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WWDC13 Thread of iOS 7 & Mac OS X 10.9, where a whole new world's developing


IOS 7 looks fantastic, can't wait for them to release the iPad 4 in a few months with it. Was really hoping for a retina Haswell Air though.


"can't innovate my ass" - Well fucking done, you designed a new case.

-I like the ideas of categorisation in iOS7 (the photos especially).
-The translucency looks distracting.
-Control centre while nice functionally looks a mess
-The whole thing looks cramped on the iPhone
-This will be initially confusing to a lot of people when they update
-Lack of live icons is disappointing (at least they got rid of 72degrees)
Not one single chance my friend, so much so I feel like you didn't even watch the keynote.


iOS 7 looks amazing, sure, but what about functionality? Sharing options are still ludicrous compared to Android and we still can't change default applications.


iOS 7 looks great. But I wish they would stop talking during these demos. Feel like vomiting each time they open their mouth.


Very impressed with what Apple showed today. Can't wait for Mavericks, really impressive feature set and performance improvements. iOS 7 is simply amazing, although I still have to get used to the new interface. Mac Pro looks gorgeous, and 12-hour battery Macbook Air is impressive, although it needs at least an IPS display. It was worth the hype, at least to me.


iOS 7 is a fantastic looking skin over the same tired functionality save for a feature or two like the control center. If they would allow you to choose default apps like browsers and maps and allow the user a little more (not even a lot) customization then it would have been a home run.


One thing I'm concerned about is how much physical space things take up on the screen. Notification Center for example clearly holds less objects on the screen at the same time as before.


Not one single chance my friend, so much so I feel like you didn't even watch the keynote.

Admittedly i did have split attention between the Xbox conference and the jumpy stream on an iPad.

I may be wrong, and it might be completely like being in a newly painted home, but i did say initially for a reason. I have have no doubt that it'll be easy once you get used to the change.

Edit: after seeing the website, looks a lot more familiar (and less cramped) than when watching the keynote.


iOS 7 is a fantastic looking skin over the same tired functionality save for a feature or two like the control center. If they would allow you to choose default apps like browsers and maps and allow the user a little more (not even a lot) customization then it would have been a home run.
Exactly. "The world’s most advanced mobile OS" lacks some pretty basic features.


Those asking for total control over the default apps probably aren't the people apple is trying to sell to.

I loved everything I saw besides the air share feature or whatever it's called, only because I have a 4s

Nori Chan

Is the rumor about the screens looking diffferent if you have either a white or black iphone true?

They mostly showed the white iphone for the pics


Was more impressed with IOS7 than I expected... still not everything I wanted, but I'm glad to see a lot of the improvements they made.

Not digging the color scheme, personally, maybe it'll grow on me

iOS 7 is a fantastic looking skin over the same tired functionality save for a feature or two like the control center. If they would allow you to choose default apps like browsers and maps and allow the user a little more (not even a lot) customization then it would have been a home run.

Very true


Have posted a thread about begging for Beta access. Will finish updating the OP once I get to work.

http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthr...tion page but having no luck at the moment :(


iOS 7 is absolutely stunning. Really good visual design, interaction design, usability and unification. Love it and cant wait to use it. The Mac Pro IS INSANE. The air battery life and price point is awesome. Mavericks is a cool new naming structure, but I am a bit disappointed the visual identity is still the same. I guess the next one will be a visual refresh. Overall I am so happy with iOS 7 and cant wait to use it!


Those asking for total control over the default apps probably aren't the people apple is trying to sell to.

I loved everything I saw besides the air share feature or whatever it's called, only because I have a 4s

Control over things like what browser you use is built into OSX. So why the disconnect for their mobile platform? To say more people use safari on mobile devices?


iOS 7 looks great to me, in that nothing is confusing or fubared. I was worried the baby might be thrown out with the bath water.

/thumbs up

bob page

Man, the new UI is extremely disappointing. Every designer I know is up in arms over it too. At first, I thought it looked awesome but the more I look at it, the more I hate it.

It's just so inconsistent and ADD. Tons of conflicting shapes, fonts, margins, etc.




I was hoping Apple would win me back with iOS 7, but this is just a let down.


Oh wow so Airdrop isn't compatible with any of my Apple devices only for the newest ones including the Mini. :/ I will upgrade my 4S later this year but even my iPad 3rd Gen is barely a year old.


Those asking for total control over the default apps probably aren't the people apple is trying to sell to.

I loved everything I saw besides the air share feature or whatever it's called, only because I have a 4s

How dare I choose my own default apps?


How dare I choose my own default apps?

That's never been apples m.o.

I'm sorry if you didn't know that.

Control over things like what browser you use is built into OSX. So why the disconnect for their mobile platform? To say more people use safari on mobile devices?

I don't see why they would want users to do that on mobile. There was a good article with cook saying that people buy these apple devices because they trust them to make good decisions for them. Would the added options be nice? Sure, but I think that goes against their message.
Gave me Jelly Bean feels, with typical Apple polish added on top. The parallax thing is

Control over things like what browser you use is built into OSX. So why the disconnect for their mobile platform? To say more people use safari on mobile devices?

iOS has always favored ease of use and consistency over user customization. That stance goes back to the first iPod, and it's not going to change now.


It's a mess in my eyes, but the new features are welcomed. Radio sounds great.

I'll give it a fair shot later in the day if I can be bothered upgrading to the beta.


I fully get the inability to choose default apps complaint, but isn't it nitpicking at this point? I mean, does it really matter outside of Maps?

Or is Chrome more popular than I thought? Anything else even part of issue, or is it just two apps?


I don't see why they would want users to do that on mobile. There was a good article with cook saying that people buy these apple devices because they trust them to make good decisions for them. Would the added options be nice? Sure, but I think that goes against their message.

Nobody trusts Apple with Maps.

It's been a year and there has been no significant map improvements in the UK. It remains unusable.

I have to say, it's very pretty, but the lack of centralised file storage and being able to kill Apple Maps in favour of functional alternatives is really bringing me down.
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