Wrestlemania XX had Christian/Jericho, Angle/Guerrero, HHH/HBK/, Rock and Sock vs Evolution, and return of the dead man Undertaker character.______
Fixed that for ya.
Wrestlemania XX had Christian/Jericho, Angle/Guerrero, HHH/HBK/, Rock and Sock vs Evolution, and return of the dead man Undertaker character.______
How could they be so out of touch with the fan favs?
Punk leaving gives Ziggler a chance! I just want him on TV more!
Punk leaving gives Ziggler a chance! I just want him on TV more!
Ziggler needs to get himself over. The "be more selfish" critique is a real one.If anything, I think Ziggler will have less TV time. They're going to have to fill in Punk's spot with 3-5 older wrestlers who can barely move. No time for Ziggy.
How could they be so out of touch with the fan favs?
They look at the sales of their merchandise. Unfortunately kids still love Cena so WWE keeps him in the spotlight.
Ziggler needs to get himself over. The "be more selfish" critique is a real one.
Ziggler needs to get himself over. The "be more selfish" critique is a real one.
Getting over without permission is punished. See Zack Ryder, Armando Estrada, Christian...
I'm wondering how iron clad Batista's contract is, Wrestlemania's absolutely fucked with him main eventing at the moment but is that something they can fix by just saying 'fuck it you've flopped down to the midcard' or are they stuck with him?
Summerslam, with Cena/Bryan on top, should really not be used to point out why Cena PPVs draw better than Bryan PPVs. The fall PPVs, there's a billion arguments either way for why those should have drawn or couldn't have drawn, but Summerslam, come on.
I'm not a hardcore viewer, but I'll watch from time to time.
When I saw the insane 'YES' chant after Bryan won a cage match on Raw last week, I assumed WWE would fast track him to top card draw and have him in some main event at Wrestlemania and then I hear what happened at RR. What a shame. CM punk did the right thing by leaving.
Sometimes I wish they would take creative control away from HHH because it seems like he only books wrestlers that he likes.
Oh well, curious to see how this all plays out.
PPV buy rates have been steadily declining for years anyway. It's one of the reasons the WWE Network is even a thing. It's just an excuse.
Ryder's name shows up on the "bleeds viewers" list that was compiled for 11/12/13, unfortunately. That list actually helps explain a lot about their thought process.Such a shame what they did to Zack Ryder. I wasn't really a fan but he was over and his merchandise was selling decently. Still Vince no like.
The problem is that the product has been super-stale for a very long time, hence the continuous downward trajectory.The previous year was Lesnar-HHH and Cena-Punk-Show. This year was Cena-Bryan and Lesnar-Punk, and did 70K less buys.
Those are basically all the same people, with Bryan swapped in for HHH.
Only to drop it and turn him heel for no discernible reason. What a waste of time.Unless they give a wrestler a proper 3-6-9 month build, they really have no right to say "see this guy isn't a draw".
Ryback wasn't a draw and received "boring" and "Goldberg" chants, but they still spent 9 months aggressively pushing his character and "feed me more" slogan.
They need to be planning things top to bottom all the time. It feels like Vince wasn't all that personally involved in storytelling/scripting/creative during the late'90s/early '00s boom and so over the years they've shifted to something more closely resembling the '80s, which has been terrible for business.Punk said during a Q&A earlier this month that the WWE didn't even have concrete plans for Wrestlemania. He criticized that they should already be planning for next Wrestlemania which I know they used to do in the past.
They need to be planning things top to bottom all the time. It feels like Vince wasn't all that personally involved in storytelling/scripting/creative during the late'90s/early '00s boom and so over the years they've shifted to something more closely resembling the '80s, which has been terrible for business.
Cornette said in one of his shoots that when they'd have creative meetings, if Vince got called away to answer a phone call or something, they could do absolutely nothing in the creative process because Vince had the final say so they sat there getting nothing done until Vince came back. I'm assuming the same is done here. You can't be creative without consulting one (or two) people who have the final say in anything that's done.
But was the undercard given the same level of attention back then that it was in the attitude/post-russo era? That's the big thing I see- it's been left to rot for nearly a decade.No way. In the 80s, everything was booked months and months in advance. The main event to next year's WM was planned at the end of this year's. When Randy Savage was brought in, they had 8 months of shit laid out from his first day. EVERYTHING was planned out well in advance and only got changed unless someone really shit the bed, got fired, or got injured.
But was the undercard given the same level of attention back then that it was in the attitude/post-russo era? That's the big thing I see- it's been left to rot for nearly a decade.
Only to drop it and turn him heel for no discernible reason. What a waste of time.
They should let Wrasslegaf book for WWE. We would either make Raw the highest rated show on cable or put the company out of business in a month.
Out of business in a month
We have "no angles" now, and bad ones are definitely better. There's a reason people actively tune out 15 minute matches that mean nothing.Absolutely. Everyone had gimmicks and stories and the ones that didn't were jobbers to the stars, which is a role that doesn't exist anymore. From top to bottom, everything was planned out at least 6 months at a time in the 80s. Russo didn't invent the concept of giving mid carders angles. And most of the mid card angles were terrible, but people say "well at least they had something to do". I don't agree with that. No angles is better than bad angles.