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World of Warcraft

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J-Rzez said:
They better pull a nice card here and activate OS 2.0 for the states now after how long this down time is today. I just tried logging on for the first time today, expecting it to be up and running as I had to grab a few things before raid, and I see it's down. All over this crap Bnet 2.0 stuff.

Now I'm questioning if our raid's going to be cancelled tonight due to this.

I'm in the same boat. Tuesday raid night starts at 8pm EST, and apparently the servers won't be back up by 7, but rather an update of an update QQ :/


funkmastergeneral said:
I can answer any questions you may have about enhancement. I've stopped raiding recently, but my main for most of the expansion was an enhance shaman.

I hope you're using enhsim

Edit: Also some of the best theorycrafters behind enhsim have quit due to how shitty the spec has become.
mostly I just want to know if it's better to gem agi over AP, and if the engy agi cloak enchant is better than 23 haste. also if ArP is worth it at all, because if not then I will just buy dual hit trinkets and redo gems.

I actually haven't used enhsim but I'll give it a try if it's not too complex to set up. I don't raid hardcore but I want to make sure I actually gear/gem properly more than anything else, even if my enh set still has a long way to go. also wish the server was up so I could respec, because I last played this guy before 3.3.
firex said:
mostly I just want to know if it's better to gem agi over AP, and if the engy agi cloak enchant is better than 23 haste. also if ArP is worth it at all, because if not then I will just buy dual hit trinkets and redo gems.

I actually haven't used enhsim but I'll give it a try if it's not too complex to set up. I don't raid hardcore but I want to make sure I actually gear/gem properly more than anything else, even if my enh set still has a long way to go. also wish the server was up so I could respec, because I last played this guy before 3.3.

Never, ever gem agility. Your first priority is to be hit capped, then expertise capped. At lower gear levels you will want to gem for AP, but once you get T9 or greater go with haste (generally). The best way to find out whether you need to gem AP or haste is to just use enhsim.

Armor pen is not bad, it's just not a preferred stat because it only affects our melee swings, which is half of our damage. Currently it's about as valuable as having additional hit on my gear. It still makes it onto a bunch of our BiS pieces.

I always use enhsim before making a gear decision though.


Azwethinkweiz said:

I know, I'm too lazy to put my info in there.

We may very well have PuGed an ICC 25 at some point, I hope I wasn't an ass. I tend to troll a lot when I do PuG ToCs and ICC to keep myself entertained :lol
Sebulon3k said:
We may very well have PuGed an ICC 25 at some point, I hope I wasn't an ass. I tend to troll a lot when I do PuG ToCs and ICC to keep myself entertained :lol

Actually, now that I think about it, it may have been a TOC 25. And then you laughed because JV didn't drop for me and linked your heroic version. Was that you? I feel like it was. I swear it was last week.


thanks for the advice, I'm going to regem haste aside from keeping my meta (so probably ap/haste and haste/stamina). Seems like it's the same as gemming my resto set.


J-Rzez said:
They better pull a nice card here and activate OS 2.0 for the states now after how long this down time is today. I just tried logging on for the first time today, expecting it to be up and running as I had to grab a few things before raid, and I see it's down. All over this crap Bnet 2.0 stuff.

Now I'm questioning if our raid's going to be cancelled tonight due to this.
Ugh yeah, raid time is 9pm EST for me and it looks like 8pm at the earliest it'll be finished. I like to do dailies/holiday stuff as well so this is a bummer.


funkmastergeneral said:
Never, ever gem agility. Your first priority is to be hit capped, then expertise capped. At lower gear levels you will want to gem for AP, but once you get T9 or greater go with haste (generally). The best way to find out whether you need to gem AP or haste is to just use enhsim.

Armor pen is not bad, it's just not a preferred stat because it only affects our melee swings, which is half of our damage. Currently it's about as valuable as having additional hit on my gear. It still makes it onto a bunch of our BiS pieces.

