I have Wyatt family winning at EC.but why not wyatt family over shield. if reigns is obviously going to break off the group.why waste three ppvs worth storyline easy. wyatt vs shield is easy wm material.
Lol damn you really do have a way to fix all this, yea I'm interested. Whenever your done or whatever would be coolI have my notes in front of me but they might be hard to read. I can snap them for you all if you're interested.
I have Wyatt family winning at EC.
Shield loses because of miscommunication.
Then you have a rematch the next night on Raw.
It ends in a no contest which brings Taker out to get revenge on the shield from when they took him out. It also puts Taker in Wyatt's path down the road(the 3 on 3 for ER). Cena also comes out to take out the Wyatts(in my notes, Cena is actually taken out of the MiTB due to The Wyatts attacking him.)
The next week on Raw Taker faces RR, Brock comes out to interfere attacking RR first(so Roman kinda sorta goes over) then he F5s Taker setting up their WM match.
RR goes backstages to confront Seth and Ambrose on why they didn't come out to help him when Brock attacked him, they say, "Remember, you don't need us out there."
Bring back factions. Remember how awesome feuds between NOD and DX were? Or NOD and DOA? Hell, the nWo was one of the greatest factions ever before WCW ruined it.
I wish my boy Kofi would have gotten a push sometime. I remember there was a moment where they actually had him get a upper mid card push and hell even let him get on the mic a bit.
this was like 3-4 years ago so I could be wrong
Well, aren't the Shield, Wyatt family, the Authority, and the Total Divas all factions?
I'd like to see the WWE bring back managers. Not in the vein of Paul Heyman, but rather Bobby Heenan, Mouth of the South, The Grand Wizard, Fred Blassie, etc.
I fear for AJ. What are the chances Raw opens with Vince McMahon making out with AJ in the middle of the ring
Agreed they need to drop it once and for allKofi needs to be repackaged terribly. The whole Jamaican gimmick put him under a glass ceiling, and it's especially stupid since they acknowledged he wasn't even Jamaican. Overall it's just very hard for me to take him seriously. His character is about as stale & boring as it gets.
I fear for AJ. What are the chances Raw opens with Vince McMahon making out with AJ in the middle of the ring
I fear for AJ. What are the chances Raw opens with Vince McMahon making out with AJ in the middle of the ring
How could you even fix this tho? Part timers people don't care about, "full timers" people don't care about and the rest (minus DB) are stars that aren't strong enough to hold weight at that level.
IT sounds like they have been using the same people to carry the product for almost a decade.
give Bryan the ball and the company dies within 2 years. zero crossover appeal.
If only life were this perfect.To make ALL fans (marks and smarks alike) happy at WM30...
Bryan wrestles TWO matches. DB beats Batista in the opener to take his #1 contender spot.
Trips comes out to do a promo, BUT Punk makes his return, challenges Trips on the spot and beats him.
Reigns/Ambrose/Rollins/Cesaro/Ziggler/Christian/Kofi in a MitB ladder match. Reigns/Cesaro wins.
AJ Lee in a Bra and Panties match
Taker/Lesnar if not Taker/Sting.
Cena loses to Bray. After the match, Wyatt beats up on Cena, but Hogan comes out to make the save. Cena then turns on Hogan with an AA.
Bryan wins title.
I fear for AJ. What are the chances Raw opens with Vince McMahon making out with AJ in the middle of the ring
To make ALL fans (marks and smarks alike) happy at WM30...
Bryan wrestles TWO matches. DB beats Batista in the opener to take his #1 contender spot.
Trips comes out to do a promo, BUT Punk makes his return, challenges Trips on the spot and beats him.
Reigns/Ambrose/Rollins/Cesaro/Ziggler/Christian/Kofi in a MitB ladder match. Reigns/Cesaro wins.
AJ Lee in a Bra and Panties match
Taker/Lesnar if not Taker/Sting.
Cena loses to Bray. After the match, Wyatt beats up on Cena, but Hogan comes out to make the save. Cena then turns on Hogan with an AA.
Bryan wins title.
too much emphises on stories, not enough on match ups
To make ALL fans (marks and smarks alike) happy at WM30...
Bryan wrestles TWO matches. DB beats Batista in the opener to take his #1 contender spot.
Trips comes out to do a promo, BUT Punk makes his return, challenges Trips on the spot and beats him.
Reigns/Ambrose/Rollins/Cesaro/Ziggler/Christian/Kofi in a MitB ladder match. Reigns/Cesaro wins.
AJ Lee in a Bra and Panties match
Taker/Lesnar if not Taker/Sting.
Cena loses to Bray. After the match, Wyatt beats up on Cena, but Hogan comes out to make the save. Cena then turns on Hogan with an AA.
Bryan wins title.
but Hogan comes out to make the save. Cena then turns on Hogan with an AA
They look at the sales of their merchandise. Unfortunately kids still love Cena so WWE keeps him in the spotlight.
Devitt is too good for the WWE.
Crowd reactions don't even matter when they can just mute them like they did on Raw
Daniel Bryan in every match at WM. Loses in them all.
I'm hoping the Super Bowl crowd has some marks in it, and builds a YES chant.
Vince would have no choice after that.
Am I the only one looking forward to the WWE Network launching so that I can go back to right after the Bash At The Beach Hogan swerve, start there and just stop watching today's product all together?
My Monday nights are gonna be spent watching Nitro and Attitude Era RAW going forward.
I don't even care about the new PPVs being included. Today's product is garbage and now that i have the option to go back in time, I am gonna take it.
Artist rendering of Hogan taking the FU:
Oh believe me, you're not the only one. I could care less about WWE circa 2014, but I'm signing up for the Network to get all the WCW stuff.
I've been watching "Monday Night Wars" on demand the last couple months, and I can't, for the life of me, figure how any actual fan of wrestling could say that WWF had a better product in the ring. WWF Attitude Era is such a juvenile product it's almost embarrassing to think I revered it so much back in the day.
Dick jokes. Tit jokes. Handicap jokes. Gay jokes. Prop stunts. A rotation of the same dozen people, week in and week out. It wasn't really that good at all. It just happened to be that Stone Cold and Vince were amazingly good at what they did. And of course, a lot of the talent they brought in, late 98>onwards made for a really good, albeit small roster of super talented guys.
I think the WCW stuff has aged brilliantly, aside from some of those terribad gimmicks like Glacier and The Demon. Nitro circa 95-early 99 is magnificent. The wrestling part actually feels like a sport, the crowds are huge and don't have any silly mood lighting or 10 million signs everywhere, and the out-of-ring stuff is way less intrusive than it was in WWF. And this is coming from somebody who sort of thought WCW sucked back then. Going back and watching it all, I find myself wondering what would've happened had Kevin Nash not been made booker. WCW was great.
Bring back Tony Schiavone!
Greatest commentator in the history of our sport.
Tenay and Zybysko were fucking hacks.
Hennan was god tier, per usual.
Bring back Tony Schiavone!
Heenan, Tony, and Dusty is the best WCW team after JR left.