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World of Warcraft

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No One Remembers
FLEABttn said:
I'm going to take mine for a spin in ICC10 on Friday, but I have real concerns with it unless they change that rotation. If they don't, I foresee leveling my mage to 85 instead, for heroism purposes.

My Enh Shaman is just a side project, total casual guild. No way I am changing from Ele on my main Shaman.


Fire is sooo much more fun than Arcane. Switched tonight and noticed about a 1k increase in dps, more fun and got 3 new items incl. the Spyglass (kindly donated by a guildie after noticing I had a blue trinket still :lol ).

Good night. Now for some scran.


Yeah after dicking around with enhance some more, there's just no way this thing is going to work out unless they drastically change how it plays.

Onto the mage then...


Bisnic said:
They do need to do something with enhancement shaman dps rotation at least.

I mean, i have to use Stormstrike, Lava Lash, Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, Earth Shock, Flame Shock, Magma Totem, Fire Nova, Shamanistic Rage, Wind Shear, move totems if necessary, refresh Lightning Shield...

while my Arcane mage has to use Arcane Blast, Arcane Missiles & Blizzard with a rare Arcane Barrage while in movement. I would put stuff like CounterSpell or Spellsteal, but those are barely used.
At least in cataclysm so far it looks like they are setting it up so the best dps rotation is stormstrike, lava lash, LB at max MW stacks (god I hope they redesign this, worst dps talent in the game), searing totem (to buff your lava lash and provide additional dps), earth shock on cooldown, magma totem + fire nova in aoe situations.

So all they really did for now is remove needing to refresh LS (static shock no longer uses charges of it) and SR is probably going to be a decent oom cooldown, but not as necessary thanks to primal wisdom or whatever, the talent that gives all auto-attacks a chance to restore mana. I can't remember if it's a low proc with tons of mana or a high proc with low mana. Enhance is going to be more efficient just because it will be restricted to base mana, so I suspect totems will be cheaper to cast (plus with everyone else getting shaman buffs with a benefit to casting them, the only totems I'd drop in most raids/groups as enhance are searing/magma for dps, mana/healing totem, and possibly windfury unless they add that 20% haste buff to another class).

anyway I am hoping they have a beta build coming eventually with a massive overhaul to enhance and some more buffs to elemental/resto, because while resto is the best shaman tree by far, I would still put it as 3rd/4th best healer right now. It'll be one of the better tank healers in cataclysm though, since they can proc ultra-fast efficient heals.

Eric WK

HixxSAFC said:
Fire is sooo much more fun than Arcane. Switched tonight and noticed about a 1k increase in dps, more fun and got 3 new items incl. the Spyglass (kindly donated by a guildie after noticing I had a blue trinket still :lol ).

Good night. Now for some scran.

Any chance you can link your Armory? I'm pretty much at BiS pre-ICC gear, just haven't taken the time to finally head in there. I just made my second spec the raid fire spec for something a little bit different in heroics. I'm just wonder at what gear level Fire shows a marked increase in DPS.


Pretty much once you get 4pc T10 you can spec Fire and get a good boost. Our Mage switched just this past raid day and saw a good 1k jump in DPS.


Oh man, I'm in trouble. The new laptop I just got is unexpectedly decent at running WoW.... :lol :lol There goes my productivity. The idea of being able to grind on an alt in my bed before crashing is ridiculous to me, but it's possible. :lol


Magnus said:
Oh man, I'm in trouble. The new laptop I just got is unexpectedly decent at running WoW.... :lol :lol There goes my productivity. The idea of being able to grind on an alt in my bed before crashing is ridiculous to me, but it's possible. :lol

There are... ways to do it nonmanually but I'm not sure if I should discuss them here.


Eric WK said:
Any chance you can link your Armory? I'm pretty much at BiS pre-ICC gear, just haven't taken the time to finally head in there. I just made my second spec the raid fire spec for something a little bit different in heroics. I'm just wonder at what gear level Fire shows a marked increase in DPS.

