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Wrestlemania XXX Week |OT| We are all legit shook

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Trojan X


I always wondered how solid those cube things were. Found out.

In true honesty, that looked horribly painful.
It's a quarter to 4 am. I can't sleep at all. This is the first time an event has ever done this to me. This was really the culmination for the pipe bomb if I wanna sound a bit ridiculous. And it took Punk to legit leave for it to happen.
surprised Orton didn't break his back during that power RKO bomb , was sick though B^)

everyone is still shook over the undertaker losing, its crazy haha


I bet he retires tonight :(


surprised Orton didn't break his back during that power RKO bomb , was sick though B^)

everyone is still shook over the undertaker losing, its crazy haha


I bet he retires tonight :(

Yeah, hope the show starts with Bryan at least. Undertaker opening the show with that announcement would drain them too much.

Hell, if Taker is doing a retirement spot, he should close the show after letting Bryan and Brock have their moments. He's earned that.


Hours later, I'm still legit shook. Undertaker's been my favorite wrestler since I was a child. He was the reason I kept tuning in every Friday during his Smackdown days. Hell, for a while, I sought to be a wrestler one day and he was the reason I wanted to be one. I knew the streak would end one day. I just imagine Taker would put a younger (full-time) talent over. No disrespect to Brock, but his match with Taker didn't deserved that finish.
I always thought it'd be a young guy too. Taker has always been about the business and has put a lot of dudes over, it's weird unless there are big plans for brock.


I don't even mind the streak being broken I really just have an issue with it being Brock. Brock is cool and all but like I said just a part timer. I would have rather seen someone like Cesaro or Bryan beat the streak so it could mean something for their careers. Brock is always a big deal no matter what because he is a rare attraction.
I was just thinking that Vince or someone from WWE should leak a story that Brock ending the streak was a part of his contract. As ridiculous as it sounds there's plenty of "smart" marks that would believe it and run with it.

I think it's less that and more people being still stuck in the Monday Night War mindset. You can see it not only in the booking, but also on the Roundtables where Hayes/JR/other people who worked for WWE during that period will constantly shit on WCW like the war is still going on. The mindset never changed even when the war was over. It's some Putin shit going on. It's why the midcards are full on interchangable jobbers and they blow through main event PPV matches on Raw 13 years after WCW died and they have no competition. After 2002, they should have slowly trained the audience to get used to jobber matches and main eventers only wrestling on TV every few weeks if that. They took a few years to train the audience to get used to the slower and safer ring style. They should have and still can do that with the booking style as well.

There was a time when I never thought I'd say it, but I've wished they'd bring back jobbers outside of the occasional indy guy squash for at least ten years now and agree with everything else here.

I don't even mind the streak being broken I really just have an issue with it being Brock. Brock is cool and all but like I said just a part timer. I would have rather seen someone like Cesaro or Bryan beat the streak so it could mean something for their careers. Brock is always a big deal no matter what because he is a rare attraction.

Only a heel could end the streak and even still the person who did it would always have a stigma attached to them and that person would have to at the very least have a Hogan, Austin or Rock like level career to in the end be considered worthy of it and that really do any them any favors.


Just watched the crowd after Brock got the pin. I've never heard a collective gasp like that. I'm surprised New Orleans even had any oxygen left.


Overall though I think this WM turned out better than I expected.

Maybe the Shield squash could have been pre show and the tag match on the real show.
Just watched the crowd after Brock got the pin. I've never heard a collective gasp like that. I'm surprised New Orleans even had any oxygen left.

It looked like a botch at first to me, like Taker had forgotten/couldn't kick out or Heyman had done something that would require the match to be restarted. I had lost interest in the match so I wasn't really paying attention. Overall pretty weak way to end a streak like that.
I don't even mind the streak being broken I really just have an issue with it being Brock. Brock is cool and all but like I said just a part timer. I would have rather seen someone like Cesaro or Bryan beat the streak so it could mean something for their careers. Brock is always a big deal no matter what because he is a rare attraction.
Cesaro is just not ready for that responsibility, I feel like he'd crumble under that weight, same for guys like Reigns and Bray.

Bryan would instantly turn into a heel and that's not good for "the ultimate underdog".

Brock is one of the very very few guys where the heavy weight of breaking the streak won't be a constant hamper on his career.

As we saw in his match tonight it was now or never for the streak to be broken.


For the start of a new era, with old stars putting over younger ones, and the current established stars looking strong....this was a good start. I'm actually ok with Cena going over Bray btw. He's not an attitude era star so I wouldn't say that he should have put Bray over along with everyone else putting over new talent. The Wyatt Family and especially Bray looked strong, like he gave Cena a run....and the feud can continue on that. Cena going over just means that he's still going to be around in this new era. He didn't bury Bray or the Wyatt Family, he just won.

