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WWDC13 Thread of iOS 7 & Mac OS X 10.9, where a whole new world's developing


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
He's just a design nerd that's probably a little crowd shy which I can totally understand and relate to. So I'm okay if he sits in the audience as long as we keep getting his best. Hasn't steered us wrong so far.

All true statements, I just selfishly want him up there because I'm majorly convinced that he continues to be the spiritual successor to Jobs in terms of innovation within Apple.

TCooks is all well and good, but he's not the product guy. With him at the helm, the industry has changed from talking about Apple as a source of innovation and technology to discussing how they're an operational juggernaut. The products are taking a backseat to the company.

May not have anything to do with the Jobs > Cook transition, but it feels very directly related to me.

Really I just want someone that is genuine on stage that was core to the execution of this stuff. The entire experience is now under Ives' control with both software/hardware design, so he seems the most fitting to tell us about any new products or features.

I'm just insanely unimpressed with Phil Schiller's stage presence and energy.


All true statements, I just selfishly want him up there because I'm majorly convinced that he continues to be the spiritual successor to Jobs in terms of innovation within Apple.

TCooks is all well and good, but he's not the product guy. With him at the helm, the industry has changed from talking about Apple as a source of innovation and technology to discussing how they're an operational juggernaut. The products are taking a backseat to the company.

May not have anything to do with the Jobs > Cook transition, but it feels very directly related to me.

Really I just want someone that is genuine on stage that was core to the execution of this stuff. The entire experience is now under Ives' control with both software/hardware design, so he seems the most fitting to tell us about any new products or features.

I'm just insanely unimpressed with Phil Schiller's stage presence and energy.
Neither Phil Schiller or Tim Cook ever present software anyway, so I don't know why you want Ive to "replace" them in talking about software.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Neither Phil Schiller or Tim Cook ever present software anyway, so I don't know why you want Ive to "replace" them in talking about software.

Federighi is equally an ear/eye sore up there. I wasn't implying Ives was replacing Schiller or Cook. They each have their parts to play as they always have.

Again, it's about displaying genuine passion up there, and I don't think anyone else on the team really has it aside from Mansfield and Ives.


formerly "chigiri"
Nothing like WWDC to make you have a summer cleaning of your phone to make the impending iOS 7 backup/restore in iTunes go quick. :p


Federighi is equally an ear/eye sore up there.

Again, it's about displaying genuine passion up there, and I don't think anyone else on the team really has it aside from Mansfield and Ives.
Mansfield and Ive probably get a ton of takes and spend a day or more recording their 30 second soundbites; it's not the same.



Enjoy the feels.


The most jazzed I've been for a keynote in a while. Hoping iRadio is fucking awesome (but likely won't be :( ) an iOS 7 is as cool as its being hyped up to be.

Crazy day, Vita presentation, MS, Sorny, Ubi, EA, Apple.


I hope if OT gets shut down today, they at least temporarily move this thread to Gaming. Not trying to make a statement there, but it would be a bummer to lose this thread while the conference was going down!

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Apples conference is gonna be more entertaining.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Mansfield and Ive probably get a ton of takes and spend a day or more recording their 30 second soundbites; it's not the same.

Not basing my opinion on the little sound snippets in the product videos, more on that I just want some of the "magic" intangible stuff back in the keynotes. You can rewatch the old Jobs keynotes and just kind of smile to yourself knowing that Steve is loving every second of being out there and finally getting to show the world what they've been working on.

I just don't get the impression from Phil or Tim or Craig or Eddy. They seem more business executive than technology enthusiast to me. I want to feel like the person presenting this stuff to me is genuinely enthusiastic and excited.

Without someone like that on stage, the keynotes are just missing something.


Pizza Dog
Who else is torn between the MS E3 conference and Apple conference to watch?

