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WoW Open Beta SOON!


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
It all comes down to this question:

Do you guys think Blizzard is going to release a buggy, unbalanced game? C'mon. The fact that release is drawing near and you haven't seen all the fixes yet means nothing. There is tons of stuff going on behind the scenes.

All we can do is wait and see, but let's at least be realistic about our concerns.


MrCheez said:
It all comes down to this:

Do you think Blizzard is going to release a buggy, unbalanced game? C'mon.

All we can do is wait and see, but let's at least be realistic about our concerns.

Not even mentioning that the developers have said that there are a few patches left before open BETA. Not even mentioning release yet.


Jesus. You don't have to freaking start OB immediately after sign-ups. Throw us a BONE!!!




NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
from the IGN article on WOW last night

So downtime is low, the game has the Blizzard polish, even though it's still in beta. What's next? Well, there's that open beta I mentioned earlier, which we're supposed to be seeing within days. The devs expect it last two to three weeks, and many more servers will be available to support the (presumably) huge numbers of people who will be flocking to this one like crazy. An open beta player won't have access to all the content, however--only one or two raids, but there will be PvP as well as "care bear" servers. Hunter and Paladin talents will be in by the time the open beta launches, so you can use that as a marker for the open beta date.


I am hoping for this weekend


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
I don't appreciate Blizzard stringing us along for 18 days with no info. :( I can understand the fact that they don't have a date to give us. But they went about it in the wrong way. They might not be able to tell us "It will be around [ballpark]" but they SHOULD have told us "You should not be expecting it this week" or "over the next few days" UNTIL it was pretty damn certain. I refuse to believe that the community reps are so out of touch with the devs that they are not going to know Open Beta is starting a day before it starts.

Their "Coming Soon" announcement was definitely written in a misleading way that made you expect to hear more within a week. And there has been NO info from Blizzard itself. Thanks Blizz, for making me refresh your site multiple times every freaking day. I hope all the extra traffic you created for yourself was worth it.

Of course I'm still going to buy the game. I'm just frustrated. =/
They should skip Open Beta and just release it already. I'm sick of wasting my time on characters that are going to be wiped anyway, but I can't stop playing =/ I still don't think the game is ready, but meh, it's in better shape than just about any MMO I've seen has been in at release. Rogue wise, they really need to get more daggers into the game, and more rogue specific gear. The shaman/rogue/druid gear stinks. Having to wear +spirit gear just because it has some +agi on it annoys the hell out of me.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Rogues shoulg get mail at 40 too, dammit! >_<

I can't wait to restart my Rogue. :) Was such a blast in the ST.

Bregor said:
You guys would have never survived the long wait for the Diablo 2 1.10 patch.

:lol I didn't experience this myself but I've read a lot about it. The thing is... I very much respect the fact that Blizzard does not release a product until they are satisfied with it. HOWEVER, it's driving me crazy how horrible they are at communicating with their customers/fan-base. @_@ We're pretty loyal too and WILL wait, please just keep us informed. =/
MrCheez said:
Rogues shoulg get mail at 40 too, dammit! >_<

I can't wait to restart my Rogue. :) Was such a blast in the ST.

My gnome rogue is almost 33 now. Been trying to hold myself back a little, or I would have been 60 by now... was 25 like 4 weeks or more ago hehe. Definitely going undead this time though.


I'm seriously thinking about skipping Open Beta and just waiting until they release it. Between MK Deception on XBL, GTA:SA (got today havent played yet), Halo 2 and MGS3... I'm gonna be pretty busy this month with other games.

:O :O


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Gnome? Ewwww :)

Good choice on the Undead. It's my mission to persuade most of GAF to go Horde by the time retail rolls around. (Troll for me, mon!)
I've pretty much stopped playing the Beta because it just pisses me off so much. I will look at what goes retail and if they haven't addressed most of the issues that beta testers are almost unanimous about then fuck it.
MrCheez said:
Gnome? Ewwww :)

Good choice on the Undead. It's my mission to persuade most of GAF to go Horde by the time retail rolls around. (Troll for me, mon!)

My idiot friend has to be a Paladin in every game we play, so I sucked it up and went with a gnome. The bastard hardly ever plays.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Well, chances of a patch are slim as they already said they would not be patching this week... but hell who knows, maybe something changed. Would be nice, but I still doubt it. >_<

Anyway, it's lookin like we should expect a patch this weekend or on Monday, and Open Beta sometime next week (hopefully the same time as the patch).


Anyway, it's lookin like we should expect a patch this weekend or on Monday, and Open Beta sometime next week (hopefully the same time as the patch).


signups haven't even begun yet, and open beta will be next week?


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
akascream said:

signups haven't even begun yet, and open beta will be next week?

How long do you honestly think the gap between signups and Open Beta is going to be? =P Retail is going to be november, guarenteed.


