed 5 minutes before the pull. But we had a kick-ass group, I'll say that much. It's unreal how easy ICC normal becomes once you get 10 decent people together.


you can't put a price on sparks
Dina said:
Don't know what to tell you. We one-shot 10M LK two weeks ago with a pug, while three of us, including me, being instructed 5 minutes before the pull. But we had a kick-ass group, I'll say that much. It's unreal how easy ICC normal becomes once you get 10 decent people together.

the tough part of the game is making up for the people that are bad. and that's always how its been, im sure.


So I reached lvl80 over the weekend, questing like a crazy person and I get slammed by the game: my gear was too shitty to do random heroics with my brother and some friends :D

Upgraded my stuff, reached the defense cap and all but my hp level is kinda low (22k unbuffed, DK). I did respec dual frost instead of 2H frost tank, and my 2H had more end on it that both my 1h together. However I have a rather decent amount of armor and parry/dodge so I guess it could be worse.
Anyway, still got to chain some heroics and bought my T9 helmet. Upgraded some of my rings, trinkets and necklace too.

That doesn't stop people from making remarks or outright insult me at the beginning of each instance. Never used to kick feature so much :D


Really Really Exciting Member!
I keep hearing people saying how their new lvl 80 tank keep getting insulted in heroics, but i've had a bunch of tanks in the past with only 24-27k HP unbuffed and people never say a thing about those tanks(unless they suck really bad at their job). Maybe i'm just lucky.


Bisnic said:
I keep hearing people saying how their new lvl 80 tank keep getting insulted in heroics, but i've had a bunch of tanks in the past with only 24-27k HP unbuffed and people never say a thing about those tanks(unless they suck really bad at their job). Maybe i'm just lucky.

Probably depends on your battlegroup. Even with the shittiest tanks usually people in mine don't say anything until we start wiping when we shouldn't be.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Bisnic said:
I keep hearing people saying how their new lvl 80 tank keep getting insulted in heroics, but i've had a bunch of tanks in the past with only 24-27k HP unbuffed and people never say a thing about those tanks(unless they suck really bad at their job). Maybe i'm just lucky.
I had a group endlessly berate me in Mana Tombs about not having enough HP on my leveling Death Knight in spite of the fact that I had the highest gear score.

Tanking is just a pain in the ass because you're always labeled as the one at fault. I really think this is one of the reasons there are so few tanks.


Dance In My Blood said:
I had a group endlessly berate me in Mana Tombs about not having enough HP on my leveling Death Knight in spite of the fact that I had the highest gear score.

Tanking is just a pain in the ass because you're always labeled as the one at fault. I really think this is one of the reasons there are so few tanks.

DK tanks (and DKs in general) get a bad rap because of the influx of them feeding into the Outland. They basically hit outland when they're still learning to play their class, and so the bads tend to shine through much more on a DK I think, at least in the Outland. Unfortunately that stigma gets applied to all DKs, rather than just bad players.


Well thing is we died once because a pet aggroed a pack while we pulled a boss. I don't have a lot of HP (yet) but I did pay attention to have the highest armor possible as well as the defense cap. I also have trinkets and diverse comps that allow me to drastically improve my absorption and all so I don't think I suck that much as a tank.

On a unrelated note, the dragon fight in the Oculus is ridiculous. I was and am still confused about what the actual tactic is, if any. First time I did it I don't think anyone understood there were 3 types of dragons and we did it with 5 DPS dragons. The other time with 2 heal and 2 DPS and 1 tank. And the third time (heroic this time) with the classic 3-2-1 and it was a fucking mess.
I still kinda like it though :D


DarkJC said:
Probably depends on your battlegroup. Even with the shittiest tanks usually people in mine don't say anything until we start wiping when we shouldn't be.
I've seen it happen when we wiped on ToC 10. Something to the effect of you needing 3 healers when your tanks GS is blah blah blah.

