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Wrasslin' Thread 20XX |OT| New Age WrestleGAF


As far as Penelope goes, I think she was hurt and at this point may be being held back to redebut with whatever they are doing with Kip.

She's ok, who we truly need back in a bigger role is the Bunny. She's the only person to pull a decent match out of Jade and is heavily underutilized in that pathetic womens division that is AEW.


not tag worthy
Parker Bordeaux is signed to AEW

Wonder how good he is. Wasn’t he let go as he wasn’t ready ?

It’s nice to get new wrestlers but I worry they are going to push out the originals and home grown talent at this rate


NaughtyDog Defense Force
Hit Row is back, but they're just not the same without Swerve. I think they need to add a true leader to the mix.

Vince McMahon really thought Karrion Kross was better off in a gladiator suit without Scarlet? I wondered how Triple H was going to reverse the damage that was done to Karrion Kross' character by Vince, but everything appears to be working so far.


Hit Row is back, but they're just not the same without Swerve. I think they need to add a true leader to the mix.

Vince McMahon really thought Karrion Kross was better off in a gladiator suit without Scarlet? I wondered how Triple H was going to reverse the damage that was done to Karrion Kross' character by Vince, but everything appears to be working so far.
Aren't all of Hit Row really inexperienced? Just looking at their cagematch profiles, Ashante Adonis has had the most matches and he's only had 26. Top Dolla has had 4 and B-Fab has had 1. That's why having someone like Swerve with them was so important, he could cover for their lack of experience while they developed. Having them on TV without that seems like setting them up to fail.


not tag worthy
It was because he hadn't improved enough, but that was only over about a 6 month period.

Vince & co were just firing people for any old reason.
I shall keep a keen eye on diet brock lesnar then.

He isn’t destroyer of gods worthy as a tag yet. I hope he grows into a good role.

Now this, this has me hyped.
Wait he might be the trios partner for the bucks ?
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Parker Bordeaux is signed to AEW

Wonder how good he is. Wasn’t he let go as he wasn’t ready ?

It’s nice to get new wrestlers but I worry they are going to push out the originals and home grown talent at this rate

The Men's roster is so bloated right now, I wish TK would stop hiring these random nobodies and focus on what they've got right now. There's only so much you can fit for 3 hours a week on TV.

Next week on Rampage - Hook vs. Zack Clayton!


Naked Lunch

I tuned into WWE and - as someone said - the actual wrestling has been top class in many of the matches.
Just let the stories play out in the ring with clean finishes on top.
Gable vs zigler was incredible. As was Nakamura and Gunter.
Crazy how things can literally turn on a dime with a single change. Vince needed to go a long long time ago and everyone knew it.

I was bashing WWE a page back about their roster but getting back Kross and Scarlett - AND putting them right back in their NXT form (ignoring the gladiator garbo) - is a bigtime move out of the gate.
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Yup. No doubt Vince needed to go. I've actually watched the last two weeks even in spite of the insane camera cuts and in spite of those I've watched a lot more than I had in years. I used to take like 15 minutes fast forwarding through the shows and now I'm actually taking time to watch stuff. Last raw took me an hour to watch. It can only go up from here.
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Am I the only one to believe that McMahon still calls some of the shots, if not all, through baby girl and son in law?
I imagine he's always going to have some kind of indirect influence, his opinion on people is probably still going to impact who does and doesn't get pushed. But I don't think it's the case that HHH is just a figurehead for creative. He's clearly doing stuff that Vince wouldn't. So there's at least some kind of independence there. Stuff like bringing back Lumis and Kross makes me feel like he's perhaps not the complete saviour of WWE like some seem to be treating him as but there does seem to be an improvement.


not tag worthy

Episode 7 Movie GIF by Star Wars


not tag worthy
BTE Kenny is coming back.
Obvious hints to Kenny in trios by what the bucks are wearing.
Then at the end you hear a little second of his song
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Naked Lunch

Kenny Omega has returned. He botched his first move. And everyone knew it.
You think so? I kinda took the whole performance as his new 'wounded wrestler' character. Kenny is just on another level.
Glad to see him back but I would have preferred a bigger role/moment for his return. The "North Carolina" bit in all his intros just kills me.

The Mexican dude botched the fly into stands bit and kicked a little girl in the face in the front row. You could hear her scream "Mommy!"
No clue what they were thinking with that bit.

Garcia/Danielson match was top notch - bordering into straight up college/olympic wrestling style in spots. The crowd getting behind Garcia and the 'youre a wrestler chant' by the crowd was really cool.

Cant stand mox or punk but cool to see thats a tv match next week - i wonder what the main event will be for the ppv a week or so later then? MJF return please?
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Naked Lunch

Naked Lunch Naked Lunch it was bad enough that the commentators all reacted to the move.
I seriously think it was all part of the show. Look at the Terminator dive - he never launched - always pulled at his knee. The slo mo, barely lifted the guy - half of a one winged angel finish.

