Kukumalu said:Quit WoW a month ago so I could focus on clearing my massive backlog.
Today I get an e-mail with a beta invite for Cataclysm.
No offense, but I hate seeing this lol. Sucks so badly as I keep waiting for an invite.
Kukumalu said:Quit WoW a month ago so I could focus on clearing my massive backlog.
Today I get an e-mail with a beta invite for Cataclysm.
It should be both. Touched by the Light makes sense, for the same reason enhance gets Mental Quickness and ret gets Sheath of Light. It's built in as part of how those specs scale to compete with pure physical dps/tanks. Plus the whole reason SA became a prot talent anyway was that they didn't want it accessible to ret or holy.Angry Grimace said:Hilarious. I actually came in here to note "Spiritual Attunement should be the Lvl 10 passive instead of Touched by the Light." :lol
If you needed any more clue that blizzard is trolling everyone; notice that a million talents got axed, but Priests still have the option to take Lightwell.
but TbtL works as a talent because gear below a certain level doesn't have very much strengh as is.firex said:It should be both. Touched by the Light makes sense, for the same reason enhance gets Mental Quickness and ret gets Sheath of Light. It's built in as part of how those specs scale to compete with pure physical dps/tanks. Plus the whole reason SA became a prot talent anyway was that they didn't want it accessible to ret or holy.
Anyway I looked at priest talents and somehow they fucked those up pretty badly. Holy/Disc especially seem bad, while shadow seems ok.
Also lol @ no more JoW. Not that I mind, since it just means they are going to make it so mana-based dps classes will have better regen on their own instead of relying on a debuff they might not have access to.
And I like the new shaman talents overall. Not perfect, but probably the best ones of all the classes I've really looked at. I haven't bothered to look at druid talents since I don't really like druids, although I noticed no crit immunity for them in feral talents. Either that is a passive or it's something added in to dire bear form or some shit. Anyway I more or less came up with what would probably be cookie cutter talents for enhance/resto/elemental using the beta, but there's room for 2-4 points of variance within all 3 builds, and resto actually has 1 point left over to sink into something utility based. Although I hope they get rid of totemic focus and just make that effect passive, period, so that way dropping 4 totems doesn't take away 1/4 (at least) of an enhance shaman's mana, since they'll be going without int. Not to mention it's entirely useless for resto builds, because they get so much mana that 2k for 4 totems is trivial. 2k out of, say, 8k (to be extremely generous) from a base mana pool for enhance at 85 is a lot though. And really it's going to be more than that, because 2k right now will scale up more at 85.
if you managed to somehow use a spreadsheet on your combat log to figure out your dps and post it, I will create a character on undermine and camp you forever.Xabora said:I have butt-tons of screenshots, will be posting them sometime later.
2-man Lich King is going down for sure tonight. I joined the raid to help out a friend last night without knowing it was GDKP. We downed Sindragosa on the 2nd attempt, and put in a solid 2 hours on the LK. We have phase 1 perfect and we got the transition between dpsing LK and switching to Valkyries down, the only problem is we had reeeeeeeally shitty luck with who they would grab, and especially bad luck with them dropping people right in the middle of defile. Hell, one time they grabbed all 3 rogue! But, for the most part, we know exactly what to do, its just a matter of everything lining up perfectly. I also got 4388 gold out of it. Can't complain about that.
lordmrw said:2-man Lich King is going down for sure tonight. I joined the raid to help out a friend last night without knowing it was GDKP. We downed Sindragosa on the 2nd attempt, and put in a solid 2 hours on the LK. We have phase 1 perfect and we got the transition between dpsing LK and switching to Valkyries down, the only problem is we had reeeeeeeally shitty luck with who they would grab, and especially bad luck with them dropping people right in the middle of defile. Hell, one time they grabbed all 3 rogue! But, for the most part, we know exactly what to do, its just a matter of everything lining up perfectly. I also got 4388 gold out of it. Can't complain about that.
Puncture said:No offense, but I hate seeing this lol. Sucks so badly as I keep waiting for an invite.
McNei1y said:Agreed. One of my reasons for resubbing is hoping I get a Cata invited... Still having fun with my shaman though. Hit 32 in a week! making my way.
Tacitus_ said:That's not about luck, it's about control - stunlock a valk if they're heading toward a defile on the very edge if you feel you can't kill it before it reaches it and in the reverse situation, let it fly over the defile and then stun and kill it.
funkmastergeneral said:you don't have to resub to get a cata invite...i think
funkmastergeneral said:you don't have to resub to get a cata invite...i think
ZombieSupaStar said:so is it true most people just idle around dal waiting for the LFG insta portal to pop? No one runs around the actual world anymore? Sounds kinda impersonal like Dal is a chat and the LFG is bhal runs... Didnt EQ get into this problem with planes of power also?
