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Writing-GAF: Writing, Publishing, Selling |OT|

Oh my god! Congratulations!!!

Thanks, Flowers! Now everyone recommend me some good fantasy novels because I'm desperate for swords, blood, and political machinations!

Congrats, H.Pro! That's awesome! Boy? Girl? Weight? How's everyone doing?

Edit-Okay I see she's a girl. :)

Cheers, Angmars! She aced all her hospital tests and came out a (thank god) 6lbs 7oz. Everyone else seems to be having 9lb-ers, so praise Chesus for that. :D

It's a girl, and it's not polite to ask her weight. Jeez.


I think he was asking the baby's weight.

He's just kidding. ^_^ I'm happy to share the weight answer, though, because this whole experience has been a bit surreal, especially in that regard. It's been just over a week since I had her and I've already shed 20lbs. I only gained ~25lbs during it all, so I'll be back to my usual 105lbs soon. Yay!

Mike M

Nick N
Ugh, that feeling when I'm looking over my body of work for stuff to submit, and none of it strikes me as being good enough.

Is this what it's like for women to get dressed?


fleurs n'est pas britannique
Ugh, that feeling when I'm looking over my body of work for stuff to submit, and none of it strikes me as being good enough.

Is this what it's like for women to get dressed?
I am having a similar problem right now. Looking over new stuff to add to my rotation and the ones I like need heavy structure changes or complete rewrites
I actually can't remember the last time I wrote. It might have been six months ago. Tough work situation, tough situation with health at home (one of my boys has migraine headaches from a concussion and they came back pretty strong about six months ago) and I reached the turning point in book 2 where things go from setup to shit hitting the fan. I knew the two chapters I needed to write were tricky. Lots of timing issues. Things occurring at the same time that need to be done in order, with the right sense of urgency and ... despair. Torturing characters is never easy, after all.

I had written one chapter of the two when things just went off the rails a bit for the reasons above.

But now I've been in a new job for a couple of months and the kid is feeling better and ... for whatever reason I sat down today, read the last couple of chapters to get myself back in the scene... and just wrote 700 words.

Feels good. Feels real good.


Hey guys - hopefully this isn't frowned upon but a good friend of mine just released her first self-published novel.

It's an M/M paranormal romance. If you guys are into that thing check it out! It's $3 which I think is pretty reasonable considering it's 167 pages (50k+ words) of edited content with a professionally made cover... A lot of work went into this bad boy!


If you are interested, please do check it out. Any support would be so extremely appreciated. Thanks everyone :) :) :)


So last month I decided to start writing a paranormal/urban fantasy romance. All but finished it when I realized that most books in that genre are written in 1st person and I wrote it in 3rd. I debated going back and changing everything, because I'm not looking to reinvent the wheel, but the prospect of doing that is so daunting that I really don't want to. I'm clinging to the fact that not everyone writes in 1st in those genres so my book wouldn't be completely out of left field.
In sales news, my books have plummeted. I'm not sure what happened but I went from making average around $25 a day to I'm lucky if I break $10. Last month I had a hard time coping with that which made it very difficult to write. I think I'm doing a little better, emotionally, this month but we'll see.
I'm working on a new SciFi Romance that I will hopefully be able to publish early next month, while I also need to work on finishing up my Paranormal/Urban Fantasy. Of course, I recently discovered Stardew Valley on Steam and it's working against me. I'm kind of ashamed at how many hours I've played that game this week, but I just can't stop.
So last month I decided to start writing a paranormal/urban fantasy romance. All but finished it when I realized that most books in that genre are written in 1st person and I wrote it in 3rd. I debated going back and changing everything, because I'm not looking to reinvent the wheel, but the prospect of doing that is so daunting that I really don't want to. I'm clinging to the fact that not everyone writes in 1st in those genres so my book wouldn't be completely out of left field.
In sales news, my books have plummeted. I'm not sure what happened but I went from making average around $25 a day to I'm lucky if I break $10. Last month I had a hard time coping with that which made it very difficult to write. I think I'm doing a little better, emotionally, this month but we'll see.
I'm working on a new SciFi Romance that I will hopefully be able to publish early next month, while I also need to work on finishing up my Paranormal/Urban Fantasy. Of course, I recently discovered Stardew Valley on Steam and it's working against me. I'm kind of ashamed at how many hours I've played that game this week, but I just can't stop.
I really dislike most first person prose, so props for keeping it in third, I say.