Son of Godzilla said:
I've pretty much stopped playing the Beta because it just pisses me off so much. I will look at what goes retail and if they haven't addressed most of the issues that beta testers are almost unanimous about then fuck it.

What issues in particular are bothering you? Only thing really annoying me right now is The Beast's evade bug in Upper Blackrock Spire. Oh also plainsrunning needs to be better.


MrCheez said:
Rogues shoulg get mail at 40 too, dammit! >_<
How can I put this... no. The rogue class needs a little better itemization, but if they give that class mail then it both conflicts with the hunter class (they need the same stats but get mail post level 40) and they'd have to make them do substantially less damage than rogues do now.

Also, not so much for open beta, but in preparation for retail, we should pick 2 servers: one for horde and one for alliance, and then make a guild on each one (all it takes is 10 characters, whether that's 10 individual people or one person getting the guild charter and the rest of us just making 2-3 chars we would want to play and signing it with each one).

I know for sure I'm making a warlock as my first character in retail, most likely an orc warlock unless I find the undead traits good for pvping on the undead warlock I have now. For alliance I'll probably make a dwarf paladin but that's basically the only alliance character I'll make. But we should pick 2 servers, that way the people who want to play both factions can since you can't switch faction regardless of server. I also will try out pvp more with the honor system that gets put in - if it works effectively, maybe we can play on one of those... although if it doesn't do enough to deter the kind of annoying ganking that goes on with the pvp server in beta, then it's not worth playing in retail.


Son of Godzilla said:
I've pretty much stopped playing the Beta because it just pisses me off so much. I will look at what goes retail and if they haven't addressed most of the issues that beta testers are almost unanimous about then fuck it.

Hey what are the issues you've experienced so far? I would like to know aswell.


Blizzard's official min specs are something like 800 mhz athlon/p3, 256 mb ram, geforce 2, but that's probably 800x600 at the lowest settings.

I'm on an athlon xp 2700+, 1 gig ram, geforce 4 ti4200 (shut up! i'm just waiting for an x800 to come down in price a little) and I can run it in 1200x960 full details and get 30ish or better FPS, although I prefer sticking in 1024x768 since that's my desktop resolution as well, so alt-tabbing is seamless (it's probably just my crappy monitor, but when my desktop res and WOW res are different I get some delay/lag when i alt-tab in and out of the game).


Son of Godzilla said:
I've pretty much stopped playing the Beta because it just pisses me off so much. I will look at what goes retail and if they haven't addressed most of the issues that beta testers are almost unanimous about then fuck it.
I wanna know what issues you've had as well... I've played to level 60 as a shaman and I find that for the most part the game is fun, they just need to retune instances a bit so healers and tanks have more fun.


Grandma's Chippy
Son of Godzilla said:
I've pretty much stopped playing the Beta because it just pisses me off so much. I will look at what goes retail and if they haven't addressed most of the issues that beta testers are almost unanimous about then fuck it.
Count me in as wanting to know as well....cuz I'm thinking you're crazy :lol
I dunno. I feel a bit uncomfortable complaining because it's just a beta and the real thing will be light years different. Also the fact that my characters are facing extinction relatively soon has to play some part into it. I'm just gonna dive into some things I dislike about the game.

There's one reoccuring thing that I absolutely loathe. There's almost no customization in this game. Almost no variety as far as features of character go. The majority of skills are available to every single member of any given class, and the ones that aren't aren't desireable at all. Piss poor talent lines with negligible effects. An absolutely crappy item system that has currently nerfed any item that isn't +stats into uselessness. Not to mention that each class is so reliant on a certain stat there's no reason at all to boost a different one. Either that or they are so reliant on all stats they go crazy (druids) or stats do so little to improve the class items are boring (mage, i'd imagine warlock). I also don't like the holy trinity gameplay, but that's more to do with how effective some classes are.

At the moment there's very little incentive to level up. Congrats, you get to use a different shoulderpad that has an additional 2 spirit. Congrats you can get the 7th rank of a spell you've had since level one. Congrats you get a talent point you can invest in one of three skill lines that do almost nothing to affect the way you play. The only real reason to level up is to experience new content. Which is nice, but takes away joy of gaining a level and focuses it on getting to a level. Not to mention alot of content has yet to be added or needs more polish.

Class/Race quests. One of the "selling points" of having fast leveling is that you can make multiple characters. Aside from the obvious horde vs alliance, very little changes from character to character as far as experiencing the game goes. You do the same exact quests and have access to same exact instances. There are a few class specific quests, and if they fully implement the ratings system there probably will be race specific quests.

There's also a whole bunch of class issues. Druids are by far the black sheep of WoW. They have no use for weapons and are dependent on every stat in game depending on form. Hunters and mages are far inferior dps classes compared to rogues, hunters because the ranged weapons they need haven't been added and mages because they have no way at all of sustaining dps and only approach useful burst dps against swarms using aoe.