Both. You'll probably get an email a few days after it shows in your Bnet account. Safer to check Bnet to avoid phishing emails, anyway.McNei1y said:Edit: To those in the beta; Would I get an invite through the email (liek Battle.net telling me I got in) or would I have to check Battle.net daily?
It's mandatory to keep scaling compared to DK/warriors automatically scaling off str though. no reason for it to be a talent in that case.Angry Grimace said:but TbtL works as a talent because gear below a certain level doesn't have very much strengh as is.
Looks like GB's gonna do a series of beta vids, nice.Dizzy-4U said:
I guess.firex said:It's mandatory to keep scaling compared to DK/warriors automatically scaling off str though. no reason for it to be a talent in that case.
Perhaps not...Invite a friend that has left World of Warcraft to return with a FREE 10-Day Trial of the Burning Crusade.
I've always been under the belief that you have a better chance of getting an invite if you're not subbed. It's Blizzard's little way of trying to get people to return to the game.McNei1y said:Oh I know, I was just hoping it'd raise my chances (which I think it doesnt)
Kukumalu said:Quit WoW a month ago so I could focus on clearing my massive backlog.
Today I get an e-mail with a beta invite for Cataclysm.
notworksafe said:I think you just need to have one game registered to get an invite. Don't even have to have an active sub.
Also the new Bnet site is really attractive. http://beta-us.battle.net/en/ / http://beta-eu.battle.net/en/
I like the links at the bottom too. An eSports link and one called "Help! I got hacked!". That will come in useful for many, I'm sure (at least based on the posts about it on here :lol ).
lordmrw said:its not so much that they're being killed right above defile, its more at the exact moment the valkyr is killed defile pops up in the near vicinity and most people take a second or so to move out of the way so it spreads a little to where people are being dropped. Its nothing we can't do a better job of avoiding happening. Our second to last run yesterday our raid leader made it a point to see who wasn't switching to the Valkyrs. After chasticing them, our last run we got him to 28%. I think 22 of us are returning to give it another go tonight, and we already have their replacements in mind, so its pretty much a done deal. I just never imagined I would down him on 25 man before 10 man.
Some dude was inactive got an invite on the cata beta forums.HarryDemeanor said:That's weird. They keep saying that you need an active subscription to get an invite. Either you know somebody at Blizzard or that was a scam e-mail.
No quest. :Onotworksafe said:Whoa Voidwalker at level 9? When did you do the quest for it...or do you even do a quest anymore?
Xabora said:No quest. :O
Xabora said:Some dude was inactive got an invite on the cata beta forums.
This isn't really new as blizzard has been known to do this. :lol
Hmm, never heard of that. :lolHarryDemeanor said:Oh I know that. Just that the ones who were inactive that I know of got them through people who knew a Blizzard employee. I know a guy who was running a Justin.tv stream gave out beta invites to people who donated to his channel. So who knows.
Would buy! :lolHarryDemeanor said:Oh I know that. Just that the ones who were inactive that I know of got them through people who knew a Blizzard employee. I know a guy who was running a Justin.tv stream gave out beta invites to people who donated to his channel. So who knows.
Why did you spec extra points into Unholy instead of Blood? Bladed Armor + BcB probably means everyone DPS will subspec Blood, I would think.Xabora said:Some dude was inactive got an invite on the cata beta forums.
This isn't really new as blizzard has been known to do this. :lol
And screenshots, clicking the thumbnail makes them bigger. :O
Short of the Icecrown zone with the Eye atop the Ebonhold place, what was LOTRish?Evlar said:I'm glad, now that Wrath is over, we may finally be past the blatant LOTR design ripoffs and Mordor refer...
God damn it.
I forgot I was missing some points when I was doing it. :lolAngry Grimace said:Why did you spec extra points into Unholy instead of Blood? Bladed Armor + BcB probably means everyone DPS will subspec Blood, I would think.![]()
HarryDemeanor said:That's weird. They keep saying that you need an active subscription to get an invite. Either you know somebody at Blizzard or that was a scam e-mail.
Kukumalu said:I used a 2 month card then quit after 1 month so the other month is still in effect right now.
Guess I'll have to download 20 hours of patches to play the beta since you need WotKL 3.3 installed :<
Evlar said:I'm glad, now that Wrath is over, we may finally be past the blatant LOTR design ripoffs and Mordor refer...
God damn it.