Magnus said:Guild got 10m Lich King on farm in my absence over the last month, and now that I'm back, we've had 3 nights on him and can't kill him. This should be so easy.![]()
Regression is always fun
Magnus said:Guild got 10m Lich King on farm in my absence over the last month, and now that I'm back, we've had 3 nights on him and can't kill him. This should be so easy.![]()
Magnus said:This is such a disaster. We had our best pull of the night two hours ago.
This is fucking 10-man, and we're 25 man geared with the 20% buff and can't do this. Something different goes wrong every time. Holy shit.
Yazus said:Bet my ass this is gonna be the login screen. In lastest build the reverted the login screen to the vanilla wow one, meaning that they have been tinketing with it. Next build I demand worgen male voice and login screen.
Dina said:Don't know what to tell you. We one-shot 10M LK two weeks ago with a pug, while three of us, including me, being instructed 5 minutes before the pull. But we had a kick-ass group, I'll say that much. It's unreal how easy ICC normal becomes once you get 10 decent people together.
davepoobond said:the tough part of the game is making up for the people that are bad. and that's always how its been, im sure.
davepoobond said:the tough part of the game is making up for the people that are bad. and that's always how its been, im sure.
Bisnic said:I keep hearing people saying how their new lvl 80 tank keep getting insulted in heroics, but i've had a bunch of tanks in the past with only 24-27k HP unbuffed and people never say a thing about those tanks(unless they suck really bad at their job). Maybe i'm just lucky.
I had a group endlessly berate me in Mana Tombs about not having enough HP on my leveling Death Knight in spite of the fact that I had the highest gear score.Bisnic said:I keep hearing people saying how their new lvl 80 tank keep getting insulted in heroics, but i've had a bunch of tanks in the past with only 24-27k HP unbuffed and people never say a thing about those tanks(unless they suck really bad at their job). Maybe i'm just lucky.
Dance In My Blood said:I had a group endlessly berate me in Mana Tombs about not having enough HP on my leveling Death Knight in spite of the fact that I had the highest gear score.
Tanking is just a pain in the ass because you're always labeled as the one at fault. I really think this is one of the reasons there are so few tanks.
Alcoori said:And the third time (heroic this time) with the classic 3-2-1 and it was a fucking mess.
I still kinda like it though![]()
I've seen it happen when we wiped on ToC 10. Something to the effect of you needing 3 healers when your tanks GS is blah blah blah.DarkJC said:Probably depends on your battlegroup. Even with the shittiest tanks usually people in mine don't say anything until we start wiping when we shouldn't be.
It took me less than 3 weeks to go from 70-80 once I started back up. That isn't too bad. With heirlooms and the ability to fly, it would have gone much quicker I am assuming. I was getting about a level a day for awhile.Bisnic said:Hopefully, they can speed up the Northrend lvling, i find that 1-70 is just the perfect speed, but once i reach 70, i'm all "Man, can i hit 71 already? D:"
The VoA bosses have been added one-by-one throughout the WotLK expansion, and the loot tables for each boss have remained largely unchanged. This means the first VoA bosses drop fairly crappy stuff (from the point of view of well-geared raid or PvP characters). Only the last two drop stuff that is likely to be an upgrade for those people.Meier said:I've seen it happen when we wiped on ToC 10. Something to the effect of you needing 3 healers when your tanks GS is blah blah blah.
Alliance/Horde imbalance is apparently quite bad on Lothar it sounds like from the bitching that goes on when WG is underway. We did manage a win the other day though so I went to VoA for the first time and got some pants. Why is it that in both the 10 and 25 person raids, we didn't finish either? In the 25er, we did 2 of them and in the 10 we just did 1 guy. All 3 fights were flawless and I don't think anyone died.. why not just do everything? I was rather confused.
Evlar said:The VoA bosses have been added one-by-one throughout the WotLK expansion, and the loot tables for each boss have remained largely unchanged. This means the first VoA bosses drop fairly crappy stuff (from the point of view of well-geared raid or PvP characters). Only the last two drop stuff that is likely to be an upgrade for those people.
Flib said:I really want to kill LK, but I just can't bring myself to raid these days. Even logging in has become a chore. Need Cata asap.
It took like 5 minutes to do the second one after the first. Are people really that impatient? Plus, the Frost badges are nice to get too...Evlar said:The VoA bosses have been added one-by-one throughout the WotLK expansion, and the loot tables for each boss have remained largely unchanged. This means the first VoA bosses drop fairly crappy stuff (from the point of view of well-geared raid or PvP characters). Only the last two drop stuff that is likely to be an upgrade for those people.
