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WWE announcer John Bradshaw Layfield met with bullying accusations

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Given what happened down in NXT with bullying and hazing allegations, you've got to think JBL is gone.

Frankly, I love JBL the character. It's a real shame that he obviously has gone too far more than once. I never really wanted to believe the things I'd heard about JBL, but yeah, this stuff is definitely over the line, and Mauro deserved much better.

I'm sure that Mauro coming in and doing a better job than JBL ever did (and I say that as a big fan of JBL on commentary) really rubbed him the wrong way.

Don't let the door knock you out like Bart Gunn on the way out.


Hasn't JBL been pretty notorious for doing this kind of crap for decades?

Is it just finally at the point where WWE can't sweep it under the rug anymore?
The best JBL story:

Bob Holly said:
At Kansas City airport, Steve and I were waiting around when Bradshaw came over. It was an early morning flight and John was still drunk from the night before. He started patting Steve’s ass. Steve said, “John, I don’t play that shit, knock it off.” John patted him again. And again. Steve was getting brutally pissed. He told him, “John, next time you do that, I’m going to knock your fucking teeth out.” So, of course, John did it again. Steve whipped around and backhanded Bradshaw, popping him with jabs in the face.
John started swinging and missing, and his head was snapping back with each of Steve’s jabs. Steve stepped back, planning to kick Bradshaw’s knees out, but he got his leg caught in a bag handle. Al Snow and I grabbed Steve, Ron Simmons grabbed John, and we pulled them apart. John was walking back and forth like a bandy rooster, looking to fight. Before we left, Steve told him, “I’m going to fucking kill you.” He meant it too.
We got our car and got on the road. Ken Shamrock was riding with us. Me, Blackman, and Shamrock. That’s a dangerous car, and I’m the warm one — a teddy bear compared to the other two. That whole journey, Shamrock was poking and prodding Steve, telling him that Bradshaw was going to beat his ass. Steve wasn’t saying a word. And who did we see when we checked in to the hotel? Bradshaw and Ron were right there.
The boys don’t always stay at the same hotels, so it was a complete coincidence and not a good one for John. He came over to apologize and Steve said, “No apologies, I’m going to finish you later,” then walked off. We found him in the gym, still boiling mad. Once we were in the arena and had sat down in catering, John walked in. Everybody went silent as Steve stood up. He said, “If you’ve got something to say to me, you say it now or I’m going to finish you in front of everybody.” Bradshaw walked over, apologized and said, “I shouldn’t have fucked with you,” and shook his hand. That was the end of it. Steve sat down and said, “Bob, if it wasn’t for that bag, John would be in intensive care right now.” Trust me, I believe it — if anybody can put Bradshaw in the hospital with one kick, it’s Steve Blackman.
I'm glad this is starting to get some traction in the media, that's the only way WWE will kick JBL's ass to the curb. But as others have said JBL is just a symptom, something needs to be done about WWE's culture of bullying. It should not just be a given that this sort of thing happens.
If they can get rid of Bill DeMott for his shit, they can flush this turd too. He sucks on the mic anyway.

That's why I think it's a done deal.

This has hit the mainstream media. They will relish criticizing the WWE over it, and no commentator is too 'in' with the boys for them to take a public trashing like that.

They'll stay silent until it reaches critical mass, then he'll be gone. Probably within a week.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Bill DeMott got canned when a story like this hit the media.

Let's hope the same happens here to this jerk.
Blackman always seemed like the wrong guy to fuck with.

Imagine fucking with Shamrock during his WWE days. Dude was completely in his prime. No wonder he felt comfortable ribbing Blackman about the situation during that car ride.

I'll never forget what he did to Vader in the ring that one time when Vader stiffed him.


Seems desperate to get a job back with the WWE, sucking and begging to Vince and JBL the definition of Alpha Male

Indeed. Also, in that line of thought, if an alpha male can be declawed by a beta male, doesn't that mean he was beta all along or something?


I enjoy certain aspects of current WWE but it is still a carny company that is run by people that encourage bullying. I hope JBL is fired but we all know that is the last thing Vince will do.
Matt Striker, who worked for WWE as a wrestler and a broadcaster, and is now the lead play-by-play man for Lucha Underground, was asked his perspective on the alleged issue between Ranallo and Layfield, as well as whether hazing is a widespread problem in pro wrestling locker rooms.

"First and foremost, I don’t think anyone is qualified to speak about what is going on unless you have a first-hand, eye-witness account,” said Striker. “Number two, is hazing a thing in the wrestling locker room? First, you have to define hazing...

Oh fuck off, stopped reading right there because you know some high quality twattery is on the way.


fuck JBL for chasing away the only good commentator wwe has had since JR left, and fuck him for generally being a piece of shit. JBL will be gone soon, Mauro was already established and known in a non-carny (well... less carny) sport, which has brought more attention. combined with the fact that his condition was already known when they hired him, and the "Be a Star" hypocrisy, this probably won't die until JBL is gone.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
To be honest that's what really stood out to me lmao. When was pro wrestling ever reserved for "the manliest of men"?