It's where they go from here that matters.....what do they do with these newly established stars, rising talent and the emerging new era? I'm looking forward to the inevitable Bryan vs Brock, feud, and Cesaro getting his time. I can't wait to see who gets called up from NXT, a few names are ready. It's a damn good time to be a wrestling fan.


Good lord, the plants and WWE just doesn't give a fuck anymore if anyone notices.

Shocked he lost but not upset, Taker's wanted to end the streak for years now and I think it was definitely time, it's cool and all be but despite his first name, Mark isn't a mark hung up on a pretend streak. The only thing I wish was that Brock could've pulled out an SSP to end it, it would've added to an already surprising and stronger outcome. Of course that's assuming Brock in 2014 could still actually pull it off though I guess nearly killing himself did make Brock never want to try it again anyway.

This allows for the Sting match (if it happens, as sad as it may turn out) to be built on the story of the WCW Icon vs the WWE Icon finally facing each other without being weighed down by the streak nonsense that would completely write off Sting having any chance and potentially allow it to be more interesting. That is if the match is actually happening next year of course.

Shield winning by squash, not unexpected and I'm not mad. Do wish they'd tone down with Reigns wankfest.

Cena winning was IMO the worst ending of the night but gotta keep the kiddies happy. Cena shouldn't have won that match, regardless of the storyline continuing. You don't build stories where the face decisively goes over the heel cleaning from the start. You just don't.

The battle royal, I expected Rusev to be added and win it after they took Cesaro out but then they put him back in and no Rusev so I knew he was going to win. Good on Cesaro that it's another sign that his time is coming.

I skipped through much of the Divas cluster fuck AJ winning seemed like an expected conclusion though I had a feeling they'd actually pull the trigger on her losing it to a Total Diva without being the one pinned. Tomorrow though she's probably dropping it to a Total Diva, Summer Rae makes sense to me, if not tomorrow probably soon. Hope that'll eventually lead to Paige getting on the main show with the anti-Diva schtick.

DB beating Triple H and winning the title, predictable but needed to happen, a great moment that maybe was a touch deflated after the shocking end to the streak, I imagine Orton felt pretty shitty after that match after hitting that monitor. Going to see how things go from here with Bryan. Stephanie's suit/short, tight skirt (or shorts, whatever) was a total sexy boss fantasy outfit, straight up Brazzers shit. Gat damn sweet baby Jeebus!

Good show overall but holy hell do I wish the announce team would be revamped if not outright replaced JBL has been such a shit heel color guy pretty much since he came back, Cole is Cole and Cole is a condescending puppet who has only sounded sincere one time in 15 years and that was after Lawler nearly dropped dead next to him and speaking of Lawler, he hasn't given a fuck since 2000. Sure a fair bit of it is crap Vince, Dunn or someone else in the back is feeding them but it's not been working for years now. Besides that it did once again highlight one of my bigger pet peeves in recent years. The amount of false finishes was again ridiculous and happening way too damn much, especially after finishers. They really need to get away from using it, especially when it occurs several times in the night in various matches.

I'm so glad that someone else noticed how truly awful the commentary was last night. I don't know how Vince or HHH could have watched and listened to that and not been screaming "Say something! Be real! Show me some passion!" I had so many lines running through my mind during so many of Mania's moments. It's probably different being there live, but dammit...the commentary team felt completely lifeless for much of the night, or just BORING.

Also agree about the false finishes. It's the "thing" right now. I was so annoyed when Cena kicked out of Sister Abigail.


Man, how awesome was The Wyatts' entrance last night? The buzzard masks were incredibly cool. I just...wish Cena had taken the loss to complete Bray's awesome night. But nope...he kicked out of Bray's finisher and beat him cleanly. Clean as a whistle. Fuck off. #smarkrage

Trojan X

Man, how awesome was The Wyatts' entrance last night? The buzzard masks were incredibly cool. I just...wish Cena had taken the loss to complete Bray's awesome night. But nope...he kicked out of Bray's finisher and beat him cleanly. Clean as a whistle. Fuck off. #smarkrage

The crowd cracked me up, "He got the WHOOOOLE WORLD, IN HIS HAND!!" *repeat*


It's been said, but any grown man wearing a Cena shirt, unless it's for their kids, has something wrong with them.

Can we also agree that a grown man wearing Ziggler's "You Wish You Could Pull This Off" also needs to re-evaluate themselves a bit?
I'm so glad that someone else noticed how truly awful the commentary was last night. I don't know how Vince or HHH could have watched and listened to that and not been screaming "Say something! Be real! Show me some passion!" I had so many lines running through my mind during so many of Mania's moments. It's probably different being there live, but dammit...the commentary team felt completely lifeless for much of the night, or just BORING.

