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Writing-GAF: Writing, Publishing, Selling |OT|


I think I'm pretty much done with editing my first novel. It took me a little over two months and my only real concern is that I didn't feel like cutting too much content. Right now it's still at like 119K words (first draft was 120K) and it will probably stay there. It's also great to see some first responses from actual readers. And of course, their favourite character is totally the one I thought was the weakest, and their favourite chapters are the ones I thought were the riskiest. All I can say, it's been fun so far. Now the real ugly part awaits...
I think I'm pretty much done with editing my first novel. It took me a little over two months and my only real concern is that I didn't feel like cutting too much content. Right now it's still at like 119K words (first draft was 120K) and it will probably stay there. It's also great to see some first responses from actual readers. And of course, their favourite character is totally the one I thought was the weakest, and their favourite chapters are the ones I thought were the riskiest. All I can say, it's been fun so far. Now the real ugly part awaits...
I wouldn't worry about that too much. I know I've read "CUT 10% DAMNIT" but people write so fucking differently that you can't really hold to that. I tend to overwrite a lot, but some of my friends are lean as hell.

Congrats on finishing a novel man.
Currently typing up my first four chapters of my current novel. Came to my first placeholder line that's for a comedic retort, but man am I ass at being funny. I can't think of anything that's really funny. I think I'll just settle for something corny.


fleurs n'est pas britannique
This thread has been quiet for too long! What's everyone's current projects?

I recently came to a revelation about a series of novels I've been planning for the last few months. My big problem was that I felt events were happening too quickly, and I've come to realize time skips would work well. Anyone got advice on time skips? Been planning on doing some experimentations with them, but tips are always appreciated.
This thread has been quiet for too long! What's everyone's current projects?
Still writing my horror book. Got a 1/3 left to go, or somewhere in that margin. It's still kinda fighting me every step of the way, and for all I know, I've put like a hundred hours into a shitty project, but oh well. I feel like the worst parts are my secondary stories, but the main plot is solid. I can fix the shit bits, probably.

I recently came to a revelation about a series of novels I've been planning for the last few months. My big problem was that I felt events were happening too quickly, and I've come to realize time skips would work well. Anyone got advice on time skips? Been planning on doing some experimentations with them, but tips are always appreciated.
I've done some minor time jumps, but only minor. How long are you lookin to skip forward? i've really only dabbled with weeks/months to cut out travel time. The way I did that was basically just doing it though. First sentence of the next chapter says something like, "they'd been sailing for X days" or what have have you.


Hugo Award Winning Author and Editor
This thread has been quiet for too long! What's everyone's current projects?

I've been spending a lot of time working on a new set of short stories:

  • Two are on submission--one is a weird, short science fiction story about a scientist who accidentally creates a philosophers stone, the other is a sword & sorcery story about a young thief with a magic knife (set in the same world as my in progress novel).
  • One is 90% complete and should be ready to submit in the next couple of weeks.
  • Two are half complete and will never a few rounds of serious revision. Probably looking at the end of the year before I'm submitting those.
  • I also have ideas for two more short stories that will bookend the aforementioned S&S story, turning it into a full novella. I'll try to sell them individually, but I'm also open to self-publishing all three in one volume.
Now's as good a time as any for an update on Tide of Shadows and Other Stories, which has exceeded the goals I set for it (even if not by much). A few weeks ago, I crunched some numbers and (based on the USD/EUR -> CAD conversion rate at the time) the collection had not only broken even (covering my costs for copyediting and the cover illustration license), but made a profit. This was a lovely surprise, and also marked a turning point as I redirected my efforts from heavily promoting the collection to writing more fiction.