Yeah! Just recently finished writing the first chapter of my story. Haven't had much time to write, but I put in a few hours this weekend and was able to get it done. It's just a prologue, though, and probably a crappy one at that, so I haven't even gotten to the main story yet. But I am now! So hurray for that.

So last month I decided to start writing a paranormal/urban fantasy romance. All but finished it when I realized that most books in that genre are written in 1st person and I wrote it in 3rd. I debated going back and changing everything, because I'm not looking to reinvent the wheel, but the prospect of doing that is so daunting that I really don't want to. I'm clinging to the fact that not everyone writes in 1st in those genres so my book wouldn't be completely out of left field.
In sales news, my books have plummeted. I'm not sure what happened but I went from making average around $25 a day to I'm lucky if I break $10. Last month I had a hard time coping with that which made it very difficult to write. I think I'm doing a little better, emotionally, this month but we'll see.
I'm working on a new SciFi Romance that I will hopefully be able to publish early next month, while I also need to work on finishing up my Paranormal/Urban Fantasy. Of course, I recently discovered Stardew Valley on Steam and it's working against me. I'm kind of ashamed at how many hours I've played that game this week, but I just can't stop.

I don't have much experience reading the genre, but I don't think there's anything wrong with writing it in the 3rd person. I think it offers a unique view on things and is a nice change of pace. Hope your book sales pick up.

And don't be ashamed of playing games. I spent 30 hours this past 10 days playing Return to Popolocrois. I like to think of it as "research material." :p


And don't be ashamed of playing games. I spent 30 hours this past 10 days playing Return to Popolocrois. I like to think of it as "research material." :p

I could easily see myself devolving into only writing Stardew Valley fanfic, in a week I played more than 40 hours. I'm not even sure how I did that, but when I woke up the first thing I wanted to do was start playing again. I didn't, but it's one of the first things that came to mind.

Thanks for the encouragement :)
So I mostly just lurk this thread but I'm working on a fantasy novel. Mostly a story about pirates and magic. I'm on spring break and I want to work on rewriting chapter 1. Was wondering if some people would be willing to give feedback on the first chapter as is. Thanks for those that are willing.


So I mostly just lurk this thread but I'm working on a fantasy novel. Mostly a story about pirates and magic. I'm on spring break and I want to work on rewriting chapter 1. Was wondering if some people would be willing to give feedback on the first chapter as is. Thanks for those that are willing.

I'm writing a fantasy novel, too. I love to read it to rip off some ideas for my own story!

But seriously, if you don't mind someone who has never written a book, I'd like to read your chapter.
I'm writing a fantasy novel, too. I love to read it to rip off some ideas for my own story!

But seriously, if you don't mind someone who has never written a book, I'd like to read your chapter.

I actually might prefer someone who hasn't written a book before. Sent you a PM.


Definitely dont visit here often as writing is not my strong suit. My friend spent the last few years writing a horror comedy book about an imp circumventing politics of medieval hell.

No Sympathies: A Tale of Those Who Trespass Against Us

I read some early draft a while back to help with editing and certain scenes, and thought it was pretty fucking great. The horror and comedy swing back and forth like a sledgehammer and doesnt shy away from making demons horrific. I highly recommend checking out the sample at the very least .


I've been trying to stick to a schedule of writing at least 100 words a day. Not much, but I am bad at follow through with my writing. Only problem I am having now is that I still keep changing ideas every couple days, so I am getting writing done, but still not finishing anything.


I've been trying to stick to a schedule of writing at least 100 words a day. Not much, but I am bad at follow through with my writing. Only problem I am having now is that I still keep changing ideas every couple days, so I am getting writing done, but still not finishing anything.
That's fine, just get yourself into the habit of writing. Once you've got that down, then move on to picking one thing and focusing on it.
Been working on a little short story thing lately while I wait for my test readers to finish the third draft of my novel. The whole thing revolves around this instrumental EP my friend put out awhile back. Five songs, so five chapters.

It's a cute, Alice in Wonderland kind of story about a girl off to find the sea. The further she gets from her house, the more surreal things get.

Been fun as hell to write (mostly), and I'm wondering if I could turn it into something more than what it is. Right now the chapters are only two or so pages long, but with some fleshing out? I dunno. Never thought I'd write a kid's book, but tonally, that's what this is.

