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WWE Money in the Bank 2013 |OT| Return of the Whole Show F'N, RDV

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Good to see WWE taking some risks on those struggling guys like John Cena and Randy Ortaon. They really need to push them more........

I wonder if Orton will shit in the suitcase before he cashes it in.


Well Orton was never going to be a "cash in with an announcement" guy, I thought it was time for another one in Bryan, though. Would have done wonders for him as a face with the casual fans.

He said he wins it he cashes it when they are at the weakest. I hope he tries to cash in tomorrow and the Wyatt family costs him the match.

Now, I wonder how they are going to get to Bryan vs Cena without the case?


Bryan beats Cena, Orton cashes immediately after and then feuds with Cena, with the big pay-off coming in the WM main event.
Orton's best feud of his career was with Christian... this, despite the fact that he won every single match except for one where he got disqualified and lost the title on a 'belt stripped if DQed' stip.

I doubt any feud with Cena (or anyone else for that matter) will ever come close.


Legit surprised that Heyman was able to bust Punk open with that ladder. It happened pretty quick but in the replay you just see the blood flow once punk hits the ground, no blading.
Well both ladder matches were fun to watch, the Smackdown one in particular is the best one i've seen since 2010 so on that point the ppv delivered, the other matches were simply passable for the most part.

He's gorgeous?

Remember ladies (and gentlemen), he's single again!


He said he wins it he cashes it when they are at the weakest. I hope he tries to cash in tomorrow and the Wyatt family costs him the match.

Now, I wonder how they are going to get to Bryan vs Cena without the case?

You don't want Bryan-Cena.

Cena is never going to tap ever.


I don't understand why people are complaining about Cena vs. Orton. They have great matches together.
I remember the Cena vs. Orton matches. I was not impressed.
Hell, I'd argue Orton had better matches with Carlito than he did against Cena.
Then again, he had better matches with Carlito than he did against CM Punk. The Punk / Orton feud sucked.

Orton vs. Christian >>>> All Other Orton Feuds



God damn it, are they going to feed Bryan's popularity to Axel to get him over? I can see them doing this stupid, stupid thing.

Heyman is being booed in philly

This is a bigger Philadelphia tragedy than that movie with Tom Hanks. BAH GAWD, PUNK'S SPIRIT IS BROKEN IN HALF

Blandy Boreton.
Orton wins, lol.

Why would they do this thing?


The Kanyon Cutter was pretty dope, but what the fuck. D-Bryne kills everyone in the match and stands triumphant as Philly melts down screaming YES with him was the perfect way to end the show. McGillicutty? Come on. I liked the Paul turn and all, but that should have happened before Dragon killed everyone and won. And think of how much more impact sad Punk would have been with a face full of blood. It was the end of the show, why couldn't they just let him bleed?

Orton was the most boring choice they could have gone with. Not interested at ALL in him holding the case for the next 6 months.

I bet Vince was cackling his balls off all night. Big show in Philly? Have Heyman thrown out a few minutes into the match. Cena can't lift Henry? Have Cena lift AND make Henry tap out. The hottest guy in the company on the biggest roll of anyone in years? Lol, nah. Go with the most boring and least interesting guy in the match. Paul Heyman in Philly? Have him turn on the other Philly darling. Vince for sure had a boner during the show.


I need a gif of Bryan looking insane as he was about to climb the ladder before Axel attacked, you know what I'm talking about.
All that money going into Summerslam.....

Guess that 60 is going to Saints Row 4.

Geeze no one was happy about that result. I'm hoping Axel got out of the building as soon as he did that.


The Kanyon Cutter was pretty dope, but what the fuck. D-Bryne kills everyone in the match and stands triumphant as Philly melts down screaming YES with him was the perfect way to end the show. McGillicutty? Come on. I liked the Paul turn and all, but that should have happened before Dragon killed everyone and won. And think of how much more impact sad Punk would have been with a face full of blood. It was the end of the show, why couldn't they just let him bleed?

Orton was the most boring choice they could have gone with. Not interested at ALL in him holding the case for the next 6 months.

I bet Vince was cackling his balls off all night. Big show in Philly? Have Heyman thrown out a few minutes into the match. Cena can't lift Henry? Have Cena lift AND make Henry tap out. The hottest guy in the company on the biggest roll of anyone in years? Lol, nah. Go with the most boring and least interesting guy in the match. Paul Heyman in Philly? Have him turn on the other Philly darling. Vince for sure had a boner during the show.

I can't for the life of me understand why they can't give the fans what they want.
I don't understand why people are complaining about Cena vs. Orton. They have great matches together.

Probably because we are sick and fucking tired of seeing these two compete against each other. I mean, in 2009 and 2010, they had like 50 fucking matches.

We want something new. Something fresh.


He said he wins it he cashes it when they are at the weakest. I hope he tries to cash in tomorrow and the Wyatt family costs him the match.

Now, I wonder how they are going to get to Bryan vs Cena without the case?

With a random No. 1 Contender's match on RAW that will have far less impact on TV than a MITB cash-in announcement, I expect.
Though tomorrow is in Brooklyn, if they do like a Triple Threat or something for Bryan to win, it would go over big.


You don't want Bryan-Cena.

Cena is never going to tap ever.

This tbh. Only way we're gonna get good WWEC matches is if Cena outgrows the championship altogether and becomes a legend like Taker Rock or HHH.

WWE kind of dug themselves into a grave with that one since they made his character impervious to submissions.

Push for Bryan, Punk, Ziggler, guys who are top notch but not not ridiculously OP or "indestructible" so to speak.


RVD got the biggest pop followed by the GOAT.. it was dead silent when orton won lol if Cena left, the company would be dead

The company survived Stonecold and the Rock leaving. They can survive the loss of the mighty cena.

Cena will drop the belt to Orton, feud, lose clean to Orton, then Bryan gets the belt. The WWE knows they can't make Bryan a heel against Cena. Bryan is the most over guy in the company right now.


With a random No. 1 Contender's match on RAW that will have far less impact on TV than a MITB cash-in announcement, I expect.
Though tomorrow is in Brooklyn, if they do like a Triple Threat or something for Bryan to win, it would go over big.

Everyone fearing the Axel vs Bryan feud. I hope they did it because to prevent him from winning and giving the win to Punk. Also, how is this leading to Orton and Cena when he said he going to cash it in the sneaky way?

edit: Find it funny they gave Orton the win when they knew that Bryan, RVD and Punk were what the fans wanted to win.
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