I've been extremely motivated lately, and, if I say so myself, have been producing some of my best work in the past few months. It's sitting at a solid 3.7 stars on Goodreads. with 22 ratings and 10 reviews on Goodreads. In all, self-publishing my book has been a huge confidence booster. I'm thrilled that it's found an audience, and those readers appear to be enjoying their time with the collection. Here are two particularly great reviews (one from conkersbadfurday!):

Each of the stories is like a little clock: beautifully crafted, intricate, distinctively handmade, with a dozen tiny complications in its inner workings. The range is unreal: space stations, angel wings, fairytale dragons, ancient shadow monsters…all unconnected, and yet it feels like it’s all part of a bigger whole. It’s exquisite. - Rob Boffard, author of Tracer

Tide of Shadows and Other Stories is a good collection and one that gets my stamp of approval. I’m glad there are writers like Aidan Moher who are raising the standards of self-published books, because given the state of disarray many indie books are in when they show up in my inbox, we really need a higher bar. - Chad Waller, We the Nerdy

I dropped out of the KDPS program, after abysmal performance from Kindle Unlimited readers. Yesterday was the last day of my "contract" with Amazon, so I'll be putting the book up on various other eBook sites. Speaking of, does anyone have experience using Draft2Digital?

In the meantime, I'm continuing to work hard at writing more short fiction, though I'm now also starting to think about returning to my novel. Writing so much short fiction in the world, as well as setting up a Wiki, has given me a much, much better handle on the world, culture, magic, etc., and I feel more confident in my ability to tell the story I want to tell. Lots of exciting times ahead!
This thread has been quiet for too long! What's everyone's current projects?

I recently came to a revelation about a series of novels I've been planning for the last few months. My big problem was that I felt events were happening too quickly, and I've come to realize time skips would work well. Anyone got advice on time skips? Been planning on doing some experimentations with them, but tips are always appreciated.

The thing I've always wondered about time skips is the impact on pacing if they are used frequently. How are the time skips being done? If the timeskips are happening between the books, then conveying the changes between time periods seems like an opportunity to use whichever standard worldbuilding techniques you prefer to convey the new details of the setting. it's a brand new book, after all- the narrative arc can reset and rev back up from zero. just make sure that each book has a conclusive enough ending that people don't expect a direct, immediate sequel. Any cool stuff that happens off-page during a skip has to happen off-page for a reason.

if you have a bunch of the time skips internal to a book, then i feel like that narrative reset and windup time has more of a chance to utterly destroy pacing, and you have to find faster ways to do it, though i have no idea how.

As for my own current project: my biggest one is reworking my nano book from last year so that it no longer disintegrates into an incoherent mess mid-novel. Biggest challenge: opening was too leisurely and sprawling. I need to bring certain elements into the picture earlier, and to either kill off certain characters viewpoints entirely, or move them into separate stories.

Well, I could also simply have it be really dang long. I suppose I am still inexperienced enough to just carry this forward in the spirit of nano, and have my mess be a complete mess. this might actually be the only way the book gets done, which is what matters more for me at this point, in all likelihood.
This thread has been quiet for too long! What's everyone's current projects?

Combination of depression and a few other things have sapped my motivation to write since late June.

Still no ETA on a release date for my third novel. My initial plan was to make enough from writing shorts to pay for both an editor and a cover artist. Still would like to do that, but I'll have to write more shorts, likely under the new pen name I've been sitting on (still haven't released the single short I wrote for it).

I'll very likely force myself to write before the end of the month, since I would like to see this novel released before 2016 rolls around. I just hope I can get back into it. I feel like after so long (compared to my usual writing schedules), it'll be tough.


he's Virgin Tight™
This thread has been quiet for too long! What's everyone's current projects?

I recently came to a revelation about a series of novels I've been planning for the last few months. My big problem was that I felt events were happening too quickly, and I've come to realize time skips would work well. Anyone got advice on time skips? Been planning on doing some experimentations with them, but tips are always appreciated.

I am back to writing once more. I have a full 90k novel written in need of editing, but I want to finish this new story first and then focus on that. Debating how long should I make it so am writing in one continuous stream and if I need to split it into two books then so be it. It's a pretty unique story that mixes my favorite genres so I am excited. I do have an overall idea of what to do with the story but aside from key points I am writing as I go. Scrivener is a fantastic tool as well so I am learning. I am seeing my style has evolved considerably so I am happy with what I am reading enough that I shared the first 4k words with my SO to see if she likes it.

My main issue is time. Working full time plus a booming business plus a girlfriend plus games and social life my free time is growing thin.


