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Worst movie of 2004 thus far?

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Van Helsing. I wanted to walk out but I was with two of my friends so I didn't want to be rude and ask them to leave. Turns out they both wanted to go to but didn't say anything either...HA.


I avoided all the shits, so I haven't seen a too horrible movie this year actually.

However Catwoman looks like it'll suck big time, but I don't plan on seeing it either.


well not really...yet

I shamefully admit that I enjoyed Van Helsing, partially, though it was utterly horrible in every sense...

Everything thats wrong with american movies today rolled into one "film"


I skipped Van Helsing
I though Riddick was ok.

Troy get's my vote. A Greek Mythology with no sex, violence or mythology.


I skipped the Passion of Christ all together. And if your not Christian the movie is retarded. It's three hours of some guy getting tortured and eventually murdered.


I skipped the Passion of Christ all together. And if your not Christian the movie is retarded. It's three hours of some guy getting tortured and eventually murdered.

Even if that's your opinion, the films technical merits catapult it over any sort of 'worst film of the year' acknowledgement.
siege said:
That's a joke response right? I mean, even if you aren't religous, I'd find it hard for anyone to consider it as the worst films of the year.

I'm totally serious. I've watched 6 or 7 movies in the theatres so far this year, but none yet has taken the Passion's spot of the worst one of those.

Not only looking at it as a normal movie (ESPECIALLY technically) did it suck, but as a Jesus movie, it REALLY sucked. Even the Jesus miniseries a few years ago was 10x better. Gibson went overboard in trying to make his audience feel guilty, and left out the good filmmaking in the process.

As for the religious points,I don't think the point of Jesus' existence was to make US feel like we were the ones being tortured. Gibson also took much from the Gospels away and added into, to add into the emotional factor.


I know a few people that went to see this knowing nothing about Jesus or Christianity and game out having no idea WTF was going on. The simple tough it was one of the dumbest they had ever seen. For a non Christian it's looking going to a dialog movie in a language you dont understand.


Riddick's the worst movie I've seen this year, but I've had good luck avoiding the crap (haven't seen Van Helsing or Day After Tomorrow, e.g.).

In short, if Riddick's the worst film I see this year, I'll consider myself lucky.

DJ Sl4m

Meier said:
From what I've seen (which is quite a lot, but I avoid shit like Garfield, etc.), definitely Van Helsing.

Exactely, I walked out 20 minutes into the movie, I just couldn't take it any longer.
I'm going with Van Helsing.

The strange thing was that the only enjoyable part of the movie for me was at the start with Mr. Hyde. I thought he looked pretty good and could have been far more interesting than the rest of the crap they came up with.

The female vampires were just awful in every sense of the word. I still don't get why they looked more like reptilian harpies than any vampire I've ever seen. The whole egg sac thing made absolutely zero sense.

Everything in that movie is just questionable. I'm extremely tired of vampires coming off like such pussies in recent films too.
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