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WWE Network |OT| $9.99 PPVs, that's gonna put some butts in the seats

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Going from WCW 2001-1999 to WM 24 was a real eye opener. Looks so good on the network. Not that the WCW stuff was poorly filmed or anything but man does WM pop.


It's not really the production values that bother me, but instead how so many matches can be both completely meandering and ridiculously over booked at the same time. Barely Legal did look MUCH better, but all the Florida shows always looked like shit. That crowd though. It's like you can FEEL them sitting there being silent and thinking, "Impress me". And that's pretty much how they were the whole show. Pop for some spots and then go silent. And as the night went on, they'd only pop for bigger and bigger stuff, so by the time the main event came, they didn't pop for anything unless it looked like someone fucked up or looked hurt. Which I think was pretty common for most ECW shows.

I think ECW really went down hill right as they got to PPV, which is a shame. 1994-1996 was definitely prime ECW.
Agreed. Best ECW is late-1994 to early-1997. It also didn't help that right when they got PPV clearance, Bischoff started stealing everybody.
Watching all these old WWF shows with President Jack Tunney took me back.. At the only WWF show I ever attended back when I was like 8 years old in 1990 I went to the snack bar and saw Tunney and he said hi to me and asked who I was most excited to see there and I said Bret Hart..

That was back when I thought Vince was just a commentator, lol


Watching all these old WWF shows with President Jack Tunney took me back.. At the only WWF show I ever attended back when I was like 8 years old in 1990 I went to the snack bar and saw Tunney and he said hi to me and asked who I was most excited to see there and I said Bret Hart..



Just got a prompt for a patch for the ps3 version. "Various fixes and improvements"

I noticed there is no acceleration when choosing letters via search so that is good.

Weird panel they got for the legends of wrestling hardcore discussion. Road Dogg, who I only know for throwing Foley and Funk off the stage in dumpster, and Pat Patterson, who states at the top of the show that he finds it disgusting. Would really liked to have Mick on the panel

Son Of D

Watched the WHC MITB match from last year. I don't remember it being that good. Also hearing JBL scream "Damien Sandow is the next WHC!" and looking where Sandow is now... it's sad really. If the titles were never unified I would have imagined it would have ended up being Sandow vs Del Rio for a few months over the WHC.
Thinking about signing up for this soon. Couple questions real quick.

Has it been difficult to sign on at any point since the week after this went live? Any PPV's through WWE Network since this has been live?

I'd like to sign up for this for Wrestlemania primarily, and I understand the 6 month commitment. Any indications that this app will be ready for the load WM is going to give the network? Not to mention all the people that will simply use their 7 day trial just to watch WM.


Watched the WHC MITB match from last year. I don't remember it being that good. Also hearing JBL scream "Damien Sandow is the next WHC!" and looking where Sandow is now... it's sad really. If the titles were never unified I would have imagined it would have ended up being Sandow vs Del Rio for a few months over the WHC.

I thought that was building for Cody as WHC versus Sandow with the briefcase.


Thinking about signing up for this soon. Couple questions real quick.

Has it been difficult to sign on at any point since the week after this went live? Any PPV's through WWE Network since this has been live?

I'd like to sign up for this for Wrestlemania primarily, and I understand the 6 month commitment. Any indications that this app will be ready for the load WM is going to give the network? Not to mention all the people that will simply use their 7 day trial just to watch WM.

Today is the last day to get the free trial. Starting Sunday its gone so no one can get WrestleMania for free. For WrestleMania they say it will work but no one knows if it will be able to hold up for the traffic that comes with the show.


Not sure what I think about 94 ECW. It doesn't really feel like ECW. I do somewhat remember 95 ECW and it feels more at home. 95-98 was GOAT ECW. Raven leaving was a huge blow. That's why I didn't like 98 ECW as much. Though Justin Credible was such an asshole, what an underrated heel.

Peak of ECW was by far 1999. That's the year they finally reduced the stupid hardcore New Jack boring brawl type matches to one match on the show. In 1996, most ECW shows seemed to be that for almost every match. I recently got a year of ECW 1996 DVDs from someone. It was almost unwatchable except for Raven/Sandman.