Are people really that impatient?
funkmastergeneral said:Too bad you can't make up for others stupidity on defiles
Hm maybe a mistake in the item system for holiday bosses? Or maybe he was party leader?firex said:fire fest kind of sucks. Not sure what happened but I had the same cloak drop twice and it didn't let anybody roll on it and just autolooted it to a DK when it was the spell power cloak.
FlawlessCowboy said:So, we getting the 25% buff tomorrow?
DarkJC said:Probably depends on your battlegroup. Even with the shittiest tanks usually people in mine don't say anything until we start wiping when we shouldn't be.
firex said:So I bought dual spec on my warrior and made his second spec prot. I've got the talents down, but what glyphs are really good for an undergeared prot warrior and what glyphs should I shoot for after I actually have a good tank set?
Acidote said:It should be a lot easier with a 6 man party :lol
Sebulon3k said:Undergeared :
Glyph of Blocking
Glyph of Devastate
Glyph of Taunt
Once you get geared if you plan on tanking ICC:
Glyph of Last Stand
Glyph of Shield Wall
Glyph of Taunt
Glyph of Charge
Glyph of Thunderclap
Glyph of Command
The Undergeared glyphs are mostly for threat which will most probably be your main issue while your getting geared, you should swap them out only if your having problems on fights such as Fester or Saurfang.
Also look into getting the addon "Tanktotals" it's a great analysis tool for calculating things such as Effective Health and has an auto feature for announcing to the raid when you use Last Stand Shield Wall and other tank CDs
Bisnic said:If he's undergeared, he's probably at the point of farming heroics for triumphs. I find that glyph of Cleave makes it much easier when it comes to threat than something like glyph of Taunt when heroics are only AOE, AOE & AOE.
Sebulon3k said:This is true, but I never really found threat in heroics a problem even when I was gearing up. Assuming your doing your rotation correctly, you'll only be having problems if you have unexpected packs and don't have abilities up to handle them.
TC -> Shockwave -> Shield Slam / Revenge / cleave on each individual mob should give you a solid hold on everything
Meier said:I'm at the point whree I can't upgrade a number of pieces any longer without going on raids but I've been told my gear isn't good enough blah blah.
Any suggestions on how to counter this? The boots are in theory the easiest to replace via the Halls of Reflection but I haven't had any luck yet. I know my gems could be improved in places but I'm spending all my money on raising enchanting and hate to blow 200 gold on a gem only to upgrade the item and lose it all.
Meier said:I'm at the point whree I can't upgrade a number of pieces any longer without going on raids but I've been told my gear isn't good enough blah blah.
Any suggestions on how to counter this? The boots are in theory the easiest to replace via the Halls of Reflection but I haven't had any luck yet. I know my gems could be improved in places but I'm spending all my money on raising enchanting and hate to blow 200 gold on a gem only to upgrade the item and lose it all.
Meier said:I'm at the point whree I can't upgrade a number of pieces any longer without going on raids but I've been told my gear isn't good enough blah blah.
Any suggestions on how to counter this? The boots are in theory the easiest to replace via the Halls of Reflection but I haven't had any luck yet. I know my gems could be improved in places but I'm spending all my money on raising enchanting and hate to blow 200 gold on a gem only to upgrade the item and lose it all.
Acosta said:Ok guys, enough ass wiping, he asked for help
First of all, being a DPS who is extremely dependant of his weapon dps, you need a new weapon and I suggest this:
Yes, it's a tanking weapon, but it's damage output is better than yours and there is a chance you may get it in AH.
Other alternative: farm Pit of Saron until you get this:
Azwethinkweiz said:Did you look at his gear? He already has the bolter.
Alex said:I hate to tell someone how to spend their time, but this is totally why jumping in at this stage of an expansion is so awful. You will be taking your lessons through some very harsh scenarios and be spending a lot of time and money in ways you shouldn't have to in a natural game environment.
Blizzard in general needs to also learn how to pace their expansions better. Their crazy gear ladders could really be handled so much better.
Oh well, just a few months to go.
RiskyChris said:pic[/IMG]
I've played at launch, the end of TBC, and now the end of WOTLK. Gearing up right now to play WoW is a matter of 2 weeks at 80. Doing the same during TBC was much, much harder.