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Would it be better for Nintendo to go second or third party?


fennec fox said:
I'm surprised nobody's noticed this reply yet. The GameFAQs-ness of it made me :lol, especially when you read it out loud.


"u want our games but not our systems fuck u"

sorry bro if it sounds stupid 2 u but its like your fav band doing something they have been against for years. why would Nintendo want 2 work with sony or ms when both thoose companies say Nintendo is kiddie there is a reason for sony and ms propoganda so they can lower Nintendo value to buy them no company has as many "iconic" franchises as Nintendo if u can name 1 feel free if not then my statement stands. Nintendo do it your way if u mess up u can blame yourself an say o well we had a great run our work speaks for it self and devote all your time and efforts into the Gameboy line, or go third party like sega and lose even your most hardcore fans.


2nd party would be stupid. Nintendo has a good eye for talent, a large fanbase, and franchises that still draw attention. They could become a EA sized 3rd party if they just swallowed a couple small up and coming 3rd parties and some of their own 2nd parties. They'd obviously keep making Gameboy hardware as well.
I think it's silly to think that Nintendo would just call it quits if their home console pillar collapses. At the end of the day, they're a company (a publicly owned one at that) that is in it for the money. They'd still be stubborn about their tactics and philosophies but I highly doubt they'd choose bankruptcy over becoming a 3rd party.


If Nintendo does stop making hardware, not that I think it'll be anytime soon, it'll probably at a time when MS and Sony has split the market 50/50, perhaps the difference between the Japanese and US/European markets are even more marked than today. Then perhaps Nintendo should go second-party and not divide their resources and fanbase. Being Japanese, I think they would back Sony, and unlike Sega, Nintendo would still give whichever platform it goes to a major advantage. So if MS and Sony are in a dead heat, Nintendo might have some bargaining power to get a favorable deal with either. They might even come on as a 'partner' for a new platform.

Or, if Nintendo can partner with Samsung, Panasonic or Apple, then I'd choose Apple. They're not that big, but I've always dreamt about an Apple designed console. It would look sleek and sexy, moreso than PSP or PSTwo even. And both Apple and Nintendo are against MS, they both have loyal fanbases that (are not in conflict) and Apple is taking down Sony on the 'Walkman for the 21st century' front right now... It'd never happen, but we can dream.
I think Nintendo might be bigger than Apple actually, heh.

A Game Boy/i-Pod hybrid would kick ass, no doubt about it.

It'd be interesting to see what kinds of games Apple would make though. Pixar collaborations? PC-ish FPS stuff? RTS?


Apple would be good on the hardware side of things and perhaps integrating other functions. But they can't make games, the only time I heard them make a big thing about games was when Steve Jobs announced Halo before Bungie got bought up by MS. The problem I see is having two very innovative group working together, it's like having two great directors together for a film... dunno if it would actually help things. and Apple has always been up-market, getting everything to perfection while Nintendo has always gone for affordable and low cost.
Well, if Apple wanted to get into the game business, I think they would have to make games.

I mean even Sony makes games.

It'd be really cool if Pixar set up a game division. Apple could function as more of a Western developer in such a partnership since Nintendo seems to lack in that area.


Isn't Apple largely owned by Microsoft?

Anyway, Apple + Nintendo would be perfect in some senses, just like Kerry McCain would have been. I just don't see it though. Their idealologies are too far apart (as it's already been stated, Apple is more high-end while Nintendo is affordable and low cost). Their advertising is 100 times better than Nintendo's though.

I think if Nintendo teamed up with any big company, it would be Panasonic. Samsung would be a great choice if Samsung wasn't willing to suffocate Nintendo. They're a lot closer to Sony than Panasonic is, IIRC.


I'm guessing Nintendo will go third-party sooner or later. Either that, or they just won't make home game consoles, anymore. That "Revolution" machine or whatever will probably be more like a toy than a traditional game console. That and handhelds will probably be all Nintendo makes from now on.
I doubt they go third-party as in the way Sega did (and Sega really was forced to do that because CSK was tired of having hundreds of millions in debt from the company for years and years).

They'll partner with someone if it comes to that ... whether that's Sony, Microsoft, Panasonic, etc. who knows. The bidding war for them would be hillarious though.

It's like saying since Nicole Kidman got dumped by Tom Cruise that she's going to go from that to dating some regular bum off the street.

Ain't gonna happen, kiddo.

Everyone knows Bill Gates has a hard on for Nintendo (he already offered $25 billion for them straight up, he didn't even make a play for Sega) and we know Kutaragi is ruthless when it comes to courting Japanese devs.

There's also likely several other companies that would like to get a piece of the game hardware pie, but don't have any leverage into the market (having Nintendo exclusive would give them that leverage though). Don't assume only Sony and Microsoft are interested in your disposal income for video games.


Panasonic, Apple nor Samsung offer any I.P. nor technology design that would aid any game company. Why are people so amped on Nintendo partnering up with one of those three when they would offer little to help Nintendo's position at all, and most likely end up hurting it when they want to split the profits another way and their brand name is unfamiliar with most gamers.

The only thing I can think of that Apple can offer is their overpriced software and QuickTime. And maybe some design tips.
I'd actually prefer it if Microsoft went third party. Third party games, middleware and online service.

Nintendo make the most affordable, efficient and comfortable hardware IMO. Although I think the Gamecube is the first console they made unappealing to many people, straight away on day one, simply with the way it looks. Their first and second party titles are unbelievable, they just need to work on third party support. They've improved in Japan, now its time to get with the programme and woo the west. There'd be nothing wrong with letting the things play movies, or fit under your telly easier in future either.

Is EFWIS = Every Fucking Week I Swear?


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
these threads always bring out the most intelligent posters..

and once again not a single person in the thread can make a compelling reason on why nintendo would even leave the industry....

it kind of helps to have reasons guys.....

nintendo making profit on console hardware: check
nintendo making profit on console software: check

so please tell me why they would quit???

OHHH, plain old nintendo bashing.. nevermind, I'll leave you to it then.
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