I always use enhsim before making a gear decision though.
I was wondering (I'm primarily a healer, I really don't know my stuff for dps especially melee) what makes expertise important for some melee dps versus others? I was reading up on Unholy dps for my DK and it seems I can avoid expertise, while it seems important for Enhancement (which I am working on a set for since we DE so much of the gear that drops). I know it's important for tanking since you face the boss but can't melee dps primarily attack from behind assuming no tail swipe is involved? What about attacks from the side, do those involve expertise?
ciaossu said:
I was wondering (I'm primarily a healer, I really don't know my stuff for dps especially melee) what makes expertise important for some melee dps versus others? I was reading up on Unholy dps for my DK and it seems I can avoid expertise, while it seems important for Enhancement (which I am working on a set for since we DE so much of the gear that drops). I know it's important for tanking since you face the boss but can't melee dps primarily attack from behind assuming no tail swipe is involved? What about attacks from the side, do those involve expertise?

Expertise affects the chance for the mob to dodge or parry. I know he can't parry from behind, but I'm pretty sure he can still dodge. Dodge cap is 26 I believe and parry cap is...well, you're not hitting the parry cap.
Azwethinkweiz said:
Expertise affects the chance for the mob to dodge or parry. I know he can't parry from behind, but I'm pretty sure he can still dodge. Dodge cap is 26 I believe and parry cap is...well, you're not hitting the parry cap.

This. Also, I believe (don't know because I've never played one) that it's less important for 2 handed DPS over dual wielding like enhancement, frost, or rogues, because we miss more.


Azwethinkweiz said:
Expertise affects the chance for the mob to dodge or parry. I know he can't parry from behind, but I'm pretty sure he can still dodge. Dodge cap is 26 I believe and parry cap is...well, you're not hitting the parry cap.
funkmastergeneral said:
This. Also, I believe (don't know because I've never played one) that it's less important for 2 handed DPS over dual wielding like enhancement, frost, or rogues.
Thanks guys, I guess the dual wield versus two-hander thing is the issue. I used to main spec enhancement but that was a long time ago and before I realized I needed hit, expertise, etc. Now that I realize how to gear and what a proper spec/rotation is for dps it'll be interesting to see which I prefer: dual wield or two-handed dps.


Expertise is easy on Shaman. Just always stand behind the boss (reduces parry chance to 0) and get 214 rating. For a shaman that is 17 points (assuming you have Unleashed Rage, which you should). If you're an Orc, you only need 12 (I think).

EDIT: Standing behind the boss and getting 214 rating applies to all DPS, but the number of points needed to get that varies on class/talents.


Azwethinkweiz said:
Actually, now that I think about it, it may have been a TOC 25. And then you laughed because JV didn't drop for me and linked your heroic version. Was that you? I feel like it was. I swear it was last week.

Yeah that was me :lol, I didn't mean to make fun of you for it not dropping, me and my other warrior friend just like to flaunt in PuGs. Childish I know, but we find it almost as fun as the raid itself haha

I'm an Ass

ciaossu said:
Does anyone have any advice for a feral tank on the LK's raging spirits? My main is a resto shaman so I don't have much tanking experience but I did some 10 man bosses on my druid (only really tank heroics) and the silence that they use makes it so hard to pick up new ones as they spawn :/ I think people seemed a bit too spread out, maybe everyone should stack up within range of the other tank so they can still heal him? That way I could keep spamming maul/swipe/lacerate/mangle and I wouldn't need faerie fire or growl (which are gone when I'm silenced) to pick them up. I tried charging one that spawned ~10 yards away from me once and then he used the frontal cone silence thing and killed two dps ~_~...

Any help would be much appreciated ^_^, I don't know the next time I'll even be trying to tank him but I really want to know how to just in case.

On my warrior I usually save my taunt for when the spirit is about to spawn and make sure that I stand as close to the edge as possible, so if the need for me to move the spirit comes up the melee and healers shouldn't be in the way


I made a diagram to help you out.

