It finally happened, I almost thought it just wouldn't but Bray stopped being the eater of pins (for one month).
Actually I'm more surprised they didn't blow their load on an Orton swerve there and then, I was sure he'd interfere to help Bray and then betray him post win setting himself up ultimate WM based revenge.
Guess I thought Bray getting clean pinfalls over Cena and Styles was waaaaay out there.
Thought they used Miz perfectly here, dude is a chicken shit heel so he appropriately jobs after one finisher.
As for the NEW chamber, well it's a mixed bag. My favourite aspect of the chamber was the steel grating, that was more brutal looking than anything the HiaC interior had to offer.
So padding it up leaves me a bit glum, I mean yeah it's still more impactful than the ring but ehhhh.
On the other hand it allows for more stuff like Cena's drop from the chainlink and Ambrose's dive without the wrestlers killing themselves, in general the greater space on top of the pods and stable footing also open up more options with a larger safety net and for match creativity that's a plus.
I will miss you steel floor but honestly it ain't that bad, the match concept still works perfectly fine, unlike the Cell which suffers greatly.