Fun fact : during the asia pacific economic cooperation (APEC) meeting in Korea, the guest (the leaders of all 21 participating countries) are asked if they have any restriction for food (allergies for example)
The prime minister of Japan, Koizumi, attending, answered on his private information papers " I do not drink Asahi beer and I do not eat redbeans " and koreans get pissed off because this was such a childish answer and nothing about allergies like the Australian leader who had serious allergies and had to be taken care for the food. Also, keep in mind that Korean-Japanese relations are not very good ever since the occupation of Korea and japan's revisionism.
All this to say, that a world leader just saying he doesn't like something made a fuss.
But Trump visiting a foreign country, not even caring to TRY the local food and make an effort to get interest in local culture is such a blatant lack of any respect...