Greetings Writing-GAF, I ghost read this thread for all the help on publishing my first book. Well it is done and I hope you like all can take the time to buy it and read and pass the word along. The synopsis is as follows:

They say you never forget your first. For Vanthony and Reese, that truth all started with a simple message. From the moment they met, life was destined to never be the same. Across eight years, a promise made and failed relationships, they could never escape one another. One Way Alley explores this timeless discovery of self through love, sex, college, and relationships for a revelation that no one saw coming. How far does one go for the man he loves? Can this love stand the testaments of time? Perhaps there is something at play even bigger than they could have imagined.

Here's the link below:

Thank you GAF for all the help.
Speaking of, does anyone have experience using Draft2Digital?
I like them a lot. Basically a one trick pony, but I've had no hassle at all with them. A+++ seller will use again. ;p

Now, sales-wise... it pains me to say this, but Amazon seems to own such a huge % of the market that it's not clear that publishing elsewhere is worth the non-KDP penalty. :(


Hugo Award Winning Author and Editor
I like them a lot. Basically a one trick pony, but I've had no hassle at all with them. A+++ seller will use again. ;p

Now, sales-wise... it pains me to say this, but Amazon seems to own such a huge % of the market that it's not clear that publishing elsewhere is worth the non-KDP penalty. :(

Thanks! Being Canadian, I can't publish directly to the Barnes & Noble store (and, writing for the Barnes & Noble SF&F Blog, I feel like my book should be available on the site), so Draft2Digital is a good solution for me.

To your second point, I've literally had more people ask me if an epub is for sale anywhere than the book had borrows from KU in 90 days.
Thanks! Being Canadian, I can't publish directly to the Barnes & Noble store (and, writing for the Barnes & Noble SF&F Blog, I feel like my book should be available on the site), so Draft2Digital is a good solution for me.

To your second point, I've literally had more people ask me if an epub is for sale anywhere than the book had borrows from KU in 90 days.



I'm about a third of the way into the first book in a new Sci-Fi Romance series I'm writing. Really want to be done by the 21st but that means writing 2k a day, so we'll see.
I've never used Draft2Digital but I think more people like it than Smashwords.
Aidan have you published on Kobo? Since they're a Canadian company you shouldn't have any problems publishing directly.


Hugo Award Winning Author and Editor
I'm about a third of the way into the first book in a new Sci-Fi Romance series I'm writing. Really want to be done by the 21st but that means writing 2k a day, so we'll see.
I've never used Draft2Digital but I think more people like it than Smashwords.
Aidan have you published on Kobo? Since they're a Canadian company you shouldn't have any problems publishing directly.

My experience so far with Draft2Digital has been very positive. I'm using it to publish to Nook and iBooks. My book is currently being processed by Kobo. Figured I might as well not pay D2D a cut of sales if I can publish it directly through KWL.

I hope it'll be up on all three platforms by the end of today.


Greetings Writing-GAF, I ghost read this thread for all the help on publishing my first book. Well it is done and I hope you like all can take the time to buy it and read and pass the word along. The synopsis is as follows:

Thank you GAF for all the help.

congrats. and good luck. :)


Hugo Award Winning Author and Editor
Huzzah! My short fiction collection is now available on Nook, Kobo, and iBooks!

I even made a funky ad to use on twitter/facebook:


Fun times.

I've been very happy so far with Draft2Digital. It took a day and a half for the books to be distributed to the various stores (except Kobo, that was faster because I went directly through their service), but now everything's looking tickety-boo. The consolidated sales dashboard is a nice touch, too.
Huzzah! My short fiction collection is now available on Nook, Kobo, and iBooks!

I even made a funky ad to use on twitter/facebook:


Fun times.

I've been very happy so far with Draft2Digital. It took a day and a half for the books to be distributed to the various stores (except Kobo, that was faster because I went directly through their service), but now everything's looking tickety-boo. The consolidated sales dashboard is a nice touch, too.
Congrats dude. Keep us updated on the progress. :D

I dug the shit out if your collection when I read it awhile back.
This thread has been quiet for too long! What's everyone's current projects?

Most recently I put some flash fiction pieces together and sent them off to a contest . . . that was about a week ago. Been trying to find a foothold into a longer piece ever since then so I'll have something for my workshop coming up.

Fidelis Hodie

Infidelis Cras
Huzzah! My short fiction collection is now available on Nook, Kobo, and iBooks!

I even made a funky ad to use on twitter/facebook:


Fun times.