Big name wrestlers who return after a long break always come back looking invincible and unstoppable. This is completely different - broken flawed, hes injured but also using it as a storyline - and just highlights what a brilliant storyteller the dude is.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
I seriously think it was all part of the show. Look at the Terminator dive - he never launched - always pulled at his knee. The slo mo, barely lifted the guy - half of a one winged angel finish.

Big name wrestlers who return after a long break always come back looking invincible and unstoppable. This is completely different - broken flawed, hes injured but also using it as a storyline - and just highlights what a brilliant storyteller the dude is.
He and the red lucha did say some things after the one winged angel was sloppy. That looked purposeful the sloppy finisher. But we will see how he progresses as the broken omega.


Was happy for the Kenny return, I'm ok with the he's not 100% and having him be vulnerable for a while to keep him out of the main event singles picture for the time being. I do think they kind of ruined what should have been a huge reaction all at once with the stupid overly long Justin Roberts intro. I think that moment should have simply been the Bucks telling Cutler he wouldn't be needed and Kennys music hitting to giant ovation, the Roberts overly done intro is just that, it needs to go away. Let him be a natural babyface, distance Don from them and let him work himself back up the ladder.

I don't know what the plan is with the titles, other then there is 0 percent chance we get a finish and it will just be Mox/Punk at the PPV with there likely being Punk making the turn (Since Moxley has yet to be beat cleanly in his whole 4 losses there). I'm sure we are near a MJF return with the Pinnacle reference, and I couldn't care less. He's a better talker then the Miz, and just as average a wrestler so not really something I give to craps about coming back into the main event scene. Especially story wise he lost his last two matches to Punk and Wardlow.

You have a main event scene that should be out of this world, but having to force Mox and Page back in when they should be on the outskirts of the title scene is gross. You've got Kenny back, Danielson back (Who should dethrone Punk), Claudio there now, as well as old head Jericho who can still tell great stories. I don't need BLoody Mox and his trash hardcore shit.

Never thought I'd be more excited for a WWE PPV then AEW, but I think I'm there. Cause Trips is willing to push the guys that the fans want and not who he wants to push like Khan. I mean, we just had a rampage built around pushing whatever Daivaris group is just so they can lose to Orange Juice who never loses...jeez, why aren't people watching Rampage?


advanced basic bitch
Saw some rumor that cm punk might not be happy at all in aew and is thinking about quitting? Why? What more does he want?


Saw some rumor that cm punk might not be happy at all in aew and is thinking about quitting? Why? What more does he want?
(Sarcasm = on)
Wait a minute. So you're telling me a guy that worked at TNA, RoH, and WWE and being disgruntled at all 3 for how he was used might be disgruntled at how he's being used at AEW? Who could have predicted that?
(sarcasm = off)


Saw some rumor that cm punk might not be happy at all in aew and is thinking about quitting? Why? What more does he want?

The only thing if that were true I could figure, is maybe he expected something like WWE without the politics and sees a lockerroom of jobbers getting tv time over quality performers. I think it’s more likely stuff is getting floated to keep the boat turning towards his heel turn and he can become interesting again.

It really sounds like there are a lot of unhappy folks in AEW at the moment, so wouldn’t shock me if he’s feeling the negative vibes from others and it’s rubbing off on him. The current product and stories imo are awful. He should have just been stripped of the belt, a proper tourney set up so we didn’t have this awful mox stuff, but TK is spread too thin with trying to run two companies and only 2 hours of meaningful tv and an hour of trash on Friday


I think TK is eating this shit up. Drama over Colt Cabana? Dude brings nothing to the table and Dark Order needed to break up a year ago already. Who the fuck wouldn't let Cabana expire if it means you get Punk? One guy brings eyes, tons of merch sales and an aura, the other guy is a fat jobber that people like...

As far as WWE goes, I think HHH has grown up enough to bury the hatchet if Punk were to somehow be let loose (Unlikely since this is the guy Khan wanted to build AEW around in the first place). I think this whole thing is to drum up conversation and interest in a company that has been rapidly becoming what WWE was and that's something you put on in the background while you do other things instead of must see. They are beginning to near the timeline for contract negotiations and they need to pump up viewers, and what better way then some internal drama shit.


I think TK is eating this shit up. Drama over Colt Cabana? Dude brings nothing to the table and Dark Order needed to break up a year ago already. Who the fuck wouldn't let Cabana expire if it means you get Punk? One guy brings eyes, tons of merch sales and an aura, the other guy is a fat jobber that people like...

