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Wrasslin' Thread 20XX |OT| New Age WrestleGAF

Bullet Club



Fox Mulder

Yeah it really comes off as crazy even if true. Putin probably has his Twitter bot army dividing people over Disney movies and coin collections too.

Always Sunny Reaction GIF
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Eh, Knoxville/Zayn wasn't for me personally, but by no means was it unwatchable trash. I wish Sami was in more serious stuff, but this gets him likely his best payday and by far most memorable WM match/moment.

Haven't checked in here alot, but this may just be a me being old thing...but did Wrestlemania just feel like another Raw/SD to anybody else? Like nothing really felt "WRESTLEMANIA FUCK YEAH!" to me this year. i'm not sure if it was just way too many meaningless matches that could easily be on TV, but the whole trying to make a "moment" instead of building tons of hot feuds that you want payoffs for made the event fall flat for me.

Hell, I had WAY more fun watching Rampage this week then either night of Mania. Really only got into the Cody/Seth match, and some...maybe alot of that was me wanting to see how Cody would be presented in the E'. His gimmick he had in AEW will be perfect in the WWE Universe, right up until it isn't. Roman does nothing for me at this point, and I know once again I'm the minority here. But he isn't the cool heel like Austin was while turning, he's just ROMANWINSLOL but acts like a douche, so now you cheer him? Sooner the titles are split again the better, because when you build a guy to be completely unbeatable...it kind of makes watching his matches anticlimactic, much like the main event against a guy that you know only works extremely limited dates...so they were never going to put the belts on Brock. I hate 100% known outcomes, same with Becky/Bianca (For the record, can't stand Bianca either). I don't get the hype around face Belair, she's a natural heel, being forced to be the big badass babyface that will get boo'd quickly with babyface booking, when you have someone like Becky who is by far a natural babyface. Why no double turn with Bianca cheating to win and make bother people more exciting going into the new....season?

Watched the Raw after Mania due to the hype and WWE saying how this was going to be like old Raw after Manias...and we got jack shit for debuts (Fucking Elias doesn't count), and a super lackluster show. Clearly SD is the only show they put any effort into at this point.

At least AEW is super interesting right now, outside of Cowboy Dump taking up screen time. Yuta got a massive boost, and while I'm not a crazy person saying they just built a new superstar, they made him relevant to carry the Pure title, and be able to be in the TNT title picture. People talk like we witnessed Austin 2.0, slow down, the group has two main event stars in Bryan and Moxley already, but I'm excited to see where they go with them all, even if I'd rather see Bryan in the World title picture in AEW.

It's time, and I hope it's at the title defense for Christian to turn on Jurassic Bros and cost them the belts. It's an easy way to put the titles on Red Dragon early since alot of AEW viewers likely still don't know how good RD are, and sets up heel champions for the FTR match down the road.

Also, I don't know who that Willow person was on Rampage, but I couldn't have been the only person cheering for her right? Red Velvet has always been awful to me, and I don't get how she's not the Max Caster of the womens division (Person who loses to every new talent). I don't think AEW needed "Qualifier" matches for a tournament, but minor gripes.


Also, I don't know who that Willow person was on Rampage, but I couldn't have been the only person cheering for her right? Red Velvet has always been awful to me, and I don't get how she's not the Max Caster of the womens division (Person who loses to every new talent). I don't think AEW needed "Qualifier" matches for a tournament, but minor gripes.
I was cheering for her too. Of course it probably helps she's a local girl would make me a little biased being from Mass. It doesn't hurt her opponent is generally known as "Brandi Dos". (Hey, that match involved the 2 best universities in Boston, Northeastern and Boston. Of course I make the crack they're the 2 best because BC, Tufts, MIT, and Harvard arn't actually in Boston. :messenger_grinning: )


advanced basic bitch
I really hope Jeff Hardy doesn't bring back willow. That redneck goth shit was cringe in impact. I doubt it'll work in aew.


I really hope Jeff Hardy doesn't bring back willow. That redneck goth shit was cringe in impact. I doubt it'll work in aew.

I'm good with any change as long as it stops him from Swanton Bombing folk into retirement because his beat up ass can't land on it anymore. I cringe every time I see him just flat out all body weight crashes down directly into his opponents chest and rib cage. I thought he might have straight up killed Blade putting him through the table eating all of Hardy directly. Hoping they go with the Broken universe versions of them and let them just kind of pop up here and there. No need to have Hardys out there every single dynamite with this big roster.


