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World of Warcraft

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Tacitus_ said:
DKs do an excellent job as well with the the +threat on IT in frost presence. Warriors and bears are just awful at it though I've seen it done.
I've done it a few times as bear (not on heroic) and it's easy, just stack a few debuffs on Keleseth and feral faerie fire the orbs.

We haven't tried the fight on heroic yet, might do so this week though. Probably going to have a paladin tank.

Celsior said:
My friend re activated my account............all my characters a gone.
*cries a single tear*
Not sure what the circumstances are, but you can call/email Blizzard for a restoration.

Bregor said:
Grats, I really hope we can manage to do this before the expansion.
We've got 1-4 and Rotface/BQ down on heroic so far, haven't tried any others yet because my GM wants to get Kingslayer for those who don't have it yet.

At the very least I want the Frostbrood Vanquisher :3
After finding a flight master in an underwater cave, I was able to travel across a lot of the newer territories.



Cows riding seahorses.
Not something you see everyday.
Okay, STV gets much better once you get down south. I Booty Bay there is a long quest line where you have to infiltrate the Bloodsails pirate to find out their plans. You sign up with a pirate recruiter and start as a swabbie on one of the ship - You do quests like mobbing the deck and collecting lime for pirates with scurvy and hunting for cannon balls on the ocean floor.

Then you work your way up, and fight ninjas who have been following the pirates around for some time ( :lol ) then you attack the The Venture Company, since they have big oil rigs in the water, and have found "black gold".
Eventually you work your way up to captain level, and are in charge of your own ship.. it ends in a epic showdown over the fight for booty bay!

Paladin as of lvl 34; Retribution is still great. As of now I feel like a Warrior/Rogue healer with all my instant abillities. Crusader Strike > Templars Verdict, Divine Storm(lvl 31), Word of Glory, which all 3 consumes your holy power, are three great and difficult choices to distribute holy power. Hardcore damage for Templars verdict, slight aoe and off tank healing with divine, and self healing for word of glory.
But then I also have Concecration, which is just killing all. Most insane AOE skill I have seen. No doubt this will be nerfed. Also Divine Justice, and Judgement! So many buttons to press! Not the paladin we know and dislike:)

So that's really nice.

Also guild talents: I made my own guild, Knights of Justin Bieber, and I achieved rank 1, with 5% xp gain doing quests and killing. Very nice.
Many things are still bugged, but the interface is nice.

I'll grab some pics for you guys.


Acosta said:
I was inspired to make this:


I said this on the Blizzard Beta forums and I will repeat this here.

When they will announce the new expansion pack, and run out of time, crying about 999% buffs on deathwing raid to keep people playing, then Epicus Maximus will come, saving all the population of World of Warcraft.

As a savior, he will become a world raid boss, dropping Arcanite Reaper, Lazors, and Epicus Maximus, the first Legendary Mount. His phat lewt will be craved by all players and he will not be farmed because his Epic Power is beyond imagining. He is the superweapon of Uldum.


Yazus said:
I said this on the Blizzard Beta forums and I will repeat this here.

When they will announce the new expansion pack, and run out of time, crying about 999% buffs on deathwing raid to keep people playing, then Epicus Maximus will come, saving all the population of World of Warcraft.

As a savior, he will become a world raid boss, dropping Arcanite Reaper, Lazors, and Epicus Maximus, the first Legendary Mount...
Yo imma let you finish, but the Black Qiraji Battle Tank was the greatest Legendary mount of ALL TIME.
AceBandage said:
After finding a flight master in an underwater cave, I was able to travel across a lot of the newer territories.

Cows riding seahorses.
Not something you see everyday.
Is that on the lowest settings or is your pc overheating....


shintoki said:
Mages always start off the best, but progress down as gear scales up after a new update.

No, mages are the best dps in the game right now aside from PERHAPS shadowmourne wielding warrior, and even then on some fights the BiS firemages are RIIIIIIIIIIIGHT there with them. They have not progressed down.

