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World of Warcraft

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xabre said:
Five manning scarlet strath is a fucking nightmare. I mean it's perfectly doable but all it takes is one mistake by one person after you've gotten to the keep and the run is ruined. Expect to see the mass skeleton mobs respawned at the start as the respawn time in the place is a fucking joke.

I did my first 5 man scarlet strath the other night. It was pretty tough. We wiped 3 times and the last time a lot of the instance respawned. It is a bitch.


We wiped several times also. The toughest bit I find is the mass skeleton mobs at the start, beyond that it isn't that difficult with smart play (i.e. sapping and sheeping the scarlet in the keep), the problem is the accidental agro from careless players can result in a wipe and by that time most of the instance has respawned. I think it's bullshit, I played till about 1 am last night to get right to the hallway before Balzannar (sp), at that point I got disconnected and when I was able to get back on the party had wiped because someone agroed. Back we run to the start of the instance and all the skeleton mobs have respawned.

I did get this though - http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=18424
Stratholme and Scholomance used to have over double the population of enemies, and certain enemies were tougher. It was unnecessarily hard even for 10 man groups.

As it is now, I've tanked it during in-guild raids with a 2-hander.
xabre said:
After everything began so promisingly with my newly formed guild, recruiting a good 35 people really quickly and our first ZG run (we wiped on the bat boss but it was a decent effort nonetheless) my guild is starting to fall apart. After that ZG run another one was scheduled for the following day and when the guild leader didn't show up everyone took it unto themselves to organise another raid group with a bunch of other non-guild players we recruited (which made up the majority of the raid). Well with the raid fully organised, inside the gates of ZG, the guild leader shows up telling all the members in the guild to leave the raid group due to some raid timer lock-out bullshit, so we'll be able to do MC the next day (god knows why or how).

A few people leave the raid (I was one of them), our absence and a shitty pull saw the rest of the raid wipe on the very first few enemies of the instance and any guild members involved in the raid are soon bitching over guild chat about the total fuck around. As a result of that incident at least eight members quit, a good portion then and there, which I can hardly blame them for, and instead of recruiting new members we’re losing a lot of existing members. If a few more leave then I will as well.

At least you ain't got old friends from old games coming back (very glad for that) but having them get "used" to PLing thru instances to they'd get to 60 so we'll have more manpower for ZG (and less non-guildies filling slots). Apparently when my 'puter went down 2 weeks ago, some of them freaked their usual friendly PL Holy Priest wasn't around and few other longtime 60s would want to schlep Scholo or whatever AGAIN just for 1 or 2 people instead of 3 to 5 (which we like to help like that), and quit. Such fun. *arranges guild alliance...again...sigh...*


Scholo used to be insane. Those poison clouds did like 3000dps. It's easier in a 5 man now than it used to be in a 15 man.


xabre said:
We wiped several times also. The toughest bit I find is the mass skeleton mobs at the start, beyond that it isn't that difficult with smart play (i.e. sapping and sheeping the scarlet in the keep), the problem is the accidental agro from careless players can result in a wipe and by that time most of the instance has respawned. I think it's bullshit, I played till about 1 am last night to get right to the hallway before Balzannar (sp), at that point I got disconnected and when I was able to get back on the party had wiped because someone agroed. Back we run to the start of the instance and all the skeleton mobs have respawned.

I did get this though - http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=18424

I've tanked quite a few 5 man scarlet strath runs with no mage AoE, and it's not that bad really. Big thing I find is to make sure the group understands that the warrior is MT and MA determines where the damage goes. With 2-hander equipped, I pull, Intimidating shout, thunderclap, switch to berseker and whirlwind. The MA goes for the casters first then picks off the targets around me. Usually I have no problem holding all the aggro myself and no one dies. Just need to be aware of pats and eyes.

I've become a big fan of berserker stance/2 hander tanking and find this works better handling mass groups than having mages/locks AoE'ing. Of course I use sword and board most of time when tanking.


Wow... this game comes loaded to the gills with drama sometimes! I think... just for prosterity I'm going to have to post this thread here.


A couple notes: Casual is the top alliance guild on my server; on the same server on the horde side is Fires of Heaven, one of the most recognized guilds around due to their exploits in EQ.