Also agree about the false finishes. It's the "thing" right now. I was so annoyed when Cena kicked out of Sister Abigail.

I kind of like it, at least, once a year. At mania, until the two wrestlers have kicked out of each other's finishers, the match isn't ending. Once that's happened, that's when I hit the edge of my seat.

And the one prop I'll give JBL was his commentary during the Undertaker match. He was selling the Undertaker's days as over, hard, throughout the match, which is the sort of stuff they wouldn't normally do if taker was going to lose. It had me convinced the streak was going to continue.

Brock was the right guy, imho. A legit previous UFC champion, a guy you just have to look at to believe he could win, and a really good heel. He's about as credible a guy as there is in the WWE. Losing to Brock in a close fought match at an elevated age, makes Mark look good even as the streak ends.


but ever so delicious
I can only hope undertaker wasn't taken to hospital for anything too serious. Considering Vince and Brock followed in a car though, lets hope he didn't totally destroy himself.
*Someone* must have thought about calling an audible there and telling Cena to whack him with the chair. That was half a classic WM moment.

I was really pissed he didn't use the chair, then he went and hugged that kid in the audience and I was reminded that he can't change his character because that would destroy those kids. It's a shame too, because he's capable of more than that, but he'll never be allowed to betray those kids, even if he wanted to.
I'm so glad that someone else noticed how truly awful the commentary was last night. I don't know how Vince or HHH could have watched and listened to that and not been screaming "Say something! Be real! Show me some passion!" I had so many lines running through my mind during so many of Mania's moments. It's probably different being there live, but dammit...the commentary team felt completely lifeless for much of the night, or just BORING.

Also agree about the false finishes. It's the "thing" right now. I was so annoyed when Cena kicked out of Sister Abigail.
It's not really the thing right now. It's just the thing at wrestlemania and has been there for awhile.
Cena nailing Bray with a chair, just once, and Wyatt laid out on his back sem-consciously laughing while Cena looks at the chair realizing what he did. Selling it as "oh my gawd, what have I done" in only the way Cena can (super hammy) would have been a way more interesting twist to the entire thing.


It really was a good event. Best thing about it imo was HHH and Bryan kicking off the show so early after the Rock/Austin/Hogan bit. HHH entrance and the match itself was really good.

As for the people who are legit shook about Taker streak ending..I said earlier in the week that the streak needs to come to an end or Taker should retire. Watching him wrestle is just not fun anymore. Just watch how he throws a punch and you can tell he is an old timer who has given it up. Compare to the way taker used to throw a punch in his prime. People keep demanding he fights at mania every year and he probably doesn't want to so he lost. Now he can rest in peace :p

The worst part of the event was definitely Cena winning. If it wasn't for Bray that match would have been completely unwatchable. People just don't give a fuck about Cena anymore. He should have stuck with that fake leg injury from couple weeks ago and skipped out on the event entirely.


You know last night they pretty much brought out all of the wrestling 101 "How to book an underdog champion" tricks, right?

1) Bryan went into the match after not fully recovering from an injury

2) Bryan was injured further by Triple H after winning

3) they showed Bryan backstage with a doctor

4) Bryan worked the main event injured, and sold it well

5) His two opponents teamed up to take him out, focusing on the injury

6) He came back after being stretchered out from ringside

About the only other thing they could have done was sent Bryan to the hospital and have him come out mid-match while Batista and Orton were going one on one, but THAT would have caused a lot of fans to leave the arena.


Good lord, the plants and WWE just doesn't give a fuck anymore if anyone notices.

Shocked he lost but not upset, Taker's wanted to end the streak for years now and I think it was definitely time, it's cool and all be but despite his first name, Mark isn't a mark hung up on a pretend streak. The only thing I wish was that Brock could've pulled out an SSP to end it, it would've added to an already surprising and stronger outcome. Of course that's assuming Brock in 2014 could still actually pull it off though I guess nearly killing himself did make Brock never want to try it again anyway.

This allows for the Sting match (if it happens, as sad as it may turn out) to be built on the story of the WCW Icon vs the WWE Icon finally facing each other without being weighed down by the streak nonsense that would completely write off Sting having any chance and potentially allow it to be more interesting. That is if the match is actually happening next year of course.

Shield winning by squash, not unexpected and I'm not mad. Do wish they'd tone down with Reigns wankfest.

Cena winning was IMO the worst ending of the night but gotta keep the kiddies happy. Cena shouldn't have won that match, regardless of the storyline continuing. You don't build stories where the face decisively goes over the heel cleaning from the start. You just don't.