Blizzard. Yes, I realize that alot of mmorpg companies are insanely frustrating, but that doesn't excuse Blizzard. Currently they seem to be balancing towards pvp at the expense of pve. Plus they either completely ignore their community or give such large blanket statements they effectively say nothing. A big huge thing on the beta forums a week or so ago is some blue asking for questions from each class to bring to developers. A few days later one question from each class, a complete fluffball in every single instance I checked, got answered then a week after that an explanation of the roles of each class that says absolutely nothing new. This was the entirity of meaningful blue text for that week too. I don't think their past record really speaks for them as much as their supporters claim either. I remember back when TFT got released and nightelves (a race balanced on the fact they have no meat to tank with) abused beastmaster and bear (a free unit better than any tier 3 meat in game and a str hero), their justification for not nerfing was that "Bears should be scary". However that said, the GMs in this game have been nothing but fast, responsive, and useful. It's just the interaction between forum poster and whoever the middle man is before developers that's aggrivating.

I dunno, alot of these won't really matter as far as playing retail, they just make me go batshit insane in beta. My mage has become a complete bore to play because of a combination of the content/talent/item issues, so I quit. I'm confident the content thing will be changed, although talents probably won't. The issue that will make or break whether or not I play retail is the item system. I will never be able to get excited about +stats, especially when those stats don't tie into dps at all.
well lets hope (or at least I) this put the scare into CoH and SWG devs to get off thier asses and add something called content to CoH and give SWG the much needed combat, jedi and GCW revamp.


oh man, all they have to do is buff mage frost and fire talents some more and you'll see how awesome they were when they first came out (they were honest to god overpowered when they first came out, but also cool just because of the variety). i made a frost mage when mage talents came out... it was badass, then they nerfed it because it was honestly overpowered (i was able to kite melee elites around my level, up to 2 higher, at level 17), and I just hope they buff those back up again to a medium between overpowered and sucky that they are now.

but shaman and warlock talents are overall really good, and with a shaman (by far the most complete class i've played in wow) which talent line you pick drastically changes how they play. warlocks have a crappy demonology talent tree and priests have a crappy holy talent tree, but with my warlock there's a big difference in playstyle between going for affliction or destruction talents; same with going between any of the three talent trees for a shaman.

gear is a definite problem for caster classes and i hope they address it with more than just caster-oriented cloth sets in high level instances. on my shaman it's actually similar, all i can really do is get better mail armor that boosts my mana or regen rate, but i can at least get a good dps melee weapon. but one good thing i've seen blizzard say and i hope they deliver on is that high levels aren't fully itemized yet...

IMO, i've played every class to a decent level except rogue, and warlocks are fun as hell now that they boosted their damage up. mages just don't have a lot of variety because they are nothing short of "kill everything with your spells before it hits you." that's why i liked the old frost talents, it was amazingly good at kiting and if they hadn't been nerfed i was going to be a self-AOE machine.

hunters are a class that need a lot of work, paladins are a class that only need moderate work, but supposedly both of these, along with tons of other content like the felhunter and infernal pets for warlocks are going in with the next patch. i started a hunter a week ago just to give the class a shot and even in its broken state, this is a fun, fun class to play.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
akascream said:
Next month?.. you said open beta will start next week, maybe even monday!! lol!

Lose the attitude. =P

Next month when the game releases. Although no one knows for sure, it is far from unlikely that Open Beta will start next week or the week after.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Son of Godzilla: How much are you into PvP? I'm really looking forward to the battlegrounds... I'm hoping that will make for a consistently-enjoyable end-game.

Although I will say all of your complaints are valid. Here's hoping that Blizzard is aware of them and is working on it. Overall I'm pretty optimistic and not that worried, though :D
Son of Godzilla said:
I remember back when TFT got released and nightelves (a race balanced on the fact they have no meat to tank with) abused beastmaster and bear (a free unit better than any tier 3 meat in game and a str hero), their justification for not nerfing was that "Bears should be scary". .

lol SO TRUE!

there so many cases where people would bring Very good points as to stupid things blizzard might do in a patch (like how they changed anti magic shell) and they would just compeltely ignore that, but then answer stupid stuff.


Gold Member
give SWG the much needed combat, jedi and GCW revamp.

If the combat revamp is what Lucasarts wants to do internally, holy shit it will be the best MMORPG combat on the face of the planet. They haven't even hinted at what they are doing and the community on the boards have no clue what is being discussed. There's a reason why the combat revamp has been pushed back - it's as major as the JTL expansion. I wouldn't be surprised if the next expansion is the big revamp + some other cool things that will advance the timeline.

The Jedi have already been revamped.
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