These guys and girls post candidly about their lives and casual on their forums and on their front page.

For the most bunch, I've found their front page cockiness from offensive to refreshingly humorous (my opinion has changed somewhat), but you know... there's always been a touch of unreal in it all... almost like watching people rise in internet celebrity hood or something. Their front man is Digo; a charismatic and flippant personality... and their one of their former leaders is Jermz.

Having some familiarity with the characters, I must say this drama is hilarious... like a train wreck. But I do reckon this will be the only glimpse into that bit of twisted reality most of us will ever have.
What's the Scarlet part of Strat called on your servers? On Shattered Hand it's always "SM2," (Scarlet Monastery 2) and the Undead side is a "Baron run" or just plain Strat(h).

Recently I found out that SM2 is only used by a handful of servers, which I found interesting, because I can't imagine seeing "LFG Scarlet Strat."
Ferrio said:
Bad luck for me last night.

We did Ony for the second time last night, blizz disconnects me and their login server borks so I can't get back on. So I listen to vent as they take her down. Bloodfang hood drops, all rogues pass except one who rolls a 1....... and me.... outside the game crying

You guys roll on Onyxia drops? Seriously?
Zaptruder said:
Wow... this game comes loaded to the gills with drama sometimes! I think... just for prosterity I'm going to have to post this thread here.


A couple notes: Casual is the top alliance guild on my server; on the same server on the horde side is Fires of Heaven, one of the most recognized guilds around due to their exploits in EQ.

These guys and girls post candidly about their lives and casual on their forums and on their front page.

For the most bunch, I've found their front page cockiness from offensive to refreshingly humorous (my opinion has changed somewhat), but you know... there's always been a touch of unreal in it all... almost like watching people rise in internet celebrity hood or something. Their front man is Digo; a charismatic and flippant personality... and their one of their former leaders is Jermz.

Having some familiarity with the characters, I must say this drama is hilarious... like a train wreck. But I do reckon this will be the only glimpse into that bit of twisted reality most of us will ever have.



Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
What's the Scarlet part of Strat called on your servers? On Shattered Hand it's always "SM2," (Scarlet Monastery 2) and the Undead side is a "Baron run" or just plain Strat(h).

Recently I found out that SM2 is only used by a handful of servers, which I found interesting, because I can't imagine seeing "LFG Scarlet Strat."

Baron run and Scarlet strath are most common on my server.


meh, we cleared to nefarian on our last BWL reset.
Blackwing Lair is kind of disappointing. Killing vaelestrasz and being at nefarian 9 days later is a bit frustrating. The hour timer on Vael was a cockblock and now more and more guilds should see increased success in BWL with it's removal. Plus, they've essentially halved the spawns in Razorgore's room. Makes sense, they are trying to streamline the zone to have players working on reputation and nature resistance from the new dragons and the revamped silithus.

However, Nefarian's first stage is a nice challenge.


Our server it's "Strat Live" and "Strat Dead".

Last week our guild finally got past Baron Geddon in MC, and it was a beeline to Golemagg, who we dropped on our first attempt. We didn't have enough time to get to Domo as we wiped once on Shazz (our second time fighting him), but as soon as we get the baron down, we should be at arms' reach to Rag.


explodet said:
Our server it's "Strat Live" and "Strat Dead".

Last week our guild finally got past Baron Geddon in MC, and it was a beeline to Golemagg, who we dropped on our first attempt. We didn't have enough time to get to Domo as we wiped once on Shazz (our second time fighting him), but as soon as we get the baron down, we should be at arms' reach to Rag.

Just remember, Ragnaros is a fight that as much as any in the game up to that point depends on Gear. I am so sick of BRD runs for Burning Essence for Resilience Librams. Once everyone has enough Fire Resistance you guys will roll Ragnaros. Good luck.
Ferrio said:
Had this http://www.thottbot.com/?i=17740 drop off me while farming last night.

Sold it for 600 gold. Unfortunately all that money will be going to the "100 bars of arcanite" fund for my thunderfury.

That ring is sex; I so want it around my MS Warrior's finger next to a Don Julio's Band.

Sad thing is, he just now dinged 60, and I've had people in PUGs comment "wow, your gear is old". I'm like "no shit, Sherlock; that's why I'm here but not MT". Jeez.