I've been very happy so far with Draft2Digital. It took a day and a half for the books to be distributed to the various stores (except Kobo, that was faster because I went directly through their service), but now everything's looking tickety-boo. The consolidated sales dashboard is a nice touch, too.

Suuuuch a bomb ass cover. Great work.
The best part about writing my first book was that I didn't give a shit. I wrote what happened and if it was cool, I kept it. There was a lot of stuff I found cool.

This one though, this one sucks. I've accidentally outlined everything and it's turned into a more plot-driven novel, so when a scene feels like it isn't working, I scrap it and start over. In the case of last night, that meant I killed about an hour's worth of work just right then and there. "BUT THIS CONVO ISN'T GOING ANYWHERE EVEN THOUGH IT MAYBE IS BUT IT IS TOO LONG AND OH GOD"

And now I've resolved a minor conflict, and maybe it was too easy! Or maybe my protag learned something. None of it should matter though, because in a few pages he's gonna learn that he accidentally murdered someone via magic and then get sucked back into the horror filled library with no easy way to return! So like, who cares if he makes up with his girlfriend a bit easily when the shit hasn't truly hit the fan yet!

I do, apparently :\



fleurs n'est pas britannique
Writtinggaf! I have a problem! So I've been lurking the reading thread and there was some talk about how dumb it is that all fantasy novels have to be trilogies. I've been steadily planning a fantasy novel, and I kind of felt the need to forced it into a trilogy thinking all fantasy novels have to be that way. I feel so conflicted about it, I didn't intend it to be a trilogy, but I've already thought a lot about how that story would progress. Still don't have a big end goal though. Anyway, what are everyone's feeling towards writing series? I originally wanted to do a series of standalone fantasy novels centered around weird places? But is that really viable?

hahaha novels are crazy like that. Sorry it's not flowing well. That can happen when you plot everything out ahead of time. I actually thought it helped me a lot when I worked on my nanowrimo novel, but maybe you're not that kind of writer? I don't know how planned out you have things, care to share a bit about your notes?
Writtinggaf! I have a problem! So I've been lurking the reading thread and there was some talk about how dumb it is that all fantasy novels have to be trilogies. I've been steadily planning a fantasy novel, and I kind of felt the need to forced it into a trilogy thinking all fantasy novels have to be that way. I feel so conflicted about it, I didn't intend it to be a trilogy, but I've already thought a lot about how that story would progress. Still don't have a big end goal though. Anyway, what are everyone's feeling towards writing series? I originally wanted to do a series of standalone fantasy novels centered around weird places? But is that really viable?

hahaha novels are crazy like that. Sorry it's not flowing well. That can happen when you plot everything out ahead of time. I actually thought it helped me a lot when I worked on my nanowrimo novel, but maybe you're not that kind of writer? I don't know how planned out you have things, care to share a bit about your notes?

Honestly, unless you have a publishing deal with a publisher telling you "it must be a trilogy" don't force it.

Many publishers don't want to risk a trilogy until the fans snap up your books anyway. Unless it's a hit, they don't care, and if it's not a major hit, what fans you do have will lose interest if you artificially stretch it.

Just let your story be what it is. If it's a single novel, great! If it's a 10 books series, great! If it's a 400 word flash fiction piece, great! There are readers for all of those things. The key is writing stuff people want to read in the first place and, generally, length is not a factor (how many people have you heard say "Well, I would have read that book, but it's not a trilogy?")
Writtinggaf! I have a problem! So I've been lurking the reading thread and there was some talk about how dumb it is that all fantasy novels have to be trilogies. I've been steadily planning a fantasy novel, and I kind of felt the need to forced it into a trilogy thinking all fantasy novels have to be that way. I feel so conflicted about it, I didn't intend it to be a trilogy, but I've already thought a lot about how that story would progress. Still don't have a big end goal though. Anyway, what are everyone's feeling towards writing series? I originally wanted to do a series of standalone fantasy novels centered around weird places? But is that really viable?
My fantasy novel is a standalone at 425 respectable pages that no agent wants! But I'm 100% positive that's less to do with it not being a trilogy and more to do with it being filled with talking animal people. also, I probably smell bad or something.

hahaha novels are crazy like that. Sorry it's not flowing well. That can happen when you plot everything out ahead of time. I actually thought it helped me a lot when I worked on my nanowrimo novel, but maybe you're not that kind of writer? I don't know how planned out you have things, care to share a bit about your notes?
Normally I'm not that kind of writer, no. For this one, it kind of just happened, partially because it takes place in the REAL WORLD where I can't start making shit if I need to. In this case, I'm working with depression and antidepressants, and research tells me things I have to comply with or I'm breaking the immersion. So I am, but that means forethought, or more than I normally have.

