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World of Warcraft

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Rapstah said:
I don't want to get into deep late-night arguing about this, but there are 80+ levelling zones right next door to Silithus and EPL (Twilight Highlands is very close with a flying mount).

So? Are there PVP zone buffs, and gear available via tokens in those zones or what? Or is it just hopes and wishes of big zone PVP battles that may happen there on rare occasion?


I don't think the world-pvp objectives really worked. I never saw hard fighting over spirit towers, or halaa or zangarmarsh or hfp.


J-Rzez said:
So? Are there PVP zone buffs, and gear available via tokens in those zones or what? Or is it just hopes and wishes of big zone PVP battles that may happen there on rare occasion?
Did Halaa or the spirit towers fit into all those?


Rapstah said:
Did Halaa or the spirit towers fit into all those?

Yes they had some gear, yes they had world PVP happen there more than zones without it, and yes they provided zone buffs. So do these new zones you're talking about offer that?


notworksafe said:
Yes, actually they did. At least on Darkspear-US, which was my BC server.
They only did on release week, when everyone is leveling up together and fighting for mobs and control of a zone. After the initial rush? No one ever cares.

You can try to blame Blizzard for the death of world PVP (and to an extent, that would be true with the introduction of instanced PVP), but they only answered the call of the player base.

Nothing is preventing you from forming a 15 man raid and wrecking havoc on the other faction's towns and the contested zones. We do it from time to time

The only thing that needs to happen for world PVP are willing people, nothing more really

I mean, if people don't want to do it, no amount of incentives will.


World PvP was rare on my original server before PvP was incentivized. It was more for control of immediate mobs around you or a boredom cure, and even then it decreased heavily as people got bored of that.

Perhaps it was different on other servers but when world PvP in vanilla is spoken of, I can't help but feel it's under a rose tinted lens.


FLEABttn said:
World PvP was rare on my original server before PvP was incentivized. It was more for control of immediate mobs around you or a boredom cure, and even then it decreased heavily as people got bored of that.

Perhaps it was different on other servers but when world PvP in vanilla is spoken of, I can't help but feel it's under a rose tinted lens.

Yeah, I can see that. But TBC thanks in part to the PVP objectives in zones with buffs and sometimes usable rewards, world PVP happened more often. In particular, Halaa and the Spirit Towers. I'm looking for my old screen cap during TBC days where there was a battle with two full horde raids and at least one full Ally raid present. It was absolutely nuts. And it's something we don't get anymore due to Blizzard neutering PVP in ways they shouldn't have, but instead, expanded upon.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Fularu said:
5 man drops, serious business.

I lost the plate belt and the tanking boots in Ramparts in a single run against a dps dk with my prot warrior. QQ

Also, my healer was a shadow priest going OOM every 2 fights. Because he dared to dps & heal both at the same time. While missing a ring, a necklace & a cape.

I already hate fucking Outlands.


Really Really Exciting Member!
SquirrelNuckle said:
I find some of the worst players in the dungeon finder when I level through Outlands.

Yeah, the batch of dk noobs in early 60 isn't helping. I wonder why i even bother running the outlands 5 mans for blue gear when i'll just buy the Cobalt tanking set once i hit Northrend.


sparkle this bitch
Bisnic said:
Yeah, the batch of dk noobs in early 60 isn't helping. I wonder why i even bother running the outlands 5 mans for blue gear when i'll just buy the Cobalt tanking set once i hit Northrend.
Dungeons are pretty worthless when leveling. Unless you actually have a party ready to go.

Also, World PvP will never be there as long as Arena and Battlegrounds exist. And Blizzard will not give up on those, similar to how they are locking everything down in Starcraft II. Its now an actual business.


World PvP could totally be. Just take the Wintergrasp incentives, improve upon them, offer expansion-life scaling rewards for persistent encounters outside of the main event, split it up into two zones and simplify it into large combat or basic war games.

This is of course, assuming you mean just general world PvP and not back and forth ganking. I really don't find any MMOs post-'98 UO got the feeling of a dangerous, player run world anywhere near right so I dont partake in that at all.

Not that I expect them to do this, Blizzard loves to overdesign on their attempts at world PvP.

Oh well, rated BGs GO. Excited to try those way more than anything else. Nothing rocks more to me in a modern MMO to me like a super tense WSG premade vs premade. So much fun.


Really Really Exciting Member!
shintoki said:
Dungeons are pretty worthless when leveling. Unless you actually have a party ready to go.

Also, World PvP will never be there as long as Arena and Battlegrounds exist. And Blizzard will not give up on those, similar to how they are locking everything down in Starcraft II. Its now an actual business.

I wouldnt call them worthless, i actually lvl faster with a tanking or healing class during 15-58 than questing. I save a lot of time not running back & forth between those 2 huge continents and their 10-15 mins flights and stupid boats or zeppelins that i always miss. Not to mention the gear inside those are much better than the quests and their +7 spirit & +1 stamina plate..

Outlands & Northrend are another story. Instances arent quite as fast or interesting, especially when i've done the Northrend 5 mans a hundreds of time as heroics.


Bisnic said:
I lost the plate belt and the tanking boots in Ramparts in a single run against a dps dk with my prot warrior. QQ

Also, my healer was a shadow priest going OOM every 2 fights. Because he dared to dps & heal both at the same time. While missing a ring, a necklace & a cape.

I already hate fucking Outlands.


Problem with Ramparts and the initial Wotlk instances are the gear gap >.<

You cant really tank the wotlk instances with gear you got in outland, and you cant tank Outland with the gear you got in vanilla.


Bisnic said:
I lost the plate belt and the tanking boots in Ramparts in a single run against a dps dk with my prot warrior. QQ

Also, my healer was a shadow priest going OOM every 2 fights. Because he dared to dps & heal both at the same time. While missing a ring, a necklace & a cape.