Alliance/Horde imbalance is apparently quite bad on Lothar it sounds like from the bitching that goes on when WG is underway. We did manage a win the other day though so I went to VoA for the first time and got some pants. Why is it that in both the 10 and 25 person raids, we didn't finish either? In the 25er, we did 2 of them and in the 10 we just did 1 guy. All 3 fights were flawless and I don't think anyone died.. why not just do everything? I was rather confused.
Bisnic said:
Hopefully, they can speed up the Northrend lvling, i find that 1-70 is just the perfect speed, but once i reach 70, i'm all "Man, can i hit 71 already? D:"
It took me less than 3 weeks to go from 70-80 once I started back up. That isn't too bad. With heirlooms and the ability to fly, it would have gone much quicker I am assuming. I was getting about a level a day for awhile.


Meier said:
I've seen it happen when we wiped on ToC 10. Something to the effect of you needing 3 healers when your tanks GS is blah blah blah.

Alliance/Horde imbalance is apparently quite bad on Lothar it sounds like from the bitching that goes on when WG is underway. We did manage a win the other day though so I went to VoA for the first time and got some pants. Why is it that in both the 10 and 25 person raids, we didn't finish either? In the 25er, we did 2 of them and in the 10 we just did 1 guy. All 3 fights were flawless and I don't think anyone died.. why not just do everything? I was rather confused.
The VoA bosses have been added one-by-one throughout the WotLK expansion, and the loot tables for each boss have remained largely unchanged. This means the first VoA bosses drop fairly crappy stuff (from the point of view of well-geared raid or PvP characters). Only the last two drop stuff that is likely to be an upgrade for those people.


Evlar said:
The VoA bosses have been added one-by-one throughout the WotLK expansion, and the loot tables for each boss have remained largely unchanged. This means the first VoA bosses drop fairly crappy stuff (from the point of view of well-geared raid or PvP characters). Only the last two drop stuff that is likely to be an upgrade for those people.

And yet, both the last two times that we decided to do the whole thing (usually due to having difficulty getting an ICC), we went on to get a mount drop :)


I really want to kill LK, but I just can't bring myself to raid these days. Even logging in has become a chore. Need Cata asap.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Flib said:
I really want to kill LK, but I just can't bring myself to raid these days. Even logging in has become a chore. Need Cata asap.

I'm a bit of the same, i can play up to 4 alts in 1 day because i really don't feel like spending my whole evening in one instance. Especially when all that sweet gear will get replaced by blue items in a lvl 81-82 5 man soon.

They should just switch places with the Lich King & Marrowgar, just so i could kill him at least once. :lol


Evlar said:
The VoA bosses have been added one-by-one throughout the WotLK expansion, and the loot tables for each boss have remained largely unchanged. This means the first VoA bosses drop fairly crappy stuff (from the point of view of well-geared raid or PvP characters). Only the last two drop stuff that is likely to be an upgrade for those people.
It took like 5 minutes to do the second one after the first. Are people really that impatient? Plus, the Frost badges are nice to get too...

The rapid fire-ness of WoW really has a negative effect on that. Earlier in WoW's lifespan, there was pretty much no way you were getting out of an instance in less than an hour let alone a raid.. people are always ready to jump off to the next thing in this. I want to punch the screen when assholes bolt after a boss that didn't have the loot they wanted. Oh well.


I think only the newest boss drops Frost. As a guild we only do the Ice Watcher because it's pointless to do the rest once you have the achievements.

EDIT: I think they all give honor as well but I'm not 100% on that. I know Ice Walker (can't remember his name...Iceavon) does.


Are people really that impatient?

Oh yes, quite. Those VoA pugs, at least when I played were always filled with a great number of socially inept fools.

VoA was about all I'd ever really pug, and I don't think I ever had a single really good, really smooth run. On the plus side, I don't think I ever saw any loot drama, just impatient people and massive wipes to easy bosses.

I think there's both pros and cons to the reduced time taken to run things. As a pro, the removal of many time sinks and great boons added to skillful players who could clear content quickly was a big deal for me. Playing 6-8 hours a week and being able to sit in mostly best in slot gear, do my arena team and do my dailies around the time I quit was just fantastic.

On the cons, it has really made some whiny, impatient players, and gave birth to some awkward new things for forming groups.