At this point, I'm about a 100 pages from being done and have every major plot point noted in my head, with maybe one or two exceptions. It's now a matter of making those all fit together, but as you said, the flow--both narratively and just work flow--haven't been going so well since...page 3? Yeah. Page 3.

It doesn't help that there are a handful of little sideplots because people are complicated and do all sorts of shit. I'll probably cut some of them out on future edits though.

Right now, protag has cold-turkey quit his old antidepressants which were causing all of the supernatural horror to happen to him. It's now gone away, though he's hallucinating bits of it yet. Or he's being stalked by it still (DUN DUN DUN)! He's on new pills but a small dosage, so his depression is going to come back in full force.

Then he's going to find out about the accidental murder, get into a fight with a friend over a project they're working on, and his super religious father is going to find out he was smoking pot (to help get through the first major withdraw symptoms). So basically, he's safe from the supernatural shit, but not from the real world.

Then the supernatural stuff is going to come back in full force, and the last climax will be him getting through that for good.

The mundane stuff above mostly involve tying up sideplots, and though none of those things are huge problems, the fact that his depression is back is going to make them seem very big. When it rains, it pours.

Right now, I'm jsut itching to get through these next twenty or so pages so I can get him back in the spooky library filled with spooky shit since those parts are way more fun to write.

mu cephei

Writtinggaf! I have a problem! So I've been lurking the reading thread and there was some talk about how dumb it is that all fantasy novels have to be trilogies. I've been steadily planning a fantasy novel, and I kind of felt the need to forced it into a trilogy thinking all fantasy novels have to be that way. I feel so conflicted about it, I didn't intend it to be a trilogy, but I've already thought a lot about how that story would progress. Still don't have a big end goal though. Anyway, what are everyone's feeling towards writing series? I originally wanted to do a series of standalone fantasy novels centered around weird places? But is that really viable?

I think it's sensible to bear in mind what sells, if you want to sell your work, and I don't think trilogies or series are going out of fashion any time soon. However I don't think it's sensible to write something you don't much read yourself. Do you like trilogies or series? Personally I think trilogies are perfect, because i) it's the same story selling three times; ii) readers are probably more prepared to chance time and money in the first of a trilogy than the first of a long series; iii) the writing gets finished sooner, that is, a book a year would only be a two-year wait for readers to get the conclusion; iv) if a reader doesn't like one trilogy from a writer, they might still try another; v) if they liked the first book, didn't so much like the second, readers are still quite likely to buy the third just to find out what happens... some vague thoughts, anyway. I find it really hard to do things I don't like, so it's just as well I like a lot of commercial fantasy trilogies. But if it wasn't my thing, I wouldn't write it. Of course, there are fantasy authors who are known for their standalones as much as their trilogies, like G. G. Kay, K. J. Parker (though I think they both started with trilogies).

I do like your idea of a series of standalone novels centred around weird places, though I'd like it more if they had at least one recurring character, even in a supporting role.


Writtinggaf! I have a problem! So I've been lurking the reading thread and there was some talk about how dumb it is that all fantasy novels have to be trilogies. I've been steadily planning a fantasy novel, and I kind of felt the need to forced it into a trilogy thinking all fantasy novels have to be that way. I feel so conflicted about it, I didn't intend it to be a trilogy, but I've already thought a lot about how that story would progress. Still don't have a big end goal though. Anyway, what are everyone's feeling towards writing series? I originally wanted to do a series of standalone fantasy novels centered around weird places? But is that really viable?

I think 'standalone with series potential' is the sweet spot right now.
I think 'standalone with series potential' is the sweet spot right now.

That's what I wrote. Ahvarra is completely stand-alone, but because there's a whole world beyond the island I set the story on, there's potential to see what else is going on in that world.

Which is what I'm writing now.

