Man, the older I get and the years I've watched wrestling I just don't see it the same way most folks do it seems. SquaredCircle is jerking eachother off all over the place over what I thought was a pretty average PPV.
Preshow Match - I legit would have fell asleep had I not been eating dinner. I don't get why Serena is their champ right now, but she's just too old and generic for me to care about her in AEW.
Omega/Page - Seemed fine, not gonna lie I was watching the Presidental speech while watching this. This is the Kenny we should have had the first year of AEW. But SC is already drooling over Kenny beating Mox so Midcard Adam Yawn can be the first dude to kick out of the OWA and become champ. I get that Page is young and has potential, but I see nothing in him that makes me think he belongs anywhere near the main event yet. I don't overly care for his in ring work, and being an alcoholic is not a character. SCSA would have never been a star on drinking alone, he was a top of the company level promo and caught fire fighting the boss. You can't recreate that, and I don't think Page is anywhere near those levels of promo. 2-3 years in the midcard is still needed to build him into a full character/worker.
OJ/Little Big Dude - I legit hate OC, I don't get it...and the fact that he has a winning record should be seen as an embarrassment. This is a dude I'm fine with popping up in a battle royale or something dumb, but he is featured WAY to much for the talent here. I don't get the little DO guy, like his whole personality is he's like 4 feet tall and has muscles?
HHH/Darby - Still was watching President, match seemed boring to me. Cody dominates most of the match and loses to a fucking rollup? Cause you can't just put Darby over strong, you have to dominate and toy with him until he fluke wins? Fuck Cody, I can't wait to look back and see his AEW run being even more self serving then any time of the HHH/Cena awful eras. This story was easy to tell and they didn't bother. Darby in the first encounters came closer and closer, and this should have been built up for more then a couple weeks about him finally overcoming this hurdle and doing it legit, not with a rollup. SC seems to love saying how Cody "elevates" all these guys...who all go on to do nothing after their feuds with him, and yet when Cena/HHH were doing the same thing they were burying folk.
Shida/Rose - FFS, this match was also getting big praise...and honestly this was one of the worst womens matches I've seen in a long time...and I watch DYNAMITE. I love Shida, but Rose is like Nia Jax levels of bad, her athleticism carries her through spots that someone like Jax would botch, you don't praise that. Had she not been born and lived much of her life as a male she would not have the ability to save some of these awful attempted spots. I hope these two never wrestle again. Rose is just too large for the womens roster they have, so she either needs to dominate and draw real heel heat or just be left on Dark.
YB/FTR - Match of the night, easily. I still do not overly enjoy the Bucks cause they just don't have the ring psychology that FTR does. Too many spots while they should be selling, and just forget for stretches. Hardwood sold his hand injury brilliantly the entire match, and honestly AEW hasn't done much with FTR yet and I forgot just how good they are on a big stage and without Tully out there. Wish they'd ditch that, cause they don't need him. Just cause Cody needs an old guy and 35 other ex WWE guys in his family doesn't mean they need him. So many things happened, the callbacks to other teams were cool. DIY, 3D, Hardy spots were all fun. Ending was mostly good, Cash trying a flip and losing cause of it was good, not sure I liked the superkick finish with what should have been a busted foot, but that might be my YB nitpicking.
Hardy/Sammi - Had no interest going in, but it got more fun after a while. Still probably the weakest of the Hardy movie matches. Fun throwbacks with Hurricane and Gangrel, for the love of god never have these two wrestle again.
MJF/Y2J - Eh, not great, probably barely ok. Decent ending but I hate to say it, it may be time for Jericho to hang em up.
Main Event - For the love of god get the belt of Mox, he's beyond boring at this point. Hardcore matches feel like they are getting way to common because of him, and that shit was already overdone a decade ago. Watching all the promo packages before the match and Eddies journey had me pulling for him like nothing before. They built him up as the babyface and then after all the fire he quits? I'm told this way good by the measures of hardcore matches so I guess I'll take it at that. Mox needs to drop the belt, it's been way too long with nothing memorable happening with him as champ.
Overall it was good, I don't think it's the best AEW PPV of all time like SC is saying. Cheers