And no mages didnt start off the best at the start of WotLK either. BM hunters rocking 50 21 with BW, the BW glyph 2pc and the readiness for the BW reset were the top PvE dps at the launch of lich king. Just say no to re-writing history.


when I called them that anyway I mostly meant in terms of talents/abilities, because they seem to have a tool for every kind of dps situation except straight up magic immunity. maybe this is just me not playing a warlock in forever, but that class is a bit lacking in its diversity for dpsing. About the only other class as diverse is hunter (maybe more diverse).

although when I say diverse, I don't mean any build is competitive. I mean between available talents and default abilities, they have something for every situation.


I've gone from a 3.9 GS to a 5.3 in 4 days. Made it half way through ICC 10 today but 2 of our healers had to go. :[
Man it feels good to be playing this again, I thought I was going to be leveling my hunter to 80 first, but playing my pally is more fun and entertaining now. Maybe because i havent played in a while but I like the way Blizz streamline the judgments and seals, and our holy spells finally work on any mobs instead of undead/demons.


VAIL said:
Chillin with my homie, before he completely destroyed us several times in phase 2

You mean the remorseless winter/raging spirits phase? Or the valkyr/defile phase?

Need any advice?


some interesting comments about shamans and other classes up on mmo-champion, although it seems like they still don't get why shamans are worried about losing out on their signature buff (because what the fuck else do they really bring aside from that anymore). they're a really good healing class, and elemental is a decent (though incredibly boring) dps spec, but at least they addressed that they're going to make them much stronger for boss fights and not so hurt by needing to move. at this point I'm just hoping that their signature buff being given to a much more complete class, and other classes getting better buff systems means they are going to massively revamp totems and give us more dps/healing options with totems and the means to use them.


kai3345 said:
So do I just call Blizzard to reverse it or what?
Should be the same process as usually to prove you're the actual owner. This obviously won't work if you actually did something against the rules though.


firex said:
some interesting comments about shamans and other classes up on mmo-champion, although it seems like they still don't get why shamans are worried about losing out on their signature buff (because what the fuck else do they really bring aside from that anymore). they're a really good healing class, and elemental is a decent (though incredibly boring) dps spec, but at least they addressed that they're going to make them much stronger for boss fights and not so hurt by needing to move. at this point I'm just hoping that their signature buff being given to a much more complete class, and other classes getting better buff systems means they are going to massively revamp totems and give us more dps/healing options with totems and the means to use them.

I'm debating what I want to do with my Goblin, going to take it either Warlock or Shaman, I've always wanted to play a Shaman but could never stomach getting it past level 11 due to it being boring. Changes in Cata are probably going to change that, but isn't the whole losing of BL killing the Shaman class being blown a little out of proportion?

I've taken Shamans to raids for reasons other then Bloodlust ( in 25 man, not 10 ), they usually perform well. Aren't buffs like Elemental Oath ( Guessing it doesn't stack with Moonkin Aura ), Windfury, Wrath of Air, Shaman exclusive?


Sebulon3k said:
I'm debating what I want to do with my Goblin, going to take it either Warlock or Shaman, I've always wanted to play a Shaman but could never stomach getting it past level 11 due to it being boring. Changes in Cata are probably going to change that, but isn't the whole losing of BL killing the Shaman class being blown a little out of proportion?

I've taken Shamans to raids for reasons other then Bloodlust ( in 25 man, not 10 ), they usually perform well. Aren't buffs like Elemental Oath ( Guessing it doesn't stack with Moonkin Aura ), Windfury, Wrath of Air, Shaman exclusive?

Currently only Bloodlust is exclusive and Strenght of Earth is slightly better than the DK one if you put talents to it. Can't remember whether it was the same case with Windfury. The rest aren't exclusive and don't stack.


Really Really Exciting Member!
kai3345 said:
How much do they cost?

And will Blizzard give back gametime for however long you were banned?

Its free as an app if you have an Iphone. Otherwise, i think its 6.50$ for the physical device.


No refund on game time. Authenticators are $6.50 for a physical and $0 (Android/iPhone/iPad/iPod) or $1 (every other phone) for the phone version. Check http://mobile.blizzard.com to see if there is one for your phone.

I feel like this should just be the default first post on every page.


Tacitus_ said:
Currently only Bloodlust is exclusive and Strenght of Earth is slightly better than the DK one if you put talents to it. Can't remember whether it was the same case with Windfury. The rest aren't exclusive and don't stack.