The second book is also stand-alone, set in the same world.

The third book will also be stand-alone.

But the fourth will pull characters from the first three.


fleurs n'est pas britannique
Thanks for the various advice everyone. On a different note, I just renamed a short story I've been trying to publish from "A Happy and Then Sad Story" To "Smiling People and Frank." I just gave it a reread and felt the title I had been using for the past two years just wasn't right? It's weird to describe, and even weirder looking at it with the new title.

Neat two-part article written by Sunil Patel, a dude I almost sort of know online and posted on Aidan's site, about the short story process from writing to sale, using his nine recent sales as examples:

That was an insanely helpful read. I really should follow Aidan Hugo award winning blog.
We were discussing query letters recently. Ann Leckie just posted hers for her eventual Hugo-winning novel Ancillary Justice:

If you've read the book, you'll realize this covers approximately the first chapter of it. It baits the hook and gives us a taste of what makes this book interesting, and it sounds a lot like back cover copy.

And it sold. Though I prefer the title they ended up with.
If I'm the agent, I see blah blah blah "Cherryh-flavored"... and say,"oh that's cute, I love it!"


KDP numbers are out and it looks like $.0058 a page read. Based on the info they released last month this is what I was expecting, but I was still hoping to be wrong. Oh well.
What does everyone think? Will you be pulling out of KDP select? How low is too low?
This thread has been quiet for too long! What's everyone's current projects?

Currently I'm about halfway through a novel I started for NaNoWriMo two years back. Just yesterday I actually planned the plot fully. I have a horrendous habit of planning the beginning and middle out and then just seeing where it leads me.
It often leads me to dead ends.

But I now know where everything is going to end up. I love it, it's like a little puzzle. I'm constantly asking myself if the characters would really do that, how the characters are going to get from point A to point B, and making sure the in universe logic is consistent throughout the whole story.
It just feels so satisfying when you can look at the big picture and go yes... this might actually work.

That being said I am fully expecting everything to change by the time I get to the end of the first draft.

I also wrote some short character bios to cement each characters ideals and motivations and came to the conclusion that pretty much everyone in the story is a selfish dick. But I can forgive them because they make the story more humorous.

I have a question regarding foreshadowing. If I want to set up something in my story for a pay off at the end should I go about assuming the audience is not going to remember the little detail I've sprinkled in the beginning or when I bring it up again should I remind them that I sprinkled this information before?
Basically I'm asking if I should treat the audience like an idiot or not. I want to lean towards the latter but I don't want to risk losing people.
Because I know the plot it is obvious to me what is happening but maybe my writing doesn't make it clear. I guess it is a very much case by case basis that my friends can help me out with. Fresh pair of eyes and what not.

Time to hanker down and finish this novel so I can start the wonderful editing process!


fleurs n'est pas britannique
I have a question regarding foreshadowing. If I want to set up something in my story for a pay off at the end should I go about assuming the audience is not going to remember the little detail I've sprinkled in the beginning or when I bring it up again remind them that I sprinkled this information before?
Basically I'm asking if I should treat the audience like an idiot or not. I want to lean towards the latter but I don't want to risk losing people.
Because I know the plot it is obvious to me what is happening but maybe my writing doesn't make it clear. I guess it is a very much case by case basis that my friends can help me out with. Fresh pair of eyes and what not.

Time to hanker down and finish this novel so I can start the wonderful editing process!

As a rule, never assume your audience is an idiot, it's insulting to them, and it makes you seem dumb. I guess I'm a little confused by what you're doing with the foreshadowing? Is it necessary for the payoff? If so subtle reminders are good. I'd usually put a few through out, trying to sprinkle it even. Foreshadowing is tough because too much and you'll spoil the payoff. My general rule of thumb is audience's will miss atleast a quarter of foreshadowing, if that helps give an idea of how much you should sprinkle in.

Honestly, when I use foreshadowing it's for the benefit of a second read. I try to keep it real subtle if I have a twist at the end. I don't usually want my audience to know, but if they ever reread it, then they notice all the little details in the descriptions and analogies. I duuno, that's just how I do it.
KDP numbers are out and it looks like $.0058 a page read. Based on the info they released last month this is what I was expecting, but I was still hoping to be wrong. Oh well.
What does everyone think? Will you be pulling out of KDP select? How low is too low?