Black = Lich King
Navy Blue = Remorseless Winter
Aqua = Where the safe zone is

Two stars are where your ranged dps should be, position yourself where the arrow is, so that you don't have to worry about moving that much. I'm assuming your having trouble with the first transition where you'll usually have a shambling still up. Have your shambling tank go to either the right or left of the ranged groups.

You may have to move to pick up whichever shambling, but because your the only person that close to the edge if it does the conal ability you should still be fine.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Gotta love patch days, and this patch wasn't that big except for RealID and the new 1 boss raid which wont even open until next week.

Can't wait for when they will release the big pre-Cataclysm patch. 48 hours downtime!


Sebulon3k said:

I made a diagram to help you out.

Black = Lich King
Navy Blue = Remorseless Winter
Aqua = Where the safe zone is

Two stars are where your ranged dps should be, position yourself where the arrow is, so that you don't have to worry about moving that much. I'm assuming your having trouble with the first transition where you'll usually have a shambling still up. Have your shambling tank go to either the right or left of the ranged groups.

You may have to move to pick up whichever shambling, but because your the only person that close to the edge if it does the conal ability you should still be fine.[/QUOTE]
Thanks man, I really appreciate it :D
Sounds like a pretty good strategy, I also was reading online that priests and paladins can cleanse the silence? That'd be helpful, and maybe I can get a misdirect or tricks too. It did seem like the problem was that the dps were too far away and spread out so the random location of spirits spawning was hard for me to handle.

Also, related question, which addons do you use as a tank? Right now the only mod I use directly related to tanking (dps use it too I know) is Omen. But is there an addon similar to arena enemy frames for spawned enemies that are in range? When trying to target new enemies I'll either click or tab but sometimes I screw up or it isn't fast enough. Any tips are appreciated. Funny that my first real raid that I tank is ICC ~_~


funkmastergeneral said:
This. Also, I believe (don't know because I've never played one) that it's less important for 2 handed DPS over dual wielding like enhancement, frost, or rogues, because we miss more.
It's actually just as important for 2h because with less swings, you want to make each one count. But it's also completely unimportant for Arms warriors because Overpower is a lot of their damage, so reducing mob dodge chances really isn't a big deal.

also I should have said, I'm at the hit cap (not the 17% hit cap, but the 14% with debuff cap) and 5 away from exp cap, which I know I will get when I add more t9 to my set.


ciaossu said:
Also, related question, which addons do you use as a tank? Right now the only mod I use directly related to tanking (dps use it too I know) is Omen. But is there an addon similar to arena enemy frames for spawned enemies that are in range? When trying to target new enemies I'll either click or tab but sometimes I screw up or it isn't fast enough. Any tips are appreciated. Funny that my first real raid that I tank is ICC ~_~

Tanktotals = Gear analysis Tool
MSBT - For Procs such as Sword and Board, Revenge etc
Recount - To see who you should vigilance

Other then that I'm not really sure what tank specific addons I use, I usually either click or tab through mobs.

Also CaelNamePlates to see which mobs are casting for easy interrupts


For tank purposes I just use Omen, Quartz, and Recount. I've got a ton of other little ones for other purposes that I just can't live without.


funkmastergeneral said:
This is the worst content patch ever.
lol server just reset or something and booted my entire guild off simultaneously
That's not the only problem we've been having tonight but certainly the funniest :lol
If I weren't so tired I'd be annoyed :lol

funkmastergeneral said:
I log on and there's absolutely nothing new to do besides fight Ahune. Throw us a bone and get a new 5 man or something.
Well ruby sanctum should unlock next week, hopefully


funkmastergeneral said:
I log on and there's absolutely nothing new to do besides fight Ahune. Throw us a bone and get a new 5 man or something.
Wait a week or two. Also blame whiny Euros+Koreans for us having nothing to do.