It'll also be spilling into his second EP since I'm on the last song and nowhere near finished D:
Definitely dont visit here often as writing is not my strong suit. My friend spent the last few years writing a horror comedy book about an imp circumventing politics of medieval hell.

No Sympathies: A Tale of Those Who Trespass Against Us

I read some early draft a while back to help with editing and certain scenes, and thought it was pretty fucking great. The horror and comedy swing back and forth like a sledgehammer and doesnt shy away from making demons horrific. I highly recommend checking out the sample at the very least .

Bought. Pretty good so far.


Ugh, so I'm all ready to start writing, but I just don't know how to start things. I mean, I have an idea of how the story is gonna begin, but actually writing the very first sentence has me frozen. I mean, the first sentence is pretty important, no? It has to be interesting and leave a good impression on the reader. But the beginning of my story is so boring. Maaaan, writing really is hard.

reminded me of this

An analysis by Jellybooks of how readers read e-books found that once most people make it past the first 50 to 100 pages they usually finish the book. But not everybody gets that far.

and yeah, writing is hard. One day we'll have thought transcribers that just take down what we think and it should be a little easier then.
Hi don't mean to spam but I figured I'd post this for a new page. I'm working on a fantasy pirate novel that I would like to hear feedback on. I've got 4 chapters written and wouldn't mind in boxing some of you guys the story to get your opinion. Thanks for the possible feedback in advance.

Mike M

Nick N
Eh, go ahead and hit me up with a PM and let me know how deep you want me to get in my critique. I promise absolutely no expediency.
I hit a few pages of my book today and yesterday. It feels really good after not being progressive lately. I just need to keep it up and I should be able to finish my book by the end of the year.
Meant to wait until April first to start editing my book again, but I'm kinda eager to get back to it and it's been a month and a half since I last looked at it. Of my three beta readers, only one gave me feedback, but at least I have some idea of what to change going in. Mostly little things like fixing descriptions of characters. Apparently my monster gargoyle cat sounds smaller than he really is. Whoops.

I'm honestly more concerned about how chapter one reads in general. It's a bit bland at first, especially the first page, and that needs to be fixed lots. I plan on spending way more time on it than I'd like to.

It's always chapter one :(

I'm hoping this draft will be my last one. I don't want to go five drafts again. That's just...hard. Of course this means while fixing my few problems I really have to be hunting for typos and other copyedit shit.

Ideally I'll be ready to send this mofo out by 6-1-16. Which means I edit through April and spend May working on a query package.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Book is moving along now - 96,828 words and not nearly done. Been having my family proofread it, and they seem to like it, but they're not really the best critics, haha.

My earlier stuff is way worse than my later stuff. I feel like I didn't find my stride until over halfway in.


fleurs n'est pas britannique
Book is moving along now - 96,828 words and not nearly done. Been having my family proofread it, and they seem to like it, but they're not really the best critics, haha.

My earlier stuff is way worse than my later stuff. I feel like I didn't find my stride until over halfway in.

I am in a similar boat. Been working to finish my first novel, hoping to have it done by the end of the month. I started it in a Nanowrimo two(?) years ago and my writing style has changed quite a bit. More importantly, I now have a better understanding of how stories work, of how events should build upon each other constantly, and it was a foresight this novel really needed. Still gonna finish it though.


Trying to set up a page on Tumblr. I just want to add a link to buy the book on Amazon. That's it. I don't know why Tumblr makes it so difficult just to add a link. Every time I click "Add a Page" I get the option of a Standard Layout or a Custom Layout. That's it. I've googled this and still cannot add a link. Can anyone assist me? Thank you.
Welp, spent a good two hours on chapter one tonight. Really overhauled the first three or so pages, and I'm liking what I did. The writing is much more interesting. Was too YA before. Rest of the book is mostly fine, but those first few pages! Very happy.

Not sure how the rest of chapter one is, since I wasn't as anal about it, but oh well. I'll come back to it.

Really hoping draft four is the final draft. Going five rounds is tiresome.

I don't have the time, energy, or inclination to put in the necessary effort to market myself without exhausting the traditional publishing route first.

So this. I could self publish my first novel and market it to nerds/furries, but the actual marketing bit would be draining and make me sad since marketing is hard as fuck. There's a reason people get paid to do it.

Plus, I want my book to be on a store shelf soooooooooo badly :( Very likely won't ever happen, but one can dream.
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