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Would it be better for Nintendo to go second or third party?


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
I actually don't completely agree with the title of this thread, but I sometimes do believe Ninteno's best move would be to go third party and also make handhelds.

Now I love Nintendo games, but thats just about it. The reason that the GC is selling is because of the First party games. I really doubt anybody would buy a GC for third party games or for the exclusive games.

Most of the exclusive games that are on GC (not including the first party games) are a) good but don't sell well due to poor marketing (MGS:TTS). b) They are ported to other consoles (Viewtiful Joe). c) are ports themselves (Resident Evil series, Skies of Arcadia).

The third party games on the GC are much less than on the Xbox or PS2 and those that are on GC are the worst of the three.

however, the first party games are what really sell the consoles, such as SMS, SSBM, MP, PM, Zelda: WW, there are more but the problem is that the other games on the GC don't appeal enough to sell even more Units.

So think about it for one moment. If games like Metroid Prime and Zelda; The Wind Waker were on the PS2, where the userbase is at least 5 times bigger, wouldn't those games sell much much better. Not only would you have all the Nintendo userbase buy those games, but so will other gamers.

maybe I'm wrong, but I just see it as a clever move for Nintendo to do.


1) When Nintendo leaves hardware, they leave software

2) Are you unable to afford multiple consoles, especially one that costs the price of TWO games?


Exciting. The daily Nintendo threads recycled.

The daily GAF thread schedule :

Nintendo has problems. Check
Should Nintendo go 3rd party? Check
Should Nintendo release Zelda for revolution? Check


Not really. I'm fairly certain alot of people just don't care about Nintendo games anymore. If they go 3rd party, they'll most likely end up like Sega.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
M3wThr33 said:
1) When Nintendo leaves hardware, they leave software

2) Are you unable to afford multiple consoles, especially one that costs the price of TWO games?

1) Why would they leave software if they leave hadrware? If they said that (which I think they did), that would be the most pathetic thing ever. What the hell would anyone achieve out of that.

2) Did I say this was asbout me not affording them? I'm talking about what i think is best for nintendo.

Also, mumu, If Nintendo decided not to make the Revolution next generation and quit the home console market, they would by no means be in the same situation as Sega. Sega were bankrupt, Nintendo still have a lot of money. Nintendo's games are WAY more successful than Sega's games. You can't compare the two.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Going 3rd party killed Sega.

While the companies' situations are very different, I still feel you'd see a less creative Nintendo if they weren't developing games to try and make their console stand out.

And they need to atleast have a generation where they compete on the same level as their competitors, and not be hampered by lacking features or put people off by the design of the console. They've been fighting with one arm tied behind their backs with both the N64 and the GC.


psycho_snake said:
1) Why would they leave software if they leave hadrware? If they said that (which I think they did), that would be the most pathetic thing ever. What the hell would anyone achieve out of that.

2) Did I say this was asbout me not affording them? I'm talking about what i think is best for nintendo.

Also, mumu, If Nintendo decided not to make the Revolution next generation and quit the home console market, they would by no means be in the same situation as Sega. Sega were bankrupt, Nintendo still have a lot of money.

Not many people really give a shit about Nintendo at this point. There games are kiddy, and the fact that they are releasing more Mario and Zelda games makes those games feel like rehashes. Most of my casual friends havn't played a Mario/Zelda type game in years. I don't think Mario as a charancter doesn't have that much appeal in todays gaming world and the mute that is Link is starting to fall in the same category.


psycho_snake said:
1) Why would they leave software if they leave hadrware? If they said that (which I think they did), that would be the most pathetic thing ever. What the hell would anyone achieve out of that.

2) Did I say this was asbout me not affording them? I'm talking about what i think is best for nintendo.

Also, mumu, If Nintendo decided not to make the Revolution next generation and quit the home console market, they would by no means be in the same situation as Sega. Sega were bankrupt, Nintendo still have a lot of money. Nintendo's games are WAY more successful than Sega's games. You can't compare the two.
This conversation doesn't need to be. You now know the answer.


The Amiga Brotherhood
I'd rather have a Hamster ignited up my anus then play another Mario game.