So I finally gave in and bought a new cloak with 25 emblems (forget which emblems specifically, traded Triumph, etc.) and then the cloak off Ahune just dropped which was an upgrade. Doh! I hadn't been out for 2+ hours but I enchanted it with 22 agility which took a bunch of materials to boot. Oh well, what can ya do.


Really Really Exciting Member!
JesseZao said:
I don't like the idea of using the account login email as your friend invites... :/

Why? You should only invite people you trust with RealID, not with that random hunter in a ICC10 pug. And if they're people you trust, they should already know your email adress at least.


Goblin level 1 to 8 leveling experience
When you first begin, you and your employees (Sassy Handwrench and your lover Candy Cane or Chip Endale, among them) are celebrating your success, or rather, the success of Kaja Cola. After initial introductions for the player, you are sent to the foreman to the mine outside to make sure the ore is coming. You are told that you have some rebellious slaves and tunnel worms eating it, so you are asked to go in and gather some, rein in the trolls, and kill the worms. After that, you are given the keys to a Hot Rod by your Marketing Rep, and for the next set of quests, you pick up your friends, and grab stuff for the celebration party, and gather mechanical parts for goblin football shredders. Oh, and with your friends you go to the slums to beat up some other goblins or hobgoblins because they haven't paid you.

The first chain I did (Goblin Football) has you use explosive footballs against the enemy team, and when it comes time to kick the field goal, you end up aiming too high and hitting Mount Kajaro, causing an earthquake. The coach of your team uses this as an excuse to get the hell of Kezan. When you get back to your headquarters, you are dressed up, and join a celebrating party, helping customers with food, drink, dancing, fireworks, and buckets if need be.

After pleasing enough guests, you return to Sassy, who informs you a bunch of Southsea Pirates are crashing the party. Returning outside, you kill some of them, while there are more frequent earthquakes and rumblings. Returning back to Sassy again, you are told Gallywix, the man you will eventually overtake as Trade Prince, snuck upstairs. After talking to him, and finding out Mount Kajaro is erupting from the ball you kicked into the mountain, he demands a Bazillion Macaroons, the currency of Kezan.

This part is probably my favourite; to earn enough money, you are told to run over looters in the city and steal their stolen goods (did I also mention that throughout the entire zone, you can run over civilians/citizens as well?), rob the bank to get your money, and eventually disguise as a hobgoblin to steal several of Gallywix's paintings and statues. You are also asked by your foreman to go back into the mines and retrieve 15 pieces of Kaja'mite Ore.

Then Sassy drives you to Gallywix's boat, where you end up becoming his slaves.

I guess a cinematic is supposed to go here, but next you wake up in a wreckage, and are sent around to rescue people from pods. Then you are sent to the shore, where Sassy is alive and well, explaining you need tools. The quests you grab deal with; Gathering tools, killing raptor hatchlings, and feeding monkeys explosive bananas. The first two are pretty standard fare, but the monkey one is hilarious. I wish I could grab better screenshots or film it, but I do not feel safe filming it. During this time, however, you may/may not notice a very large, very unhappy raptor mommy up on the ridge, which is (I believe) the source for all the roaring during the Lost Isles right now.

When you turn in the quests, you find out your Foreman and a bunch of willing goblins found a Kaja'mite Ore mine, and that they went to mine it, so you go check it out. Apparently, the monkeys are mining the ore, and killing all the miners. At this point, you are asked to escort a miner to gather some ore, and when you enter, you get an automatic quest to take pictures of the cave paintings and the Pygmy altar at the end. At the end, you find and kill a Pygmy Witchdoctor, who was believed to be leading the monkeys (I apologize, but I forgot to take screenshot of that), and a dead orc scout. Taking the journal, you return to the wreckage, and are asked to go see the orcs on the ridge. Following that, you go ahead to meet an orc scout, only surprise surprise, a bunch of carnivorous plants. Using your Goblin All-in-1-der belt, you weedwhack away a lot of plants, and return to the base camp where you were sent. Then back to the scouts, and then we get to kill a bunch of SI:7 Assassins while wearing thermal goggles.