Last minute change of evening plans means I miss all of them, so not me! Will be watching them all sometime tomorrow, maybe. Or maybe I'll just skim over a few tech blogs for the facts on them all. GAF will be madness trying to find a summary of this, plus all the E3 stuff, amongst all the threads.


I really hope the extended battery life from Haswell wasn't just markting hype and bullshit. A Macbook Pro Retina 13" with 12-18 hours battery life would be the perfect laptop. Also hoping for a retina Macbook price drop.


Federighi is equally an ear/eye sore up there. I wasn't implying Ives was replacing Schiller or Cook. They each have their parts to play as they always have.

Again, it's about displaying genuine passion up there, and I don't think anyone else on the team really has it aside from Mansfield and Ives.

Agreed. Schiller strikes me as a really well-intended *fan* in how he comes across but not a master presenter of information nor a credible expert on what goes into Apple's products. The fact that he's in charge of all marketing has always rubbed me the wrong way because it makes Apple sales feel a bit less authentic.

It's too bad that Ive and Mansfield are out of the spotlight (whether or not they want to be), as they both have that personal energy and fire that's impossible to fake.


a little follow up to Rub's posts.

Here's the deal: Apple does not have cool or personable presenters anymore. Schiller is adequate but he's not cool. He's like Apple's "cool" dad who tries to be hip and fun for the kids but the kids always groan at his attempts.

Cook's stage presence shifts between slow, drawn-out, over-rehearsed enthusiasm and creepy, cheery whispering. Hair Force One is OK but isn't a great presence, either. At best, he's pleasant.

When it came to old Apple presentations, the content was important, sure, but part of the fun was seeing Jobs up there. He was a little weird with his turtleneck and jeans uniform but the dude had stage presence for miles and was about as cool as a tech person can be shilling their stuff.

Now, Apple has no one for these reveals so it's just a bunch of kinda-lame, seemingly replaceable middle aged white dudes getting up on stage.

I'd like for Ive to get up there just to shake things up even if he's quiet. just a change of pace as we've seen all the other Apple execs the last couple years.


Not basing my opinion on the little sound snippets in the product videos, more on that I just want some of the "magic" intangible stuff back in the keynotes. You can rewatch the old Jobs keynotes and just kind of smile to yourself knowing that Steve is loving every second of being out there and finally getting to show the world what they've been working on.

I just don't get the impression from Phil or Tim or Craig or Eddy. They seem more business executive than technology enthusiast to me. I want to feel like the person presenting this stuff to me is genuinely enthusiastic and excited.

Without someone like that on stage, the keynotes are just missing something.

I'm a huge Apple fan so I'm not trolling, but honestly I think part of the problem is that they haven't had anything that great or interesting to show over the past couple of years. I really do hope Ives presents today as I agree it will bring some magic.

as someone said before though, I'm very hyped over this WWDC. Haven't felt that way in awhile.


Who else is torn between the MS E3 conference and Apple conference to watch?

Yeah, I've decided on Microsoft, even though I just bought a new iPad 4 last week and want to see iOS 7 very badly. However, I am absolutely dying to know if the games in store for this thing are going to get me to throw down for an Xbox again for another generation. Spent thousands of hours on my 360.

I really do hope Ives presents today as I agree it will bring some magic..

Look, I'm a fan of his work, but Ive reminds me of a guy who loves the smell of his own farts just a bit too much. I would rather see somebody a bit more down to earth.


Junior Member
As an Apple fan and iPhone owner since 2008, I really need iOS 7 to be a huge step forward from what iOS 6 is.


a little follow up to Rub's posts.

Here's the deal: Apple does not have cool or personable presenters anymore. Schiller is adequate but he's not cool. He's like Apple's "cool" dad who tries to be hip and fun for the kids but the kids always groan at his attempts.

Cook's stage presence shifts between slow, drawn-out, over-rehearsed enthusiasm and creepy, cheery whispering. Hair Force One is OK but isn't a great presence, either. At best, he's pleasant.