In 1999, you had Lance Storm, Jerry Lynn, Little Guido, Tajiri, Supercrazy, a fun tag team of Nova and Chetti (Check out the opening match of Heatwave 99), Steve Corino, a much improved Rob Van Dam over 1996 RVD, Mike Awesome, and Tanaka putting on lots of good matches per show. You had Dudleys causing riots each night. You had Joel Gertner being hilarious every night. You had fun gimmicks like the Baldies. You had Cyrus the Virus on commentary. Feuds like Tajiri/SuperCrazy, RVD/Lynn, and Taz/Corino. Finally you didn't have Shane Douglas putting people to sleep both in promos and in matches anymore.


Next week's Beyond the Ring is the recent Triple H doc. And it certainly paints quite a picture of Triple H. A contrast to this week's Foley doc, which was honest and endearing
Speaking of Shane Douglas, who the fuck is he? Somehow Heyman made this guy champ and the one to trash the NWA belt in a big moment, but I don't see what Heyman saw in him. I've literally never enjoyed a Shane Douglas promo, match, or shoot interview. He's worse than Zack Ryder to me.
Next week's Beyond the Ring is the recent Triple H doc. And it certainly paints quite a picture of Triple H. A contrast to this week's Foley doc, which was honest and endearing
lol coinciding perfectly with Wrestlemania XXX HHH

This further confirms my theory of Trips booking himself to win everything at Mania.

Trying to become the next Mr. McMahon character and take it to the extreme.


Next week's Beyond the Ring is the recent Triple H doc. And it certainly paints quite a picture of Triple H. A contrast to this week's Foley doc, which was honest and endearing

It's pretty much 2 hours of







Speaking of Shane Douglas, who the fuck is he? Somehow Heyman made this guy champ and the one to trash the NWA belt in a big moment, but I don't see what Heyman saw in him. I've literally never enjoyed a Shane Douglas promo, match, or shoot interview. He's worse than Zack Ryder to me.

Douglas is very much the poor man's Kevin Nash, in that he's smarter than most of the people he's in the room with. Also, a lot of it likely had to do with Eastern Championship Wrestling's relationship with the NWA at the time.


Speaking of Shane Douglas, who the fuck is he? Somehow Heyman made this guy champ and the one to trash the NWA belt in a big moment, but I don't see what Heyman saw in him. I've literally never enjoyed a Shane Douglas promo, match, or shoot interview. He's worse than Zack Ryder to me.

Shane's second WCW run and ECW run until about 1996 were good. He was a quality talker and worker. Then injuries started piling up and his promos became increasingly reliant on yelling and saying fuck. By the time he went back to WCW in 1999, dude was a broken down mess. In fact, his last storyline in ECW was about how broken down he was.
Just got a prompt for a patch for the ps3 version. "Various fixes and improvements"

I noticed there is no acceleration when choosing letters via search so that is good.

Weird panel they got for the legends of wrestling hardcore discussion. Road Dogg, who I only know for throwing Foley and Funk off the stage in dumpster, and Pat Patterson, who states at the top of the show that he finds it disgusting. Would really liked to have Mick on the panel

The Legends of Wrestling panels have been one of my favourite parts of the network so far but the hardcore episode was by far the worst. It really needed someone to offer the ECW perspective. Now that Heyman is back with the company, that topic would be a perfect candidate for a redo. Its fine to have someone like Patterson as long as you have someone that can offer a strong counter position but without that, it comes off terribly.


Patterson doesn't really have room to talk considering how many bloody brawls he was in during his career. In fact, his most well known match was the Boot Camp match with Slaughter, which was an 80s version of a hardcore match.
Does anyone know why Vince made Randy Savage a commentator in his final years in WWF? He was one of the top superstars in the industry, it seems pretty silly that they sidelined him when he still had a good career ahead of him.
Taker Vs Giant.G at Summer Slam 93 isn't as bad as I thought it would be. I liked how they really made Giant a real legit giant and hard to knock down. Taker had to finish the match with a flying clothsline because I doubt he would have even been able to choke slam him, let alone tombstone. Also Paul Bearer actually gets physical in the match and beats up Harvy Whippleman

Lugars theme is god awful. Why couldn't WWF give him a decent theme?

Lugar gives Yoko such a poverty body slam.

Were Lugar and Vader ever in the same promotion at the same time?


Randy wrestled too.