I had pulled a few things out, but put them back in after sirap said they appear higher in the search that way.

However, there is one that I left out and am planning on going wide with to see if that does anything, just as a test. I'm not expecting much, but if it brings results, I'll probably take everything but my novels out of KU.
I think I've officially lost this story, and at 250 pages, that's shitty. Put well over a hundred hours into it I imagine. Fuck.

Sorry I keep shitting up this thread with this, but I'm fucking frustrated as hell. Another few hours of not getting anything worthwhile done because I just can't make the words work.

I dunno if it's a stupid idea or not to just go back to page one and start editing/fixing what I have before continuing on. See if I can regain a grasp of this story and the want to move forward.


fleurs n'est pas britannique
I think I've officially lost this story, and at 250 pages, that's shitty. Put well over a hundred hours into it I imagine. Fuck.

Sorry I keep shitting up this thread with this, but I'm fucking frustrated as hell. Another few hours of not getting anything worthwhile done because I just can't make the words work.

I dunno if it's a stupid idea or not to just go back to page one and start editing/fixing what I have before continuing on. See if I can regain a grasp of this story and the want to move forward.

Honestly, i would say fuck it to the entire project. You should keep going (I think every project should be at least finished) but end it with some weird shit. Just fuck around with the world you're building. Kill off a character. Suddenly switch perspectives. Change genre. Turn it into a big kung foo action scene. Try to at least make the end fun for you. If nothing else it'll provide you some experience for future projects. If you're not enjoying what you're writing in any way, then don't waste your time just walking down that one miserable road.
Honestly, i would say fuck it to the entire project. You should keep going (I think every project should be at least finished) but end it with some weird shit. Just fuck around with the world you're building. Kill off a character. Suddenly switch perspectives. Change genre. Turn it into a big kung foo action scene. Try to at least make the end fun for you. If nothing else it'll provide you some experience for future projects. If you're not enjoying what you're writing in any way, then don't waste your time just walking down that one miserable road.
You might be right :\ The problem is, I think the story itself is a pretty good one, and it's certainly one I've wanted to write for a few years now.

That could be part of the problem though. The last thing I wrote was super hard to write because I had been stewing on it for ages, going, "ONE DAY I WILL WRITE THIS!" When I got to it, it almost didn't want to be written. It was worth the effort in the end though, because it turned out damn good. I keep thinking that might happen with this, and I"m kinda terrified to just drop it because of that.

If I haven't forced an ending in like three weeks though, I might just drop it. That'll be three and a half months. If I can't do 300 pages in that amount of time, then I don't deserve to finish this.

Quick edit: I was able to hammer out about four pages tonight, so that's cool. Finally hit a scene I wanted to write, and that went much smoother. Hope that continues until the end.


fleurs n'est pas britannique
Aight, I decided to get a twitter, for promotional stuff/ also to find other writers. Anyway, all you other writers, anyone mind sharing their twitter information? Or suggestions of who to follow? Or how to even do twitter promotions and stuff?
obviously hugo award winner Aiden Moher

edit: also mine is FlowersisBrit


he's Virgin Tight™
Anyone know a good beta reader group? I am early into a new novel (only about 9k words in) and I want early feedback about the tone and setting.
Anyone know a good beta reader group? I am early into a new novel (only about 9k words in) and I want early feedback about the tone and setting.

It's great, keep going.

Any thoughts on Lev Grossman? I've got his books sitting there (the magicians) and I feel like reading something.
Haha, I am just to uneasy and have low self confidence in my writing. I love writing the stories, the dialogue, the characters, but I don't know if its... good. If I compare myself to other authors I feel shitty :p

Don't worry about comparing yourself to other authors. They will never write what you are writing and do it better, because it belongs just to you.


Haha, I am just to uneasy and have low self confidence in my writing. I love writing the stories, the dialogue, the characters, but I don't know if its... good. If I compare myself to other authors I feel shitty :p

Get good.

There's a good chance that feeling won't ever go away. Regardless.
Been getting a bunch of pages read every day since August 8, but most of it is from Freeze Kill and not any of my erotica. Wonder what caused it. Maybe fans from my Youtube channel, but I can't imagine there's much crossover. Weird.
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