Don't worry, I'm sure 'Mature' Mario will have him running around in suit, with excessive weaponry, saving the world from destruction. And instead of "Itsa me, Mario" he will quote Babylon 5.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
SomeDude said:
Not many people really give a shit about Nintendo at this point. There games are kiddy, and the fact that they are releasing more Mario and Zelda games makes those games feel like rehashes. Most of my casual friends havn't played a Mario/Zelda type game in years. I don't think Mario as a charancter doesn't have that much appeal in todays gaming world and the mute that is Link is starting to fall in the same category.
So is it better for Nintendo to keep making "kiddy" games like these on their consoles, which they dont seem to market very well and lose money or go third party and release their games on a console where the userbase is five times the size of their currnet one and have a chance of selling twice as many copies of their games.

if Nintendo do stay first party, they need to change their ways. i have to admit that I like what they did with the GBS: SP and the DS. they both have got an attractive look, good third party support (the third party support for the DS seems good so far). but if they could convert that into the home console, then they could become much more successful.

Deku Tree

First party, second party, third party... I don't care either way!

I just want a steady dose of Nintendo developed home console software and preferably only on one machine.


psycho_snake said:
So is it better for Nintendo to keep making "kiddy" games like these on their consoles, which they dont seem to market very well and lose money or go third party and release their games on a console where the userbase is five times the size of their currnet one and have a chance of selling twice as many copies of their games.

if Nintendo do stay first party, they need to change their ways. i have to admit that I like what they did with the GBS: SP and the DS. they both have got an attractive look, good third party support (the third party support for the DS seems good so far). but if they could convert that into the home console, then they could become much more successful.

They already make mounds of cash each year. With each console release they can change relations as needed. They have $6 billion in the bank. They've made a profit every year for the last 30 years at least. They already make enough and don't need to do anything radical. Why is that so hard to understand?
SantaCruZer said:
Exciting. The daily Nintendo threads recycled.

The daily GAF thread schedule :

Nintendo has problems. Check
Should Nintendo go 3rd party? Check
Should Nintendo release Zelda for revolution? Check

Someone should really make a FAQ when these people come a knockin'


im a Nintendo fan id rather see then make hardware and software but if they did leave hardware i would not want them 2 go 3rd party or 2nd party. if they just stopped making hardware i'd rather them just concentrate on Gameboy line and not make software for any console. Nintendo could be the company that never sold out and said u want our games but not our systems fuck u, that would truly cement them as the greatest video game company ever, Nintendo unlike alot of companies has gaming icons most companies have gaming fads


If you don't care about Nintendo- if you hate them, fine. If you still like the company and the games, and think it'd be a better decision to go third party, think again.

If Nintendo went third-party as-is, they would lose a massive amount of royalties they receive ($$$) from companies as a hardware developer. Nintendo is a profit-minded company (like all are, in the end, but Nintendo likes to cut the corners and then some), and they would not be able to support companies or expand further (like with the Tokyo building, Retro studios, and other smaller and larger teams/devs within). Furthermore, they would have to focus on their main franchises only. Sega has been pretty much relying on the DC, Saturn, and Genesis franchises to keep them afloat. They can't really venture out and try new things anymore. Nintendo already sticks to a gameplan as it is. This would mean even less new ideas coming out from the company.

I have a feeling Nintendo may team up with a bigger company (like Panasonic) in the future if things continue to spiral downward. Maybe after Yamauchi dies and Iwata or someone at the top will finally get together with some company that would love to take a bite out of MS and/or Sony.

Nintendo still has a long ways to go before they call it quits. Everything looks doom and gloom now, but the fact is they are still making hundreds of millions of dollars (and yes, I know that profit-making is not the one and only important thing, people). Sega, in the Genesis days, was in the hole. They were probably in debt for a full decade before calling it quits with the Dreamcast. Iwata has said- and it is possible he sticks to his word- that Nintendo will become no more once the hardware side of things ceases. This means at least two more console/handheld cycles from this company, in my opinion (if they decide to blow the wallet in 10 years' time).

To prevent all this, though, is another story entirely.
Deepthroat said:
Yeah, they should join Microsoft Game Studios.

/flamesuit on

On the one hand, they are thoroughly a Japanese company +1 Sony
On the other, they are located in Redmond +1 Microsoft
On the third hand, they were almost single handedly destroyed by Sony, -100 Sony

Hard to see.


psycho_snake said:
So think about it for one moment. If games like Metroid Prime and Zelda; The Wind Waker were on the PS2, where the userbase is at least 5 times bigger, wouldn't those games sell much much better. Not only would you have all the Nintendo userbase buy those games, but so will other gamers.

I cannot fucking understand this train of thought. Why, suddenly, would Nintendo's games sell if they were on the PS2?!?! If the PS2 owners really wanted Nintendo games, wouldn't they just go out and buy a Cube and Nintendo's first party games? It's not like the system costs an enormous amount of money.

Besides, Nintendo doesn't need to go third-party. Instead of developing a home system and a portable system, they just do a hybrid device and stick it out by themselves.