There was indeed a time when a lot of wrestlers were tough as fucking nails badasses. Largely up through the 70's. The generation before jbl basically, which is part of why he acts like such a fucking prick. He came in after most of the true badasses retired.
Yeah, I heard JBL wouldn't hold back on his closelines. He sucks. I wonder if his APA gimmick went to his head or Vince knew he was an asshole and made the APA as a result.


Hasn't JBL been pretty notorious for doing this kind of crap for decades?

Is it just finally at the point where WWE can't sweep it under the rug anymore?

It's like WWE doesn't care. He sounds robotic on commentary and he even takes digs at wrestlers and the other commentators. Yeah he is a heel, but at times, he goes over the line and it becomes him being an asshole.

He beat the shit out of the Blue Meanie at ECW One Night Stand during the brawl. Dude has been reported I don;t know how many times over the years with allegations of bullying and everything else in between.

Bull DeMott got what he deserved, now its time to take JBL out with the trash.
Didn't he already bully Michael Cole?
Its ok its Wrasslin

People also have to understand, in a time forgotten, wrestling was a bastion for the ‘real tough man,’ the alpha man. Now, and it’s happening in society everywhere, the betas are trying to declaw the alphas to level the playing field.”


I know, nothing screams "alpha male" quite like pretend fighting in your underwear based around "plot lines" that sound like they were written by 3rd graders


Get his ass out of the E. Fuckin' bitch. Let him be an example to the rest of the turds that aren't any scrutiny at the moment, too.


Its ok its Wrasslin


That's what happens to a lot of people, they get bullied so they bully others to feel better.

Or they try to be "One of the guys".

It's not just JBL, it's the entire organization, and the fact that they have "Be a Star" is pretty fucked up all around.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Joey styles and steve blackman, on separate occasions, knocked JBL out when he pushed their buttons too far


Haven't watched wrestling since The Rock era, but I don't even know this dude at all. Don't recognize his face or name at all. Why has he received so much leeway over the years?

I just looked up his other characters and I feel like I remember The Blackjacks to an extent but he was never a major star or anything.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Haven't watched wrestling since The Rock era, but I don't even know this dude at all. Don't recognize his face or name at all. Why has he received so much leeway over the years?

I just looked up his other characters and I feel like I remember The Blackjacks to an extent but he was never a major star or anything.
He was also Bradshaw of the acolytes.


Haven't watched wrestling since The Rock era, but I don't even know this dude at all. Don't recognize his face or name at all. Why has he received so much leeway over the years?

I just looked up his other characters and I feel like I remember The Blackjacks to an extent but he was never a major star or anything.
This whole company has a bully culture in which Vince is the top of.


Man Joey Styles? Really?

Joey Styles kicked his ass.

Courtesy of PWInsider

One of the most newsworthy events that transpired on World Wrestling Entertainment's tour of Iraq last week took place nowhere near any of the cameras that were filming the tour. I was stunned at hearing the following story over the weekend and initially chalked it up to being just an urban legend, but as it turns out, it was completely accurate.

Retired WWE announcer (and current WWE.com personality) Joey Styles punched out former WWE champion JBL in Iraq during an altercation between the two, busting JBL open under the eye.

No, that is not a typo.

As the story was initially explained to me (and all versions I've heard since have matched the original report I was conveyed), JBL made Styles something of a target because it was Styles' first tour of Iraq for the company and was hazing the former ECW announcer.

I was told JBL was trying to bully Styles with a lot of condescending comments and actions, including allegedly spilling a drink on Styles on purpose. JBL was more or less pulling a lot of the shenanigans that a lot of of the performers in the company can't stand but deal with since he has the political stroke of being a tenured veteran.

Several days into the tour, JBL (who by all accounts had been drinking) did something that caused Styles to physically retaliate in defense. A number of wrestlers stepped in between them and held the two apart. When JBL broke free, he went towards Styles, who "nailed him perfectly with a pretty good shot" according to one witness, laying JBL out and blackening his eye. There were no further incidents between the two on the tour after that.


Haven't watched wrestling since The Rock era, but I don't even know this dude at all. Don't recognize his face or name at all. Why has he received so much leeway over the years?

You probably do recognise him if you watched back then, just not as JBL, you probably would recognise him as his former gimmick Bradshaw of the Acolytes/APA

For every "Vince McMahon, what do you expect?" post, it is worth noting how much better the locker room is today than it was in the past. In the late 90's early 00's, JBL's actions would be the norm. Seems like today, JBL is more of the exception to the rule. Not saying it's not still carny and shit to some degree. Just saying that I'll take a locker room filled with good guys like Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens and Seth Rollins over JBL and his crew.

Hope they sack JBL as well, but it doesn't really seem likely.
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