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Worst movie of 2004 thus far?

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being watched
We're half way through the movie year.

Whats the worst cellouid experience you've endured in 2004?

I had the misfortune to see Van Helsing last night.

Oh dear. What a mess. Everything Sommers got right with the Mummy movies he murders with this one. Shit writing, terrible casting, bland direction, horrible OTT 'action' and the most un-exciting, overuse of CGI I've ever seen.

evil ways

The competition will be strong between Van Helsing, and the upcoming Catwoman for worst movie of 2004. Hell, Catwoman in my eyes is already the worst comic book movie of all time and I haven't even seen it. That's how bad the trailers and the supposed story are.


From what I've seen (which is quite a lot, but I avoid shit like Garfield, etc.), definitely Van Helsing.


I haven't seen anything really horrible this year....Garfield was probably the worst, yet I still enjoyed it somehow... :(

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
I've enjoyed every movie that I've gone to theatres to see this year.

1. The Passion of the Christ
2. Dawn of the Dead
3. Kill Bill Vol. 2

So far so good, thankfully. The only other movies that I plan on seeing this year are Spidey 2 (which I'm sure I will like) and Resident Evil 2 which I'm sure will suck. The only reason that I'm seeing RE2 is just to see how bad it is and because I am a fan of the games.

The worst of the three that I've seen would probably be Kill Bill Vol. 2 but it's still an excellent film. A three were great in their own ways but KB2 fell just a little shy of my expectations whereas The Passion and DotD really exceeded them.


Hang out with Steve.
I saw Garfield actually -- a free showing at a drive-in theater -- and as bad as it was, it wasn't as bad as Van Helsing.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
The little extra something that prevents Garfield from being the worst movie this year...

Let's see, what movies have I seen this year?

The Day After Tomorrow
Van Helsing
The Passion of Christ
Spiderman 2
Chronicles of Riddick
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Let me say that Chronicles of Riddick was the most painful to watch out of all of them.

Future Trunks

lemme tell you something son, this guy is SO FARKING HUGE HE'LL FLEX AND DESTROY THE SUN no shit
Okay...so I saw the trailer for Catwoman at Spidey 2....and she's wearing this cool black outfit at some point (almost burgular-like with a cat mask that covers her eyes and face, but the new spikey-hairdo she sports is shown). Is there a reason THAT couldn't have been her costume instead of the "Fredericks of Hollywood" version?


I haven't seen any really bad movies, but then I didn't bother with Van Helsing or Riddick because they looked disappointing just before release.

I'll probably have to go see AvP, but until then Starsky and Hutch was the 'worst' movie of the year for me. It wasn't bad, just extremely not-good.
Chronicles of Riddick....

Why couldn't it be more like the game or Pitch black?

Other crappy movies:

Van Helsing

that is all.

I liked troy.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Worst I've seen is Day After Tomorrow. Only went to see it because my family dragged me along with them. I tend to avoid blatantly shitty movies.
I'll have to agree with "The Day After Tomorrow"

I knew it was gonna suck too, but my girlfriend made me go see it. Could be worse I suppose. At least she doesn't like romantic comedies. :p


Console Market Analyst
Van Helsing followed closely by Passion of the Christ. Stepford Wives I'll give the third position.

And those predicting Catwoman, I'm starting to believe it'll be SO BAD that it'll actually be a fun time.


For me the biggest surprise of Spider-Man 2 was the fact that seeing the Catwoman trailer on the big screen made the movie look SO MUCH WORSE than the almost-impossibly-bad teaser trailers we all downloaded and laughed at.

The whip... the costume... the dialogue.. it was all just as bad as ever, but seeing the 1996 level CGI Catwoman leaping around still stunned me. And of course seeing more of the "plot" in the full trailer wasn't doing the movie any favours.


Probably Van Helsing...but the year is still young!

Random thoughts as I was watching Van Helsing:
"How the hell does Dracula have babies?"
"Why does Dracula look like such a pussy?"
"How does Dracula hang all of those eggs all around his castle?"
"Why is there dramatic music in every. single. scene?"
"This must be the worst acting I've ever seen..."
"How did the werewolf NOT see the other carriage before they jumped the bridge?"
"HOLY SHIT, THOSE HORSES ARE AMAZING! Able to traverse flat lands, mountains, ice caps, AND air!"


being watched
Alucard said:
Probably Van Helsing...but the year is still young!

Random thoughts as I was watching Van Helsing:
"How the hell does Dracula have babies?"
"Why does Dracula look like such a pussy?"
"How does Dracula hang all of those eggs all around his castle?"
"Why is there dramatic music in every. single. scene?"
"This must be the worst acting I've ever seen..."
"How did the werewolf NOT see the other carriage before they jumped the bridge?"
"HOLY SHIT, THOSE HORSES ARE AMAZING! Able to traverse flat lands, mountains, ice caps, AND air!"

Haha. I was thinking the same thing. The eggs - WTF this is classic Hammer horror / universal characters not fucking Alien 5.

What made me laugh most....the film has a scientific basis, in that Frankenstien's monster is using some kind of cybernetic technology / electricity to stay alive. And yet we're in fantasy land the next moment with the vampire brides stark naked flying through the air, yet their clothing magically appears from nowhere when they transform. Shouldn't they just be naked when normal? I could accept that stuff in the old movies, but not in 2004.

The horse scene - man that was the lousiest CGI in quite some time, it really was bad. Some FX houses just arn't trying these days. Who did the FX? Was it ILM? If so they must have farmed it out to their intern division while the talent works on episode 3.

It really was a dreadful clunker.
Van Helsing, EASILY. I walked out of the "film" about halfway through. I'd like to say it "insulted" my intelligence, but "assualted" is likely a better verb for the experience that was Van Helsing. Total. Complete. Schlock. Shame because the premise had real potential, and Jackman's the man..


The Chronicles of Riddick. I usually don't see movies that I think'll be bad, but I must have been bored out of my mind that day.

It's 2nd on my "worst EVER" list, right behind "Scary Movie 3."


Wow, I actually liked Day After Tomorrow. Fuck the haters. I generally don't go see movies I don't think I'll like, so despite that, I think Catwoman WILL be the worst.


Van Helsing may have sucked, but damn I love the soundtrack. I never even saw the flick, just bought it because it was written by Alan Silvestri.

I have to say of the films I've seen, The Punisher was the worst. Most people have slammed Godsend but it kept me at the very least interested, Punisher was like bleh.. and John Travolta sucked ass in it. :(
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