Chain Heal is still pretty awesome, but yeah I understand why this would probably be a problem in 10 man. It's pretty interesting that they gave Bloodlust to Mages, they seemed like a incredibly complete class not lacking much from a PvE perspective.


ciaossu said:
You mean the remorseless winter/raging spirits phase? Or the valkyr/defile phase?

Need any advice?

I always considered the remorseless winter phases 1.5 and 2.5, heh. Everyone seems to label it as something different.


I'm looking at the list of phones that support the authenticator, and my phone is the LG GR500, but I can't tell if on their list of phones the big "X" means No it doesnt support it, or yes it does.


kai3345 said:
I'm looking at the list of phones that support the authenticator, and my phone is the LG GR500, but I can't tell if on their list of phones the big "X" means No it doesnt support it, or yes it does.
How recent is that phone? The generic java phone app works on basically any phone that will run a java program.


Rapstah said:
How recent is that phone? The generic java phone app works on basically any phone that will run a java program.
Its pretty recent I think. I don't keep up with all of the latest models of phones, so I could be wrong.

Edit: Would I be charged every time I log in if I dont have a data plan?


kai3345 said:
I'm looking at the list of phones that support the authenticator, and my phone is the LG GR500, but I can't tell if on their list of phones the big "X" means No it doesnt support it, or yes it does.
The X means it does support it...so your phone does not, sadly. That's probably because the app does require a small amount of data usage about once a month to sync with the server.


Sebulon3k said:
I'm debating what I want to do with my Goblin, going to take it either Warlock or Shaman, I've always wanted to play a Shaman but could never stomach getting it past level 11 due to it being boring. Changes in Cata are probably going to change that, but isn't the whole losing of BL killing the Shaman class being blown a little out of proportion?

I've taken Shamans to raids for reasons other then Bloodlust ( in 25 man, not 10 ), they usually perform well. Aren't buffs like Elemental Oath ( Guessing it doesn't stack with Moonkin Aura ), Windfury, Wrath of Air, Shaman exclusive?
no, someone else already pointed out that nothing stacks and nothing is exclusive aside from BL. wrath of air is I guess exclusive now too but that goes away in cataclysm with a couple of classes getting group/raid spell haste buffs.


firex said:
no, someone else already pointed out that nothing stacks and nothing is exclusive aside from BL. wrath of air is I guess exclusive now too but that goes away in cataclysm with a couple of classes getting group/raid spell haste buffs.

Isn't WoA a SP buff? Guessing it doesn't currently work with the Demo Lock SP buff.

Wow now I see why Shamans are upset :lol

Edit: nvm was thinking of Totem of Wrath


FT/ToW totems are spell power buffs, but in cataclysm those are changing too. it's a lesser spell power buff for FT totem (4%) and elemental gets to drop any fire totem and have it give 10% more spell power for the group/raid (non-stacking with demo locks), although they haven't solved searing totem's range problem yet (easiest fix for that is to make the elemental range talent increase searing totem's attack range too).

I just want them to take a look at this and give us shaman players some totems that directly help us if we aren't going to need to drop buff totems in most raids. I mean at the rate they are changing the buffs around, shamans should get some kind of either self-buff totems or more dps totems for earth and air elements.

The way it shakes out in cataclysm, everyone else who provides the same buff as shamans does it either with a much easier system (paladins) or they also benefit from casting those buffs (warriors/DKs) or get an exclusive buff in addition (mage/DK, icy talons gives them 5% more melee haste aside from buffing everyone else's haste by 20%) so it's like they really need shamans to do something big to compensate. Because I mean at this point with them homogenizing healers and giving bloodlust to mages, they might as well not bring a shaman if they have a mage in the raid.