Still I look forward to things like the dungeon finder when I go back for Cata, I never got to use that.


fire fest kind of sucks. Not sure what happened but I had the same cloak drop twice and it didn't let anybody roll on it and just autolooted it to a DK when it was the spell power cloak.


you can't put a price on sparks
funkmastergeneral said:
Too bad you can't make up for others stupidity on defiles

and this makes me question whether or not blizzard's design decisions, albeit necessary to keep the game interesting, will actually make people quit in the end because of people just being frustrated at all the baddies doing terribly.

also, the baddies doing terribly will see themselves being carried less and less and probably just stop playing altogether anyway.

Blizzard's best bet at this point is creating massive amounts of single player content and easy 5-player dungeons. Short-raids are going to become the norm as well, just to have people less frustrated with never being able to get to that last boss in an instance.


firex said:
fire fest kind of sucks. Not sure what happened but I had the same cloak drop twice and it didn't let anybody roll on it and just autolooted it to a DK when it was the spell power cloak.
Hm maybe a mistake in the item system for holiday bosses? Or maybe he was party leader?

I'm a big fan of Fire Fest myself. Its the best holiday for leveling an alt. You get a ton of xp from honoring/dousing fires plus you get the 10% bonus the whole time. I may have to power level my warlock during all of this business.


no, he was just a random DPS. I should clarify I did it once, saw the cloak drop, everybody rolled on it (resto druid needed it, fine since it's a druid/priest cloak anyway). Did it again, same cloak dropped, never saw anything but it went straight to the DK.


So I bought dual spec on my warrior and made his second spec prot. I've got the talents down, but what glyphs are really good for an undergeared prot warrior and what glyphs should I shoot for after I actually have a good tank set?
DarkJC said:
Probably depends on your battlegroup. Even with the shittiest tanks usually people in mine don't say anything until we start wiping when we shouldn't be.

When I'm leveling my healer, I usually wait two pulls to see how much crit damage someone gets before I call them out no not having any DEF equipment at all when they tank.


firex said:
So I bought dual spec on my warrior and made his second spec prot. I've got the talents down, but what glyphs are really good for an undergeared prot warrior and what glyphs should I shoot for after I actually have a good tank set?

Undergeared :

Glyph of Blocking
Glyph of Devastate
Glyph of Taunt

Once you get geared if you plan on tanking ICC:

Glyph of Last Stand
Glyph of Shield Wall
Glyph of Taunt


Glyph of Charge
Glyph of Thunderclap
Glyph of Command

The Undergeared glyphs are mostly for threat which will most probably be your main issue while your getting geared, you should swap them out only if your having problems on fights such as Fester or Saurfang.

Also look into getting the addon "Tanktotals" it's a great analysis tool for calculating things such as Effective Health and has an auto feature for announcing to the raid when you use Last Stand Shield Wall and other tank CDs


Acidote said:
It should be a lot easier with a 6 man party :lol

I meant 3-1-1 :D

I've looted some pieces of equipment tonight and I've climbed to 25k unbuffed, which is definitely better. I'm also at 60% dmg absorption and 19+% in both parry and dodge. Of course the DEF cap is reached so it can only go better from there :D

I also did the seasonal boss and dropped both the def and dps cloaks, we did get the buggy cloak thing where it would just go to whoever opened the chest at the end.
Also, Frost DK sucks for this boss :x


Really Really Exciting Member!
Sebulon3k said:
Undergeared :

Glyph of Blocking
Glyph of Devastate
Glyph of Taunt

Once you get geared if you plan on tanking ICC:

Glyph of Last Stand
Glyph of Shield Wall
Glyph of Taunt


Glyph of Charge
Glyph of Thunderclap
Glyph of Command

The Undergeared glyphs are mostly for threat which will most probably be your main issue while your getting geared, you should swap them out only if your having problems on fights such as Fester or Saurfang.

Also look into getting the addon "Tanktotals" it's a great analysis tool for calculating things such as Effective Health and has an auto feature for announcing to the raid when you use Last Stand Shield Wall and other tank CDs

If he's undergeared, he's probably at the point of farming heroics for triumphs. I find that glyph of Cleave makes it much easier when it comes to threat than something like glyph of Taunt when heroics are only AOE, AOE & AOE.