Then you are sent further ahead, and asked to hijack a gyrochoppa to retrieve the orc's precious cargo, who is revealed to be Thrall, and he buffs you with a cyclone to zap sailors, and you are returned to the Wild Overlook, where a very unsafe contraption awaits (Even by Goblin Standards!), and Gallywix takes it first, followed by the foreman, then you. Then you detonate a bunch of dynamite to set up a town in the box, where the quests deal with getting food, initally starting with strapping rockets to chickens, using their eggs to bait raptors in, and finally, killing a giant mechanical chicken who flies straight up then explodes.'
This sounds awesome. :lol


Bisnic said:
Why? You should only invite people you trust with RealID, not with that random hunter in a ICC10 pug. And if they're people you trust, they should already know your email adress at least.

Obviously...I wouldn't mind the features it provides I just don't understand what's wrong with the XBL/PSN friend invite system. All they have to do is prevent trial accounts from sending friends requests.

It just seems like an unnecessary security issue. If somebody hacks an account, they can then see all of the RealID emails (account names)?


Really Really Exciting Member!
Are they at least updating the old races starting zone? Because who would want to lvl a human/night elf/dwarf/undead/orc/tauren if they barely touch them? At least gnomes & trolls get something new. Even the draenei & blood elf zones will look boring when comparing them to worgens, goblins & death knights.


No One Remembers
JesseZao said:
It just seems like an unnecessary security issue. If somebody hacks an account, they can then see all of the RealID emails (account names)?

NO! - all your friends will see is your real name. The email is only used to send the initial friends request.


No One Remembers
Also note, that your friends friends will be able to see your real name. However, if they don't know your real name that'll be a non-issue.


Entropia said:
Also note, that your friends friends will be able to see your real name. However, if they don't know your real name that'll be a non-issue.

You know, I suppose I'd be more receptive of this system if it let you decide which email is your "friends code" or if it would let you just display whatever you wanted as your "real" name. They're just trying to hook people into it as an AIM/MSN messenger (or even Steam) by doing this to retain subscribers. I don't think using your account name and displaying your actual name to friends and friends of friends enhances my game experience.


that goblin stuff sounds awesome. Glad they join the Horde and get the cool stuff, while Worgen are apparently srs business.


Yep, got plenty of friends. Alot of them from other MMO's. Met some in Planetside, some in DAoC some in anarchy and shit, and although we all play mostly on different servers now, Im not giving up my fucking login name to anyone. Some of them have my email address already, but still to those that dont Im not fucking doing that.

Let me use my handle, or another email and Id be ok with it. Until then, Ill just re add everyone manually when D3 launches.


Farmed for awhile and got my Jormungar Scales and Arctic Furs.. then with the leather I also got I bought the 12 other frozen orbs I needed and now I have some Boots of the Living Scale. WOOT!

Still poor as hell though.. logged out with 14 gold! :lol


funkmastergeneral said:
This is the worst content patch ever.
Because it is not a real content patch?
It is 3.3.5, not 3.4, I don't know what you've expected. It's just to fill our time before Cata/ 3.3.9.
It's not like we've had a lot to do after any 3.X.X patch, eh?


so this realID thing, is bugged apparently. Am I right to understand that to be connected across server chat window with friends you need to have exchanged email addresses?

Anyways, here is what happened.

I get a message that I joined convo with 2 other people. It opens a new tab for that conversation only using channel 11 with blue font coloring. Two names I have never reconized. After the second time I get message that conversation has been opened by nothing I have done. I end up talking to the guy, he thinks my name is something its not, then i ask him what name he sees me as its correct my in game character name. What I really do not like is that it shows two other names that I'm connected with and then my full first and last real name listed. Suddenly my in game immersion is broken to the hilt and I get paranoid! That was why I asked this random other guy what he saw me listed as.