When it came to old Apple presentations, the content was important, sure, but part of the fun was seeing Jobs up there. He was a little weird with his turtleneck and jeans uniform but the dude had stage presence for miles and was about as cool as a tech person can be shilling their stuff.

Now, Apple has no one for these reveals so it's just a bunch of kinda-lame, seemingly replaceable middle aged white dudes getting up on stage.

I'd like for Ive to get up there just to shake things up even if he's quiet. just a change of pace as we've seen all the other Apple execs the last couple years.

They need to hire someone cool and drunk like Jamie Kennedy to do it.



This is what I'm looking for in today's updates, not necessarily at WWDC keynote.

-New 15 rMBP with updated internals.

-Updated Time Capsule. I've been holding off for the next product cycle and I hope it's today.

-1Password for OSX with iCloud support. I've been using their mobile app but have so many other passwords in another program (Concealer) that I've been waiting to transfer over once I can get it on my desktop.
Schiller is adequate but he's not cool. He's like Apple's "cool" dad who tries to be hip and fun for the kids but the kids always groan at his attempts.

Cook's stage presence shifts between slow, drawn-out, over-rehearsed enthusiasm and creepy, cheery whispering.

lol so true


Not basing my opinion on the little sound snippets in the product videos, more on that I just want some of the "magic" intangible stuff back in the keynotes. You can rewatch the old Jobs keynotes and just kind of smile to yourself knowing that Steve is loving every second of being out there and finally getting to show the world what they've been working on.

I just don't get the impression from Phil or Tim or Craig or Eddy. They seem more business executive than technology enthusiast to me. I want to feel like the person presenting this stuff to me is genuinely enthusiastic and excited.

Without someone like that on stage, the keynotes are just missing something.
How can you not base it on the videos when all you know about their product presentation is from the videos? It's easy to look enthusiastic when it's professionally edited with a musical flourish as you speak with product/manufacture porn being displayed in the background, and you're limited to very brief talking points about how revolutionizing the work is. I'm sure the videos are a conscious choice by them anyway--if they wanted speaking parts, they'd get it. But there's no indication that Mansfield or Ive wants to publicly present or would be good at it.

Apple works better now with everyone sharing the stage anyway instead of being jealous about screen time or whatever. If Cue or Federighi and their teams spent a year working on something, let them talk about it and get their due credit--even Steve Jobs knew the importance of this at the last WWDC, as he divvied the speaking parts up. The last thing you want is a disgruntled team because they spent a year working on something but weren't even acknowledged and projecting to the public that some other guy was responsible for it. It was okay with Jobs, since he had his hands everywhere and everyone could say that Jobs = Apple, but you can't do that for anyone else.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
How can you not base it on the videos when all you know about their product presentation is from the videos? It's easy to look enthusiastic when it's professionally edited with a musical flourish as you speak with product/manufacture porn being displayed in the background, and you're limited to very brief talking points about how revolutionizing the work is. I'm sure the videos are a conscious choice by them anyway--if they wanted speaking parts, they'd get it. But there's no indication that Mansfield or Ive wants to publicly present or would be good at it.

Apple works better now with everyone sharing the stage anyway instead of being jealous about screen time or whatever. If Cue or Federighi and their teams spent a year working on something, let them talk about it and get their due credit--even Steve Jobs knew the importance of this at the last WWDC, as he divvied the speaking parts up. The last thing you want is a disgruntled team because they spent a year working on something but weren't even acknowledged and projecting to the public that some other guy was responsible for it. It was okay with Jobs, since he had his hands everywhere and everyone could say that Jobs = Apple, but you can't do that for anyone else.

Heh, I'm not nearly as passionate about this subject as I think you think I am to deserve all that typing. I've read enough about Mansfield/Ives to believe that they'd be more personable or "real" up there than the existing cast, that's all.

Just a little selfish desire to have these keynotes be more exciting and genuine.
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