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Wow, so ESPN sports/coke cap is a complete rip off.


First tragedy, then farce.
I finnaly collected enough bottlecaps (20) to get ESPN baseball for free. After entering all of my codes I retrieved my certificate, and it turns out I can only use it at EBworld. So, I go to EBworld, where they are selling the game for 40 fucking dollars.

ESPN videogames has it listed for 20. So, for all of my trouble, I can now get ESPN baseball at ebworld at the same price that I could get it for at ESPN games website. Way to fucking go Sega and coke. You guys can suck my balls. I normally get a root beer fountain drink when I go to work, but decided to get bottled coke for a few cents more so that I could get this game cheap.. and all I got was to drink something I didnt want all that much and now it hurts to sit.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
didn't the twenty bottlecaps cost you over 20 bucks? I guess if you were gonna drink the soda anyway...

Can you wait to see if EB comes down in price?


First tragedy, then farce.
the cokes were 1.09, and I was allready spending right at a dollar for a fountain drink every day.. so this wound up costing me about 2 dollars extra and I didnt drink what I prefered..

and yeah, I can wait to see if eb comes down in price, which is what I will do, but thats not really the point.

also, really funny stuff, ESPN and coke say that most of ESPN's games work with this deal (except the ones coming out this year, you have to wait a month to use them on those games), but ebworld wont let you use it on most of the games, including college hoops (the one in the commercial).

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