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WWDC13 Thread of iOS 7 & Mac OS X 10.9, where a whole new world's developing


the chat conversations looks so sleek. the control center is great too. the list of jailbreak exclusive features just took a hit.
Looks nice, but I hate all the white space and some of the color schemes are off putting, like calendar. Maybe I just have to get used to it though.
I can't believe I waited years for that craptastic Mac Pro. Now instead of internal expandability I will have no buy loads of chassis, install PCI-E cards into them and plug those into the thunderbolt ports.

Instead of one large workstation I'll have loads of devices spread across my desk.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
They needed a drastic change. They delivered. Some of the icons look whack but other than that it looks amazing.


I have a chance to post a bit now that it's on iOS. MULTI MONITOR WAS AMAZING OH GOD DID YOU SEE IT WHY DID IT TAKE SO LONG

iOS 7 looks really cool, it's a shame because I really would go iOS without hesitation with a bigger screen. As long as the screen stays as it is, I can manage with Android fine.


Holy damn this is a great update so far, it's actually substantial without alienating the simplicity they already had.

Killing it.


So IOS isn't a giant POS for the first time since ever? Maybe I'll start using the ipad for more than just game of the month.


I love the look and I like the new features. control center is the main thing jailbreakers have asked for an it looks pretty good.

and now we have more multitasking APIs. the scheduling stuff I had hoped for earlier. oh, and a more comprehensive MT UI with webOS cards.

I like the Today view in NC.

not liking the safari icon but liking safari itself. omnibar, swipe gesture, more visible pages in tabs.

ooh, just saw airdrop in the control center UI.


iOS7 is amazing. Apple really nailed the design while keeping things familiar enough.

Gotta get in on that Dev account access :)

I love how the icons move over the wallpaper when you move the device.


But ya it looks great!


is maverick up on the developer site yet? it looks like they didn't update the icons/etc in it yet? unless they didn't want to spoil the iOS reveal


this is on par with the initial reveal of the iPhone-amazing Keynote.

Tim should just drop the mic and walk off stage at the end.


i was initially exciting for the ui update.

but looking at it some more, i think they went a little too far on the thin lines on flat white. looks way too barren or something.
I jumped off the iPhone bandwagon awhile ago, but this new update looks slick. It's too bad the general UI is still a mess of app icons, though, because home pages still look terrible.

But purely in terms of aesthetics, iOS 7 looks fantastic, especially the control center.
Loving iOS 7 so far. Gutted that OS X isn't getting the same makeover, but I'm betting that'll come next version.

Glad to see MacPro finally get some love. Gutted (As I'm waiting cash in hand) that there's no 15" RMBP announcement (yet, but they seem to have "done" the mac).
icons are my biggest beef with iOS7. some of the app and UI icons are butt ugly. i especially hate the overly thick up arrow icon for control center
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