Very rarely after Raw began. The story always was Vince wanted him out of the ring because he felt Savage was too old while he was trying to push the idea of a New Generation. That's a main reason why he let Flair out of his contract in 1993 as well. But then he brought in a bunch of shitty old guys that couldn't work and had them as regulars. Savage and Flair still had a lot to offer and were still draws, as proven with their program in WCW drawing better than anything with Hogan or anything going on in WWE at the same time..

Taker Vs Giant.G at Summer Slam 93 isn't as bad as I thought it would be. I liked how they really made Giant a real legit giant and hard to knock down. Taker had to finish the match with a flying clothsline because I doubt he would have even been able to choke slam him, let alone tombstone. Also Paul Bearer actually gets physical in the match and beats up Harvy Whippleman

Lugars theme is god awful. Why couldn't WWF give him a decent theme?

Lugar gives Yoko such a poverty body slam.

Were Lugar and Vader ever in the same promotion at the same time?

I kind of liked Lex's theme. And the mash up when he was with Bulldog. Lex and Vader were in WCW for about a year and a half, but I don't think they ever had any interaction as Lex had left by the time WCW started using Vader full time.
Never watche 93 ECW. Not sure what to expect. I didn't even know ECW existed in 93 lol. Doesn't get more grimy than this.

A bit off topic, but does anybody see the next WWE game being based off the WWE Network? Loaded with WCW/ECW/WWF legends with a massive roster?


Never watche 93 ECW. Not sure what to expect. I didn't even know ECW existed in 93 lol. Doesn't get more grimy than this.

A bit off topic, but does anybody see the next WWE game being based off the WWE Network? Loaded with WCW/ECW/WWF legends with a massive roster?

No. Each legend is individually licensed. It would be very cost prohibitive to make a huge roster of guys they don't already have under Legends contracts.
No. Each legend is individually licensed. It would be very cost prohibitive to make a huge roster of guys they don't already have under Legends contracts.

The ECW guys should be rather cheap and I think WWE owns the rights to Dudleys and other gimmicks. Also I'm sure WWE has everyone in the games on legend contracts.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Episode 27 - 1993/07/26
Episode 28 - 1993/08/02
Episode 456 - 2002/02/18


The ECW guys should be rather cheap and I think WWE owns the rights to Dudleys and other gimmicks. Also I'm sure WWE has everyone in the games on legend contracts.

Legends contracts can prevent guys from getting work. I think the main thing is you can't be on anything with TV or DVDs. Or something. Maybe I'm just making that up.


People talking about the old days got me wondering, why didn't Val Venis get a main event shot while guys like Mr. Ass did? Venis had everything. Good worker, good talker, charisma, powerful cadence, good look, but never got a shot at the main event. He made the Val Venis gimmick work and was great as Chief Morley.


People talking about the old days got me wondering, why didn't Val Venis get a main event shot while guys like Mr. Ass did? Venis had everything. Good worker, good talker, charisma, powerful cadence, good look, but never got a shot at the main event. He made the Val Venis gimmick work and was great as Chief Morley.

Billy Gunn had a main event shot? Was I asleep cause I have no memory of that.
Speaking of Shane Douglas, who the fuck is he? Somehow Heyman made this guy champ and the one to trash the NWA belt in a big moment, but I don't see what Heyman saw in him. I've literally never enjoyed a Shane Douglas promo, match, or shoot interview. He's worse than Zack Ryder to me.

Always felt this way about Shane Douglas too, whenever he pops up on shows you know instantly what he's going to say. I always zone out.
Billy Gunn won King of the Ring 1999 and was slated for a main event feud with Steve Austin for the WWF Title. Austin vetoed it because he felt it would be a step down to work with Gunn and thus, Gunn's push ended. He lost to Rock at Summerslam and randomly reunited with Road Dogg within a month.


Billy Gunn won King of the Ring 1999 and was slated for a main event feud with Steve Austin for the WWF Title. Austin vetoed it because he felt it would be a step down to work with Gunn and thus, Gunn's push ended. He lost to Rock at Summerslam and randomly reunited with Road Dogg within a month.

Austin with another smart business move.


I'm sitting here watching the first RAW for the first time in years.

I just realized that Duane Gill was one of the Executioners back then.

Also, this Shawn Michaels vs. Max Moon match is pretty solid to be so quick.

Man, Bartlett was just the dirt worst, one of the worst things of all time. He makes these early RAWs close to unbearable at times. I'll never understand why the brought him on, ugh, sweet God it's horrible.

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