I already hate fucking Outlands.
<3 leveling buddy
I'm prot, guildy is resto/ele shaman.

Pretty much every random player we get sucks so it's nice knowing tank and heals are under control. Level 64 with heirlooms atm

Yeah and protection (warrior) is one of the greatest talent trees in the game. I can't believe it took me this long to roll a warrior but I am having an absolute blast.
It's move fun to level as prot than the other specs once you have devastate/warbringer. Wow I love it.
The real solution to having world pvp is to make mid-level horde and alliance cities that are fairly easy to get to and in close proximity, towns that you basically have to go through if you want to continue questing to level. Remove the elite npc's everywhere too. Screw all the incentives that may or may not have worked. At least that is my take on it.
I loved doing Outlands dungeons, I feel they're more fun/challenging than the WoTLK ones. Admittedly I've done them a million times on heroic whereas I didn't play much at all in BC.

Never had trouble tanking or otherwise doing them after doing some of the inital quests in Hellfire.

Fast way to level too (unless you're DPS - long wait usually).


KernelPanic said:
I loved doing Outlands dungeons, I feel they're more fun/challenging than the WoTLK ones.
Not sure about the fun part, but the heroics were far more challenging than the current ones. Arcatraz with a pug was hell. Shattered Halls were nearly impossible (with a pug, that is). Nothing in WotLK is even close to that:lol
Woke up to find my account suspended for suspicious activity last night. I can chalk it up to my nephew's pc that he's had for two days and has already compromised. Good thing my broadband comes with an antivirus subscription. But, waking up to find my account under 24-hour suspension was not something that I was expecting.

I had just prot-specced my Paladin to try to level through the dungeon finder from 76-80 before I logged off last night.


CassSept said:
Shattered Halls were nearly impossible (with a pug, that is). Nothing in WotLK is even close to that:lol

Good old Shattered Halls. My little friends and family guildused to run Heroic SH daily because our main healer (Shaman) wanted the set-piece shoulders. He had the worst luck, but we managed to get a run down to around 35 minutes.

The best part was always the room full of the training fel orcs that you had to pull when they were half-dead. I'd always start pulling the next group before the last one was finished, and since they hit hard as hell it always kept my healer on his toes... that was the price for running that place so often, he had to work for it.
CassSept said:
Not sure about the fun part, but the heroics were far more challenging than the current ones. Arcatraz with a pug was hell. Shattered Halls were nearly impossible (with a pug, that is). Nothing in WotLK is even close to that:lol

Well I guess fun=challenge for me.

Shadow Labs used to piss me off to end with the one that MCs the entire party and then there's Murmur, now that was a fun one.

I wish heroics would autoscale to the average gear level of the group so I'd feel like I actually earned those daily frost emblems to some extent.

Closest we've had to a challenging 5-man is the original Halls of Reflection, before they nerfed it.


Fularu said:
Paladins ahd it easy in SH.

Warriors on the other hand.. ugh

But the Ogre boss was amazing
Yeah I remember the days I tanked that instance with my warrior. I conscidered it as training for aoe tanking, and people were always amazed at how I could hold agro as good as a tankadin on multiple mobs. That instance got me spam invites as soon as I logged on back then :D


markot said:
Problem with Ramparts and the initial Wotlk instances are the gear gap >.<

You cant really tank the wotlk instances with gear you got in outland, and you cant tank Outland with the gear you got in vanilla.

I tanked Nexus and UK with my war who had green and blue outlands gear just fine. I didn't even have a tank spec on my DK when I did the normal Wrath instances, and was in mainly DPS gear while leveling. If the gear is that much of an issue, you get some decent stuff quick from early quests, both in outlands and northrend. We're talking your first 10 or so quests at that.

Heh, funny to see a craftable spell dagger have 2k Spell Power on it. Just funny to see those numbers even though they're being adjusted in Cata. That's on MMO-C btw, along with a Loot-a-rang, which engineers make apparently that flies off and collects loot from mobs?


Finally a new beta patch. It's been like a month since we've gotten a content patch.
Also this sounds fun

Creature damage output has been increased from roughly level 65 and up. These increases scale upward with level. Creatures in exterior zones at level 80 now have 2.5 times the damage output they did previously in beta, 3.2 times at level 81, and 4 times at level 82 and up.

We’d like to get your feedback about how combat feels with creatures in level 80-85 exterior zones, including spawn rates and number of creatures in specific locations in each zone. Please let us know if this feels adequately challenging, or if there is a little too much face rocking going on.



New zone in screen, might be kind of big, screenshot was 5mb.

Is the Goblin a lore character?

God damn I'd love to be in the beta at this point. Game is too damn boring at 80 and don't feel like leveling through vanilla again when they're redoing it so soon.


New Thrall reminds me a lot of Ankama ( spelling ) from BT for some reason.

And the lack of Sylvanas on the new loading screen makes me a sad puppy.


Wow Thrall looks fantastic. Even though I play Alliance he's a favorite of mine. From WC3 to WoW he's always seemed like a great character.

Loading screen looks cool too


Sebulon3k said:
New Thrall reminds me a lot of Ankama ( spelling ) from BT for some reason.

And the lack of Sylvanas on the new loading screen makes me a sad puppy.
Never fear, he only posted the Kalimdor one :).

Eastern Kingdoms

Northrend (which I ADORE, Bolvar looks so cool)


Well I can go to bed not being disappointed.

Loading Screens look good, didn't think they'd change Northrend as well.


Really Really Exciting Member!
funkmastergeneral said:
omg spoilers in northrend loading screen

omg spoilers in the middle of Dalaran :lol

The only disappointing change in loading screens is for Outlands, Illidan & Kaelthas were cooler than that

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