So grats Real ID bugged out for me. I never accepted or was quizzed if I wanted to enter this three way conversation.


So does anyone else keep an eye on the Alpha client leaks for all the new talents and stuff? Its been having me geek out every new release :lol :lol

I play a hunter so I naturally just focus on those. So much stuff.

Hunter Changes Build 12266 (discussion)
I'm pretty sure the Hunter GCD is now 1 second.

Traps Launcher: When used, your next Trap can be launched to a target location within 40 yards. 30 focus. no cooldown.

Traps: Still cost no focus, still have a 30s cooldown per school (nature, frost, fire).

Aspect of the Hawk: The hunter takes on the aspects of a hawk, increasing ranged attack power by XXX and causes you to generate 9 Focus when your Steady Shot or Cobra Shot abilities deal damage. Only one Aspect can be active at a time.

Cobra Shot: Deals weapon damage plus XXX in the form of Nature damage and increases the duration of your Serpent Sting on the target by 3 sec. (removed focus regeneration here, same for steady shot)

Rapid Fire: Focus cost removed.

Aspect of the Beast: removed

Volley: cost reduced to 30 Focus

Multi-Shot: 60 Focus. No Cooldown. Fires several missiles, hitting 3 targets for 50% weapon damage plus ${$m1*$m2/100} damage.

Call Pet: There's 4 spells in the database: Call Pet 1, Call Pet 2, Call Pet 3, Call Pet 4. Probably the beginnings of the new pet system?

Call Stabled Pet: no cooldown. no focus cost. 3 second cast. same wording (still cannot be used in combat).

Changes in 12322 (last build):

Hunter Changes Build 12232 (discussion)
The Venoms won't be off GCD. Currently all of the venoms cost 30 focus and have no cooldown/deal no damage and last for 30 seconds (even the MS one). Serpent Sting is now just a damage dot that is not linked to them anymore.

new/changed abilities:

Aspect of the Fox: The hunter takes on the aspect of the fox, increasing his focus regeneration by 20% and allows you to Auto-Shot while moving.

Cobra Shot: Deals weapon damage + XXX in the form of Nature damage and increases the duration of your Serpent Sting on the target by 3 seconds. Generates 9 focus. (2 second cast)

Kill Command: 50 Focus. 6 second cooldown. Gives your pet the command to kill, instantly inflicting XXX damage.

Scorpid Venom: Reduces the targets armor by 4% for 30 sec. Subsequent Steady Shot or Cobra Shots increase the effect by 4%, stacking up to 3 times. Only one Venom per Hunter can be active on any one target. 30 Focus. no cooldown.

Widow Venom: A venemous shot that reduces the effectiveness of any healing taken by 25% for 30 sec. Only one Venom per Hunter can be active on any one target. 30 Focus. no cooldown.

Viper Venom: Increases the casting time of all spells done by the enemy target by 30% for 30 sec. Only one Venom per Hunter can be active on any one target. 30 Focus. no cooldown.

Camo: We've all read the text for this, but there are currently 2 versions in the spell file. One with a 1 minute cooldown and 45 focus cost, and a second one with no focus cost and cooldown. I hope they choose the latter. :p

Hunter's Mark: I've also found a newer version of hunter's mark that is 10% ranged damage for 30 seconds (as opposed to AP for 5 min/2min). They might be experimenting with that. Also, neither of them have focus costs or cooldowns currently.

