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Would you pay for......


A Cheapass Gamer type alert service? An alert would be sent to your cellphone and/or email address the minute there was a known clearance sale on videogames in a department store in your area and/or if there is a game you've wanted for awhile to come down in price. I was in Circuit City the other day picking up XIII with my friend and I thought about how I got totally sonned that last earth shattering sale they had @ Circuit City and brought it to her attention. She jokingly said that it would've been cool if I got a text on my celly letting me know of the sale and I pondered on the thought. I don't know even if it's realistically possible, but I'd easily pay up to 8 bucks a month if I could get some good deals on games from a service like that. Discuss.

Ranger X

And whatever... Soon your cellphone will be able to do your breakfast in the morning so i guess it's easy to beep all your friends and people you know in only seconds after you see a deal...
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