It would be really funny if they did go third-party, though. Then suddenly all the Xbox and PS2 fans would be fighting over would be why Xbox got Zelda and Metroid and PS2 got Kirby and Mario, for example.

If you want Nintendo games so bad, then buy a Nintendo console. I'm sure that if someone is so interested in getting their games, they'll be willing to sacrifice a couple of games to afford another system.


sonycowboy said:
On the one hand, they are thoroughly a Japanese company +1 Sony
On the other, they are located in Redmond +1 Microsoft
On the third hand, they were almost single handedly destroyed by themselves, -100 Nintendo

Hard to see.



I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
M3wThr33 said:
They already make mounds of cash each year. With each console release they can change relations as needed. They have $6 billion in the bank. They've made a profit every year for the last 30 years at least. They already make enough and don't need to do anything radical. Why is that so hard to understand?
I'll agree, they're making a profit, however, about 80% of those profits come from their handhelds. How long will they keep making a profit with home consoles though. The PS stole a lot of Nintendo's marketshare and now MS are doing it. If they don't regain marketshare, they will make a loss on home consoles.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
Spike said:
I cannot fucking understand this train of thought. Why, suddenly, would Nintendo's games sell if they were on the PS2?!?! If the PS2 owners really wanted Nintendo games, wouldn't they just go out and buy a Cube and Nintendo's first party games? It's not like the system costs an enormous amount of money.

Besides, Nintendo doesn't need to go third-party. Instead of developing a home system and a portable system, they just do a hybrid device and stick it out by themselves.

It would be really funny if they did go third-party, though. Then suddenly all the Xbox and PS2 fans would be fighting over would be why Xbox got Zelda and Metroid and PS2 got Kirby and Mario, for example.

If you want Nintendo games so bad, then buy a Nintendo console. I'm sure that if someone is so interested in getting their games, they'll be willing to sacrifice a couple of games to afford another system.
Have you thought that people might not want to buy a console for just two or three games that they will play once. Wouldn't those customers be happier to buy a console with loads of selection including those Nintendo games.

i have a GC and I love it. I have about 13 itles for it, none of those are third party and the only exclusive games I have are MGS:TTS and Sonic battle 2. i have viewtiful Joe but thats on PS2 now.


So think about it for one moment. If games like Metroid Prime and Zelda; The Wind Waker were on the PS2, where the userbase is at least 5 times bigger, wouldn't those games sell much much better. Not only would you have all the Nintendo userbase buy those games, but so will other gamers.

That would only work if Nintendo teamed up with Sony exclusively. If Nintendo was stretched between MS and Sony, then you'd have fans stretched between them as well. Not to mention the inevitable losing of the fanbase along the transition. Not to mention the fact that the games will be dilluted among bigger franchises, and hardk0r3 Nintendo fans might be for the first time exposed games they'll enjoy instead of Nintendo games (not that that's a bad thing- just saying it won't automatically increase sales five-fold).


They should go bankrupt so all these haters can finally stop making threads of doom about Nintendo.
Instead of developing a home system and a portable system, they just do a hybrid device and stick it out by themselves.

Thats the revolution right there, its Nintendo's way of telling the likes of EA, Capcom etc to go fuck theselves.

Revolution will play all of Nintendo games, GBA, DS, Snes, N64 and GC plus Revolutions own games.


iD0pRimE said:
I would rather have them support MS; then to go down the way of SEGA.
MS was in talks with Nintendo before the latest gen launched. They failed after 3 meetings.

It doesn't take a genius to realize their companies's ethics are completely opposite of each other.


Who cares? Really, in the mainstream and third party publisher/developer mindset, Nintendo will be insignificant next gen. Their appeal has hit rock bottom this year and they expect to stretch the GC out 1 1/2 more years by adding a bunch of 'leftover', farmed out games to the lineup. With that kind of momentum, they'll just end up in a very Dreamcast-esque situation next generation, sans the support of some of the bigger publishers. Unless they can pull out a Halo-esque broad appeal game that heavily applies to western tastes and is wildly popular, they'll struggle to sell over a million even on their biggest titles. Sony could probably care less about having them on their side, and Microsoft would probably be very inclined to accept any offer they throw in order to get their royalties in and help recoup losses on the Xbox line.

If they become third party, they'll most likely not be synonymous with gaming anymore, but most probably will sell better on their larger games, but the 'smaller' release games that do not conjure up much hype would fail. If they become second party, the most likely scenario is that Nintendo fans will buy the system for the most part, instead of being dispersed among both choices, the sales of the average smaller franchise games will be higher, yet the sales of higher franchise games will be lower, in total.