old ability changes

aspect of the hawk - unchanged
aspect of the monkey - removed
aspect of the dragonhawk - removed
aspect of the wild - unchanged
aspect of the cheetah - unchanged
aspect of the pack - unchanged
aspect of the viper - removed
viper sting - removed
scorpid sting - removed
eyes of the beast - removed
scare beast - 1.5s cast, 25 focus
revive pet - 10s cast base, 35 focus
mend pet - 25 focus
arcane shot - no cooldown, 50 focus
concussive shot - no cooldown, 35 focus
kill shot - 20 focus, 6 second cooldown
tranq shot - 35 focus, no cooldown
flare - no focus cost, 20s cd
serpent sting - 45 focus
volley - 75 focus
deterrence - no focus cost, 2 minute cd
master's call - 1min cd, no focus cost
disengage - no focus cost, 25s cd
explosive trap - no focus cost, 30s cd
snake trap - no focus cost, 30s cd
freezing arrow - removed
feign death - 30s cd, no focus cost
misdirection - 15 focus, 30s cd
mongoose bite - removed
raptor strike - 6s cd, instant damage melee strike, no focus cost
scatter shot - 35 focus, 30s cd
wing clip - no focus cost, no cooldown

* NEW Tier 8 Envenomation (0/2) Reduces the focus cost of your Scorpid, Widow, and Viper Venom abilities by 15.
* CHANGED Tier 11 Chimera Shot (0/1) Yo udeal 125% weapon damage, refreshing your serpent sting and triggering an effect depending on the venom on the target: Viper Venom - Instantly Burns 5% of the targets total mana. Scorpid Venom - Attempts to Disarm the target for 10 seconds. Widow Venom - Instantly heals you for 15% of your total health.

Camoflauge CHANGED:

"Camouflage (level 85):
You camouflage, causing you and your Pet to blend into your surroundings. After 3 sec, you will enter a camouflaged state for 1 min making you untargetable and providing stealth while stationary. While camouflaged, you and your pet's movement speed is reduced by 30%, but the damage done by your next attack is increased by 15%.

You can lay traps while under the effect, but any damage done by you or your pet will cancel the effect. Cannot be cast while in combat."

I lol'd at all of the bolded especially at them backpeddling and adding stealth to camo while stationary only. Reminds me of the stealthers in Planetside. Complete stealth when not moving, but once they started to move, if you looked REALLY hard you could notice the ummm.....preadator-esque shimmer of movement. Hope I get into the closed beta.

Oh, and ranged sunder armor. Srsly.


Ponti said:
My tank isn't new, but yeah I get this a lot. It's weird cause before I was able to multi-mob tank in vanilla/TBC (when it actually needed proper skill) and not once did I ever hear that I was a bad tank. Always the opposite, I met a lot of great players through instances before this dungeon finder. Now though it's the total opposite, so many moronic people nowadays and EVERYTHING that goes wrong is ALWAYS the tanks fault, even if it wasn't. Its like it's hard wired into folk the minute something fucks up, even for the most unreasonable stuff. :lol First time ever I've been called a "n00b tank", among other things. Even had a Priest today in Halls of Reflection tell me I should know when I'm going to get stunned and 'anticipate' it i.e. see into the future and somehow not get stunned. Won't even get started on the idiots that expect me to carry them through an instance.

I knew the community was bad before, but it's taken a serious nose dive. I honestly think, community wise, the dungeon finder was the worst thing to happen to this game. Think I'll be spec'ing for DPS for the first time ever on my Warrior once Cata comes out, if I still have the will to put up with this shit.

I feel you. Especially coming from certain healers who think they can say anything because people need them. I call them out on it everytime and tell them to gtfo if they're not happy doing their classe's job.

I'm now at 25k/26k HP unbuffed, got a new T9 piece and I don't think it's that hard to get new equipment. Just gotta be ready to be screamed at and ridiculed for having a shitty GS :D


Yeah I hit 80 with my warrior last week, leveled from 70 to 80 only through the dungeon finder. I played holy priest through burning crusade and never ever did I meet as many idiots as I do when using the dungeon finder. I try to pull a group of casters around a corner, the shaman casts chain lightening into the pack as soon as it starts running, dps pulls aggro and instead of letting me taunt the mob they run AWAY, I charge one mob dps immediatly starts focusing the one target that I have the least threat on.