As far as WWE goes, I think HHH has grown up enough to bury the hatchet if Punk were to somehow be let loose (Unlikely since this is the guy Khan wanted to build AEW around in the first place). I think this whole thing is to drum up conversation and interest in a company that has been rapidly becoming what WWE was and that's something you put on in the background while you do other things instead of must see. They are beginning to near the timeline for contract negotiations and they need to pump up viewers, and what better way then some internal drama shit.

As I remember it HHH spent around 6 months after Punk left trying to convince him to come back before he gave up. If there were any hard feelings they were long over by 2014. (And from what I understand the wrist tape story isn't HHH/HBK, it's Tony Atlas.) As for Cabana I don't know what it is but fanboys of RoH have some hard on for the guy that I totally don't understand. (But Tony K comes across as a RoH fanboy from the 2000's so I could see that he might want Cabana around.)


As I remember it HHH spent around 6 months after Punk left trying to convince him to come back before he gave up. If there were any hard feelings they were long over by 2014. (And from what I understand the wrist tape story isn't HHH/HBK, it's Tony Atlas.) As for Cabana I don't know what it is but fanboys of RoH have some hard on for the guy that I totally don't understand. (But Tony K comes across as a RoH fanboy from the 2000's so I could see that he might want Cabana around.)

Yeah I don't get what the idea for new RoH is gonna be, keep guys around that create buzz or are interesting like Dalton Castle and sprinkle in the Danhausens, but the rest should be filled in with the good midcard guys from AEW who don't get TV time not castoffs from the failed RoH runs. TK needs to stop running his shit like a fanboy and use some of the forty ex WWE guys in the back that he wanted to give checks to to help out with filtering bad ideas out (OC, Sunny Kiss, Ass Boys on TV every week).

Naked Lunch

Fuck CM Punk. He shouldnt be champ - should never even been in the championship picture. He was made champ in less than a year and beats everyone - even though he's not that great in the ring and is slow as molasses. They rolled the red carpet out for him. Probably stalled lots of other AEW up and comers in the process. And now he's fussin and wants to quit?

He needed to put over the younger wrestlers and do some 'dream match' kinda stuff around the roster and thru the other promotions.

If anything - Bryan Danielson should have been the champ since Kenny took a break - not punk.
Kenny vs Bryan was still the best match in AEW so far - that was so hype - the crowd was so loud.
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This is why you can't run a promotion as a fanboy. TK uses random people HE likes, just like Vince but you sell AEW as this greener pasture to the WWE guys who should have but didn't get pushes and then sit on the sideline not being used while OC and Best Friends are out there every week. I mean they have a pisspoor womens division, and they still insist on trotting Jade out there as Goldberg with the same level of greenness that he had instead of having her lose to somebody and keep training on Dark/DE.

Saw some report about TK and Punk having a meeting before Dynamite, they need to be careful with all these "works". The dudes in the back don't enjoy being worked, and I think this is all a big one to get Punk some nuclear heel heat. They are trying to get that Bret/HBK level of these guys hate eachother going with Punk/Page...Problem is that neither guy is at that level to care enough about. I enjoy Punk alot, but he's been here for a hot minute. Since we got us an old school fanboy running shit, maybe we are on the verge of a Hogan style NWO stable turn with Punk leaning into the heel role better then Hogan.

Back to my first point, things haven't been roses there for the last few months, very little of that is due to Punk who's been gone. Shit booking has hurt alot of talent, and the refusal to give up on bad champions just hurts your product. Rosa is a dud, she's awful. Page was terrible and held the belt for months past when he should have dropped it (Bryan II), TNT belt has been trash for at least a year, and does anybody actually get excited for Swerve in your Glory?

I laughed more about the tweet TK put out about people bitching about the dudes he's pushed that supposedly nobody wanted that worked out bringing up Acclaimed, 2.0/Garcia, and Ass Boys. Anybody with a brain knew the Acclaimed had star power all over them with Bowens the athlete and Max being there, 2.0 weren't doing shit til JAS and got no reactions despite being on TV every week, Garcia got the benefit of working against stars to help elevate him but again, anybody could have seen the talent there. And Ass Boys? I still don't want to see them...they are awful in the ring and only have crowd reactions thanks to Danhausen (Who loses every match, you know like OC should).


I tuned in last Friday saw Sonny Kiss on Rampage and then tuned out. Didn't bother with Dynamite or Rampage this week. Quite frankly CM Punk bores me. A total fake tough guy exposed in UFC. Also, too many fucking titles now. Triples, Tag-Team, TV, North American, etc.


advanced basic bitch
Is Jeff Jarret really going to try and start ANOTHER promotion? The third time is the charm I guess. TNA, Global Force, and now whatever with Conrad? Oh yeah, he also did that Ring ka King thing in India for a cup of coffee.
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