The Streak was one of those things you thought would never end. Whether Taker retired on it one year, took a year off or whatever.....I thought it would never end. Every year it has provided me with suspense and nearly every year has succeeded in making me question just a little if Undertaker could be beaten...but he never was. When they beat him last night, I was deflated a bit. The Streak has been around for as long as I have been a fan. It's kind of weird actually going forward without it. Should it have been Brock Lesnar? He's as good as anyone they could pick for that I guess, because nobody would have been perfect. If there is a bright side to this, now the rumored Undertaker vs Sting match can happen on even grounds. Two supernatural legends going at it, for one final match for the both of them. A real Wrestlemania dream match with nothing on the line but legacies.
Am I ok with The Streak being broken? I'll tell you when I'm no longer legit shook. For now though, wrestling got and thousands in the Superdome and millions watching everywhere. I like that....even if it had to come at the expense of something I have grown up with.