I'm in 232-251. Use Rawr and run the optimizer, I had to regem a bit. I'd say once you have about 45% fire crit raid buffed you should be ok to go fire. Was doing 15-20kdps on trash and about 9k on bosses and my gearscore is only 5.1k just to give an idea of my gear levels.


Weenerz said:
Botting will get your WoW account banned, don't do it.

Yes and no. I don't bot since I can't risk it, being one of our MTs. My friend on the other hand does it so much that he's a moderator at the programs site and knows a bit of chinese since he sold gold to them >_>

E: not recommending botting to anyone, just saying it's a possibility if don't mind risking your account.
Coming back to WoW I'm loving my boomkin once again (Starfall is awesome now wow) but I'm having fun leveling my mage to 80 as well. Having fun with all mage specs so far, shame frost cant be used for raids, Deep Freeze crits are epic even at my level.

I can't stand the enh shaman rotation and sucks that you need an addon to be any good at it. It's a shame cause my orc looks awesome in his gear. Worst part about a druid is you're in animal form all the time so you don't get to admire your phat lewt in raids. Are they going to introduce new moonkin models like they did bear/cat ?


Just read that farming black temple trash seems to be all the rage with botters nowadays. If a bot can do it, it shouldn't be a problem to do it manually. Has anyone tried that? I'm in dire need for some gold and would be willing to try it if the gold is good. Is there some special spec for prot paladins that is geared towards farming old raid content?


Nymerio said:
Just read that farming black temple trash seems to be all the rage with botters nowadays. If a bot can do it, it shouldn't be a problem to do it manually. Has anyone tried that? I'm in dire need for some gold and would be willing to try it if the gold is good. Is there some special spec for prot paladins that is geared towards farming old raid content?

With some tricks you could farm some of the packs back at 70, so they shouldn't be that hard now. Just spec in a way that emphasizes avoidance, mitigation and self heals. Threat and dps aren't as important as staying alive.


HixxSAFC said:
I'm in 232-251. Use Rawr and run the optimizer, I had to regem a bit. I'd say once you have about 45% fire crit raid buffed you should be ok to go fire. Was doing 15-20kdps on trash and about 9k on bosses and my gearscore is only 5.1k just to give an idea of my gear levels.
9k dps on bosses in 5.1k gear? That seems like a pretty high number especially since at that gear level arcane dps should beat fire. You sure you're not misattributing the dps increase to the spec instead of the new gear you got? (muradins is a pretty big upgrade, especially if you were using a blue trinket)
Question about my headset - I got one that connects by 3.5mm plugs, one in the mic port and one in the headphones port. When I plug it in, the sound stops coming through my speakers and only comes through the headset.

How do I change the settings so all sound comes out of my speakers except voice?
(Windows 7)


DarkJC said:
9k dps on bosses in 5.1k gear? That seems like a pretty high number
Why? It seems perfectly doable, I don't see why this would be considered high.

PS. Damn me, goblin starting zone is fantastic:lol both the setting and the quests are funny. So many great concepts too (e.g. Kaja'cola, Town in a box). I just love how you
blow up the island you are on... twice:lol
funkmastergeneral said:
Some faction leaders pictures:

Deathwing looks like a Gears of War character, and what the hell happened to Garrosh? I hope all orcs get that treatment. Also Malfurion is a midget
I don't think there's anything I dislike about those models. Yes, the elven forms of the dragons and Sylvanas have recolored armor, but it doesn't bother me as much as I thought it would. Even with them standing side by side.

Jaina and Garrosh's new models makes me yearn for them to update the old world models. I know these models are supposed to be unique, but just imagine what Blizz could do to the regular models.
DarkJC said:
9k dps on bosses in 5.1k gear? That seems like a pretty high number especially since at that gear level arcane dps should beat fire. You sure you're not misattributing the dps increase to the spec instead of the new gear you got? (muradins is a pretty big upgrade, especially if you were using a blue trinket)

Seems very easy to hit 9k dps with the 30% ICC buff.