The one Epic I've landed was a Blackskull Shield from a Banshee in Azshara; went to a Shammy in guild; long ago and long replaced.
SatelliteOfLove said:
That ring is sex; I so want it around my MS Warrior's finger next to a Don Julio's Band.

Sad thing is, he just now dinged 60, and I've had people in PUGs comment "wow, your gear is old". I'm like "no shit, Sherlock; that's why I'm here but not MT". Jeez.

The one Epic I've landed was a Blackskull Shield from a Banshee in Azshara; went to a Shammy in guild; long ago and long replaced.
You're not going to see an epic mount for at least half a year. Good luck farming up enough gold to be a competent level 60 warrior, it's rough shit.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
You're not going to see an epic mount for at least half a year. Good luck farming up enough gold to be a competent level 60 warrior, it's rough shit.

It took me 2 months to get properly geared, still need redoubt cloack, the stonegrip gauntlets and the craftman girdle and I will be all set.
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
You're not going to see an epic mount for at least half a year. Good luck farming up enough gold to be a competent level 60 warrior, it's rough shit.

We got a thing going with 60s in-guild who didn't save up earlier or *cough*bought*cough* a fancy ride. Let's just say I'm next. :)

My Priest sits at mostly complete Devout, (hates me some Scarlet Strath (Bloodscalp's term)), and most of the non-MC +Fire resist, so I ACHINGLY know the trickle of nice swag. Every once in a while I'll hit the jackpot like this one 5-man Baron run (2 rings, mage leggings, warlock boots, new belt), but they're rare.


Here is a picture of my level 60 Warrior. It took quite a while to get myself geared up properly and I still have a ways to go (I'm protection specced).


Helm - Enchanted Thorium Helm
Neck - Medallion of Steadfast Might
Shoulders - Valor Shoulders
Cape - Sergeant's Cloak
Chest - Ornate Adamantium Breastplate
Bracers - Bracers of Valor
Hands - Gauntlets of Might
Waist - Elemental Plate Girdle of Fire Resist
Leggings - Warmaster Leggaurds
Feet - Boots of Valor
Rings - Painweaver Band/Blackstone Ring (both useless for me)
Trinkets - Horde of the Insignia/Royal Seal of Eldre'Thalas

Weapon - Hammer of the Vesper
Shield - Draconian Deflector
Gun - Willey's Portable Howitzer


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:

yeah yeah, laugh it up. But let me tell you, i've been pretty successful in all aspects of the game, so far (pve, pvp, farming). I don't care if i'm gimp compared to other warrior builds in some aspects. What matters is I'm having fun with it.


Here is my warrior


Details :

Golem Skull Helm
Medallion of Grand Marshal Morris
Bile-Etched Spaulders
Sergeant's Cloack
Ornate Adamantium Breastplate
Fel Hardened Bracers
Gauntlets of Valor
Brigam Girdle
Legplates of Might
Master Cannoner Boots
Ring of Demonic Potency
Band of Vigor
Frostwolf Insignia Rank 4
Mark of Tyranny

Timeworn Mace
Skullflame Shield for pimping or Draconian Deflector for Tanking

Didn't take that much time to gather...

I passed on bracers of might and gauntlets of might


BlackMage said:
I don't care if i'm gimp compared to other warrior builds in some aspects. What matters is I'm having fun with it.

Good for you. According to some people warriors are only supposed to be MS/Arms cookie cutter builds and nothing else.


Speaking of which, any news/rumors about 1.9? I know of the Silithus instances, and I heard they're reworking paladins, but not much else.
explodet said:
Speaking of which, any news/rumors about 1.9? I know of the Silithus instances, and I heard they're reworking paladins, but not much else.

Not much new has spilled regarding 1.9 really. I have a personal prediction of it being released mid-December (13th?) though, I think it's going to be a while before we see it.


Well I just setup my char last night, so I'm signing in - though I don't have a clue what you guys are talking about yet :)
I'm an Orc Shaman on Gilneas.
dave is ok said:
I just dont answer whispers from people asking from a summon, unless I'm with 2 people already in the area. In that case I reply with '5g'.
Also, if someone stiffs you on payment once you summon them, you CAN report them to Blizzard and they will be actioned against for fraud. So always ask for gold to summon.
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