The battle royal, I expected Rusev to be added and win it after they took Cesaro out but then they put him back in and no Rusev so I knew he was going to win. Good on Cesaro that it's another sign that his time is coming.

I skipped through much of the Divas cluster fuck AJ winning seemed like an expected conclusion though I had a feeling they'd actually pull the trigger on her losing it to a Total Diva without being the one pinned. Tomorrow though she's probably dropping it to a Total Diva, Summer Rae makes sense to me, if not tomorrow probably soon. Hope that'll eventually lead to Paige getting on the main show with the anti-Diva schtick.

DB beating Triple H and winning the title, predictable but needed to happen, a great moment that maybe was a touch deflated after the shocking end to the streak, I imagine Orton felt pretty shitty after that match after hitting that monitor. Going to see how things go from here with Bryan. Stephanie's suit/short, tight skirt (or shorts, whatever) was a total sexy boss fantasy outfit, straight up Brazzers shit. Gat damn sweet baby Jeebus!

Good show overall but holy hell do I wish the announce team would be revamped if not outright replaced JBL has been such a shit heel color guy pretty much since he came back, Cole is Cole and Cole is a condescending puppet who has only sounded sincere one time in 15 years and that was after Lawler nearly dropped dead next to him and speaking of Lawler, he hasn't given a fuck since 2000. Sure a fair bit of it is crap Vince, Dunn or someone else in the back is feeding them but it's not been working for years now. Besides that it did once again highlight one of my bigger pet peeves in recent years. The amount of false finishes was again ridiculous and happening way too damn much, especially after finishers. They really need to get away from using it, especially when it occurs several times in the night in various matches.

I really doubt those were plants. The STREAK just ended. I'm pretty sure everyone watching on PPV had the same faces, let alone the people in the arena.


You know last night they pretty much brought out all of the wrestling 101 "How to book an underdog champion" tricks, right?

1) Bryan went into the match after not fully recovering from an injury

2) Bryan was injured further by Triple H after winning

3) they showed Bryan backstage with a doctor

4) Bryan worked the main event injured, and sold it well

5) His two opponents teamed up to take him out, focusing on the injury

6) He came back after being stretchered out from ringside

About the only other thing they could have done was sent Bryan to the hospital and have him come out mid-match while Batista and Orton were going one on one, but THAT would have caused a lot of fans to leave the arena.

I think HHH should have beat him enough to go to hospital after the first match, then had him come out to his music the second time of asking.

I really doubt those were plants. The STREAK just ended. I'm pretty sure everyone watching on PPV had the same faces, let alone the people in the arena.

Yup. Dunno what I looked like, but I'm happy I wasn't being filmed.

BHZ Mayor

Having Cena and HHH beat him made no fucking sense at all. He should still be undefeated since his return. I think they easily could have turned beating Brock into something as special as breaking the streak had they not had him lose his first match back. And then lose to HHH at WM last year. You watch Brock/Cena and Brock/Punk and you see that Brock is a special performer. A guy that could have taken up Undertaker's mantle (who himself took up Andre's mantel). They could have been building for Brock vs Taker for the past 2 years. It didn't have to be an in your face build. Taker still could have done the thing with HHH and Punk. But an underlying feud of "Brock already took out HHH, Cena, and Punk. Taker had beaten everyone. They are on a collision course" kind of thing. The fact that they had him lose 2 out of his first 3 matches back is really hard to believe. Especially to guys who would gain absolutely nothing from it.

Even with how it currently was, they still could have used the fact that Taker never beat Brock one on one as build and it would have at least been something.


Agreed on all accounts that commentary was DOGSHIT, all night. From the first match to about 90 seconds before the end of the broadcast. Cole alone finally tried to infuse some excitement and passion into the commentary after Bryan won the title, but the rest of the night, including Bryan beating HHH clean, a WM III homage with Cesaro, Bray performing like a true star, THE STREAK ENDING, all we got was:

"...yeah...stuff is happening....this is very serious now....very....serious.....FARMANIMALGOATSHEEPTROLLOGREGARDEGNOMEMAGGLE....oh no...the Streak is down....look at that..."


I really doubt those were plants. The STREAK just ended. I'm pretty sure everyone watching on PPV had the same faces, let alone the people in the arena.

I had the same reaction. Even my girlfriend was stunned. Undertaker is her favorite.


I really thought the ref fucked up the count or something last night.. then I realized that the WWE would have improvised if that actually happened.

I agree with those who said that this was an FU to Punk.
Is WWE still pretty PG ? What age would you start letting a couple of boys watch it ?

It is still PG. If you're happy with them watching stuff like power rangers or whatever the kids are into these days it's basically the same. I'd maybe not let younger kids watch on their own though.


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