The dueling chants lol
I think with his old injury he's worried about going down too hard on his knee.
He was hoping for a "This is awesome" chant.Yet another flashy move that will never ever get a win...
The thing is since his return the only Rollins matches I've really enjoyed are ones that have him using weapons like HIAC and the No DQ Owens match. When it's just pure wrestling, the matches are just okay. Maybe he hasn't had the best opponent yet or someone who clicks more with him.I'm not the biggest fan of Rollins but he can still go. HiTC prove that.
I rather see Buff Bagwell doing that Blockbuster than Seth right about now.
Look at those muscles. More like Buff BagNot-Well, amirite
2017 is going to be the year of Corbin, Sami and Braun.
The funny thing is last time he did it, he won a match.Why doesn't he do Lion Tamer any more?
Jesus this crowd is totally dead right now, that Zain/Stroman match sucked all the energy out of the arena. Feels like I'm watching a Pride match.
Match is...fine, but neither me or this crowd cares about it :/
Honestly I think Corbin has been doing ok if not good. The biggest thing I like about Corbin is that he saves whoever he's working with whenever they botch a spot.
Moves just to be doing moves.It bugs me how much of Rollins move set is just random signature moves he stole
Jericho sold that pedigree. I'm just glad this is over and I hope this rivalry is too.
Why should they? What's the story being told? What are the stakes?
Jesus this crowd is totally dead right now, that Zain/Stroman match sucked all the energy out of the arena. Feels like I'm watching a Pride match.
Sunday night Heat materialThat was a raw match
A fucking shitty raw match
I hope this rivalry is too.
Walls of Jericho is the weakest move ever. Subs in general have been nerfed like crazy over the years
Pretty sure the mics are muted for the crowd. Their Snapchat has louder crowd reactions than what we're seeing on the broadcast