Bisnic said:
If he's undergeared, he's probably at the point of farming heroics for triumphs. I find that glyph of Cleave makes it much easier when it comes to threat than something like glyph of Taunt when heroics are only AOE, AOE & AOE.

This is true, but I never really found threat in heroics a problem even when I was gearing up. Assuming your doing your rotation correctly, you'll only be having problems if you have unexpected packs and don't have abilities up to handle them.

TC -> Shockwave -> Shield Slam / Revenge / cleave on each individual mob should give you a solid hold on everything


Really Really Exciting Member!
Sebulon3k said:
This is true, but I never really found threat in heroics a problem even when I was gearing up. Assuming your doing your rotation correctly, you'll only be having problems if you have unexpected packs and don't have abilities up to handle them.

TC -> Shockwave -> Shield Slam / Revenge / cleave on each individual mob should give you a solid hold on everything

But glyph of cleave allows me to get 3k-4k DPS and awesome damage as a prot warrior in heroics. :lol Even most DPS with ICC10/25 normal gear have trouble beating me in overall damage. They might still beat me sometimes in DPS, but when it comes to damage... i'd say 75% of the time i'm #1. *shake head* And when i look at Recount, My #1 & #2 attacks are often Revenge followed by Cleave. If i was crazy enough, i'd get the fury talent for Improved Cleave, but then i would lose most of my Arms talents. :(


Does anyone have any advice for a feral tank on the LK's raging spirits? My main is a resto shaman so I don't have much tanking experience but I did some 10 man bosses on my druid (only really tank heroics) and the silence that they use makes it so hard to pick up new ones as they spawn :/ I think people seemed a bit too spread out, maybe everyone should stack up within range of the other tank so they can still heal him? That way I could keep spamming maul/swipe/lacerate/mangle and I wouldn't need faerie fire or growl (which are gone when I'm silenced) to pick them up. I tried charging one that spawned ~10 yards away from me once and then he used the frontal cone silence thing and killed two dps ~_~...

Any help would be much appreciated ^_^, I don't know the next time I'll even be trying to tank him but I really want to know how to just in case.


I'm at the point whree I can't upgrade a number of pieces any longer without going on raids but I've been told my gear isn't good enough blah blah.


Any suggestions? I know my gems could be improved in places but I'm spending all my money on raising enchanting and hate to blow 200 gold on a gem only to upgrade the item and lose it all.


I'm at the point whree I can't upgrade a number of pieces any longer without going on raids but I've been told my gear isn't good enough blah blah.


Any suggestions on how to counter this? The boots are in theory the easiest to replace via the Halls of Reflection but I haven't had any luck yet. I know my gems could be improved in places but I'm spending all my money on raising enchanting and hate to blow 200 gold on a gem only to upgrade the item and lose it all.
Meier said:
I'm at the point whree I can't upgrade a number of pieces any longer without going on raids but I've been told my gear isn't good enough blah blah.


Any suggestions on how to counter this? The boots are in theory the easiest to replace via the Halls of Reflection but I haven't had any luck yet. I know my gems could be improved in places but I'm spending all my money on raising enchanting and hate to blow 200 gold on a gem only to upgrade the item and lose it all.

I wouldn't invite you to a raid, no offense man. Your gear just looks like you haven't really tried. Get some craftable 245 or 264 gear, and don't gem for socket bonuses. I don't have a level 80 hunter, but I do know that you should never be gemming with a purple gem, you don't need that extra stamina. Also rare gems make you look lazy/cheap


Really Really Exciting Member!
I wouldn't go into ICC until you get everything you can out of heroics & triumphs. Get rid of those 2 blue items as fast as you can. Gem mostly in Agility(as far as i know, havent played hunter for a while), never purple gems with stamina or yellow gems with only crit. The PVP 264 bracers that aren't very expensive on honor would be better than what you have currently. You don't even need to do PVP if you hate it, just gather stone keeper shards from heroics, or do the 2 easy quests in Wintergrasp that dont even require to do PVP since you can just kill npcs wandering around.

Don't hesitate too much on putting epic gems on your 232-245 gear. Those might last for a while, unlike 200-219-226 which i agree aren't worth it for epic gems when you can easily upgrade those from 5 mans.
Meier said:
I'm at the point whree I can't upgrade a number of pieces any longer without going on raids but I've been told my gear isn't good enough blah blah.


