Does anyone have the name of the song from the Bryan/HHH video package?
Austin and Punk naturally have a rivalry with how their characters are. Even WWE All-Stars mentioned it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYaRzfbiWb0
Austin vs Punk was probably the highlight of the night.
Thread marked out pretty hard
I don't think it was a meltdown on here. More of a 'what just happened'
Now on the rest of the internet? Supreme meltdown 'I'll never watch again' levels. Which we know how wrestling fans are about that.
Austin vs Punk was probably the highlight of the night.
Thread marked out pretty hard
The best part are the people behind on the stream commenting the match while everybody is shocked as hell.
A kick out? Fucking really? GET THIS OVER WITH.
We need a raw pre show. After last night, no one can wait to see what's going to happen. All I know is that I'm going to take another nap after eating lol.
Wyatt was fantastic in his match. I didn't get the finish at all. They were probably going for some kind of thing where Cena ended up not having to be a monster to win? What's the point in that?
John Cena apologizes to you, the fan, for losing his cool.It made no sense because the things that would have made Cena a monster last night (hitting Bray with the steps and a chair), are things he's done in bullshit feuds and didn't feel conflicted about it. Dude pulled back and acted shocked because...he was punching Bray. PUNCHING. Not even viciously, just kind of on top of him throwing punches like people do in just about every match.
oh I thought they had a match
EDIT: wow that video is from 2011
yeah right this guy isn't as strong as hogans slam, let alone the king goldberg.
look at his joints shiver side to side.
look at the flopping for dear life onto the ropes as his legs were already blown up.
Oh, okay, so the storyline is John Cena lost his cool and therefore he could win the match? Giving Bray the psychological win? It just came across as giving the kids a Cena win.
Was that actually shown at Wrestlemania? Hahaha!
yeah right this guy isn't as strong as hogans slam, let alone the king goldberg.
look at his joints shiver side to side.
look at the flopping for dear life onto the ropes as his legs were already blown up.
... there is a raw preshow
Oh, okay, so the storyline is John Cena lost his cool and therefore he could win the match? Giving Bray the psychological win? It just came across as giving the kids a Cena win.
If John Cena punching a guy is losing his cool, I'd hate to see what "destroying his legacy" is. Maybe it's his music not playing after a WM match.
It's okay Cena, I forgive you.
Worst character in pro wrestling right now.
When you think about how the night went. Cena really was the sore thumb in it all.
Even the Triple shovel took a loss last night.
It happened already when he lost to the Rock. He had to suffer the worst year of his career where he immediately beat the guy who ended Taker's streak and main evented every PPV despite not being champ.
"I lost my cool there for a second! Phew! Sorry about that, kids! I still took the high road in the end, though! Do as I do!"
I almost want The Wyatts to get buried now just to add to the Cena hate fuel.
I'm not stupid and know they're still stars, but I -really- detested that ending last night.
Jeeeeezzzzzzzzus what a fucking dope. I thought the whole story was that Cena DIDN'T lose his cool and that's why he won. That sure seemed to be the story that the announcing and in ring stuff was telling. But the actual story was the he really did lose his cool because...he punched a dude? How the fuck can anyone take a wrestler seriously who can't even strike another wrestler? Of all the lame shit Cena has done/said over the years, that interview might the the more cornball shit I've ever heard.
That ending last night buried the Wyatt's way more than HHH has ever buried anyone.
In a world where Fandango and Eva Marie exist? Hardly.
That ending last night buried the Wyatt's way more than HHH has ever buried anyone.
the way Bray said "FINISH ME!" makes me think that Cena's winning in the end, except Bray winning psychologically making him realize the monster he is.
Open hand strikes man. There are rules (which no one talks about anymore)