Last sunday we did trial of the champion for the stamina trinket, the first boss goes down und the 3 mob groups enter the arena. We down the first two, without any problems, on the third the hunter pulls and leaves the party, the rogue sees that and disconnects, the healer stayed and we downed the boss but left as soon as the looting was done without saying a word.

I then queued for another round and get an invite as tank. There's a second warrior, of the ashen verdict, so I think this will be easy. The riding event is done and the three bosses spawn, the warrior immediatly charges in and I do my best to somehow keep aggro. After the fight I immediatly get kicked without a reason or anyone saying anything.

Next we did Pit of Saron, everything works like a charm up to the second boss. Mage decided not to keep out of the poison nova and dies. We laugh and down the boss. Next come the caster groups up that slope, it's a bit fickle to bunch them all up and keep aggro but anyway, I charge in, silence, heroic throw etc. But the mage starts bombing before my charge even reached the first target, he dies without having used iceblock... Same thing happened with the second group, bombing before I reach any mob und not using iceblock. After that the HEALER tries to kick me.

The dungeon tool really brings out the worst of all players. My ignore list was full before I even hit 80... I'm now thinking about running some kind of fail blog where I can post the names and servers of the players that really fuck shit up. I mean not minor errors that happen to everybody, but stuff like pulling and leaving the group, etc. Can blizzard ban me if I publish player's names and server + screenshots of them? I really love the game, but the shit I have to put up with as tank is depressing...


Has problems recognising girls
Thing is those players have always been there. The dungeon finder tool simply allows you to be with these people whereas beforehand they could be a douche in a PUG and gain a reputation on the server for being a cock. Now they can do it and there is no threat of being tarnished.

I hope the reintroduction of the necessity for crowd control in the Cataclysm instances will make people slow the fuck down, think a little, and quit crying over a single wipe. All people want these days are their emblems ASAP and to nibble on that carrot quicker than ever. Fuck them.


I really hate tanks that run to the next group of mobs while they still have some on them and theyre not all dead..... Its like... yeah, 1 more minute in an instance would be murder... jeeezz...
Ponti said:
My tank isn't new, but yeah I get this a lot. It's weird cause before I was able to multi-mob tank in vanilla/TBC (when it actually needed proper skill) and not once did I ever hear that I was a bad tank. Always the opposite, I met a lot of great players through instances before this dungeon finder. Now though it's the total opposite, so many moronic people nowadays and EVERYTHING that goes wrong is ALWAYS the tanks fault, even if it wasn't. Its like it's hard wired into folk the minute something fucks up, even for the most unreasonable stuff. :lol First time ever I've been called a "n00b tank", among other things. Even had a Priest today in Halls of Reflection tell me I should know when I'm going to get stunned and 'anticipate' it i.e. see into the future and somehow not get stunned. Won't even get started on the idiots that expect me to carry them through an instance.

I knew the community was bad before, but it's taken a serious nose dive. I honestly think, community wise, the dungeon finder was the worst thing to happen to this game. Think I'll be spec'ing for DPS for the first time ever on my Warrior once Cata comes out, if I still have the will to put up with this shit.

I'm already doing this. Im a feral tank so it will be simple for me to respec to DPS. I'm just over the whole rush rush rush mentality and everything falling onto the tanks shoulders. I'm also sick of carrying undergeared and just poorly skilled DPS.

That's also why i stopped healing (i still really enjoy healing in PVP).

It's a shame because up to this point i have always been a healer and done some tanking. Now i guess i will just be adding to the healer and tank shortage.

markot said:
I really hate tanks that run to the next group of mobs while they still have some on them and theyre not all dead..... Its like... yeah, 1 more minute in an instance would be murder... jeeezz...

I do this sometimes. I wait until the mobs nearly dead and than start on the next one so i don't lose rage and so i can a headstart on aggro. I vastly outgear heroics so the healers in my group usually don't use mana so they often end up DPS'ing.

I understand why it can be annoying but i don't think there is much wrong with what i do. I only do it if there are mobs close together.
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