Shaman healing is pretty good, but they're mainly good now because they can switch easily between tank and raid healing while other healers tend to be locked in to one role. In cataclysm it sounds far more like EVERY healer can easily switch between tank and raid healing, and the default healing spells for druid/priest in particular are way better than the default healing spells for shaman (and paladin, except that they get to spend holy power instead of mana on some heals now) so I kind of expect they are either going to make shamans way better dpsers or more or less redesign them similar to how they redesigned paladins. And I mean, I think shaman is by far the worst-off class right now in WotLK, but I still would put them at only about 5% below the other classes. It's just that they don't have enough self-utility, one of their trees is all fucked up for dps (enhance) and they pretty much rely on being buffbots and having bloodlust for raid invites. I still want to play mine over a few other classes (namely druids and DKs) but I'm kind of at the point where I'd rather keep leveling my priest and have that as a healer, and level a warlock/mage/hunter as a dps instead.


firex said:
I just want them to take a look at this and give us shaman players some totems that directly help us if we aren't going to need to drop buff totems in most raids. I mean at the rate they are changing the buffs around, shamans should get some kind of either self-buff totems or more dps totems for earth and air elements.
Don't hold your breath for more dps totems, not after elementals spent most of Wrath complaining about being locked out of dps because they had to drop ToW. Buffs being further homogenized means it wouldn't be as much of an issue, but I still suspect they'd rather just wash their hands of the whole problem forever.
May be a dumbass question but when cata arrives will you be able to "skip" Outlands/Northrend over leveling in old world (if that's even possible?)


Johnlenham said:
May be a dumbass question but when cata arrives will you be able to "skip" Outlands/Northrend over leveling in old world (if that's even possible?)

You'll have to do Outlands and Northrend as the new Cata leveling zones will be tuned for levels 78-85 ( May be 80 as some people in Beta have mentioned )
So I just hit 80 with my hunter. I think my plan is to level my 'lock to 80 (she's 70 now) and then just make some money and do some instances here and there. I still want to the see the lvl 80 dungeons, but I don't want to spend a crazy amount of time getting the gear when it's all going to be replaced by quest greens in Cata.

What would you guys suggest? Does it take a while to get your gear score up enough to do those later dungeons? Should I just prep my two characters for Cata?


Confused101 said:
What would you guys suggest? Does it take a while to get your gear score up enough to do those later dungeons? Should I just prep my two characters for Cata?

If by dungeons your referring to the heroics then you can do them all in a day which isn't a lot of time at all in the grand scheme of things.

If your talking about going into raiding material ( ICC , Ruby Sanctum ) then your going to have to spend a considerable amount of time gearing up and getting ready if you plan on doing them to completion. Really depends on how badly you want to experience the content, if your not ready to put in that commitment you can look up videos on Warcraft Movies that stylise the encounters.

Prepping your characters could also take time depending on how thorough you are, if your just getting them to 80 and leaving them then it won't take that long. But if you plan on doing proffessions ( Fishing, Cooking, FA, 2 primary Proffs) then it may take a bit depending on what approach you take towards it ( Auction House, or Grinding materials ).

Really the choice is yours, but either way getting anywhere is going to take some time, but worth it in the end.

Pro Tip - Don't enter Cataclysm with toones that don't have any professions, either crafting or gathering.
Sebulon3k said:
You'll have to do Outlands and Northrend as the new Cata leveling zones will be tuned for levels 78-85 ( May be 80 as some people in Beta have mentioned )
Damn it. Outlands I don't mind too much as its quite nice to look at but I cant stand Northrend! bah guess ill have to put up with it!


Johnlenham said:
Damn it. Outlands I don't mind too much as its quite nice to look at but I cant stand Northrend! bah guess ill have to put up with it!

If the experience requirements are your main deterrent then I'd wait for patch 4.0 before you level a character as you'll have the new talent trees and lower experience requirements to make things more interesting.

By the way some of the Northrend zones are amazing; Dragonblight, Borean Tundra, Icecrown, Scholozar Basin, even Grizzly Hills has it's moments.
No its just I don't like them much! :lol
Once with my hunter was enough but then I got my Dk to about 77 and called it quits as I wanted to level a new guy (maybe horde) from cata scratch.


Johnlenham said:
No its just I don't like them much! :lol
Once with my hunter was enough but then I got my Dk to about 77 and called it quits as I wanted to level a new guy (maybe horde) from cata scratch.

The Doldrums of the leveling experience, if you can tough it out past 77 / 78 your in the clear to getting to 80. Just have to stay motivated during that period.

I'd imagine that leveling from scratch through Cata would be worse then leveling now if you hate Northrend, you'd have to go from Awesome - to Good - to Bad - to Awesome. Don't think I'd be able to stand it.
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