Does anyone want me to chronicle my experience levelling an Orc Mage? I'm level 7 now, so anything before that's going to be a bit hazy. Will spoiler everything if you want me to.


Really Really Exciting Member!
If Garrosh has a new model, i sure hope Thrall also got one. Even if he isn't going to be seen as much as before. Hopefully it's not just the Garrosh model with green skin and different shoulderpads. :lol


Bisnic said:
If Garrosh has a new model, i sure hope Thrall also got one. Even if he isn't going to be seen as much as before. Hopefully it's not just the Garrosh model with green skin and different shoulderpads. :lol

I think Thrall has a <PH> tag on him currently on the beta. And no one should have to use the Garrosh model, yeesh that thing is ugly.

And am I the only one who feels Jaina's eyes being half closed makes her look... off?


CassSept said:
Why? It seems perfectly doable, I don't see why this would be considered high.

PS. Damn me, goblin starting zone is fantastic:lol both the setting and the quests are funny. So many great concepts too (e.g. Kaja'cola, Town in a box). I just love how you
blow up the island you are on... twice:lol
town in a box is an awesome throwback to the castle/keep in a box from warcraft 3 TFT and the tinkerer hero's pocket factory.
Jaina's eyes aren't half closed, she's just using way too much makeup. Deathwing looks nice, Malfurion is ok and Varian is great. I also love Sylvanas' model, even if I hate her and it's been overused now.

It just makes it even more annoying to run around as a player model from 2003-ish.


I have a problem with Malfurion's model. It's great and all, but there is something off that makes me laugh at it. Can't pinpoint it though, why that is. Sort of the "something is wrong but i don't know why" kind of feeling.

Still, I hope that one day they change vanilla player models. They are so horribly outdated :/
I wonder what the new gear will look too, because aside from weapons they all use the crappy ~20-30s level models and it just looks WRONG changing your shiny epics into these hideous things:lol


Really Really Exciting Member!
CassSept said:
I have a problem with Malfurion's model. It's great and all, but there is something off that makes me laugh at it. Can't pinpoint it though, why that is. Sort of the "something is wrong but i don't know why" kind of feeling.

I'd say its his ridiculous mustache. Wings are alright since its a druid, but the mustache...


SiegfriedFM said:
Jaina's eyes aren't half closed, she's just using way too much makeup. Deathwing looks nice, Malfurion is ok and Varian is great. I also love Sylvanas' model, even if I hate her and it's been overused now.

It just makes it even more annoying to run around as a player model from 2003-ish.

Oh damn, you're right. That explains the vapid airhead stare look she has going on.


Tacitus_ said:
There are... ways to do it nonmanually but I'm not sure if I should discuss them here.

Woah, where did I begin to imply I wanted to bot or use any kind of cheating method? :lol

I meant legitimately playing wherever I want in the house. It's a joy from 2003 I just discovered now. :lol


Magnus said:
Woah, where did I begin to imply I wanted to bot or use any kind of cheating method? :lol

I meant legitimately playing wherever I want in the house. It's a joy from 2003 I just discovered now. :lol

My bad, kinda misread you


DarkJC said:
9k dps on bosses in 5.1k gear? That seems like a pretty high number especially since at that gear level arcane dps should beat fire. You sure you're not misattributing the dps increase to the spec instead of the new gear you got? (muradins is a pretty big upgrade, especially if you were using a blue trinket)

30% buff. I used Rawr to see what I could be putting out with raid buffs and it comes to about 9k with Fire/TTW, 8.2k arcane which I was very close to in actual raids, so..


Getting sick of seeing more and more revamped models in with no player models touched. Talked about fucked priorities.


Fuck! Blizzard!

I figured I'd try logging into my Cata install, since its faster than checking BNet and I was able to log on...but instead of being able to play, I get this!



notworksafe said:
Fuck! Blizzard!

