EDIT: Sorry, didn't mean to make this a fisk, but thought I should address each President separately. Apologies to the entire planet and also to Omicron Perseus IV.
You need to actually read up on what Coolidge did, he deregulated bank regulations, and lending practices that allowed many people to make huge loans they could never pay back(which they invested into the stock market which lead to its collapse because they were putting money in that they didn't actually own)
The stock market collapse was a side effect of the economic collapse, not the cause.
Nixon is an amazing President
Wage and price controls? Expanding the War on Drugs? Enacting the EPA and CPSC? Watergate? Killing Bretton Woods? One could go on...
FDR got us out of Great Depression and won WW2
FDR prolonged the Great Depression. He was right when he campaigned in 1932 blasting Hoover's policies of intervention, but then after he won the election he continued and built on Hoover's failed fascist economic policies. Then he went further and did shit like setting prices based on lucky numbers, destroying food as people starved and arresting people for charging too low of prices during a Depression.
LBJ with ...The Great Society programs
aka LBJ with the massive decrease in the standard of living for future generations because of those along with moving the Social Security "fund" into the general fund.
Wilson made what would become the United Nations.
Oh wow, pushing the League of Nations huh, that really makes up for the hundreds of thousands dead unnecessarily, the millions who suffered under his wartime regime, imprisoning political dissenters, agreeing to the Federal Reserve, etc.
GWB did deregulate everything, I dunno what you are even saying that he didn't
Like what? Why did the number of regulations increase if he was deregulating everything?
Carter being the great deregulator? No, that would be Reagan or Coolidge. (And GWB)
Hardly, those guys didn't touch shit compared to Carter. He deregulated the airlines, gas prices, trucking, transportation, BEER, etc. (With Ted Kennedy's help on many of those!)
Most of Coolidge and Harding's "deregulation" was rolling back the totalitarian state that Wilson setup during the war and even that was only slightly successful.
honestly I'm not even half way through every scandal he had yet you have the arrogance to say he is a mild president, shame on you man.
No, I said he was middling. Which is a relative description. My tiers are Good (Washington only), Not Bad, Acceptable, Middling, Buchanan and Pierce, Destructive, Actively Destructive.
Reagan didn't do anything new for Presidents of the Cold War and Eisenhower was the only one who didn't live entirely in the moment and in fear.
And lastly nothing you've said was objective, or indisputable as I just proved you wrong.
Prove it, buster!
Reagan is easily the worst President of 20th century. He also slashed taxes on the rich from 80% or something to 35%, cut corporate taxes and deregulated the fuck out of financial regulations in place, which brought back the age of boom bust economy from the roaring 20's.
lmao, Reagan cut taxes and was a shithead Cold Warrior so he's the worst President of the 20th century, meanwhile Wilson butchered a hundred thousand Americans and imprisoned thousands more for opposing the butchering, slavery and simply being socialists and anarchists. But he was great because he came up with Fourteen Points and kicked off our fascist economic future.