Any suggestions on how to counter this? The boots are in theory the easiest to replace via the Halls of Reflection but I haven't had any luck yet. I know my gems could be improved in places but I'm spending all my money on raising enchanting and hate to blow 200 gold on a gem only to upgrade the item and lose it all.

Man, I told you earlier. Your gemming is all over the place. Unless you're below the hit cap, gem only agility (unless the bonus is really good, which isn't really the case with any of your gear). Also, I don't know if you're still BM, but change to survival or MM. I'd suggest survival until your gear is really good.

Here's my hunter for reference. He just started doing ICC and my gear isn't much better than yours (save for the two pieces of T10 I got from VOA).



Ok guys, enough ass wiping, he asked for help :p

First of all, being a DPS who is extremely dependant of his weapon dps, you need a new weapon and I suggest this:


Yes, it's a tanking weapon, but it's damage output is better than yours and there is a chance you may get it in AH.

Other alternative: farm Pit of Saron until you get this:


Then the obvious one would be to get the two T10 pieces you need (and combine it with 2 pieces of T9 you already have). Do daily random heroics and the ahune fight, that's 4 frost emblems until 4 july.

For trinkets, I suggest you farm Trials of Champion (normal) for a Banner of Victory:


And the forge of Souls for this:


Boots need a replacement ASAP, Try to get into heroic Hall of Reflection runs to get this:


Or try to buy/craft this:


Very generic tips but I think that will give you an objective (aside of the gems, enchants, etc).


Meier said:
I'm at the point whree I can't upgrade a number of pieces any longer without going on raids but I've been told my gear isn't good enough blah blah.


Any suggestions on how to counter this? The boots are in theory the easiest to replace via the Halls of Reflection but I haven't had any luck yet. I know my gems could be improved in places but I'm spending all my money on raising enchanting and hate to blow 200 gold on a gem only to upgrade the item and lose it all.

I hate to tell someone how to spend their time, but this is totally why jumping in at this stage of an expansion is so awful. You will be taking your lessons through some very harsh scenarios and be spending a lot of time and money in ways you shouldn't have to in a natural game environment.

Blizzard in general needs to also learn how to pace their expansions better. Their crazy gear ladders could really be handled so much better.

Oh well, just a few months to go.
Acosta said:
Ok guys, enough ass wiping, he asked for help :p

First of all, being a DPS who is extremely dependant of his weapon dps, you need a new weapon and I suggest this:


Yes, it's a tanking weapon, but it's damage output is better than yours and there is a chance you may get it in AH.

Other alternative: farm Pit of Saron until you get this:


Did you look at his gear? He already has the bolter.


Azwethinkweiz said:
Did you look at his gear? He already has the bolter.

Ops, sorry, that happens when you have your head in two things at once.

And Meier, hear Azwethinkweiz's comment about gems and spec change.

Alex said:
I hate to tell someone how to spend their time, but this is totally why jumping in at this stage of an expansion is so awful. You will be taking your lessons through some very harsh scenarios and be spending a lot of time and money in ways you shouldn't have to in a natural game environment.

Blizzard in general needs to also learn how to pace their expansions better. Their crazy gear ladders could really be handled so much better.

Oh well, just a few months to go.

I've played at launch, the end of TBC, and now the end of WOTLK. Gearing up right now to play WoW is a matter of 2 weeks at 80. Doing the same during TBC was much, much harder.


RiskyChris said:

I've played at launch, the end of TBC, and now the end of WOTLK. Gearing up right now to play WoW is a matter of 2 weeks at 80. Doing the same during TBC was much, much harder.

I didn't play for some months and when I came back to TBC I had to do the attunement quests to start Karazhan, without guild support and in a server where people had little motivation to run dungeons and help find the keys, being immersed on raid progression. It was really frustrating, especially compared to how easy is to get a decent gear these days (and I still remember the days when seeing a purple was such a big deal, I think I got two from vainilla and I felt completely badass :lol )

I hate you for that pic :( I tried to find that stupid dragon for weeks without any luck.
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