I figured I'd try logging into my Cata install, since its faster than checking BNet and I was able to log on...but instead of being able to play, I get this!

Fun part: Worgen and Goblin are greyed out, but the choice highlighted is Blood Elf Warrior. :lol

I'm using my new-found flying mount everywhere abilities to go explore areas I've always wanted to go to before they update them. Karazhan wasn't that much fun to walk around on top of, but I'm on my way to what used to be the un-mapped "Qual'Thalas" zone to check that out.


Yeah I feel the same way about Blood Elf Warrior, but that's what the default choice was. It just worked out perfectly. :lol I'm hoping this is a sign I'm getting into the beta soon...or maybe my account is about to be banned...


A couple of interesting Cata beta screenshots (captions are for the image file above them):


Stratholme is now fully modelled out even outside the instance. You can't fly over it because of an invisible wall, the "flying mount yells at you" kind of invisible wall.


Seems that Blizzard is planning or at one point were planning to include the Burning Crusade areas in their continent's map file in Cataclysm. Here's Ghostlands terrain extending behind the portal in Eastern Plaguelands, something I am fairly sure it doesn't in 3.3.5. You can't enter the portal as it's covered by the same invisible wall that prevents you from flying north of the mountains.


You can, at least currently, fly into Acherus: The Ebon Hold as a non-DK. It's just as broken as it's always been for non-death knights, you can purchase things from the vendors but the flight master doesn't actually connect to anything for you. Luckily you can fly out.


Bisnic said:
That's what you get for trying to roll a blood elf. They are failures after all.

It's easy to hate on the best modeled and animated toons in the game. Don't worry, they'll fix the vanilla models, "soon", or better yet, "down the road". :D


I'm fucking doing a PUG raid at an acceptably awesome framerate with great visuals, in my living room on this new laptop, wirelessly....and it's playing just fine. I'm amazed and scared...my productivity level is going to go down the shitter this year. This laptop was supposed to be for school!

And man, I bought a wireless router for the first time yesterday too. It's like I just moved into the 21st century yesterday, lol.

Fuck, this shit rules. If I can grind alts wherever wifi is around...oh man. There goes my life :lol :lol


I love levelling pug's!
Just got into a group with a warlock who was trying to soulstone me by trading the soulstone to me! Mind you, this lock had all heirloom gear. When I asked him what he was trying to dohe couldnt figure out why it wasnt working. :lol


Bisnic said:
I'd say its his ridiculous mustache. Wings are alright since its a druid, but the mustache...
Yup, this could be it. Or this, combined with absurdly long, green beard. I know this is Warcraft universe and he is a powerful, old, wise night elf druid but fuck, it just looks weird :lol

Still, really enjoying Hyjal. I don't have that much time to play beta so I haven't been to Vashj'ir yet, but this zone is really top notch. The ongoing plot for a whole zone is a great idea. So far it has branched off into two separate locations only once, but even though it's not giving many choices of progressing I'm loving it.

Two new instances are great too. I enjoyed TotT more than BC (BRC?), but both are great. BC with pugs will be fun at the beginning, the second boss may screw pugs pretty hard. And damn fourth boss, she made me feel really bad :( GJ Blizz :(
TotT's two later fights are really fun. Also, I prefer warm, lively colors so it resonated with me much better than BC did.

Also, those with the beta - a lovely bug with mounts. All mounts at the moment are working as passenger mounts, so if you haven't done that yet group up and mount someone other's mount. enjoy standing on it's head:lol



Ohhh, now I'm getting "image based" phishing email scams, modeled after their website with elaborate photoshopping and the sort. But, still contains broken, piss-poor english. :lol
I responded to a whisper i got this morning from 'blizzclark' with, "you're an asshole." Then I put blizzclark on my ignore list. Moments later the guy was back with a different account name of random giberish (i.e. [GM] kasjfldsfj) saying that my account had been temporarily suspended. He logged before i could call him an asshole again.
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