I'd rather have a Hamster ignited up my anus then play another Mario game.



SomeDude said:
Not many people really give a shit about Nintendo at this point. There games are kiddy, and the fact that they are releasing more Mario and Zelda games makes those games feel like rehashes. Most of my casual friends havn't played a Mario/Zelda type game in years. I don't think Mario as a charancter doesn't have that much appeal in todays gaming world and the mute that is Link is starting to fall in the same category.

Versus what? Crap like Halo 2, GTA? Those to me are real kiddies games! Games that have to be violent or bloody to sell to adults that think that is "mature".


psycho_snake said:
Have you thought that people might not want to buy a console for just two or three games that they will play once. Wouldn't those customers be happier to buy a console with loads of selection including those Nintendo games.


So Nintendo should go third-party to satisfy those fucks who couldn't have given a shit about them the last two generations, right? Like how Virtua Fighter suddenly became the greatest fighting game of all time when it went to PS2?

I've been a multi-platform owner since the days of Atari/Colecovision/Intellivision. I get all the systems when I can afford them because they all have amazing games that I would like to play. I don't care for the petty system wars, I just like to play amazing games. Whatever platform they happen to be on doesn't make a difference to me. If there is a couple of games I really want on a platform that I didn't own yet, I would make sacrifices so that I could own that system and the games I want. Because I am a gamer.

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
Discreet said:
im a Nintendo fan id rather see then make hardware and software but if they did leave hardware i would not want them 2 go 3rd party or 2nd party. if they just stopped making hardware i'd rather them just concentrate on Gameboy line and not make software for any console. Nintendo could be the company that never sold out and said u want our games but not our systems fuck u, that would truly cement them as the greatest video game company ever, Nintendo unlike alot of companies has gaming icons most companies have gaming fads
I'm surprised nobody's noticed this reply yet. The GameFAQs-ness of it made me :lol, especially when you read it out loud.


"u want our games but not our systems fuck u"
I have to wonder though, surely Sony and Microsoft aren't the only mega-corporations with an interest in the massive gaming market.

If Nintendo wanted to get out of producing the hardware themselves, couldn't they enlist the help of companies like say Panasonic or Apple or Time Warner-AOL?

I bet there are more than a few big corps that would like to get into the game hardware biz, but don't want to go through the process of establishing their own franchises. Having Nintendo's franchises would certainly give you a running start in the business.

Nintendo could still retain certain priveleges this way too, like perhaps a certain percentage of 3rd party royalties (good luck getting that from Sony) or some hardware design input.


I don't see the point when they are highly successful at portable hardware. The minute they decide that home consoles aren't worth it, I bet that all development teams will have their attention redirected to the latest iteration of the Gameboy.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
soundwave05 said:
I have to wonder though, surely Sony and Microsoft aren't the only mega-corporations with an interest in the massive gaming market.

If Nintendo wanted to get out of producing the hardware themselves, couldn't they enlist the help of companies like say Panasonic or Apple or Time Warner-AOL?

I bet there are more than a few big corps that would like to get into the game hardware biz, but don't want to go through the process of establishing their own franchises. Having Nintendo's franchises would certainly give you a running start in the business.

Nintendo could still retain certain priveleges this way too, like perhaps a certain percentage of 3rd party royalties (good luck getting that from Sony) or some hardware design input.

Um... they do.... the only company that makes their own system hardware is Sony. MS used off the shelf parts that were slightly modified for the Xbox, and GC hardware uses slightly more customized hardware. Factor 5 did the GC's sound chip, while ATI made the Gekko. Panasonic designed the G.O.D. (Gamecube Optical Disk, the name of the media that GC games come on). Nintendo already enlists the help of other companies in making hardware.
GaimeGuy said:
Um... they do.... the only company that makes their own system hardware is Sony. MS used off the shelf parts that were slightly modified for the Xbox, and GC hardware uses slightly more customized hardware. Factor 5 did the GC's sound chip, while ATI made the Gekko. Panasonic designed the G.O.D. (Gamecube Optical Disk, the name of the media that GC games come on). Nintendo already enlists the help of other companies in making hardware.

No this would be different in (for example) say we had Panasonic come back to the market. It would be their own platform, it would just get all of Nintendo's software support. In return Nintendo would get some hardware control and perks.

That's if it comes to the point where Nintendo just doesn't want to make the hardware themselves.

The game industry is unique in that every 5 years or so, userbase gets reset to 0 for everyone. This does provide openings for someone else to sneak in and beat the established competitiors to the punch -- like Sony did with the original Playstation.
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