Yeah Braun seems to have gone off the deep end. Dude probably thought he was gonna get some huge money from AEW, Impact, or maybe NJPW and nobody wanted him so he joined up with crazy EC3s backyard wrestling and is living the gimmick at this point. That or maybe that stiff shot from Brock them years ago knocked what little brains he had loose.


advanced basic bitch
I would have thought ec3 at least could have gone back to impact. I'm guessing he wanted more money than they could give him. Now he's doing this weird Tyler durden shit. I liked him best when he was the privileged nephew of Dixie Carter.


HE would have been a good choice to maybe fill a role like Brody in AEW. Build a faction around, but now I guess he is burning bridges.
I always figured he'd just go on to tv and movies playing character roles whenever they needed a big tough heavy for any action based property.(I mean how many guys are that big? Whenever you'd need someone you'd think he'd be on the short list.) Wonder if he messed up that opportunity or just didn't see it.
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I haven't had a chance to watch it but it's definitely one of the 3 things in the past week I really wanted to hear Corney talk about. (The others were of course the Sami Zayne match and the release of one of the Krack Kidz from NXT.)


Who thought it was a good idea to have Sammy win the TNT title again. 😐

This felt like prime Vince booking there. "He's got so much heat, put the belt on em'". This was dumb on so many levels, Sammy is already basically a heel, and they were FINALLY getting Scorpio Sky feeling relevant again after 2 years and they throw it all away so Sammy can be the annoying 3 time TNT champion and continue to drag his girlfriend down. I really enjoyed Tay before she became "arm candy" for Sammy. I'm sure it was sold this way to pair them together cause they wanted to work with each other, but it left Anna Jay in a horrible spot as they were a team, and now she only gets to be on Elevation teaming with Ruby for no apparent reason. Everyone in this feud to me looks worse off after this, and somehow Sammy continues to get rewarded when to me he has shown to be one of the least safe workers on their roster. Almost killed Matt that PPV, Page got wrecked with that stupid flippy shit to the outside. It's alot easier to catch a dude when they do a floaty cross body like Yuta, but 450 shit to the floor puts so much extra velocity on the fall, hopefully Ethan is ok...not that they use him for anything at all unfortunately. Sammy has taken over the Cody role there of me going to take a piss or find some food or just do something else during.

Naked Lunch

This felt like prime Vince booking there. "He's got so much heat, put the belt on em'". This was dumb on so many levels, Sammy is already basically a heel, and they were FINALLY getting Scorpio Sky feeling relevant again after 2 years and they throw it all away so Sammy can be the annoying 3 time TNT champion and continue to drag his girlfriend down. I really enjoyed Tay before she became "arm candy" for Sammy. I'm sure it was sold this way to pair them together cause they wanted to work with each other, but it left Anna Jay in a horrible spot as they were a team, and now she only gets to be on Elevation teaming with Ruby for no apparent reason. Everyone in this feud to me looks worse off after this, and somehow Sammy continues to get rewarded when to me he has shown to be one of the least safe workers on their roster. Almost killed Matt that PPV, Page got wrecked with that stupid flippy shit to the outside. It's alot easier to catch a dude when they do a floaty cross body like Yuta, but 450 shit to the floor puts so much extra velocity on the fall, hopefully Ethan is ok...not that they use him for anything at all unfortunately. Sammy has taken over the Cody role there of me going to take a piss or find some food or just do something else during.
Good points. Everyone ended up in a worse spot. Just a bad move.
Scorpio is easily one of the best wrestlers on the roster. Crazy they did him like that. Sammy had his time as TNT champ - move him to something else.


not tag worthy
THIS IS the worst title defence booking I have ever seen.

Or not I don’t know. I don’t run a wrestling company. Also I like Sammy’s blog.
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THIS IS the worst title defence booking I have ever seen.

Or not I don’t know. I don’t run a wrestling company. Also I like Sammy’s blog.
I'd just say that if anybody is planning on going to an AEW event and be easily visible on camera you should bring a sign that says "Redeem Us Miro - Crush Sammy"


Parody of actual AJUMP23
Miro coming back would be nice. He had a good thing going. I thought the Dan Lambert stuff was good too, especially when Paige stumbled over her words. Putting a belt on a heel is a good move, just not the move I wanted.
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